Good Purple Shoes Tuesday




/e wanders in wearing these babies!!

With boney hands I hold my partner
On soulless feet we cross the floor
The music stops as if to answer
An empty knocking at the door
It seems his skin was sweet as mango
When last I held him to my breast
But now we dance this grim fandango
And will for years before we rest.

/e sets out pamcakes and goes to see how Glottis is doing with the hearse.

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



*Drags feet as she walks in already holding a cup of coffee in one hand carrying her "big bag of everything" in the other. Heads to the counter to make more, then flumps down on the couch.*

Morning Rook. Always good to see you!
Those are some fancy cute Converse you have there!



Good morning peoples.

*hugs Rooky and Maddy*

Have a great morning. I'll be here, waking up. *points next to Madisen, then curls up on the couch*



Oh noes, it's goth Rooky in nifty shoes.

Hiya everybodies. I can has another day of vacation?

SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.



Nice Manny Calavera shoes.


The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Good Morning Everyone *takes out her Camera and gets a pic of Rookery in her new shoes for the fridge*



*waves lazily at Neko, bpp and M_B*

good *yawn* morning y'all.



*Yaawns, and sprawls on the FoC. Balances a pizza box on her tummy and noms delicious pineapple-bacon-and-cheese calzone.*

I feel like an otter. Teehee.

But, had a mostly interesting day yesterday. Was coordinating with my local D&D group for stuff, and was so happy with them. We automagically defaulted to all of the standard roles (Arcane, Divine, Tank, Skill) with the 'core' group, and the outlier guy is playing a 'Utility' character. And the poster for this crew is going to read like a bad fantasy movie parody.

Eliza Brand, undead half-elven pirate navigator.
Lance Kord, human 'ACTION HERO'. Er, Fighter.
Alahna, catgirl (er, Shifter) druid
Schwick (Just Schwick. Not Bushschwick, just call me schwick), gnome wizard
<And a bard to be named later>

The 'boarding/adventuring' crew aboard an Eberron-style airship, with our fearless captain (Rusty Shackleberd), his faithfal bodyguard (Grock Hambone, half-ogre), Beatbox the Hibachi Cook (Warforged Bard), and a 'doctor' to be determined later. Plus the rest of the scruffy crew that's not important enough to get names or stats beyond 'pirate'.

...You can tell we're not being serious about this at all.



Good morning

<waves, grabs cup of nuclear hot coffee and steaming stack of pamcakes before flopping on to the hung-over possessed flying bean bag chair, which belches sickly and floats up into an acceptable lurker altitude>



*oversees the office minions as they build him a posh executive desk from which to conduct smart business from*

First real week on the job! *excited*



*sits quietly with coffee in hand.*
Hello, Rookery denizens

Gonna apply for a graphics internship today.



*crawls out of Emmi's bed* Anyone seen my clothes?

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM



*hands Fey a package from the dry cleaners*



*crawls out of Emmi's bed* Anyone seen my clothes?

[/ QUOTE ]
... And now y'all know why I'm so tired this morning ...

G'morning, Fey honey.



Um... Bay, This looks like Detra's clothes in my size...

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM



*Peeks at those coming in from half opened eyes*

Morning *yawn* Y'all.


I think I'll just stay here all day, I had a long night.

*Gets out fuzzy blankets and comfy pillows for her an Emmi.*

Oh Neko, Kindoms of Kalamar has some nice piratey DnD things. I've used it and LOVE it. Though it's been a while and my DnD books are in storage for the move so I might be a bit confused. I do know there is a supplimental piratey book.

*Gets all nice and comfy and starts Jonesing for PnP DnD again.*

/e sigh

Such a cute otter-ketteh!



*a strange portal opens- swirling mist and lights. a very loud 'ROAR!' is heard from inside. Pogo comes falling out of it.*

Aaaahhhh!!!!! Oh! I back?? did I make it back? I escaped!! from... The La-and of the Lo-ost!!
dinosaurs..and sleestaks..and pylons..oh my!

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



hiya Pogo

I watched some of that marathon yesterday. Man, I never knew how corny it was when I used to watch it back in the day!



corny but good. for the time it was intelligently written...remember it was a kids show and they did have some top scifi writers work on some of the scripts (well season 1 and 2 anyway).

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



But ah'm a fox!

I have a lot of stuff for supplemental piratey things, actually. There's a lot of stuff in the Explorer's Handbook and 'Race of the Seven Winds' adventure for conducting airship shenanigans, then there's Stormwrack for the general sort of pirate and a few bits of Complete Adventurer and Complete Warrior that contain things of interest.

I wasn't really all that enthralled with Kingdoms of Kalamar, honestly, but I should probably give it another look instead of just automagically dismissing it. Hmm.. I think there were a few things we borrowed from Heroes of Battle (specifically armaments for the ship - Freakin' LIGHTNING BALLISTAE!), and one or two things for Eliza came out of Forgotten Realms and Dragonmarked (I have a lot of special equipment that makes perfect sense on a pirate vessel - 3 belts [bandoleer, potion belt, scroll organizer] for keeping important things at hand, and some other proper pirate adventuring tools [rope, grapple, signal mirror, fire-starting kit] as well). >.>

My DM gave me props (and a few buys on certain things) for planning out my character so well, and actually taking an assortment of goods that not only made sense, but would actually be useful.



*pops out of invisibility and plops into a comfy recliner, pulling out a laptop*

Morning all! =^.^=



But ah'm a fox!

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh course a fox, how could I miss that pretty foxy tail?! I'm still waking up. Either way, adorable!!!

((Man I keep doing that and I don't mean to, SO sorry Yuri. I got Neko stuck in my head. I'm still getting used to all the Rookery schtuff.)



It's all good. :3 No harm, no foul.

I'm a lot less of a meanie then I come off as on occasion. >> And most of the times I am being a meanie, I'm just pretending to be mean.

EDIT: For some reason, I'm just really good at going off on empassioned rants and speeches, despite the fact that more often then not I really don't care deeply one way or another on an argument.




I have a lot of stuff for supplemental piratey things, actually. There's a lot of stuff in the Explorer's Handbook and 'Race of the Seven Winds' adventure for conducting airship shenanigans, then there's Stormwrack for the general sort of pirate and a few bits of Complete Adventurer and Complete Warrior that contain things of interest.

I wasn't really all that enthralled with Kingdoms of Kalamar, honestly, but I should probably give it another look instead of just automagically dismissing it. Hmm.. I think there were a few things we borrowed from Heroes of Battle (specifically armaments for the ship - Freakin' LIGHTNING BALLISTAE!), and one or two things for Eliza came out of Forgotten Realms and Dragonmarked (I have a lot of special equipment that makes perfect sense on a pirate vessel - 3 belts [bandoleer, potion belt, scroll organizer] for keeping important things at hand, and some other proper pirate adventuring tools [rope, grapple, signal mirror, fire-starting kit] as well). >.>

My DM gave me props (and a few buys on certain things) for planning out my character so well, and actually taking an assortment of goods that not only made sense, but would actually be useful.

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember buying it because everyone else in the group had been playing in Eberron for so long they all knew just WAY TOO much about it and some of their former charries were heroes of certain towns... it made it difficult as the newbie to make campaigns. SOOO I made them play in a new setting where they knew NOTHING NOTHING I TELL YA!!! And it was awesomeness.