I'll review arcs.
edit: Schweet. My arc (or rather, rough draft) is in my sig.
I figure I'll review your arcs too when I get the chance. Do you want me to use this thread for feedback or do you already have one for that?
edit2: nevermind, saw your link
My sig lists my two arcs so far. The second one has garnered one comment about the motivation for doing it being weak, which isn't totally off base, although the main purpose of it is as a humor-delivery device (careful, it might go off). The first is pretty good on that front I think, so maybe just stick to that one. It too is silliness, as you can probably tell from the title.
I've recently run and revised them through an on-line spell checker so there shouldn't be any real problems there.
Thanks for considering them.
My signature has the URL for the arc I want more reviews. It's called "The calling of the Cult". Altho' I want people to know that they don't have to play mine to get theirs reviewed.
My signature has the URL for the arc I want more reviews. It's called "The calling of the Cult". Altho' I want people to know that they don't have to play mine to get theirs reviewed.
[/ QUOTE ]
Gotcha. I do like quid pro quo though (omgrhyme) and I've got some time before work, so I figured I might as well.
Also, if you can, let me know if my customs are too easy...I kept them on Standard because I don't want OP'd dudes.
As always, I'm glad to see more reviewers. After all, it means more viewpoints on the various arcs. I, actually, was considering joining the fold eventually myself. In the meantime, though, here's my two arcs. The first one is a level 45-50 hero-oriented arc while the second is a 30-35 villain-oriented arc. If you only have time for one, the second one is less popular so I would go with that one.
Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416
Creators Global Name: @Mekkanos
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: A simple investigation into Malta Group activity turns into a fight for the freedom of heroes everywhere as you uncover the sinister Project: Blitzkrieg
Number of EB/AVS: 3
Story Type: Serious/Action (Hero oriented)
Mission Count: 5
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours depending on how fast you go through.
Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431
Creators Global Name: @Mekkanos
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: Battle two ruthless mercenary groups for an ancient item of power alongside some unusual allies!
Number of EB/AVS: 1
Story Type: Serious/Action (Villain Oriented)
Mission Count: 5
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours depending on how fast you go through.
I hope you enjoy them!
My arcs:
Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416
Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431
Title: The Rikti Accession
Arc ID: 278757
Well, I keep tossing this one out there for reviews, so I may as well put it out there again:
Operation Pitcher Plant (arc numbe 4370)
It's become noticably more difficult since the patch that changed the custom enemies, so I'd love to see what I may need to tweak down further than I have already.
(also, I'd love to hear how it works on a team)
Vila: Why don't you go?
Avon: You are expendable.
Vila: And you're not?
Avon: No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.
Gan: I'll get the guns.
- Blake's 7, Horizon
I will submit
Title: The Heart of Artemis
Arc ID: 162423
Creators Global Name: @Thornster
Difficulty Level: Medium (It would be easy but Malta's are not so ... )
Synopsis: Greek Mythology speaks of a legendary artifact known as The Heart of Artemis. You stubble upon items that lead you to believe it may be re-forged. But, the advantage you may gain from doing so, is something no one will let you have.
Number of EB/AVS: 0
Story Type: Serious/Mood/Action (Villain oriented)
Mission Count: 4
Estimated Time to Play: 45-75 mins approx.
or you can give my first arc a try:
Arc Name: A Little RnR
Arc ID: 17523
Faction: Heroic
Your global/forum name: @Thornster
Difficulty Level: Medium
Recommended Team Size: Any with appropriate reputation
Mobs Encountered: Custom Villain Group (Very Rich Youths)
Number of EB/AVS: 2
Typical duration: 30-40 minutes (3 missions)
Arc Synopsis: There are some kids in town causing trouble and trying to climb the villany social ladder. Will you let them settle in and become a bigger problem?
Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt
Please try:
A Translator is the Wind or the Thunder in Turns (2936)
Heroic, 5 missions, no AV/EB's, custom group, but nothing too difficult about them.
That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
Well, I'm here 'cause Misho asked me ingame...
The arc is "Fame and Fortune" (ID 160559)
This arc is an arc based on the in-game "Radio Free Oportunity" contact from CoV.
Here's the URL of the arc in the Mission Review site:
Since Threads like these seem to fill up fast, I guess I'll post my Arc. It's always nice to get an outside perspective on a Story Arc
Arc Name: The Galactic Protectorate - 01
Arc ID#: 47143
Arc Description: Synapse asks for your help to defeat a new enemy who threatens his world and may one day threaten yours. (Part 1 of a Multi-Arc story)
Technical Details: The patch last week made the custom group I designed easier to defeat, but I'd still suggest either a solo-friendly character or a lower difficulty level, or both. There are no "Defeat Alls", no EBs, and no AVs, so it should be very soloable
Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic
I'd like to toss mine up here too. Its a sci-fi story with custom factions, no defeat all, no EBs and no AVs. Its solo friendly (I'd recommend level 20 up) and takes about an hour or so to finish.
Any feedback or thoughts about the story, difficulty, maps, clues, etc. would be appreciated!
Arc Name: The Fracturing of Time
Arc ID: 171031
Arc Description: A mysterious entity has sought you out to help save a doomed world. When all goes awry, it is your task to repair the Fractures forming in Time but to do that you must first confront yourself.
Why not, I will throw my hat in!
My arc is in my sig. The Return of the Three Fold King
Any spelling / grammer errors you can catch would be AWESOME.
Looking back for reviews today I think I've tossed my hat into like five threads that never went anywhere.
A-so. Here's hoping.
Under 20, run "Bricked Electronics" (2180).
Under 20, can handle a little mez, run "Dream Paper" (1874)
20-30 villains (only? not sure), run "The Bravuran Jobs" (5073)
Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?
My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)
Review for story arc: Point and Counterpoint Part One.
Creator: @Spazztic
First of all, I have to say that when I saw the story arc number of rates (2) and star average (3) I felt a little bad for the creator and decided to pull a team together in order to get some multiple star rating votes in there.
Interesting enough, when I started playing the arc, I was immensely surprised to see that it was actually something completely different of what I first thought.
Youve got very few typos. Since I read everything in your arc when I review it, I noticed that in the arc description you had an error regarding a single word. This is the way it should look like.
A mysterious entity is plaguing the PPD. Its none like theyve ever encountered before, and youre the one theyve chosen to figure out what it is, and if necessary, stop it.
I started this arc with 6 players total (including myself), playing at level 50 (with sidekicks and mentors) so that I could experience the full capacity of the arc, regarding difficulty because both of the enemies and the group size.
I want to clarify that I got the extra teammates to provide more rating volume to the arc, not to get help in my review in any way, yet the people who pitched in were a great help and good natured players who provided their own reviews of the arc per se.
Mission 1 :: When I saw it was a PPD contact in full armor, the first thing I thought was This can either suck (just another shooting gallery-no purpose arc) or be something else. When playing I want to keep three perspectives going, first what would this look like in a comic book style? Second, how would this look in a real life situation? And finally how this looks as in-game addition?
Well up to know is a PPD armored officer asking me to investigate the appearance of a new group, which appeared on the Rogue Isles but is trying to butt in our turf, Paragon City.
All good so far, only comment I have up till now is that the title and subtitle were done in the same size and color as the rest of the Dialogue. You could take into consideration using some colors to make more
visually stunning to the reader.
The send off also makes sense
What did felt like it wasn't really thought out was the Still busy response
Many people wouldnt even read this, but I did and I found it to be a little awkward.
Inside the mission now, I found the enemy group to be really interesting and visually attractive. Some of the clues texts were used nicely and the enemy dialogues are fun and easy to understand. What I didnt get so much was the first clue I found, a cell phone with a picture on it of a guy framed by an explosion, in which the user of the phone had enough time to type the cryptic The Sons of Sorrow are here Also the clue on its own is a little confusing. I used my wits to imagine that when you typed all the loose ends were tied up it meant that they had killed the poor guy. Anyhow pretty good so far.
The guy that you rescue actually provides a more interesting clue with his tale, way better than the telephone thing.
Its a little disappointing not getting a clue after defeating the Base Leader, since the telephone one was so useless as to enlighten me of who are these new guys in town, you know, something to report to the contact.
Well, nice mission so far.
Moving on...
Mission 2 : Again the title or subtitle of the mish could have used another color or even font size, since the first time I read it, I saw Help the bad guys. Great job raiding that base. etc
And I was like what? Maybe you didnt see this one little detail, but you average reader will.
Ok, up to now, good job explaining me how did a PPD officer knew about an Arachnos base getting attacked all of the sudden. I dont feel like you really did motivated me to actually go and save their hides, and maybe you could play a little with this fact, making the mission a timed one, leaving the responsibility to the player to either take on the mission or simply let them to their fates.
But is also ok in this fashion, after all Im a hero, what should I be doing if not helping the enemy of enemy out? I mean, the contact doesnt even warn me that it might be a trap
You know?
But anyhow, moving along with the review, I find a couple of things intriguing like the fact that this group is up again, appearing not only in this Arachnos base, but in several other places all of the sudden. What could they be up to?
A couple of things I have to bring up. The send off Dialogue strikes me as a little off character for this cop and the still busy text is almost the same of the first mission and really adds nothing to the story, almost as if you didnt even want to type anything into that field.
A patrol in this mish has a huge error in it, you probably havent noticed, but you cant use Backspaces when typing text into a critters dialogue. And the patrol that uses some makes it look like this Row row row row your boat. <br><br> What? Im bored.
A not-required-for-mission completion glowie, although trying to be funny, it felt kind of out of place in this intriguing story, almost downright dumb. I pin-point this out because sometimes (like in this case) the story is compelling and interesting, and the creator comes out with this attempt of side humor, that can degrade a little the story.
Interesting enough the clue you get after defeating the Raid Leader is the info the Arachnos Hostage was supposed to give me, and I really think you should change it, especially since in my case I rescued him on the very back of the room and the raid leader spawned in the middle of the map. Also I find it difficult to comprehend how people know that Anger is the Weakest and Least intelligent of a bunch of Lieutenants of a group that is apparently new and nobody knows anything about it so far.
I guessed that it was my job to find out about them, but it appears that all my character is in charged of is cleaning up the mess. Also if Anger is such a small fry, why make the effort of going after him? Anyway, I guess is just supposed to be this way.
When you typed *peruses the map* you could have done something here like Italics or even another color. Again, make it a little more visually interesting.
Mission 3 :: Using a double negative sentence to refer to the fact that I have yet to let them down is kind of weird here. You might want to check into that.
Also a thing, when a guy that looks like a tank, has enough resources at his disposal and looks powerful enough to take on at the task at hand keeps telling you help us because we cant help, its kind of annoying. I understand the story and why neither he nor the police can help, but you dont have to do it in every mission Dialogue. Is like having States giving you a mission every time and reminding you on every turn why he cant do it. Its really a minor thing and it doesnt affect the story at all, only the storytelling a little.
And again he reminds me the same thing in the Send Off screen.
Also another thing, supposedly this Sons of Sorrow thing is like brand new, right? Then how come that Officer Merris knows so much about Anger? You should try to make the story flow a little bit smoother here by subtly hinting your player of what he might encounter, not simply telling him everything it was a secret 2 missions ago.
And, lol, what is wrong with this cop? One moment hes praising me and pleading for my help and the next hes telling me: Hey bud, youre on your own. You dont want to go now? Fine by me. Just know that were losing men every minute you wait.
I mean, is like a life and death situation, how can he be so calm and disregard any kind of help I could give, like telling me do what you want, I dont care, it should be like I dont want to tell you how to do your job son, but every minute that Anger is still on the loose, the lives of our brave men and women might be at jeopardy. Please hurry! or you know, something like that.
Theres a confusing chat bubble here in one of the patrols dialogue, it says Do you really think that hero would attack, is it supposed to be like that or Do you really think that a hero would attack. I can understand both ways but the second is less confusing.
Well in this part I actually felt excited to see what Anger would look like, and it didnt disappoint. This mission was actually really exciting, set in a great map, with enough patrols dialogues and encounters to keep you interested.
I love those strange little villains that end up being tortured souls that really want you to kill them, and Im happy to oblige in some cases. I like that you didnt make it an AV, an EB is challenging enough and he could even be a Boss character, and this fight will be equally exciting.
The last clue seems to wrap it up nicely for now, what I didnt like was the last dialogue with our cop friend when he kind of tells you all your hard work was almost no help.
And it hints you Hate is next, leaving you wanting more in this arc. Giving it a feel that is incomplete. But part of the beauty of it is that I actually want to see more of this mysterious phone-using group.
Ok to give you some closing comments, although this review might seem to strain on little details like dialogue and such is because is a really great story. Fun too. And I would like to see it continued and improved.
Rating: **** A Good arc, would play the sequels to finish up the story and would recommend it to my friends and to MA pick up groups as well.
A couple of last minute notes: I understand it might be part of a series of arcs, like for example a trilogy, but adding Part One in the name of the arc might drive some players off, it happened to me before, but no more. Maybe it can help you out.
I would change the Officer Merris contact to like Detective Fish, a more regular like guy for the reasons I stated before. It doesnt seem necessary he should be the armored PPD suit. But its just my opinion.
Really liked the enemy group and their respective description, and I must say they are pretty tough with a 6man. All that recharge can really drive you up the walls.
The missions also have a nice pace to it, making it easy to read the mission briefing really fast and head into the mish to split some wigs without taking too much of the players time.
No souvenir? Well that just makes me sad. I hope you add one in the future, especially since one the clues you get when you defeat Anger is a piece of his cape. Maybe that could be the souvenir.
Many special thanks to the following Pinnacle Players who participated on this MA arc run:
Midnight Faith
Purple Goddess
Red Pheonix 1
Good luck, Misho, and have fun! Feel free to try any of the ones in my sig, but here I will present the latest for your perusal...
Arc Name: Kiss Hello Goodbye
Arc ID: 156389
Faction: Neutral (But tends toward the heroic)
Creator Global/Forum Name: Kitsune9tails
Difficulty Level: Tested with a soloing L25 Inv/Fire Tanker primarily
Synopsis: Kiss your usual inner monologue goodbye! This mission is narrated by the whiskey-and-cigarette kissed voice of Film Noir and hard boiled detective stories. When a beautiful dame with a missing sister rolled into your City, the nights got hot and the action got wild! Can you figure out the mystery before the end? Can you save yourself from a terrible trap? If not, Kiss Hello Goodbye!
Estimated Time to Play: 1 hour (more if you clear all)
This should be soloable by most skilled players if they are careful and pick their battles.
Story Arcs I created:
Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!
Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!
Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!
Review for story arc: TOO MANY BUNNYGIRLS
Creator: @Clave Dark 5
Well when I saw this was supposed to be a funny arc, I was hoping it wouldnt degrade from fun to corny, like it usually happens.
First of all Ive got to say that me and my team braced ourselves when I saw the contact was a Cabinet File.
It usually happens that when you use some inanimate object to be your contact, the story telling can be completely impossible to follow, or idiotic.
In this case it had a nice mix of description and narration that made it actually credible that my character was doing everything that it was indicated.
I searched real hard for typos, grammar errors and the likes, but there were very few.
Lets get this bashing started!
Mission 1 : Well, I better start off by saying that I havent encountered as many bunnygirls as this arc claims there are floating around in the MA published arcs. What I have found is an endless army of cat-girls in some less than ok arcs. Maybe the bunnygirl thing is a reference to the cat girls, Ill never know. Ok when I first entered, I was suddenly slapped in the face with a blast from the past when I was a little kid and saw Elmer Fudge follow around that nasty wabbit with his shotgun.
The enemy group here surprised me a little bit, I managed to round up a 7man team, and I was a little disappointed seeing there is no boss class in the custom group.
And it was a little bad actually, seeing that the Lieutenants names had a good pun in it and perhaps it could have been used in a boss type as well. The first thing I noted was the names in the Navigational Compass. Although they were pretty entertaining, it was nothing above the ordinary and I dont really recall any of them right now.
A dialogue here where a bunny girl says something about the Doc being please reminded me again of Bugs, but after I finished the mish I saw it meant something else.
I actually didnt understand the whole point of what I supposed was a rescue mission until I finished the mish. In fact, when I rescued one of the guys that was shaking, he told me something like I was wrong about you heroes, I hate you, you friggin jerks! And I was a little-wittle confused, but then it turns it was like an underground brothel and they were paying for the entertainment, I was like ok I get it now. I laughed real hard at the display info of Annie Ying, it was really well done. And I kept asking myself where Hugh was.
One thing Ive gotta tell you, some of the bunnygirls were dancing in the hostage groups and actually looked pretty nice since they formed a circle around the hapless guy and danced for him, but some were writing on clip-boards? I dont know, but it seems out of place, especially when you spawn 11 bunnygirls writing all together.
Mission 2 : Very well now, up to this point I was trying to get every detail on the cabinet file dialogue (Nice use of colors and the -------- in your title and subtitles). I didnt find it incredibly hilarious, but made me feel like I was really taking action against all those bunnygirls arcs out there!
When I saw the name of the boss I had to fight I had to laugh, but I laughed harder when I saw it was a Boy-bunny. Lol gross but ok lets move on. Defeated him and destroyed the Bunny Transformation Ray (Acutally didnt get to read the description because on of the team members blew it up with a snipe).
I would have liked that I could
Confiscate the Bunny ray machine
I mean, who knows when it can become useful? Lol other than that I liked the whole mish as a whole except the navigational text for the shipping manifest. You could write something down on that field, like Investigate the shipping records or something like that. Also you have a typo on the Criminals text when he tries to run away, you typed beleive instead of believe.
Mission 3 : When I learned my next mission was to shut down the Rogue Isles/Paragon City X-aminer, I was like well I hope this isnt when the humor goes downhill.
But it was a nicely done, fast and witty mission altogether. The Fashionista Bunny that lost her tail and was in full armor cracked me up. Ive never had anyone threaten me with getting my name in the top Worst Dressed. I felt like in a E! Fashion Police episode. And it felt kind of cool seeing her summon the bots with her dialogue.
And she is totally wrong; my boots are perfect with my top.
I liked the fact that, humor aside, Annie Ying powers of Illusion made sense since her character main purpose in the story is misdirection and photoshop-ing.
The Love section Editor Woman, didnt really did it for me, not as funny as some parts in the rest of the arc, but it was ok, just one more cat Lady.
The final boss, the diminutive Dr. Maggie Von BunnyGirl, was really funny, (not in her description) but on her text. It made me remind all those German Scientists and how they are overly used.
Lol beating this arc didnt actually made me feel more epic or heroic, but it was a refreshing change to actually break the fourth wall a little and laugh out lout with some stuff I tough it was going to suck honestly.
Rating: **** A really fun arc, wouldnt play it again, because Im afraid this kind of humor gets old fast. On the other side, great Custom Critter design and good luck out there eradicating other bunnygirl arcs.
Well nothing else to do now than to call mom regarding those photos and move on to reviewing more arcs
Many special thanks to the following Pinnacle Players who participated on this MA arc run:
Midnight Faith
Sharp Impact
Red Pheonix 1
Anna Pocalypse
Review for story arc: Point and Counterpoint Part One.
Creator: @Spazztic
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for the review! As far as the text goes, I just haven't played with the text enough to figure out color changing and font size. I'll fix all the stuff I missed, change the chat up a bit, and maybe add a souvenir.
I'll let you know when all that's done, if you wouldn't mind checking it out again once everything's fixed and fancied up.
Thanks for the input!
edit: speaking of, how do I change the font size in MA?
Review for story arc: A.E.'s Premium Quality Mission: "guaranteed qualityyyyLOADING ERROR 0.000459
Creator: @Clave Dark 5
Well, reviewing your other funny arc.
Mission 1 : Well then, another funny arc, Im speaking with Fritz the AE rep. From what I can gather by seeing your arc text already is that is going to be hard for to point out typos that might exist, since that is part of the point of the arc.
First of, you accept Text is way too big, it doesnt even appear completely in the dialogue box and I had to press and hold to read it. Again since I dont know if you meant for this to be this way I cant really tell you if its wrong or not. What I can tell you is that I dont like it much. The quAElity seems a bit odd, and I suspect is never going to become a great hit in the whole Architect Entertainment idea, but is a good way to introduce a new word that people working for the AE might want to use to pitch their products.
After reading the Still busy dialogue I kind of ruined myself the surprise that there are actually no Rikti in the mission. You might want to consider changing this a bit since players will ruin the surprise for themselves just like I did.
The chat window text description of what you are doing when tinkering with the Glowies could use a little bit more of work on them.
Well the clues you get for this two glowies are really a big help either, but it adds flavor to the arc. Oh whats this? Is it my old friend Rabbitual Criminal? Hahaha Im actually amazed I recognized it. The Bunny Boy wasnt anything like the first time I fought it, and unfortunately was better in the other arc. But Im still in the first mission.
After I defeated him he had a typo saying Othe instead of Other. If this was intentional please disregard this.
Lol I really liked the endorsement of the boss, and the candy bar that is sooo good, its criminal!
Mission 2 : This mission Intro Dialogue is the almost the exact same as the still busy of the first one?! I consider this to be a really bad element that should be used lightly or not at all. And the same joke about the rikti under the seat, is well
not funny.
I did like the way that you wrote the dialogue do differentiate when the contact is talking to me, when hes talking with the Techs on the phone and when he tells me important information.
Again you made the same mistake of the Still busy dialogue, writing a huge spoiler for the mish. And since I read the still busy right after I accept the mission but still havent entered the mission per se, I just messed the totally expected information about the mission being broken.
Again with words like GrAEt and StAEndard, I had to laugh when I saw in my imagination how the guy would look like trying to say with a straight face to me.
Theres a typo in the Get out of the mish now Destroyable Airplane. In the last text, you typed sendidng instead of sending.
I find it interesting that while Im trying to beat the snot out of that snot-like beast, it has a dialogue like if a group of tech support guys were trying to fix the bugs in the arc.
The critters called Teds Private files, had no description, and for me thats a huge no-no.
I actually got bored playing this mission.
Since the last thing I had to find, the Rikti Hypher unit spawned in an awkward place, like inside one of the skyscrapers corner.
This actually helped to the general feeling of game being bugged and all. I know this is hardly your fault, but I would have used an in door map to make the hunt for Destructible object less tedious. The Mission Pop up dialogue was a redeeming factor here, I really had to grin remembering all those crashes in the past.
The clues names are so long I cant even read the whole text, which makes me feel that Im missing out on some vital/possibly funny info. Better check that out.
Mission 3 : Ok this is a dead horse I dont get tired of beating. Dont use exactly the same dialogue in this window and the Still Busy Dialogue Window in the past mish.
I would change the word recompense here with something else. Like use Im authorized to offer you a small compensation for any issues and/or frustration you might have experienced, make the answer a more CS/PR one.
The motivation here is a little weak, and it seems strange that you are to receive any compensation coming from the IT guys, when usually is the Costumer Service departments that handles things like that. I accepted the near-worthless bribe in order to continue the arc, but in any other case I would have simply dropped the arc altogether.
Here in the mish I find a couple of this confusing, like am I in the basement of the A.E. building or a virtual replica of it? If Im in real life why are the bug corruption critters here? If Im in the VR of the A.E, then why are the technicians here?
Also having almost no dialogue in the captive/hostage situations makes it a little mediocre and plain.
Also the PR guy being boss class makes it a little unreal, shouldn't he be like person class?
In the clue of A.E. A.I. Server Controls Now Reset you could replace off with on making that Looks like something they bought on eBay.
Well, just finished. I cant really say anything about this one.
It feels like you didnt really try it out on a test run. I see a lot of repetitive elements on this arc and some that could have made it a lot better. Like more conversations, even if you do them about more errors like MISSING_TEXT_01 or something like that. Something to keep my attention on the arc.
Rank:*** A difficult decision for me since I didnt like it, not as much as I did your other, much funnier arc. I wouldnt really try this one again.
No other comments.
Review for story arc: Point and Counterpoint Part One.
Creator: @Spazztic
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for the review! As far as the text goes, I just haven't played with the text enough to figure out color changing and font size. I'll fix all the stuff I missed, change the chat up a bit, and maybe add a souvenir.
I'll let you know when all that's done, if you wouldn't mind checking it out again once everything's fixed and fancied up.
Thanks for the input!
edit: speaking of, how do I change the font size in MA?
[/ QUOTE ]
Select the text you want to change color/size and right click on it. A drop down menu will appear with several options, randing from bold, to set colors, to text font size.
Also don't unpublish your arc (simply edit it) or you will permanently lose all the rates and stars you had accumulated up to now in your arc.
Review for story arc: Point and Counterpoint Part One.
Creator: @Spazztic
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for the review! As far as the text goes, I just haven't played with the text enough to figure out color changing and font size. I'll fix all the stuff I missed, change the chat up a bit, and maybe add a souvenir.
I'll let you know when all that's done, if you wouldn't mind checking it out again once everything's fixed and fancied up.
Thanks for the input!
edit: speaking of, how do I change the font size in MA?
[/ QUOTE ]
Select the text you want to change color/size and right click on it. A drop down menu will appear with several options, randing from bold, to set colors, to text font size.
Also don't unpublish your arc (simply edit it) or you will permanently lose all the rates and stars you had accumulated up to now in your arc.
[/ QUOTE ]
Submitting my arc:
Arc Name: Light of the Sun
Arc ID: 89545
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Skydance/Skydance
Difficulty Level: lv46+ recommended, slightly above standard CoH mission difficulty. Adds can be dangerous, final Boss is somewhat dangerous
Synopsis: Crey is up to something in Crey's Folly, and a young hero was already severly hurt. Janet Kellum is looking for an experienced hero to help her out.
Estimated Time To Play: 5 missions - 30 to 60 minutes, small maps, no defeat all, stealthing possible of some missions
Enemy Groups: Freakshow, Arachnos (very few), Crey + Crey Custom group.
Further Comments:
It is very helpful if the player is familiar with Gordon Stacys 'Revenant Hero Project' storyarc, and Crey in general. A plus if your hero has worked with Janet Kellum before (lv40-45 Crey contact).
The custom group is not overly difficult, especially solo they are not noticeably harder then standard groups. In bigger teams (or solo if more then one spawn is aggroed), some of the debuffs/buffs can stack quickly making them a more serious threat. Problem mobs will need to be identified and given priority.
The final boss is no pushover, but should not be impossible, inspirations may be needed depending on build/AT. She will scale down from Elite Boss to Boss on heroic.
I'd like my arc reviewed
Arc Name: To Slay Sleeping Dragons
Arc ID #111486
Missions: 3
Morality: Villainous
Difficulty: EB/AVs in every mission but the first one is skippable.
Description: The Hero Azure Song has meddled in the affairs of villains for too long, now Malaketh thinks he has a way of putting her down for good, but he needs your help to make it happen.
Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"
Ok I'll send mine out for perusal also the arc number is 7993 Oh No, Troll's it is for lower levels because of the use of troll's as enemy group. It is soloable with most AT's. Thanks for trying in advance.
Review for story arc: Blitzkrieg
Creator: @Mekkanos
Ok first I need to say a couple of things, nice short and helpful description on the overall arc. I find it funny that people always use Crimson whenever someone mentions the Malta Group, but in this case is ok, makes it feel like you are actually playing an in-game mission arc.
Lets start this show then.
Mission 1 : The dialogue is credible and concise to what you need to do and why. I would change in the Send Off Dialogue window someplace for maybe someone that can actually provide some answers. But is up to you, the author, to either change this or not.
The mission felt pretty cool actually, the enemy dialogues were clever and very in-character for the Malta Group. Theres only one typo, you used to many
in the defeated text of the boss Bishop.
It should be This isnt over, fool. No, its only the
Also the clue was really intriguing and let me wanting to know more about the arc.
Mission 2 : Good Intro and Send Off Dialogue, it all feels like something the real Crimson would tell you and the little I can gather of the plot reminds me of the Top Cow series with Apex, War Witch & Horus. Let see how it fares.
In the mish, when I saw my character had entered an Arachnos base I was thinking How cool would it be that the enemy group here were the Rogue instead of the regular ones?, so you can imagine my surprise when I saw that the enemy group was them. I find it very refreshing seeing that it has actually maintained the story-line of the games canon material. The Zeus Class titans are interesting bosses, always fun and hard to battle, but, in this case there seems to be an error with their settings, since they ask for reinforcements when badly wounded, but only one ambush ever responded to the call for only the first of the Zeus Titans, the rest kept asking for them (reinforcements) but none ever came. You can solve this by breaking them into separate Fight a Boss objective, giving them their own ambush spawn.
Again, in the boss final words after being defeated, you over-used the
.. Three are enough.
Nice clues, I especially liked the Marshal Blitz message.
Mission 3 : Good Intro and send Off Dialogues yet again, I dare say that your narrative skills improve by leaps the more I get involve in this plot. I feel the excitement pre-battle bubbling up inside me already. I want to know more about the arc itself as Im playing and that is always a great sign. Also great lore use with the name of the arc, I had actually forgotten it was the name of a lightning strike operation made in WW2.
Again with the excessive
., this time I found them on the Burning Ronin dialogue. Not to get extremely anal with this minor typo, but the correct form is to use only three consecutive dots.
By the way, great Boss selection.
Also nicely done mish intro pop up, very enlightening, especially for those not familiar with the Zig map.
Also good use of the Destined Ones raids as a reference. I honestly can see this arc as part of the canon of the game lore.
Mission 4 : As I stated before, the narration just keeps getting better and better, this time the mission briefing actually gave me some useful Intel regarding some of the barrels I need to dispose off. The only thing is that if I were a radioactive character there could be some difficulties to adapt the process that explains that the material only explodes with radioactive energies, then where would it leave me?. But I wont delve too much into that. I like the story so far
So much, in fact, that the time here is 2 am and Im still wide awake in attention of whats going to happen next.
The only little detail that didnt convince me entirely was the Black Empress suit. It looked more like a chaotic mess of a police officer with a Gunslinger, bearing the Malta colors. Perhaps you could invest some more time designing her suit better. Her info display was ok. Like how all the Malta bosses so far are named after chess pieces.
As something you might want to consider, the entrance of this map mish is an Arachnos Flyer, since you already got the whole Rogue Arachnos/Malta deal going on, you could state at some point that you approached the Malta Base in a stolen Rogue Arachnos Flyer in order to avoid raising the alarm. Or something. You know, use the game tools in your favor.
Nice clue regarding the Story of Fallout. And nice hero.
Very well, I cant wait for the exciting conclusion.
Mission 5 : Great final mission build up.
The mission is excellent, continually engaging, the hostages dont take too long to find, I think two hours might be a little too much for the sense of urgency you wanted to implement here
45 minutes is a little more credible. Also I deeply enjoyed the participation of Indigo in the mission. In the description of Isotope you typed However, hes willing to control his chaos for a price
When it would actually sound better like However, hes willing to control his chaotic behavior for a price
Actually, up until now, I have found only a couple of things you could have done to improve your story, like for example include a story on how they were kidnapped by the Malta when you rescue the son, or her husband strange behavior as of lately, when you rescue the wife. I mean Fallout kind of becomes a side story in the arc; you could give it a little more flavor by including a couple of clues or something like that there.
Well besides that, I deeply enjoyed the design of the costume of the Black Monarch, and his power-sets make sense, what I didnt like as much is that his first dialogue is so damn big I cant be read all before combat starts, and he just keeps on talking, therefore I have to stop after the battle and scroll up to see the entire dialogue. The best of his lines is the checkmate one. It was, decisively, a great chess game.
Ok, Im done; it took me 40 minutes to complete the whole arc. The feeling of having saved hundreds of lives, not including the ones of Fallout and his family makes me more heroic and epic than many other arcs out there.
Rank:***** An Outstanding arc, has every element that makes me remember the story. It was fun, well written, intriguing; it has major plots that you thwart, people you save from certain death and an already excellent enemy group that you can beat up, all in a days work. It would most definitely play this one over again with my friends.
One element that I did find tiresome is that constant way Crimson refers to the Malta as our friends. Its ok to keep in-character and follow the game lore. But try not to over-abuse it. I ended up seeing the expression friends almost in all of the Mission Intro and Send Off dialogues every time the Malta were mentioned.
Excellent souvenir as well. Great reading material.
Well, keep it up and will review your other arc as soon as I can tomorrow or later today.
Ive been thinking this over for quite a while and I decided to finally make this post.
I was reading the threads of reviewers like Venture, dragonslay, DeviousMe and like the general concept of doing a thread almost entirely dedicated to reviewing arcs.
I'm a huge fan of the game, and although I've been playing for less than 2 years, my friends consider me such a CoX freak that for my birthday last October, they baked me 8 small square cakes, putting them all together with the perfect copy of the icons and colors of all the normal inspirations of the game... I've got to upload some photos of that, it was pretty cool actually.
Well, getting back to the main idea for this thread. When I saw the i14 was coming, I knew some things would happen:
First- All of the people would want their arcs reviewed.
Second- Nobody would have the time to review arcs around.
Third- Griefers and the I-gotta-best-everybody-else-around-me types would simply rate some content poorly, without even trying it.
I believe that, as naive as it might sound, in some nice, fancy tool like the MA, we got to help each other out in order to see some high quality content get added to the game.
But don't get me wrong based on my last paragraph, it doesn't mean I'm just going 5 star you all. I'm a firm believer that we have to cull out the weaker elements, like stories that shouldn't have been created to begin with.
Well, please feel free to add any and all arcs you would like me to review, I just want a couple of things to be crystal clear.
I'm a full time student, with a part time job, I have a girlfriend and I take care of our year-and-a-half old baby girl. Meaning that I have tight schedule.
If you post your arc, you are going to have to wait a bit for the review, but I not only will I give you a review, I'll try to go over all the details in your missions.
A couple of specifications and rules first:
-1: I'm not biased by size, length and any form of map and enemy group. But, there are limits. Some threads already have stated something like this, but let me put it up here just in case... There's never a good reason for a defeat all, I'll not rate you badly if it was used with some background story strong enough to support it, but, if I have reasons to believe that you used it just because...
Also I'm looking for a challenge, but not suicide. There's no need to make an impossible Custom Critter group or having 8 AVs in the map for the story to be great.
2- I'll play everything in correction mode, meaning that I'll be looking for typos, grammar errors and the likes. But I don't consider these errors have to cost you any stars if the arc is really solid in its composition. But if you just made typos in all the dialogue options, it will affect your results.
3- I'll try to stay in character the most I can, meaning that if I have to rescue a citizen, I'll think about it depending on the morality that the mission description stated. For example, I might just want to save that citizen in a heroic morality, because I'm a hero and the sole reason that my job exists is because I need to set the example, preserve life at all costs and fight evil and injustice wherever I find it. As a Neutral (mercenary? Rogue?) I might ponder the reasons. Why should I help somebody I don't even know? What's in it for me? And as for Villainous, I consider that there can be several reason why I might want to "rescue" him/her", does it serves my needs? Do I get anything for doing it? Will I see my foes defeated once and for all?
All of the above are examples of things I will be looking for when playing "in character"; if your mission lacks any of such things then, in my opinion, it doesn't have a strong story or a good "character hook" to keep me interested on why I should do this.
4- There's never a good excuse not to use all the features in the MA editor, and leave some with blank spaces. As a tip, if you create a mission with a fight a boss (required for mish completion) and you write nothing down on the "Boss Text"- "Plural-Single Navigational Text", when I play it I'll see the Navigational Compass like this:
l"Investigate the disturbances"l
If your plan was to keep me in suspense, you failed horribly since I already know Scirroco is the boss. Try to write something like "find some clues" to keep me wondering what's going to happen next.
Please people, write everything down, don't leave holes in your story. This includes custom Critters descriptions. Also the color options are free for you to use. Try them, it might improve the story telling a bit.
5- I have nothing against using your characters/lore/story/villains in the story. If anything I think it can bring some new flavor to the game.
If your arc is about your character, I'll play it.
If he/she is my nanny in every mission, proving that he/she is 1000 times stronger than me in any way, it doesn't matter. I'll try it.
Just keep a couple of things in mind, like for example; some elements should be used sparingly. I don't want a CPU controlled character to hog all the glory for the arc.
You can notice I stated 5 points or guidelines above. Those will be earned or lost stars in a review. You don't need to cater to my taste, but I will use them as a reference for my throughout reviews. On the bright side I hope that I can assist you in improving your arcs and even the plots by giving out constructive criticism.
Well good luck and start posting