April Fan Art Battle - Elimination round - VOTE!




I'm a bit surprised that so many people are feeling funny about this. I mean, if we post art on here for show, then it's just here to show off. But if we're posting in a CONTEST, then I'm expecting people to weigh in and judge.




Milk Weasel's is actually my favorite. I think the idea is original and it has a nice abstract quality about it. Plus, at the moment of death the monkey seems to be peering beyond the page and looking at the afterlife manifested as a couch.

I think Foo should go. The Mynx's faces look like angry ****** twins and there's this tawdry butt/groin shot going on that is probably better left unseen.




I agree with BW. Milk Weasel's monkey is cool because you can look at it two ways. One is a monkey getting stepped on by a giant tree and bleeding all over the place. Two is a funky monkey with an afro hiding in a tree top and looking down from above. Keep the Weasel.




I vote Juggertha



Milk Weasel's is actually my favorite. I think the idea is original and it has a nice abstract quality about it. Plus, at the moment of death the monkey seems to be peering beyond the page and looking at the afterlife manifested as a couch.

I think Foo should go. The Mynx's faces look like angry ****** twins and there's this tawdry butt/groin shot going on that is probably better left unseen.

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I'm going to [censored] in your breakfast.



you might wanna leave the toss off the island voting for only those in the running to be tossed off , this way you don't end up with 50 folks wandering in to say they dislike your piece ..at worst you just have 4 to 5 :P

that being said I vote Foo <stabs foo squarely in the back > foos a buddy , cool as heck but i've seen him do so much better in the past I sorta feel dissapointed at him dropping the ball on this one when a lesbian catgirl catfight by its very nature should be comprised of win !



I vote Milk Weasel



I vote for Milk Weasel to be eliminated.

I like your concept, even though it wasn't clear from the drawing.



at first i thought everyone liked me when i saw my name alot. Then i realized it's voting the other way.

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It's ok, just tell yourself it's because your name is on the top.



Well i knew this wouldn't be popular and i do apologize for that. You can make up a lot from a voting like this such as "everybody thinks you suck" or "everybody thinks your piece sucks" btu thats not the purpose for the voting.

If the voting is open for everyone to praise the piece they like the most then the voting for elimination should be the same. It shouldn't reflect poorly on the artist as a whole or be looked at like that. It's just a friendly competition and this is whats needed to move on.

Honestly the winner of the last 2 months 'ImagesByAlex' was only one vote away from being in this list for elimination. That should be an example of just how the voting goes. If you don't like describing why it is you don't like the piece then don't. If you don't want to vote in public then send me a PM. If you don't want to vote at all then don't.

I wanna let everyone know that it's me, TA. I really have a deep appreciation for every artist on this list and admire what they can do. You guys should know me by now

So in the spirit of competition this was the only fair way to go. In essence when you vote for the piece you like for normal voting, you kinda do this same thing by not voting for the other artists. This is just more direct. I'll announce the elimination tomorrow along with the May theme.

-FArt Admin



you might wanna leave the toss off the island voting for only those in the running to be tossed off , this way you don't end up with 50 folks wandering in to say they dislike your piece ..at worst you just have 4 to 5 :P

that being said I vote Foo <stabs foo squarely in the back > foos a buddy , cool as heck but i've seen him do so much better in the past I sorta feel dissapointed at him dropping the ball on this one when a lesbian catgirl catfight by its very nature should be comprised of win !

[/ QUOTE ]
They're not lesbians! Didn't you see? They're apparently trannies and I'm taking that criticism to heart. A new version with dongs will be posted soon.



For all the reasons stated by others, I too will have to vote for Milk_Weasel.

Although I do agree with The Foo that Xertul's doesn't look so much like a battle, but rather a lover's spat.

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YOU look like a lover's spat!

Baha, just kidding. But I do agree. My own piece is kind of dissapointing in terms of a "fight scene". I won't even try to defend it. I just sort of... Messed up.

I'll definetly be devoting more time and effort into next month, though.



you might wanna leave the toss off the island voting for only those in the running to be tossed off , this way you don't end up with 50 folks wandering in to say they dislike your piece ..at worst you just have 4 to 5 :P

that being said I vote Foo <stabs foo squarely in the back > foos a buddy , cool as heck but i've seen him do so much better in the past I sorta feel dissapointed at him dropping the ball on this one when a lesbian catgirl catfight by its very nature should be comprised of win !

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They're not lesbians! Didn't you see? They're apparently trannies and I'm taking that criticism to heart. A new version with dongs will be posted soon.

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The Mynx's faces look like angry ****** twins and there's this tawdry butt/groin shot going on that is probably better left unseen.

[/ QUOTE ]

.. when someone states "your artwork looks like angry ****** twins" .. its just.. err.. well I dont know what it is.. but I think drawing ten or 15 female nude pics with lots of pink female parts showing is a good way to turn that tide... just draw them on deviant art and select them as " nude content " ... that would forfill the two-click rule..

ok, well im just using this ta get foo ta draw lots of nude women for me to look at..



For all the reasons stated by others, I too will have to vote for Milk_Weasel.

Although I do agree with The Foo that Xertul's doesn't look so much like a battle, but rather a lover's spat.

[/ QUOTE ]

YOU look like a lover's spat!

Baha, just kidding. But I do agree. My own piece is kind of dissapointing in terms of a "fight scene". I won't even try to defend it. I just sort of... Messed up.

I'll definetly be devoting more time and effort into next month, though.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't get me wrong, I like the piece, it's just not got the VS feel. Now, if GW was looking around and in the process of turning towards Posi, while Posi was in that 'leaping in' pose right on the verge of cold-cocking GW... }:>



.. when someone states "your artwork looks like angry ****** twins" .. its just.. err.. well I dont know what it is.. but I think drawing ten or 15 female nude pics with lots of pink female parts showing is a good way to turn that tide... just draw them on deviant art and select them as " nude content " ... that would forfill the two-click rule..

ok, well im just using this ta get foo ta draw lots of nude women for me to look at..

[/ QUOTE ]Can't fool me.

I'm starting a futapocalypse NOW.



accck !!!



.. when someone states "your artwork looks like angry ****** twins" .. its just.. err.. well I dont know what it is.. but I think drawing ten or 15 female nude pics with lots of pink female parts showing is a good way to turn that tide... just draw them on deviant art and select them as " nude content " ... that would forfill the two-click rule..

ok, well im just using this ta get foo ta draw lots of nude women for me to look at..

[/ QUOTE ]Can't fool me.

I'm starting a futapocalypse NOW.

[/ QUOTE ]

..I dont know what a futapocalypse is .. but I dont like the sound of it..

(* took me a while to internect search what a "******" was .. now everyones starting to use longer perv words .. *sob*)




So! Deebs, its your birthday? (says so above your avatar) Then, let me wish you a very Happy B-day!



Ok, so what's the next month's challenge???



So i am gonna close this now and throw up May's challenge.

I'm sorry Milk_Weasel but as voted above you are the elimination for April. We still loves ya!*HUG* Next month will get even more hairy.

May will be up momentarily.



/hugs to the Milky one.



I'm crying over spilt milk.



this won't stop me from drawing poorly! you'll see!

My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)






this won't stop me from drawing poorly! you'll see!

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You would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids.