Let the Mocking begin
As doms are now, as long as you think like a controller they won't be any fun for you.
I had to break that mindset to "get" doms and really enjoy them.
There are some excellent guides on dominators so go read a few and then try out what works for you but they will all tell you the same thing: doms are not controllers. (Though I do know someone who plays controllers like doms so it was an easy move for him.)
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
I just created a Earth/Elec dom, currently 23...a blast to play...and looks cool...even more squishy though than my Plant/Fire was (no goodness that is Seeds of Confusion). He is getting better now, and Stalagmites (aoe stun) works really well to negate the alpha sometimes...stick with it, I have high hopes for him. Don't do what I did though, and slot all your attacks first...make sure that ST hold is recharging quickly and is accurate...it will really save your bacon until you get your aoe stun and knockdown...
You ever see those videos of stupid people at the zoo that run along the bars with a stick teasing the animals until one of them reached out and rips off a bit of moron tartare?
I am that moron.
I have never been able to play a Dominator past level 20. I've tried 4 different sets and the results are he same. Not enough damage to actually hurt stuff in a reasonable amount of time, and not enough control to get away alive.
With the changes coming to the Dominator sets, I'm ready to try it again. I stand here before your cages, stick in hand. Be gentle, or at least make it quick.
I know I probably want Earth/Fire or Earth/Elec. The problem is, I've got an Earth Controller and I can't help thinking like a Controller. Because of Earthquake, I don't plan on taking Stone Cages. Salt Crystals are out as well. What lest should I write off? The problen I have with Doms is that I can't seem to eliminate any of the powers from the build. This ends up with basic stuff getting 4 slotted.
So. I'm not looking for a full build. Nothing with sets or anything like that. I'm just asking what to avoid. I'm planning on Earth/Electricity I think.
[/ QUOTE ]
To prepare for your new Dom, play a blaster for a while. It will orient you to the playstyle that you will need to both be sucessful as well as enjoy your upcoming Dominator.
Dominators don't need mitigation from their secondaries. Even if they did, there's ice (slows), psi (-recharge), and fire and elec (death).
-Talen_Lee commenting on Energy Assault's Utility
I'm all for skipping Stone Cages--as an Earth dom, there are a lot more productive AoE controls you can be throwing out. Earthquake is good mitigation by itself, and Quicksand is usually all I need to keep enemies in it for the rest of their short lives. I would take the ST immobilize if you plan to solo, though. With the number of EBs villainside, it's quite nice being able to stick them 20 feet away so they're down to one or two attacks.
On my Earth/Fire dom, I originally took everything from the primary except the AoE immobilize and the sleep, along with everything from the secondary except the snipe. This changed around a bit in the 40s to accomodate some IO mules, but it worked out fine for levelling. I personally also found Consume rather skippable for the build--the few times I wanted more endurance, I could just pop a blue.
My low-level experiences were similar to yours. Stick it out, though. It gets better. By the high 20s, you're starting to get enough AoE mezzes that you can spend the first 5 seconds of the fight getting everybody to shut up, then the rest of your time setting them on fire. By the high 40s, I was street-sweeping groups of Paragon Protectors in the Fab just to have a chance of getting hurt.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
I also had similar issues with my dom. I really liked the playstyle, felt I played him quite well on teams and solo, I just got really frustrated one day on an Arachnos mission when it took me an entire endurance bar and far too long to plink away at an LT and a minion that were +1 to me. Sure I was in NO danger, but it's the only level 28 SO'd out character I ever played where I felt like I was still some lowbie struggling to maintain. Maybe I got spoiled on...every other AT I have played being a lot more powerful in that level range, but I just didn't have the patience to continue. This was ice/ice.
Then Domination mode would pop on and I'd rock the house.
Then it would wear off and I'd be plinking away again (3 damage SOs in every attack).
Anyway, he got BALEETED and I now have a level 8 plant/elec sitting on live waiting for the dom changes.
You're doing the same thing I was with my Ice/Psy for a bit - and you'll have to do what I did.
Absolutely, positively STOP thinking like a Controller. It will mess you up *badly.* Forget Containment exists, forget "I don't do damage."
Salt Crystals are obviously out - I don't take them on my Earth trollers or doms either. Stone cages are take it or leave it - I don't believe my Ice ever took them, or they were in the works for my Earth/ doms. So far the only one I make sure to take the AOE Immob on is Plant/ and that's to work with Seeds and keep everyone beating on each other.
As for the rest:
"Take it or leave it"
- Zapp - Do you like snipes? Even if you don't, this *can* be used to build domination (start/move to interrupt/rinse/repeat.) But I wouldn't call it vital. I like snipes, and I've not taken them on any of my doms.
- Voltaic sentinel - Some people like it, and it is another source of damage. With Rocky, you'll have two external damage sources. Others find it a waste of a pet that does nothing but get them in trouble. But again - take it or leave it.
PPPs -
Mu Mastery. Just because (a) you're going with the theme, (b) you get Charged Armor and Surge of Power. Also, if you feel you need it, (c) it has Power Sink. But by that late in the game, well... *shrug* Five choices, four picks.
Just for giggles, most if not all of your secondary will also take a (generally cheap) Chance to Stun proc. If you have a spare slot... why not? >.>
I need to get back into playing my doms.
Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

Thanks for the replies. I'm fine with Blasters. The only two AT's (not counting epics) that I don't think I play well enough to not be one of THOSE people on a team are Doms and Stalkers. I tried playing an Ice/Ice Dom like a Blaster and got my boop handed to me along with a lot of other bits I couldn't even identify. I got a Plant/Thorn to 20 and really liked the plant set, then it came out as a controller version and the character was re-rolled. The Fire/Fire one lasted about to level 10, and the current Earth Elecrtic is probably the only level 9 with 7 day job badges and got violated by even con Lost last time I tried to take him out.
The problem with playing them like a Blaster is that in the low levels, stuff knows to fall over when the Blaster hits it. I'm not seeing that same degree of cooperation with the Dom targets.
For concept reasons I was going to go with the Mako PPP, unless there is a hugely compelling reason not to.
My first short story (detective fiction) came out in Jan-2012. Other stories and books to follow, I hope. Because of "real writing". COH was a big part of that happening.
The dom secondary is where you get your punch. If you use the primary you won't see them fall over. Of course you will need to slot the secondary for damage as if it were a blaster primary.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Yeah. That part I got. What I'm wondering about is how much do I focus on control in the beginning vs damage? I've been doing it about 50/50 and it's not really working for me. When I focus more on damage, I can't do enough to keep above room temperature, and wen I focus on control, there isn't enough of it to go around.
My first short story (detective fiction) came out in Jan-2012. Other stories and books to follow, I hope. Because of "real writing". COH was a big part of that happening.
I am by no means a Dominator expert, and there are great guides and great players on these boards that have and can advise you. I'll try and answer your focus question by what I've experienced (following the advice I've found here).
Slot your single target hold with 2ACC and 2 RechRed at a minimum, and six slotting it (2 ACC, 2 RechRed, 2 Hold) is one controller habit you should carry over -- the ability to cycle your ST hold among the mobs you're dealing with is invaluable. Don't slot up the rest of your primary powers early on, and don't slot damage into your primaries (some will disagree, and Gravity is prob an exception, but in general you can't go wrong with this method).
Devote the rest of your early slots to your secondary, 1 ACC, and up to 3 DAM on your main attacks (fill out those attacks later on as you get more slots).
Anyway, just some advice I've gleaned that has worked out for me in the lower levels.
In early levels, I like to use my hold to keep one target out of the fight while blasting the others. The immobilize is also nice if you run into heavy melee mobs or short range mobs (attack at max range and an immobilize is as good as a hold against shotgunners). Since you don't have +recharge at low levels it's easy to work the hold and immobilize into your attack chain... and the immobilize is actually a halfway decent damage source if slotted for damage (the base duration is plenty).
Once you get DOs, slot the hold for duration, recharge, and accuracy and you can keep two enemies out of action or hold a boss, which pretty much guarantees survival as long as your blue bar holds out. You want to be doing about 1/3 control, 2/3 blasting. The hold is what really matters, though depending on your power sets the immobilize can count as a blast too.
Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name
The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636
Some Immobs are quite damaging for a Dom (Single Target ones) and do contribute a lot while you don't have that many attacks from your Secondary. I also find them invaluable in Elite Boss Fights.
Slot heavily your attacks at DO level, it'll make the evil 20s go by much faster. At around 26, Doms really start coming together (generically speaking).
For solo play, Sleeps can make things much better. Also, Sleeps are good places to get nifty bonuses from IOs, since they are dirt cheap.
I try to think like this: I should be activating 4 attacks for every control I throw. I also play more recklessly than the Controller mindset, and this is entertaining in itself. It's nice to bite more than you can chew eventually and being able to control the situation, something a Corruptor wouldn't likely be capable of.
Learn to love your pets, all of them. They contribute a lot to your playstyle, as some do lots of damage while others provide that extra control you needed so much (I'm looking at you, Singy).
Finally, don't be stingy with Domination. Older Domination gain was terrible, and people were scared of blowing Domi at the wrong moment. But that's past. Dominate often and Dominate hard. It's such a powerful inherent it's not even funny. Full end, high Mez resists and transforming your pew-pew into boom-boom? Yes, please.
Finally, don't be stingy with Domination. Older Domination gain was terrible, and people were scared of blowing Domi at the wrong moment. But that's past. Dominate often and Dominate hard. It's such a powerful inherent it's not even funny. Full end, high Mez resists and transforming your pew-pew into boom-boom? Yes, please.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm leveling a Fire/Psi now (I want to see first-hand what the fuss is about while it's still here) and it's the first time I've gotten a Dom into the 20s, and I found that pre-Stamina the best thing to do (unless I knew an EB was coming up) was to blast until I ran out of endurance, then hit Domination for a refill and more firepower. Then after Domination wore off and I was out of endurance again, use Rest to heal up and get my blue bar back. By the time I was out of blue again, Domination would usually be back up, and Rest would be back up by the time Dom wore off again. Add in the occasional green or blue pill and I could go fairly nonstop. (I did have one End Red DO in most attacks.)
Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name
The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636
hmmm I do damn good damage as a grav/elec dom and yes I even use the melee! Just SOs only from the tickets I get from AE. I dont hardly solo.....its a MMO... why would I solo? lolz lvl 33 fully SOed = Happy Bunny Sunshine!
You ever see those videos of stupid people at the zoo that run along the bars with a stick teasing the animals until one of them reached out and rips off a bit of moron tartare?
I am that moron.
I have never been able to play a Dominator past level 20. I've tried 4 different sets and the results are he same. Not enough damage to actually hurt stuff in a reasonable amount of time, and not enough control to get away alive.
With the changes coming to the Dominator sets, I'm ready to try it again. I stand here before your cages, stick in hand. Be gentle, or at least make it quick.
I know I probably want Earth/Fire or Earth/Elec. The problem is, I've got an Earth Controller and I can't help thinking like a Controller. Because of Earthquake, I don't plan on taking Stone Cages. Salt Crystals are out as well. What lest should I write off? The problen I have with Doms is that I can't seem to eliminate any of the powers from the build. This ends up with basic stuff getting 4 slotted.
So. I'm not looking for a full build. Nothing with sets or anything like that. I'm just asking what to avoid. I'm planning on Earth/Electricity I think.
My first short story (detective fiction) came out in Jan-2012. Other stories and books to follow, I hope. Because of "real writing". COH was a big part of that happening.