Good Purple Shoes Tuesday




Morning everyone ~looks at Rook before pouncing her~ Heeeeeeeeeeey!!!!



* flies in at hover speed and sits in a corner with his coffee balanced on his knee and a laptop in his lap *
Good morning all. Hope everyone had a good weekend. I should find out if I got accepted into grad school this week.

*checks email*

-Justice- (retired)
EvilBeavers: lvl 44 Ice/Ice Manipulation Blaster

Flaming Apron: 50 Axe/Fire Brute
Advocat: 26 Thug/DM MM
Leaf Dweller: 18 Plant/Thorn Dom
Alaskan King: 48 Crabz
Peirce Masterson: 16 Claw/Regen Scrap
Everrest: Stone/Stone Brute



Heh. My current group includes 4 newbies, and one veteran (me) plus the DM (who's DMed before, but only for other genres and really appreciates me helping out as much for the D&D game as I am).

So, nobody's all that familiar with the setting (and we're using it in a way that makes it a bit less important to know anything: A bunch of rookie adventurers sailing the skies and doing jobs 'cuz that's what the captain sez we does!), and the only person that is (me - the DM is starting to love Eberron as well, because of how crazy it is compared to standard stuff) has been making it a point to downplay some stuff as much as possible.

Eliza, for example, only has a loose affiliation with the actual plot of the game. She's a House Lyrandar member by technicality only, because they sort of frown on her conversion to Undeath. Served in Karrnath as a scout/pilot for a few years, and it's only because she had a favorable reputation before hand that they haven't paid anyone to remove her. So, the Captain of our illustrious airship got her services at a discount. Considering the rest of his crew is a bit motely, he's not terribly upset. And it cuts down on food costs. :3

Everyone else is just new hires to replace the last adventuring crew that the captain had, that while successful in the obtaining of the MacGuffin, didn't make it too far beyond that. Our only job at the moment is to take the MacGuffin to That Place Over There, which may lead to a 'plot of the week' style of side-trips for fun and profit. Which works for me.



Heh. My current group includes 4 newbies, and one veteran (me) plus the DM (who's DMed before, but only for other genres and really appreciates me helping out as much for the D&D game as I am).

So, nobody's all that familiar with the setting (and we're using it in a way that makes it a bit less important to know anything: A bunch of rookie adventurers sailing the skies and doing jobs 'cuz that's what the captain sez we does!), and the only person that is (me - the DM is starting to love Eberron as well, because of how crazy it is compared to standard stuff) has been making it a point to downplay some stuff as much as possible.

Eliza, for example, only has a loose affiliation with the actual plot of the game. She's a House Lyrandar member by technicality only, because they sort of frown on her conversion to Undeath. Served in Karrnath as a scout/pilot for a few years, and it's only because she had a favorable reputation before hand that they haven't paid anyone to remove her. So, the Captain of our illustrious airship got her services at a discount. Considering the rest of his crew is a bit motely, he's not terribly upset. And it cuts down on food costs. :3

Everyone else is just new hires to replace the last adventuring crew that the captain had, that while successful in the obtaining of the MacGuffin, didn't make it too far beyond that. Our only job at the moment is to take the MacGuffin to That Place Over There, which may lead to a 'plot of the week' style of side-trips for fun and profit. Which works for me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds like you have the makings of a fun-filled piratey adventure!!!

*so jealous*



>_> I've already informed the fighter (Lance Kord, ACTION HERO!) that the second it becomes convenient to the plot, I may or may not push him over the side of the airship.

I've also decided that his name makes about as much sense as David Ryder from Space Mutiny, and will probably take it upon myself to reference him as anything *but* the name he actually wrote down. I'll probably just stick with 'Thick McRunfast' or 'Punch Rockgroin' for laughs, though..



Morning Cap!



Arbiter Fabulous bursts in through the frontdoor, flanked by an elite team of Bowl and Doily Spiders, arachnos maces set to frappe. He snaps his fingers as measurements are taken, coffee is served, fresh from Peru, and shoes for everyone, as custom as you can get on such short notice, are distrubuted. He snaps his fingers again and the soldiers sheath the weapons, exit, and then he does the same*

*a rooster crows in the distance*

COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation



*appears in ASDP*

Piraty stuff FTW!

I haven't played D&D in any flavor in more years than I care to acknowledge, & then it was the Forgotten Realms, best D&D setting ever!

Did play some spelljammer around the same time, alot of potential but the DM didn't do it justice IMO

All this waking up in Emmie's bed sounds like fun ;P



Eberron is a very fun gaslight setting for D&D.

Everything you can think of in a renaissance technology done through technology... is instead done by magic. Streets lit with Continual Flame lanterns. Giant airships kept aloft by lighter-then-air wood and powered by giant rings containing elementals. Trains dragged along by elemental power. Even 'steamships' powered by magical means.

There's even a new base class - the Artificer - that combines some of the aspects of Rogue, with a splash of the Arcane, and a good amount of steampunk tinkering to create magical items at an astounding rate.

There's even a bit of civility in regards to 'monsterdom', as the 'Monsters' have their own feudal nation set off aside from the 'Human and other enlightened peoples' lands that's fully recognized as a soverign nation, an entire continent devoted to exploration and jungle hijinx in the style of old-timey Deepest Darkest Africa that suggests an ancient Giant empire, and there's even robot-people (Warforged; Living constructs) walking around as remnants of the last great war (where a magical nuke went off and totally obliterated one nation from the map).

It's a fun setting, and really sets up gaslight pulp fiction very well, I think.



Sounds like fun times, Yuri. I like the Eberron setting too. Magic + sorta-tech + making things fit for the system + just enough of a twist of the standards to keep stuff interesting + a few new things = fun times to me.

*perches on Yuri's head to further confuse people as to the identity.*

Wonder-Cute-Twin Powers, activate! *touches her tail to one of Yuri's*

SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.



Shape of a lazy fox!

*sprawls on the FoC, casually.*

EDIT: What really amuses me about Eberron is how it's easy to take it seriously, and tell a very grim, dark, evil story... and then the next week just go completely over-the-top and do some REALLY crazy-hilarious stuff, and somehow still not break the setting insofar as rules.

Bit harder to do with stuff like Dragonlance, and Forgotten Realms, which have really deep, codified rules on various things. Eberron flat out tells you nothing's written in stone, and if you need to BS something into place that's kind of the point. >>



Form of Kitteh Blanket!

*drapes over Yuri*

SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.



wonder cute powers activate and im not in it? ...hmmmph storms out

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.


Posted I wanna check out this ebberron thing..pnp for d&d or mmo? and whatever happened to the d&d mmo I heard about a few years ago?

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Arbiter Fabulous bursts in through the frontdoor, flanked by an elite team of Bowl and Doily Spiders, arachnos maces set to frappe. He snaps his fingers as measurements are taken, coffee is served, fresh from Peru, and shoes for everyone, as custom as you can get on such short notice, are distrubuted. He snaps his fingers again and the soldiers sheath the weapons, exit, and then he does the same*

*a rooster crows in the distance*

[/ QUOTE ]

Ooooh new shoes!



Arbiter Fabulous bursts in through the frontdoor, flanked by an elite team of Bowl and Doily Spiders, arachnos maces set to frappe. He snaps his fingers as measurements are taken, coffee is served, fresh from Peru, and shoes for everyone, as custom as you can get on such short notice, are distrubuted. He snaps his fingers again and the soldiers sheath the weapons, exit, and then he does the same*

*a rooster crows in the distance*

[/ QUOTE ]

Ooooh new shoes!

[/ QUOTE ]

um...what the hell just happened???

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Eberron wiki entry.

I forget where Dungeons & Dragons Online was set, but I think it used Eberron (specifically Xen'drik - the place where if you want it to happen, it can and will) as a base setting before branching out on it's own.



Arbiter Fabulous bursts in through the frontdoor, flanked by an elite team of Bowl and Doily Spiders, arachnos maces set to frappe. He snaps his fingers as measurements are taken, coffee is served, fresh from Peru, and shoes for everyone, as custom as you can get on such short notice, are distrubuted. He snaps his fingers again and the soldiers sheath the weapons, exit, and then he does the same*

*a rooster crows in the distance*

[/ QUOTE ]

Ooooh new shoes!

[/ QUOTE ]

um...what the hell just happened???

[/ QUOTE ]
I gots me some new shoes, that's what



*drags puppy back over to the cute pile and wraps up in kittehblanket*

Oh no you don't, c'mere.

D&D Online was indeed set in Xen'drik, in and around the settlement of Stormreach. They kind of miss their mark with a lot of stuff from Eberron that doesn't appear in the game for one reason or another. Some things are there, like Warforged and airships... Others are distinctly missing. No magic trains, no Shifters (boo) or the other extra races. And it seems to really be missing a lot of possiblities by not having the mainland in. I believe they wanted to set up in an area though where they didn't have to worry about stepping on the toes of any future storylines set in Eberron by Wizards, which is why you can't go to the mainland. They can do pretty much whatever they like in Stormreach.

SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.



Eberron wiki entry.

I forget where Dungeons & Dragons Online was set, but I think it used Eberron (specifically Xen'drik - the place where if you want it to happen, it can and will) as a base setting before branching out on it's own.

[/ QUOTE ]

sounds like the kind of place I wouldve loved to play in...BUT I stopped playing about 9 years ago, right before 3rd edition came out.

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Arbiter Fabulous bursts in through the frontdoor, flanked by an elite team of Bowl and Doily Spiders, arachnos maces set to frappe. He snaps his fingers as measurements are taken, coffee is served, fresh from Peru, and shoes for everyone, as custom as you can get on such short notice, are distrubuted. He snaps his fingers again and the soldiers sheath the weapons, exit, and then he does the same*

*a rooster crows in the distance*

[/ QUOTE ]

Ooooh new shoes!

[/ QUOTE ]

um...what the hell just happened???

[/ QUOTE ]
I gots me some new shoes, that's what

[/ QUOTE ]

theyre lovely!!

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



It continues to faskinate me, and most of my characters usually are either Eberron or FR in nature depending on what kind of character I'm working with. I did enjoy convincing my DM to use the setting as it really made a lot of the stuff we were doing easier. We originally decided to just go with a 'sky pirate' theme, but as we worked on it more it got a lot more complicated and fun.

...and weird. Because we're running the campaign entirely through the 'Rule of Cool' and whatever sounds like a good idea at the time. Like, technically, Eliza shouldn't be able to use her Dragonmark (being dead), but because he thought my original concept was so interesting, we're handwaving it just to keep her 'ship pilot'. Which we can probably make an interesting story later on.



*walks through the Rookery door and glances around then helps himself to a cup of hot tea*

Morning all. I've decided to stop watching through the window and come in a see what all the fuss is about. So how is everyone today?



New shoes good, but I'm still not wearing those clothes Bay, people would mistake me for Detra

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM