A plea for easier Salvage storage system

Ad Astra



While I know that the rack system with settable permissions work for many groups I think that there might be more like mine that find it cumbersome, especially when trying to craft items finding what you need across up to 18 racks is a real PITA.

What I would like to see is a (crafted?) "Salvage Inventory System".

It could be an auxiliary device that attaches to an "advanced invention table" so you can pull items from racks (dunno if thats even possible) or (and I like this better) a "big box" system (no so big a box that you need the huge workroom for it though please) that replaces 3 racks and allows auxiliary devices to expand it to the 9 storage item limit for a room. That would keep the item per room limit but turn up to 18 racks into a max of 2 racks in 2 rooms to search when you need stuff.

Of course allowing some more storage with this advanced system ... say 100 items for the main and 35-50 per auxiliary device would be nice but thats another wish to be discussed later



/unsigned every time this comes up.

Many SG's allow leaders to use storage bins for personal use. You have no right to access those private bins.

This idea would allow players to circumvent any security measure the leaders put in place to prevent them from accessing their private storage.

For example, with pathing restrictions turned off we can now easily build walled off sections inside of bases that cannot be entered without access to base architect permissions.



Actually i think what he is trying to say is its a pain in the A55 to have to search through 6+ storage bins looking for 1 <salvage item>. Which I have to agree with. Its not liek anyhting is even alphabetically ordered either, when stuff is tossed into them.

He is talking about making a Larger Storage bin that can be crafted to hold more then just 30 items.

They really need to do a major over hall to SG bases and the way things work.



The said item could only allow you to access the bins to which you have permission in the first place, I'm sure that's perfectly possible (if the original idea is, of course).



I like the separate permissions. My SG likes the separate permissions. It works as is, If there's not some organizational system to your salvage racks, AND you have access to them, ask your SG leader if you could make a pattern.

2 bins for arcane common
2 bins for arcane uncommon
2 bins for arcane rare

2 bins for tech common
2 bins for tech uncommon
2 bins for tech rare

*The AE system has them listed as you can buy salvage there with tickets under what they are under for type on uncommon/rare so by reading what is what you can figure out what should be in each bin.*

Ask your SG base editor to stick a white emblem/yellow emblem/orange emblem on a hanging flag or flag on a stand (forget what those are called) behind each set of bins so you know what is what.

This link can help you figure out what common salvage falls under. *he says magic* AE says arcane.

I'm with Forbin though. There have been in the past and I've experienced myself People joining the SG and then deciding a year or more later that they want to wipe out half/all of your salvage to go sell/build a base etc of their own, take hami-o's and just decide to go disappear with it, and they didn't really contribute to the stuff they stole.

This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea




Oh and note, that they allow us to keep more than 30 per salvage rack. I am not sure why it could be for hoarding reasons, they want the market to stay active. NO clue really.

This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea




Having an organized base with properly marked bins largely solves solves this issue. Do we really need a developer to spend their valuable time coding something this trivial?

Any base attention should go towards greater issues. Storage permission was indeed one of them and a great start.



The said item could only allow you to access the bins to which you have permission in the first place, I'm sure that's perfectly possible (if the original idea is, of course).

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There are SG's especially RP ones where leaders don't automatically promote all their alts to the highest ranks. They can choose to set the security permissions lower so they can transfer stored items between their alts.

As to increasing the amount of storage allowed for salvage mentioned by others, I would like to see that happen but I'm not optomistic we'll see the devs do it.



Oh and note, that they allow us to keep more than 30 per salvage rack. I am not sure why it could be for hoarding reasons, they want the market to stay active. NO clue really.

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During I9 beta testing one of the devs posted that they were limiting the amount of salvage we could store because they wanted to limit hoarding. They felt that the low limit would encourage players to sell the salvage to make room for more.

Yes some people will be spiteful and sell everything at an NPC store, and a few might even delete some salvage, but most people will throw it on the market and try to get as much as they can for it.

Judging from the limit of 30 per bin we are allowed I'd guess that they haven't changed their opinion on the matter yet.



They should change their opinion about it. I doubt it will happen, but we should be able to store more.

I sell alot of my Salvage to the Auto-Doc in my Base. I'm not doing this out of spite, or any peev against the BM, I like the BM. Use it all the time.

But, when my Salvage is full, I usually don't have the hour or so it takes to go through every piece of Salvage and see what's worth selling on the BM, and what's not. My Salvage usually gets full when I'm having fun actually playing the game.

As for Storage Base Permissions, It would not be an issue for me, as all my Salvage Racks are open to all members of the SG.

Just don't suggest everyone having a streamlined access to Enhancement Tables, lol. My Leaders have a Locked Table each, full of high priced IO's for Alts and such.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



/unsigned every time this comes up.

Many SG's allow leaders to use storage bins for personal use. You have no right to access those private bins.

This idea would allow players to circumvent any security measure the leaders put in place to prevent them from accessing their private storage.

For example, with pathing restrictions turned off we can now easily build walled off sections inside of bases that cannot be entered without access to base architect permissions.

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I didn't say ANYTHING about REPLACING the current racks .. this is a improved setup ... like a supercomputer is a uber mainframe.

And I also did say *it would be nice* if this advanced system held a little more .. you will note I didn't ask for uber storage either.



I didn't say ANYTHING about REPLACING the current racks ..

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I didn't say you did.

this is a improved setup ... like a supercomputer is a uber mainframe. And I also did say *it would be nice* if this advanced system held a little more .. you will note I didn't ask for uber storage either.

[/ QUOTE ]

I also didn't say you asked for uber storage. What I said was this:

As to increasing the amount of storage allowed for salvage mentioned by others, I would like to see that happen but I'm not optomistic we'll see the devs do it.

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The part of your idea I was addressing was this:

It could be an auxiliary device that attaches to an "advanced invention table" so you can pull items from racks (dunno if thats even possible)

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A device that can draw salvage from any rack defeats the purpose of the security measures. Even if the device checked a players permissions many SG's have leaders with more than one alt in the SG and those characters aren't always the same rank as the main character.

The bins that SG leaders use in those cases are placed in locations where regular SG members don't go or can't get to unless they have access to the base architect. This allows the leaders to leave the bins permissions open so they can move items between their alts without involving a third party.



Just don't suggest everyone having a streamlined access to Enhancement Tables, lol. My Leaders have a Locked Table each, full of high priced IO's for Alts and such.

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A perfect example of what I mean. Your leaders do it with enhancement tables, I know of others that do the same thing with Salvage racks.



Well how about this then. why not add new storage racks. The 1st one could hold 90 items costs 300 in rent and counts as 3 storage racks against the 18 limit (basically replaceing 3 racks). The 2nd one would be able to hold 180 items costs 600 in rent and counts as 6 storage racks against the 18 limit (basically replaceing 6 racks). The last one would be able to hold 270 items costs 900 in rent and counts as 9 storage racks against the 18 limit (basically replaceing 9 racks).

IMO this would add most of the options that the OP wants while allowing the SG Leaders to still have all the original options available.



Considering the salvage racks used to hold 2500 items of base salvage, that should be feasible.



Geobaldi -

I like any idea which reduces the "footprint" of those ugly Salvage racks in my bases. They currently take up lots of floor space I wish I could be using for other things.

So long as your Tiered Salvage Storage racks don't correspondingly increase the amount of space they take, then I will gladly /sign the idea.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



I would say maybe 25%-50% bigger at most. Maybe for the last one thats 9 storage bays worth it be double sized and even thats a tad big.

That would give the new units a small size increase that would look better but not take up the entire room.



No offense but that doesn't make sense. The current storage bins used to hold 2500 items. If anything the new units would all have much smaller footprints because none of them come close to holding that amount. The storage capacity has nothing to do with the size of the base items footprint.



Has anyone realized that he just used up all 18 of your Base Storage Items allowed to create those three wonderful racks?


There are still Inspiration Wells, Enhancement Tables, and the Personal Storage Vault to add into his/her planned scheme.

I'm all for more Salvage allowed in the Racks, and all for smaller racks, as the ones I got are quite frankly ugly, and cumbersome to fit in.

But there are other things that require storage.

I think they need to start by increasing the number of Base Storage Items allowed. 24 sounds like a reasonable number.

I can't store, and have my Base set up the way I would like it to be with just 18. I'm already condensing Insp Storage to provide my three other Leaders a Personal Enhancement Table. And no, we aren't Hoarders/Marketeers, we use them on our toons, and store them for use on future toons.

Just my 2 cents...

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Has anyone realized that he just used up all 18 of your Base Storage Items allowed to create those three wonderful racks?


There are still Inspiration Wells, Enhancement Tables, and the Personal Storage Vault to add into his/her planned scheme.

I'm all for more Salvage allowed in the Racks, and all for smaller racks, as the ones I got are quite frankly ugly, and cumbersome to fit in.

But there are other things that require storage.

I think they need to start by increasing the number of Base Storage Items allowed. 24 sounds like a reasonable number.

I can't store, and have my Base set up the way I would like it to be with just 18. I'm already condensing Insp Storage to provide my three other Leaders a Personal Enhancement Table. And no, we aren't Hoarders/Marketeers, we use them on our toons, and store them for use on future toons.

Just my 2 cents...

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Yes but he's not suggesting that we use all of them at the same time.

Let's say an SG wants to use the one that holds the most items for genearl SG salvage storage, that leaves them with 9 remaining choices for storage bins.

As to the hoarding issue, it isn't necessarily a bad thing, we all save things for use later for various reasons. It doesn't mean we are trying to manipulate the market.

The devs aren't concerned what you or I hold onto. The numbers they are looking at are what 130,000+ players are saving as a group. Their decisions are based on those averages.




The part of your idea I was addressing was this:

It could be an auxiliary device that attaches to an "advanced invention table" so you can pull items from racks (dunno if thats even possible)

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A device that can draw salvage from any rack defeats the purpose of the security measures. Even if the device checked a players permissions many SG's have leaders with more than one alt in the SG and those characters aren't always the same rank as the main character.

The bins that SG leaders use in those cases are placed in locations where regular SG members don't go or can't get to unless they have access to the base architect. This allows the leaders to leave the bins permissions open so they can move items between their alts without involving a third party.

[/ QUOTE ]


Well ... I guess it seemed obvious (to me) that if you didn't want that function you wouldn't install it ... just like if you need the security of per rack permissions you wouldn't use the expando-rax, which IMO *if* they held a little more would make sense since it would be a swap of space vs security



The devs just finished giving us bins with individual security permissions. A feature we've been asking for since bases were first introduced. It's very unlikely they are now going to make an item that defeats that new security feature.



finding what you need across up to 18 racks is a real PITA.

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Learn 2 Organize YOUR Stuff

If you can't do it for yourself, refrain from asking the Development Team to do it for you.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



finding what you need across up to 18 racks is a real PITA.

[/ QUOTE ]
Learn 2 Organize YOUR Stuff

If you can't do it for yourself, refrain from asking the Development Team to do it for you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't be too hard on the OP for that. In a multi-player SG it's hard to force people to be that considerate. If the SG is large enough, sorting can be a full time job.



Heck, if you've ever worked in an office where the basis of business was filing (title co., courthouses, etc.), even though most stuff is computerized, the actual files still have to go somewhere.... and it's a PITA to try and get everyone in said office to keep the friggin files straight. Even your basic Purchase Order type office systems are a PITA for everyone to keep straight.

I wouldn't mind an alphabetizing function on each storage unit. Then it would be easy to designate something along the lines of "Common Salvage: A-D", "Common Salvage: E-M"... and so on for Uncommon & Rare salvage, IOs, Set IOs, Inspies, etc.,.

Yes, it can still be done with the current setup, but an alphabetizing option would be a nice little QOL thang.

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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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