Taken the leap...




... and I am loving it!

A little background about me. I am a scrapper and troller person. Last year, I ding'd my second 50 (Diana Ishtar) and decided to roll a Warshade.

Her name was Layla Smite.

Everything was going pretty well until I decided to group with a bunch of people to do Positron Task Force.

A team of 8 dropped to 3 within an hour (no one would actually quit the TF), lets just say that it was one of the most horrible experiences I have ever had in this game. This experience was so bad that Layla was deleted 30 days later after never playing her again

I also swore off Task Force for the better part of this past year, and came close to letting my account lapse. Perhaps over kill, but I felt justified at the time.

Now we come to today, around a year after doing the Task Force.

Layla Smite has been reborn as a Warshade again. This experience has proven a much better one that last time around.

I was running with a 13ish team: two scrappers, a blaster, and a troller. There was this tight mob in a side room, the team went "Holy...".

I dropped out of Nova, popped a red (maybe 2), ran to the middle of the mob, hit sunless mire, popped back into Nova and had the mob dead before the team could react. I was giggling like a little schoolgirl. The big scrapper dude said mob was dead as soon as he hit his insp. That just made me laugh harder.

This ranks as one of the best experiences that I have had in this game.

Now, I just need to get a couple of SG mates together to take on Positron



I made a Warshade several years ago that I've not played up to even level 20 yet. I have heard that the Kheldians have been improved since and I hope that's the case.

I guess I'll get back on mine and see how he performs now.

I'm glad you are back and having fun!

Vorago Level 50 Mind Controller / Kineticist
Penitent Wyrm Level 50 Invulnerable / Firebreather
Protector Server



I'm glad this time around is better for you.

From what I've found, WS and PB are the most deleted characters. I wonder if the devs log that.

So seriously, just stick with it. No matter how bad it gets, just keep the WS rolling.

Eventually you will realize how independent you are, yet how awesome you are to the team.

And then you'll hit a cyst.



Just wait until you get to 50, and can jump into a spawn set for 8, hit Eclipse, Mire, Nova and rain death upon the next two spawns!

Only to have it recharge in time for spawn four to do it over again. Teams? What's that? Those are those things that increase the spawn sizes, right? How nice of them!



Thanks for the words guys!

The only problem I seem to be having atm is laggy /binds or binds that will not fire off when I press them

ie The power row's will change, but Nova will not go off or come on. Gotten me into a bit of trouble lately.



Welcome to the Returning Kheldian Club.

I had two Kheldians, deleted them both, waited a while, then made two other Kheldians and took'em both to Lv50, and now they are the most played characters in my stable.

About the binds, I13 changed things for Kheldians, you now actually have to wait a bit for any form-attack you've executed to go through its animation before the form-switching can occur.

If you ever feel like playing a Kheldian on Infinity, I lead an All-Kheldian SG there and I have to say that being a part of an All-Kheldian team is taking the game into a higher level of challenge and strategic gameplay.

Consider yourself formally invited one and all!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Yeah, moments like that are awesome. Recently my lvl50 soloed the last Pylon in the 'Save the World' arc after the other 7 teammates wiped. I was surrounded by what felt like 50 Rikti, but Light Form, the Cosmic Balance Buffs, and my Heals kept me alive, and my AoEs killed them or kept them away as I took out the Pylon. I'll never forget a teammate's explanation when the mish complete came up.





An all Kheldian team sounds pretty awesome. What is your guys requirements?

I am always hesitant to switch severs, I have a good SG and awesome friends on Triumph. Not to mention that all my startup money is on triumph

Hmm... decisions decisions. Is LordXenite your global?


That sound awesome, Socorro! and fun!

Everytime I am in a situation like that, the opening to Europe's " The Final Countdown" always pops to mind



Diana, you have inspired me to remake my Kheldians.



Eventually you will realize how independent you are, yet how awesome you are to the team.

And then you'll hit a cyst.

[/ QUOTE ]

And laugh hystericly as the cowardly humans run around screaming like little girls while you solo it without trouble.

P.S. If you would like build help let me know I have helped build dozens of Khelds for people on Guardian as well as helped the Guardian all Kheldian SG with theirs.

*Warning I am a well known human form only and medicine pool (A.K.A. Defendershade) hater*

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



I solo Cysts while in the ITF as well, it's not even a very hard feat, actually. It just requires a good hit with Eclipse, then double mire (for speed with downing it) and possible spamming of the Dwarf heal

Paragon Studios, thanks for all you've done. You've made this a great game, and a great community. I see this as six years well-spent. NCSoft, I'm seriously disappointed in you. This is not how you get or keep customers.



You aren't the only player to go through the frustration phase of KhReeldians. I was close a few times to giving up on my first PB until it finally clicked. The hard part for me was unlearning everything I had learned upto that point. Quite trying to shoehorn a Kheldian a core AT. Tihis was when Kheldians first came out. There were no good guides as to how to play one.



I'm glad this time around is better for you.

From what I've found, WS and PB are the most deleted characters. I wonder if the devs log that.

So seriously, just stick with it. No matter how bad it gets, just keep the WS rolling.

Eventually you will realize how independent you are, yet how awesome you are to the team.

And then you'll hit a cyst.

[/ QUOTE ]

And once you hit lvl 50 and spend some quality time working with the build to make it the best it can possiblty be for your particular playstyle, you'll come across a cyst.

....and realize you can basically solo it.

While the rest of the team watches.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



...you'll come across a cyst.

....and realize you can basically solo it.

While the rest of the team watches.

[/ QUOTE ]

Absolutely. I know Cysts still scare the bejeezus out of players (and let's be honest, if you run into one unprepared, they're very dangerous).

PuG Team saw one last night. Shouts of 'Cyst! Cyst!', and everybody started coming up with the plan to handle it. I told them all to stay back, switched to Light Form, and started waylaying it. I had its health down 3/4s and half the Nictus dead from my AoEs when the rest of the team realized it was cake and jumped in for that last bite.

Tanker commended me, but I guess he and many others don't realize that by the 50s most kheld players can handle all their special enemies pretty well. I go after any Void I see, even bosses, without expecting any help from the team.

I still don't like Cysts though. I can't believe this bug has been allowed to go on so long. It's a taint on the perception of Khelds that'll probably never die for for many players.

Most players, even those mature ones that 'understand' and don't hold it against khelds, don't jump for joy when those things appear.

Qs and Vs all day long, but keep Cysts to their special arcs, dammit



LoL, love stories like that... Thanks for sharing.

I'd have to disagree with 'ya on the cyst sentiments though... My WS's digital mouth "waters" whenever I get a chance to face off with one of those... In fact, a lot of my teammates have been suprised recently when I've jumped into a group and purposefully saved the quantum/void for the last kill, just to prove my survivability.

I say bring on the challenge! :P

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)




I still don't like Cysts though. I can't believe this bug has been allowed to go on so long. It's a taint on the perception of Khelds that'll probably never die for for many players.

Most players, even those mature ones that 'understand' and don't hold it against khelds, don't jump for joy when those things appear.

Qs and Vs all day long, but keep Cysts to their special arcs, dammit

[/ QUOTE ]

Anyone who wants to yell at a Kheld about a cyst... had better not enter Cimerora. Ever.

On the other hand, honestly, I think cysts bother people *less* now. More people have been exposed to them and have at least a vague idea of how to handle them. Even if it's as simple as "Squishy will squish, so stay back at low health."



An all Kheldian team sounds pretty awesome. What is your guys requirements?

[/ QUOTE ]
The only requirement is that you not be allergic to debt...

I am always hesitant to switch severs, I have a good SG and awesome friends on Triumph.

[/ QUOTE ]
Currently, our SG night is Thursday, and we have several members who check in with us on Thursdays only. We'd especially love it if you brought some of your friends to Infinity with you and take a chance on All-Kheldian teams on Thursday nights.

Is LordXenite your global?

[/ QUOTE ]
My global is @Xenite Blackthread.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



*Warning I am a well known human form only and medicine pool (A.K.A. Defendershade) hater*

[/ QUOTE ]
It's Shadefender! No wonder you get it all wrong

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



...you'll come across a cyst.

....and realize you can basically solo it.

While the rest of the team watches.

[/ QUOTE ]You know... I only get trouble from Cysts when the team actually decides to help get rid of the Cyst before I get there...

Luckily though, between having Superspeed and self-teleport powers... I usually get to the Cysts before the team does. In the ITF though, that's a bit different, but sometimes I get really excited and so if I kill a Cyst before the team finishes handling the previous Cysts' ambush, I'm faced with angry Cim's all over, which on my WS is always fun and profit, but with my PB it usually means it's Dwarf'in Time!! (never took Lightform, as I'm afraid of crashes)

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati