Rookery Open Portal Monday!




I started out being against Fallout 3, because Bethseda just.. is not a company I put my faith in. Given the issues with their 'expansions' through Games for Windows Live (mostly buggy, and for some odd reason, not even an option for Asian players), my complaints are justified. Morrowind and Oblivion were fairly broken, as well, and continued to be that way for a long time (from all accounts).

I still ended up finding it a fun, enjoyable shooter that I sunk far more hours then I thought I would. Left 4 Dead turned out that way, too, though, and I have far more fun playing that lately.

...just sayin', from my humble opinion, Fallout 3 is a great game to pick up for long-term amusement, and if for nothing else, collection value. I pick up a number of games I don't really play (Bioshock, Halo3, Assassin's Creed) because while they're usually only good for one playthrough.. whenever I get the urge to play it again, I want to have it.

Packfox I am.




Choices choices.



-after having disappeared for some time, wanders back in with a towel over his head and his shirt missing. Raising his hands he scrubs the towel and sighs happily-



We can tell that Stryph isn't a strag - he knows where his towel is!



I started out being against Fallout 3, because Bethseda just.. is not a company I put my faith in. Given the issues with their 'expansions' through Games for Windows Live (mostly buggy, and for some odd reason, not even an option for Asian players), my complaints are justified. Morrowind and Oblivion were fairly broken, as well, and continued to be that way for a long time (from all accounts).

I still ended up finding it a fun, enjoyable shooter that I sunk far more hours then I thought I would. Left 4 Dead turned out that way, too, though, and I have far more fun playing that lately.

...just sayin', from my humble opinion, Fallout 3 is a great game to pick up for long-term amusement, and if for nothing else, collection value. I pick up a number of games I don't really play (Bioshock, Halo3, Assassin's Creed) because while they're usually only good for one playthrough.. whenever I get the urge to play it again, I want to have it.

Packfox I am.

[/ QUOTE ]

My gripe with Bethesda is allowing Microsoft to use their content as downloadable content. Broken Steel of all DLC should of been free since their lead dev stated that it was a mistake to put a level cap and fixed ending.



Or at least gone through Steam or sold if themselves. games for windows live SUCKS, it does not work! Every DLC I got I had to remove from their control and import it as a data file to get it to work properly. Everytime I tried to run that piece of crap and play the game the game would hang and crash.

Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)



We can tell that Stryph isn't a strag - he knows where his towel is!

[/ QUOTE ]

Be thankful that's not all I'm wearing

Or not be and be unfortunate, that works too. -flexes his sexy bod-



>_> That's funny, my gripe with Bethseda is frequently releasing buggy crud that takes them far too long to fix, and being generally a bunch of pretentious snots when it comes to writing plots (I was facepalming the entire way through Fallout 3, after all, and I liked the game!).

Then again, Bioware isn't much better, and only recently got themselves out of the crapper with me thanks to KotOR I/II and Mass Effect. They've still got to sell me on the fact they can do stuff without being obnoxious about it in the writing department.

To date, only two companies haven't really let me down (and three developers total), and they're Nintendo (and GameFreak - a Nintendo developer team) and Ubisoft.



Mass Effect is a perfect example, free downloadable content. At least it was for PC no? Nuff said.

I didn't find Oblivion too buggy, I just didn't like how if I went to shivering isles to get Dusk/Dawn Fang at a low level, that by leveling up it wasn't as potent as rather being level 25 and getting the sword then.



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My gripe with Bethesda is allowing Microsoft to use their content as downloadable content. Broken Steel of all DLC should of been free since their lead dev stated that it was a mistake to put a level cap and fixed ending.

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Don't blame Microsoft though. If Bethesda wanted it to be free, they would have made it so. Microsoft dosen't set the prices of stuff on the marketplace, game devs do.



Hey Becky, care for a mousiedonut with shiney sprinkles?

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM




My gripe with Bethesda is allowing Microsoft to use their content as downloadable content. Broken Steel of all DLC should of been free since their lead dev stated that it was a mistake to put a level cap and fixed ending.

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Don't blame Microsoft though. If Bethesda wanted it to be free, they would have made it so. Microsoft dosen't set the prices of stuff on the marketplace, game devs do.

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Bah, they influence everything. I mean why are gamer points so important if you can't turn them into Microsoft Points? Because they're stingy.

I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft waves a check in front of Bethesda every game going, "You get this if you do this.".

And actually that's kind of an even deal. It's still possible to be influenced by publishers on how much the release product will cost and what to do with DLC. A publisher is as much to blame for profit as the dev team. Some companies, Bioware, Blizzard, Valve, etc, have more control over their products while others have partner ships going.



Nope. Microsoft gives them 1000 points per game, to divvy out as they see fit. Gamerscore is simply for bragging rights.

If I remember right, 200-400 for downloaded content.

The marketplace is a service that is provided by Microsoft on Live. Part of the 50 bucks a month pay to be a gold member.



Nope. Microsoft gives them 1000 points per game, to divvy out as they see fit. Gamerscore is simply for bragging rights.

If I remember right, 200-400 for downloaded content.

The marketplace is a service that is provided by Microsoft on Live. Part of the 50 bucks a month pay to be a gold member.

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>.> <.< You don't need to be a Gold member to use the market. You just need to be Gold to get all of the benefits, and access to stuff the day they actually release it.

If I had points, I could get things. And stuff!



Post deleted by Moderator 08



Well I didn't mean to be able to use. I meant my money that I pay to be a gold member pays for part of that to be there for everyone. I worded that rather badly. Everyone can use the marketplace, which I thought was a brilliant move on MS's part.




If I remember right, 200-400 for downloaded content.

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Nope. 800 for all DLC of Fallout 3. Anchorage, Pit, and Steel.



Sounds about right then. 200 each for Anchorage and Pitt, and 400 for Broken Steel.

A thought on Gamerscore. I don't know if gamerscore points being able to be converted into marketplace points would be such a great idea. The 1000 points per game can be really easy to get (see TMNT) or super hard to get (like Ninja Gaiden 2). I could see them just getting rid of gamerscore and it wouldn't bother me any. The text of the achievements are more impotant to me.



nono 800 EACH. Separate.

According to my Live anyways.



I want your live =o.O=

Ive got:
820 of 1350 G
40 of 64 Achievements



Oh wait...we are talking about 2 different points LoL!

I was talking about additional gamerscore you are able to get with DLC, not the cost!

*edit* EEK! Im getting closer to 1k posts! Shoo! Shoo! *shoos away the 1k post bar*



*catching up after cleaning up around the house*

Well Fedor, Bethesda did fess up in saying that they goofed with the ending of Fallout 3. They thought players would really want a big climatic ending to the story, and actually have it end. And people turned around and said "OMG what do you mean we can't keep playing? RAAARRR!"

Operation Anchorage and The Pitt were supposed to be side stories from what I understand. Things that happened within the timeframe of the main story in FO3. Broken Steel is the actual continuation. (small spoiler below)

Basically, they are keeping the ending of the FO3 story intact... Your character either sacrifices themselves or has one of their allies do it. Big explosions, mass triumph, end credits roll. the start of Broken Steel begins with 'and two weeks later...' It goes on with the theory that you 'sacrificed' yourself for the greater good, but the Brotherhood managed to save your life. Now you're working with them to finish off the Enclave. So they get to keep their story and have the main character still playing.

(end spoilers)

I really like FO3 because there is both set pieces, and random things going on. It lends itself to a lot of re-playablity without feeling completely like you are doing the same quests over and over. Or you could just go off the rails and do what you want. Play a complete [censored]. Leave the vault, show up in Megaton and shoot the sheriff in the face and go on a killing spree if you want... forget the storyline, do whatever you like.

And then you add in the DLC and mods.. there's a LOT of replayability in this game.. Right now, I'm going light on the mods, since I want to have as clean and close to intended play for my first run though. The biggest thing I have is that I am using a player housing mod to drop a bunker right outside of Megaton with all the amenities from the start. A little help, but not like dropping a pile of gear on my character. Later on I want to try some of the more game changing mods, like one I saw that lets you modify any weapons you have... Full auto shotgun, sure and thank you!

SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.



I forget how high my Gamerscore is. Something like 8.3k, or something.

Lot of games done up to 100-200 points, and a few monsters (Fallout 3, Fable 2, Mass Effect) topping the chart.



What does Castle Say About Fallout 3?

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I think Microsoft is as much to blame for charging for DLC as Bethesda if anything. But I guess that depends on what's in the fine print on their contracts.