The Anniversary Issue
Here,I got some Hershey bars.Now let the fun begin.
there are new costumes!
new faces!
castle promised a dom fix "soon"
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I think you underestimate our fools, sir.
Why /duel is a bad idea
How is this relevant to archetypes or powers?
Post belongs in City Life/General.
Yuri may be right. Much like Issue 15 this post has no power updates or commentary.
How is this relevant to archetypes or powers?
Post belongs in City Life/General.
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Well the OP did ask for some new proliferated sets. As far as I can tell, that sort of thing is generally considered relevant enough around here.
The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!
The last Issue was huge and this is just an Issue because it's the 5th Anniversary.
Okay, it's light on content but came out much quicker than normal (well, it's not out just yet but you get the idea).
The last Issue was huge and this is just an Issue because it's the 5th Anniversary.
Okay, it's light on content but came out much quicker than normal (well, it's not out just yet but you get the idea).
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No argument bub. That's why they should just hold off. Do some silly 5th Anniversary weekend event with double XP and wait to to do the next issue.... when oh I dunno.... they have something to issue?
They're messing with my mind man. I have this cycle see.... Anticipation of the new issue. Hunting the internet for info on the new issue. Hoping to get the beta invite for the new issue. Going on test to test the new issue.... Waiting with baited breath to get the new issue. Watching the early download of the pre-release patch.
I'm getting old dammit. I like to stay regular. You can't whet my appetite for new content then just drop some faces and costume sets I don't care about. It's inhumane.
Now all I can do is wait for Going rogue, and keep myself occupied by making MA missions which feature Positron as a rescue escort, and hitting phase shift as we're ambushed and watching him get beaten to a pulp....
Now all I can do is wait for Going rogue, and keep myself occupied by making MA missions which feature Positron as a rescue escort, and hitting phase shift as we're ambushed and watching him get beaten to a pulp....
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I ran the new TF last night on test. About 5 minutes after we finished I canceled my sub again. I'm going to play my FM/SD brute til the 4th and then come back when I see I-16 hit beta.
Be well, people of CoH.

Hey Bill sorry if this is a noob question, what do you mean by canel your sub?
"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."
"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."
-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp
He canceled his subscription to the game.
Hey Bill sorry if this is a noob question, what do you mean by canel your sub?
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I really hope there is more to your unsubbing Billz then what was not contained in Issue 15, cause that would be lame.
Think of it as a comic inventory one-shot between other story arcs.
Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level
Hey Bill sorry if this is a noob question, what do you mean by canel your sub?
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I really hope there is more to your unsubbing Billz then what was not contained in Issue 15, cause that would be lame.
[/ QUOTE ]
Part of the problem is that which IS in I-15.
I only came back for MA and what I saw as an amazing tool to get around the main problem I have with the game these days with the painfully boring low levels. I hung around during the freebie week and said to myself that yes, I can run with this for a while.
And then Positron screamed at me for utilizing the MA in a way he didn't like. All I did was crank two characters on two different accounts to levels 22 and 24 respectively. That 22 is now 28. It took two hours to get him to 22 and another 12 hours to get him to 28 doing my normal thing.
And then I-15 hit test and I ran the TF there and was confronted with yet another TF that followed the same tired pattern as earlier TFs. This saddened me. The ITF, I felt, was the proper direction to go with all future TF/SFs. New idea, new story, fun combat.
There's nothing new at all in I-15s TF except that the 5th hit harder and more often. I can build that for myself in the MA.... well, I could but it would probably be called a farm.
So instead of hanging around arguing about this or that, I'll go back on my break and come back fresh and ready for I-16. Hopefully it, too, will be fresh and ready for me.
By then, all the MA garbage will be settled down, hopefully I'll be able to determine by then exactly what is allowed and what isn't. Right now I have to wonder if my new FM/SD brute is going to be deleted for the two hours of powerleveling I did to get him to 22.
I seriously doubt it, but the question is there and left unanswered. If 22 levels is allowed, why not 30? 40?
If 2 hours to 22 is ok, what about 3 hours to 30?
If the devs are only datamining "level 50 in under X hours" then what stops me from powerleveling 10 levels and running a single series of paper missions and a mayhem, slowly taking my time with lots of AFK and then repeating that process at each 10 level period?
I love this game most of the time. I wouldn't keep coming back if I didn't. But I learned a while back that it's better to only stick around during the times I love it instead of hanging around when I don't.
My gut tells me that I-16 is going to blow me away and I'm really looking forward to it.
Be well, people of CoH.

I love this game most of the time. I wouldn't keep coming back if I didn't. But I learned a while back that it's better to only stick around during the times I love it instead of hanging around when I don't.
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In all seriousness, that's extremely smart of you.
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
Hey Bill sorry if this is a noob question, what do you mean by canel your sub?
[/ QUOTE ]
I really hope there is more to your unsubbing Billz then what was not contained in Issue 15, cause that would be lame.
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Because it's the first day of beta. That's why. If you've ever been apart of a closed beta here, you should know things change especially after the first day.
It's not like I15 takes anything away from CoX. We still get to play the same game with some new TFs/SFs.
But, to each their own.
Hey Bill sorry if this is a noob question, what do you mean by canel your sub?
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I really hope there is more to your unsubbing Billz then what was not contained in Issue 15, cause that would be lame.
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[/ QUOTE ]
Because it's the first day of beta. That's why. If you've ever been apart of a closed beta here, you should know things change especially after the first day.
It's not like I15 takes anything away from CoX. We still get to play the same game with some new TFs/SFs.
But, to each their own.
[/ QUOTE ]
How many betas do you think I've been involved with around here, Clouded?
What hits open beta beyond minor tweaks is what goes live.
But, hey, way to ignore the rest of the post.
Be well, people of CoH.

Hey Bill sorry if this is a noob question, what do you mean by canel your sub?
[/ QUOTE ]
I really hope there is more to your unsubbing Billz then what was not contained in Issue 15, cause that would be lame.
[/ QUOTE ]BillZ unsubscribes and resubscribes constantly. It's his thing
Hey Bill sorry if this is a noob question, what do you mean by canel your sub?
[/ QUOTE ]
I really hope there is more to your unsubbing Billz then what was not contained in Issue 15, cause that would be lame.
[/ QUOTE ]BillZ unsubscribes and resubscribes constantly. It's his thing
[/ QUOTE ]
To bad too. I enjoy his posts.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Comon.... Devs. You guys kidding me?
That's it? You sully the game by even calling the upcoming "Patch" an issue. It's a couple taskforces with some fixes thrown in. Nice to be sure.... but not worthy of an offical release. I know you guys are busy with the whole Rogue thing..... but.... (Petter Griffin voice) Come onnnnnn..... Come onnnnnnn......
Delay that pig a couple weeks and through us a bone with a couple proliferated sets or something.
I will now go and sit in the corner awaiting the eventual flames that this post will ignite. S'cool though. I brought marshmallows and graham crackers. Ummm... Smores.