I plan on NOT leaving
I concur, I play this game to have fun. I occasionally get bored an take a break.
Put on your flame retardant suit now, because there will be lots of people telling you their sob stories, and lots of people telling you there is already a thread for this. -=Meh=- to both.
Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)
Diablo 3 is out?!?!
Diablo 3 is out?!?!
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, Diablo something. I did't even want to try.

Fight My Brute
Same OP.
If anyone on Liberty has any trouble finding groups or need someone to fill for them...look me up.
@Granite Hammer
Man...it feels like someone stabbed me in my gut...don't go for roast beef at wawa...its beating the crap out of my gall bladder I think.
I see you copied my post from another thread but was just curious as to where in there you see that I was "crying doom" lulz Please do not try to use my simple response in a much larger thread to throw out accusations of spreading rumors, crying doom, or WTF ever else you put in your OP here. There were at least 15-20 other posts you could have used to prove your point of people fear mongering but mine was probably one of the least likely among them.
The main issue I have is I don't play the game much, maybe 3-4 hours a week at most and that is mostly on Fri/Sat nights. I have a core group of people I play with that has been built up over the past 5 years of playing COH. Now about 90% of them are gone and quite honestly I have had next to no luck finding new people to team with and I don't play enough to really make the effort.
The game is still fun for me, no where in my post was I crying doom or saying OMG lets boycott and leave COH, just stating that if enough of my core group leaves I am probably going to find some other game to play. Johnny still has the weekend TFs that I will probably stick around for, but who knows. The past couple of issues have also kind of been "blah" content wise which is another reason I am considering cancelling in the near future.
Coming back out of the woodwork after a couple years away from the game...
Way to miss the point. I quoted you for illustration purposes only.
The you in the last paragraph was general and not directed at you in partular.

Fight My Brute
Not trying to be a jerk, but should have clarified that. The way it comes across is you are basically using what you quoted to thump your chest on the issue, especially with the ::shakes head:: part immediately following.
Again, not trying to be a jerk and no harm done or intended.
Coming back out of the woodwork after a couple years away from the game...
Way to miss the point.
[/ QUOTE ]
There was a point? I'm still looking for a copy of Diablo 3 for sale.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Dashuk - nothing is holy. Who put HER in charge???
I will be around this weekend - I will find ya.
Thanks for staying??
Dashuk - nothing is holy. Who put HER in charge???
I will be around this weekend - I will find ya.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sarge is dead, let's get the **** outta here
I should be around Sat/Sun night as is the norm.
Coming back out of the woodwork after a couple years away from the game...
i agree tim. i've been here since issue 1, took a small RL break recently, but i feel the game has only gotten better. it seems like people forgot what the game used to be like, and how far it has come along.
i LOL'ed for a day when people got mad at the AE nurfs... they seem to forget, there wasnt even AE a few months ago, so the nurfs should not have conflicted with anyones ways of gaming. the fixed a 'new' thing in the game. fromwhat i can see, AEs are still a HUGE farming tooling, so why are farmers mad?
I'm not leaving either! I have too much fun and too much invested in this game. This game is getting better.. and I love MA and am very excited about Going Rogue. Champions does not even interest me - not in the least.
I was excited about Going Rogue..... once....
Now i kinda feel like it's not going to change much of anything...
Diablo 3 is out?!?!
[/ QUOTE ]
Playing Duke Nukem Forever nao, game of the year s0n.
I agree completely Tim. I run a rather small SG on Infinity, and our membership has turned over a lot... few of the people who I had in it when it started are still active now... but I somehow always find new fun people to pal around with in-game.
Also, there are a lot of people posting about how "the only fun in this game is farming, why would I want to do X when I could farm" I think all of those folks need to take a step back and see if playing the actual game is fun enough to keep them here, if not... it's time to move along to something else.
I just started on CoV and i been wanting to play it for a while because before my computer was a pile of whats the term oh yeah crap. So far i been soloing because this is my first mmo and hell i dunno what to really do here.
Welcome to the party Minato! What server do you play on currently? I would love to show you around town, as it were on either red- or blue-side. I have a VG on Guardian in need of a fresh infusion of members, and an SG on Infinity that would love to show you the hero-side game as well. Drop me a line in game! Global is: @Thirty7

Yeah at this point I'll probably end up leaving the game at some point just due to the fact all the people I team/teamed with seem to be taking off.
[/ QUOTE ]
::shakes head::
I've been here for three years; during which this has happened to me more than once. Of course I was dismayed each time. But, I did not choose to leave. Why? First, this [u]game[u] is way fun for me. More importantly, I made new friends.
When I started in May of 06, CoX was my first MMORPG and I was a n00b. I picked Liberty (dunno why), and joined an SG. The members were all very active and I learned a lot about how to play. After a while, the drama llama reared its head and, boom! SG split. I hate drama, so I left with the defectors and we made a new SG also on Liberty.
As a group, we wanted to give the super-team concept a try. We chose Triumph (again, dunno why). We had fun! After nearly two and a half years of CoX, we all went to try WoW. I hated it, they didnt. I came back and knew I had to make new friends, which I did. My new friends faded away just as my old friends came back from WoW. They hit level 80 or 90, whatever; and got bored.
When Diablo 3 came out, they left again - 10 months now. I got bored soloing and PUGing, so I decided to move to Infinity and I joined The Paragon Taxi Service. I just started working for the City Scoop so my online social life is dynamic again. Also, I now own two SG bases and a VG base on Liberty and two VG bases on Triumph.
If your friends leave, be sad, get over it and make new friends. If CoX is no longer fun for you or it makes you mad, take a break - a week, a month, a year or permanent. Just please dont try to convince the rest of us that its completely FAIL, DOOOOOOM or UNFAIR. There are two very important things all of us should realize: first, everything we work on here - toons, bases or whatever, does not belong to us. Next, CoX is a game - maybe a big part of RL, but still, only a game.
Fight My Brute