Chat Channels
PinnBadges is still very much active. The others I can't comment on, except for Hami Bound. I was a member of that channel, but it was so dead that I left. Maybe with the rise in raids recently it's being used again, but I haven't rejoined to find out.
MA Arcs:
"Bloodlines" - 40810
"Bloodlines: Part 2" - 176139
Feedback & Rating Trades Welcome!

ok, here is what I know on these channels
- PinnacleAmbush (unknown )
- BaseBuildersInc (yes very alive)
- RP Congress (unknown)
- Atlas Park (unknown)
- Trades (unknown)
- Hami Bound (unknown)
- TheMarket (unknown)
- PinnBadges (yes VERY VERY alive)
there are also a few other very good and active channels some are by invite only however so I will not go into names.
I know of a few:
One: Pinnbadges, still alive and kicking.
There is another one: Pinnacle Radio, a quite channel but good all the same.
For invite to Pinnacle Radio, let me know and I'll toss you an invite.
P.E.R.C. Senior Pinnacle Rep
[url=""]PERC Site[/url]
"Nothing grabs your attention like a pink fluffy bunny with imps dancing around it" -Kranny
I don't know what Hami Bound was like when it was active, but at this point the current Hami raids (which have been briefly suspended due to lack of interest due to OOO SHINY) are generally announced in PinnBadges, as with pretty much everything else these days (Rikti raids, TFs).
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
There's also Cozmik's Playground. There's a fair number of people in it, I get most of my TFs from there, and there's often people LFT and such as well.
I really need to join PinnBadges one of these days. Two years ago I used Pinnacle Badges, but I finally left it the other day as there never seemed to be more than 10 people in it, and no one ever talked.
There's also Cozmik's Playground. There's a fair number of people in it, I get most of my TFs from there, and there's often people LFT and such as well.
I really need to join PinnBadges one of these days. Two years ago I used Pinnacle Badges, but I finally left it the other day as there never seemed to be more than 10 people in it, and no one ever talked.
[/ QUOTE ]
ahh the chick who spams more than the RMT spammers. I'm in that channel but don't dare team with anyone from there. Just yesterday there was a serious discussion whether or not i15 was already live. Pure example of quantity over quality. It's the freedom of channels. I'm only in it for comedy purposes and because those noobs are dumb enough to announce trips to pvp zones to go badging lol.
Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
Join my fan club today!
Rofl, awesome. Most of the TFs I've done out of there haven't gone horribly though.
People announce in PinnBadges: Taskforces, Hami Raids, RWZ Raids, Strike Forces, AE arc teams, AE Farm teams, PVP Recipe farming teams, ITF Farming, Invincible Taskforces, and ppl who have questions understanding the game ask questions also.
Please don't confuse any of these channels with /hc (that's the help channel. It does not stand for /hc/)
Here are the channels you need to join if you are a new player or looking to focus on Pinnacle rather than other servers (The 1st two are 100% needed to get the most out of your game. Please set them on each character you make for Pinnacle):
<ul type="square">[*]PinnBadges - Join this first. Used for literally everything. Please expect it to get adult language past midnight EST. Join this channel. It's the number one channel to listen/ talk on. My global is @MoldyLunchboxx.
Do I just badger a channel mod in PinnBadges to get talking privileges?
[/ QUOTE ] Yes. Upon entry you will be silenced. This is to prevent spammers who ruined the last version of PinnacleBadges. /tell either myself (I'm not a mod, but I can help find one) or look for a member of the channel with a star next to his/her name. Yea, we could just ditch the unsilence rule, but being as popular as it is, RMT have no issue jumping in and ruining our channel.
[*]Cozmic's Playground - Join this 2nd. The MoTD Says exactly this: "This is a place to find teams/tfs and more. We also have a free vent server. IP: Port: 5130".
[*]RPCongress- An In Character channel where heroes occasionally talk to each other. "Restore Paragon Congress" in character, it's usually for in-character requesting of aid.
[*]RPVillains- An In Character channel where villains occasionally talk to each other. An open radio band in character, it's usually used for talking about jobs and occasionally requesting help. Sometimes this channel is used for making fun of Ms. Liberty.
[*]RPC OOC- An Out Of Character channel where the players try to get RP teams together or try and set up for random RP. Often filled with random chatter. We're always friendly to new people. If you're looking for RP, join up, introduce yourself, etc. Best way to introduce your character is to show up at Pocket D on Tuesday Nights in the bar above the Heroside elevators.
[*]Pinnacle TFs - This is a dead channel. Don't even join it. I think I am the only person to have talked on it in almost 3 months. I announce my TFs/SFs on it and never get a response. EVER. Like seriously, it's a [censored] ghost town.
[*]Hami Bound - I don't know why anyone would need to join this channel anymore. All members have moved to focus on PinnBadges. The forums are also a bit of use here. If you are looking for raids Hamidon Raids (heroside) are every Tuesday and Rikti War Zone Raids are every Wednesday. Lately Hamidon has lost quite a bit of interest but RWZ is still BLOOMING with popularity. I led two raids last week, one after the other, all the while watching a 2nd zone in RWZ form a raid of their own also because the first filled up. Hamidon doesn't get that kind attention anymore.
[*]Liberty's MA Channel - I don't even know wtf this is for. I think someone just wanted to make a [censored] channel. The MoTD is a fail.
[*]MA Arc Finder - A Godly Channel. If you join this, DO NOT PUT IT IN YOUR MAIN CHAT WINDOW. People spam this [censored] with their arcs. I LOVE THIS CHANNEL. Put it in a spare numbered chat tab and come back when you need an arc to play. Check out the MoTD: " Mission Architect Cross Server Arc Finder and Promotion Channel. Please be sure to inform players on your home servers about this channel! Any questions contact @Wrong Number." Personally, I love this channel. It helps me find random arcs with GOOD content.
[*]Pinnacle Monsters - This channel is dead. Completely. Don't even bother looking into it.
[*]Here, I will go into depth on the difference betwen PinnBadges and Pinnacle Badges. PinnBadges = An actual channel with people talking who announce badges. It is the most popular channel on the server. Pinnacle Badges = Used to be what PinnBadges is now, I'm pretty sure. I think someone flipped out on silencing and spammed people and people left to make a new channel. I dunno. it's [censored] drama land there. Don't join Pinnacle Badges. That's a fail, too.
[*]Pinnaclemonsters - This channel is dead also. Notice there is not a space betwen the words.
[*]Pinnacle PvP: I know nothing about. XFunk, Buck Wild, and a few others like to PvP in this game more than most other playerrs. Contact them with questions on PvP channels, please. Maybe PM them or Send a tell to their globals with a short question. [/list]
If anyone has another channel that is growing or might want people to become interested in, let me know. Pinnacle based only please. I'm not going to spray a throw-up for a channel where everyone plays on Freedom except two people.
I've noticed that listening to PinnBadges and adding my stupid comments and questions into the channel that I've learned much more than I would have in Cozmic's Playground. I say something in Cozmic and it sometimes takes a while to get a response. In opposition, PinnBadges usually responds immediately. People announce Taskforces, Hami Raids, RWZ Raids, Strike Forces, AE arc teams, AE Farm teams, PVP Recipe farming teams, ITF Farming, Invincible Taskforces, and ppl who have questions understanding the game. The Help channel is for very noobish questions like "HALP MY CHARACTER WON'T STOP RUNNING. 'press r'"
Here are the channels you need to join if you are a new player or looking to focus on Pinnacle rather than other servers (The 1st two are 100% needed to get the most out of your game. Please set them on each character you make for Pinnacle):
<ul type="square">[*]PinnBadges - Join this first. Used for literally everything. Please expect it to get adult language past midnight EST. Join this channel. It's the number one channel to listen/ talk on. My global is @MoldyLunchboxx.
[*]Cozmic's Playground - Join this 2nd. The MoTD Says exactly this: "This is a place to find teams/tfs and more. We also have a free vent server. IP: Port: 5130".
[*]Pinnacle TFs - This is a dead channel. Don't even join it. I think I am the only person to have talked on it in almost 3 months. I announce my TFs/SFs on it and never get a response. EVER. Like seriously, it's a [censored] ghost town.
[*]Hami Bound - I don't know why anyone would need to join this channel anymore. All members have moved to focus on PinnBadges. The forums are also a bit of use here. If you are looking for raids Hamidon Raids (heroside) are every Tuesday and Rikti War Zone Raids are every Wednesday. Lately Hamidon has lost quite a bit of interest but RWZ is still BLOOMING with popularity. I led two raids last week, one after the other, all the while watching a 2nd zone in RWZ form a raid of their own also because the first filled up. Hamidon doesn't get that kind attention anymore.
[*]Liberty's MA Channel - I don't even know wtf this is for. I think someone just wanted to make a [censored] channel. The MoTD is a fail.
[*]MA Arc Finder - A Godly Channel. If you join this, DO NOT PUT IT IN YOUR MAIN CHAT WINDOW. People spam this [censored] with their arcs. I LOVE THIS CHANNEL. Put it in a spare numbered chat tab and come back when you need an arc to play. Check out the MoTD: " Mission Architect Cross Server Arc Finder and Promotion Channel. Please be sure to inform players on your home servers about this channel! Any questions contact @Wrong Number." Personally, I love this channel. It helps me find random arcs with GOOD content.
[*]Pinnacle Monsters - This channel is dead. Completely. Don't even bother looking into it.
[*]Here, I will go into depth on the difference betwen PinnBadges and Pinnacle Badges. PinnBadges = An actual channel with people talking who announce badges. It is the most popular channel on the server. Pinnacle Badges = Used to be what PinnBadges is now, I'm pretty sure. I think someone flipped out on silencing and spammed people and people left to make a new channel. I dunno. it's [censored] drama land there. Don't join Pinnacle Badges. That's a fail, too.
[*]Pinnaclemonsters - This channel is dead also. Notice there is not a space betwen the words.
[*]Pinnacle PvP: I know nothing about. XFunk, Buck Wild, and a few others like to PvP in this game more than most other playerrs. Contact them with questions on PvP channels, please. Maybe PM them or Send a tell to their globals with a short question.
[*]RpCongress - I don't know. I should join up. I'd really like to get into the RP scene. I *love* stopping by on Tuesdays when they come to Pocket D and RP in groups.[/list]
[/ QUOTE ]
...oh you forgot:
BodeneeChannel : All things Bodenee, all the time!
*there is no such channel... but hey! Feel free to start one!
Im starting one bode

Token Fire Blaster of "Love The Turtles" and Green Lantern Uber-fan.
That's creepy
There's also Cozmik's Playground. There's a fair number of people in it, I get most of my TFs from there, and there's often people LFT and such as well.
I really need to join PinnBadges one of these days. Two years ago I used Pinnacle Badges, but I finally left it the other day as there never seemed to be more than 10 people in it, and no one ever talked.
[/ QUOTE ]
ahh the chick who spams more than the RMT spammers. I'm in that channel but don't dare team with anyone from there. Just yesterday there was a serious discussion whether or not i15 was already live. Pure example of quantity over quality. It's the freedom of channels. I'm only in it for comedy purposes and because those noobs are dumb enough to announce trips to pvp zones to go badging lol.
[/ QUOTE ]
lol Funk when I first started reading this.. I had to wonder why in hell you would join the channel. But THAT makes sense.
Myself? Wouldn't touch it with a 100 ft pole.
RPCongress is active, but it's not the REAL channel. The real channel is "RPC OOC," where we talk about teaming and RP related stuff.
If you are looking for RP, join RPC OOC. We're at the Pocket D every Tuesday nights, and asking in RPC OOC will USUALLY result in finding some RPers to hang out with at pretty much any time.
As said, the big RP nights are at Pocket D on Tuesdays, but randomly I'll invite everyone who's on to come RP at my Villain Group base. (Usually a few times a week)
NPCs: A Single Method to Greatly Expand Bases
RPCongress is active, but it's not the REAL channel. The real channel is "RPC OOC," where we talk about teaming and RP related stuff.
If you are looking for RP, join RPC OOC. We're at the Pocket D every Tuesday nights, and asking in RPC OOC will USUALLY result in finding some RPers to hang out with at pretty much any time.
As said, the big RP nights are at Pocket D on Tuesdays, but randomly I'll invite everyone who's on to come RP at my Villain Group base. (Usually a few times a week)
[/ QUOTE ]
I added this to my post on the first page. If anyone would like something changed/added, speak up. I'll "think" about it
Do I just badger a channel mod in PinnBadges to get talking privileges?
Pretty much.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Do I just badger a channel mod in PinnBadges to get talking privileges?
[/ QUOTE ]
yep I put that question in my post on the first page.
A bit more clarification.
RPCongress- An In Character channel where heroes occasionally talk to each other. "Restore Paragon Congress" in character, it's usually for in-character requesting of aid.
RPVillains- An In Character channel where villains occasionally talk to each other. An open radio band in character, it's usually used for talking about jobs and occasionally requesting help. Sometimes this channel is used for making fun of Ms. Liberty.
RPC OOC- An Out Of Character channel where the players try to get RP teams together or try and set up for random RP. Often filled with random chatter. We're always friendly to new people. If you're looking for RP, join up, introduce yourself, etc. Best way to introduce your character is to show up at Pocket D on Tuesday Nights in the bar above the Heroside elevators.
NPCs: A Single Method to Greatly Expand Bases
A bit more clarification.
RPCongress- An In Character channel where heroes occasionally talk to each other. "Restore Paragon Congress" in character, it's usually for in-character requesting of aid.
RPVillains- An In Character channel where villains occasionally talk to each other. An open radio band in character, it's usually used for talking about jobs and occasionally requesting help. Sometimes this channel is used for making fun of Ms. Liberty.
RPC OOC- An Out Of Character channel where the players try to get RP teams together or try and set up for random RP. Often filled with random chatter. We're always friendly to new people. If you're looking for RP, join up, introduce yourself, etc. Best way to introduce your character is to show up at Pocket D on Tuesday Nights in the bar above the Heroside elevators.
[/ QUOTE ]
Farmers Union Network
What do you want me to write about it for the description? :P
Farmers Union Network
[/ QUOTE ]
No union dues are ever paid!
P.E.R.C. Senior Pinnacle Rep
[url=""]PERC Site[/url]
"Nothing grabs your attention like a pink fluffy bunny with imps dancing around it" -Kranny
Farmers Union Network
[/ QUOTE ]
No union dues are ever paid!
[/ QUOTE ]
Can we change this to Farmers Union Network...uh Kaliedoscope...F.U.N.K for short.
Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
Join my fan club today!
Damnit wrong thread. Nothing to see here.

Token Fire Blaster of "Love The Turtles" and Green Lantern Uber-fan.
The thread I found on the topic hasn't been updated in a good year or so...
Are these global chat channels still in use on Pinnacle? Are there key ones I should know about?
I'm seeing:
- PinnacleAmbush
- BaseBuildersInc
- RP Congress
- Atlas Park
- Trades
- Hami Bound
- TheMarket
- PinnBadges
and more... Is there a way to tell which ones are being used other than joining up and listening for a while? Is there a 'who' feature for these seemingly random channels?
I'm new-ish. Again.
@Kahzi. Pinnacle, mostly.