Rookery Open Portal Monday!




Hi all waffles and cake with vats of coffeee are left out
*note taped to refridgerator* (sp?)
Puppy is currently invading other forums and inviting people to the rookery....i invite you to the same portal machines are located by the stairs
If im not back by 4 pm pacific send a search party its prolly those rotten victory people.....

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



*follow puppy*


I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai



*cracks open a beer and waits to see what a rookery is*

Token Fire Blaster of "Love The Turtles" and Green Lantern Uber-fan.



well see a rookery. is like, umm well its ah who cares theres waffles



<opens fridge and rummages>



It's not Monday until I go to sleep and wake up. It's 27:29.




I was told there would be Doritos



*Falls asleep on the floor, mumbling something incoherent about muffins and werfer jaegers*

I can see forever 0.0



Bright eyed and bushy tailed today...

Which is rather impressive, when you've got nine of the suckers.



So what exactly is happening in this thread? I just finished my beer, and have no idea whats going on. And I left the rest of my six pack back in Pinnacle.

Token Fire Blaster of "Love The Turtles" and Green Lantern Uber-fan.



-yawns as he strolls in dressed in his Dante-isk-garb- Evening people what's on the agenda later today? What gorgeously beautiful succubi shall I need to clash swords with this time. I hope it's Lady Death, always had a thing for a witch.



In other news... I need victims to run an arc (#105556) and tell me what they think of the plot, in specific.

The enemy group is pretty much where I want them, and I'll caution in advance: They're like lego - the more they stack up, the more awesome they get.

For a highly trained security force, I'm still amused at some of the complaints I get about their difficulty. >_> I've worked on toning them down a bit every update, and I probably will re-examine them this time, too (and every other time we get a chance to actually mess with custom enemies more in detail), but I'm specifically looking at plot complaints. PMs are fine, if you wanna dodge spoilers.

And, now that I've gotten THAT out of my system...

*Builds a tower of chilled beer.*



Bright eyed and bushy tailed today...

Which is rather impressive, when you've got nine of the suckers.

[/ QUOTE ]*wonders what glasses would look like for someone with nine eyes*



Bright eyed and bushy tailed today...

Which is rather impressive, when you've got nine of the suckers.

[/ QUOTE ]*wonders what glasses would look like for someone with nine eyes*

[/ QUOTE ]

Freaky. Thankfully, I have nine tails, and thus will never have to find out!



*falls in through the portal*

Gah! who opened this portal to my secret forum lair where BT trolls about.

*wanders around mumbling about needing better security*

So BT has not been sleeping well recently and has lost her mind. Anyone have a trick to falling asleep?

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox



*falls in through the portal*

Gah! who opened this portal to my secret forum lair where BT trolls about.

*wanders around mumbling about needing better security*

So BT has not been sleeping well recently and has lost her mind. Anyone have a trick to falling asleep?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's all a state of mind. Relax. Breathe deep. Start a breathing cycle (breathe iiiiin, and hold. Release, pause. Breathe iiiin...), start thinking about nothing (it's harder then you think)..

Basically, achieve as close to a meditative state of mind as you can, through whatever means necessary. Let everything else slip away, but do not focus on the act of sleeping. Defeats the purpose - you want no focus at all. When your mind is calm, your body will calm, and sleep will be easier to achieve.

Barring that, reduce your daily caffeine intake for a while, and do more regular exercise.



Hmmm . . It seems people don't like Pie in this place either.

*Drinks another beer, and notices the small pile of empty cans accumulating at his feet.*

Token Fire Blaster of "Love The Turtles" and Green Lantern Uber-fan.



I stack beer, not pie.

Pie not in job description!



I stack beer, not pie.

Pie not in job description!

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you from Pinnacle too? Seems like there's a lot of strange people in this place, like that guy over there curled up on the floor mumbling to himself. I think his nametag says BlackberryThorn . . . . . is he okay?

Token Fire Blaster of "Love The Turtles" and Green Lantern Uber-fan.



Nah, I'm a Virtue resident. I'm just weird.

Dunno about that guy. He'll probably be fine, though. If not, poke'em with a stick! What's the worst that could possibly happen.



I'm worried about the beer situation here. After this case, and the other case, there's only one case left!



I'm worried about the beer situation here. After this case, and the other case, there's only one case left!

[/ QUOTE ]

Only one case left !?

Who's going on the beer run?

Token Fire Blaster of "Love The Turtles" and Green Lantern Uber-fan.



*Pulls out another case from the Infinite Fridge of Holding.*

There's never a shortage of anything. That'd be silly. I mean, it's digital food-stuffs. No calories, eat as much as you want. Not filling! No fat...

You'd be crazy not to gorge. Srsly.



*walks in holding 20 cases of beer*

I was told that if I didn't deliver this from Freedom that some where a puppy would be kicked. And while we are all into kicking puppies over on Freedom, I wanted to make sure that it wasn't my puppy..... hey look! waffles.....

eh while im here imma plug my arc--- "The Quest for Fish Melee" Arc 99058 Poster Here

"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man

Silence!!! I kill you!



*brings in case of frozen treats for all*

There, my one good deed done for the day. Now back to being a [censored].

*returns to Guardian*