Discussion: 5th Year Anniversary In-Game Events
I got a lil GM action last night but I've been kinda wandering around lookin for another event..
then again I was stuck at work..... happy 5th!
LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom

Being a part of a hero group taking on 8 Kronos Titans at once was epic!
Happy 5th!
Missed it all, as in never saw anything out of the ordinary on the live servers.
Still, happy 5th.
This event was pretty darn epic. Though I ended up spending most of time in the D on test. Glad I weaseled out of working, had an amazing time! (got some lag, but it was the awesome kind. Like server crashing from too many winterlords xD )
Happy 5th !

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My DA Profile
Being a part of a hero group taking on 8 Kronos Titans at once was epic!
Happy 5th!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes 8 Kronos Titans, an army of Malta, all lead by Black Scorpion was one of the coolest things I saw during the 5th Anniversary.
So glad to be part of that group of heroes to fight back the horde.
Suriel- Scrapper MA/SR
Star Centurion- Peacebringer
War Forger- Blaster EB/Devices
Dedjinn- Stalker CL/DA
Cycnus- Mastermind Mercs/Traps
Yes 8 Kronos Titans, an army of Malta, all lead by Black Scorpion was one of the coolest things I saw during the 5th Anniversary.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah. I saw that too. And I saw the ground... A LOT!
Anyone see mr. bluesteel spawn a hundred...
bus stops?
I had to fall back to playing my level-50 AR/En Blaster that evening; the Kronos Titans and the other GMs weren't a problem, but the dozens of level 50-52 Malta and Hercules and Zeus Titans were deadly to lower-level characters. The evening gave me a new appreciation for the power of tricked-out AR cone attacks, though; with Boost Range and Positron's Blast sets in all her AoEs except LRM (where the three Dmg/Rng HOs give a truly amazing range), she was able to stand off and spray Full Auto into a brawl and light up two Lattices, three Winter Lords, the Kraken, two Kronos Titans, Jurassik, and Ghost Widow at once -- a situation that, had it not been for the melee characters keeping their aggro, would have meant an instant faceplant from the return fire (which happened enough anyway -- Ghost Widow and Scirocco do not appreciate getting Sniped and then lit up with Full Auto; I pulled aggro away from the Tankers and Scrappers several times doing that).
I wound up getting Monkeywrencher, Mistress of Olympus (which was odd; I thought I'd gotten that one back around Issue 3), Keeper of Secrets, Unleasher, The Solution, the full set of RV's PVP archvillain badges, and Justiciar out of all the chaos during the evening.
"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers
I have to admit that entire spawning in Cap Au was epic as well, The Phalanx, Deathsurge, and a zombie invasion all at once was lagtastic, but very epic :3
That just goes to show nothing can stop the villains, muhahhahaha!
Loved this event so much...kinda glad it only lasted 10 hours...made it more epic =]
Finally got to fight Ghost widow and Lord R at the same time and just before beating them...server crash!! was gutted! i also last a badge i earned 10 mins before due to server crash...the Kronos Titan one....anything like this happen to anyone else?
This hasn't happened for me.
However, I've seen accounts of crashes wiping stuff like this before.
If I'm allowed to make a WAG about it, I'd suspect that, due to the STUPID loads on the server during events like this that when the client "burped", the server hadn't yet properly logged all your achievements in yet (they were sitting in an I/O buffer that was wiped when you crashed out or signed back in).
I still LOL at the massive faceplants due to Pocket D raining forklifts.
Being a part of a hero group taking on 8 Kronos Titans at once was epic!
Happy 5th!
[/ QUOTE ]On Protector, we call that Tuesday.
The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.
Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?
A: You crash into another one.
Being a part of a hero group taking on 8 Kronos Titans at once was epic!
Happy 5th!
[/ QUOTE ]On Protector, we call that Tuesday.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wednesdays are 10 Kronos, 4 Babbages and whatever else we can find
Huron: "...with Coffee primary / Attitude secondary"
Charnage: "Please. Think of the poor defenseless desks."
"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed... In the year of the Praetorian War, it became something greater... our last, best hope for victory."
Happy 5th everyone! Looking forward to more fun in years to come.
Doctor: So what was it? Troll?
SuperTank: I'm Level 50!
Doctor: A SupaTroll?
SuperTank: *Angry Glare*
Doctor: Demon Overlord? Ring Mistress? Praetorian AV? Lusca? Hamidon?
Doctor: What? Speak up son so I can help you!
SuperTank: The GM...hit me with...a forklift.
SuperTank: Stop laughing! And get up off the floor!
Being a part of a hero group taking on 8 Kronos Titans at once was epic!
Happy 5th!
[/ QUOTE ]On Protector, we call that Tuesday.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wednesdays are 10 Kronos, 4 Babbages and whatever else we can find
[/ QUOTE ]
Unless Badge is there. Then triple everything. And triple it again for good measure.
Hope this event has an encore; I got home from work thinking I was going to see something special, and all I saw was a message from Positron. If you work later, I guess you are screwed.
Man, I didn't see a damn thing other than a lot of yellow titled MMs all over the place.
How late did you actually get on? I left at about 12:30 AM (Central) on the 29th and it was still going on, on Protector.
On Test, just after Midnight (Central) it has essentially finished in Pocket D.
so about this "everyone gets in closed beta" ...when is closed beta and is there something special I'm sposed to do?
I go to test and noone's there
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