Ways to reduce RMT email spam




1. Block Trial Accounts from sending email at all. (They currently can send at level 10.) Allow them to receive as normal, and to reply to received emails, but not to change any of the addresses on the reply.

2. Limit each global account to X number of emails per 24-hour period. Set "X" to whatever value allows a generous but reasonable use of email. Exempt SG members sending to SG/Coalition members. Allow all others to apply for exemptions on a case-by-case basis. Exempt all appropriate accounts at implementation. (Obviously, Mods/Devs/GMs/etc. would all be exempted.)

3. Put in filters that allow us to choose whom to accept Email from:

[x] ALL
[x] Friends List
[x] Global Friends List

Supergroup/Coalition and Game-related emails would not be blocked. Friends and Global Friends lists refer to the recipient's lists, not the sender's.

4. For extra credit, put SPAM ignore on its own list, thus restoring the functionality of our ignore list.

5. For Super Mega Extra Bonus Points, when an account is banned as a spammer, automatically delete ALL emails from that account, Server-wide.

This list is collected and refined from various people's posts all over the forums.




But if the code for that is somehow too hard, just don't allow us to send emails before level 15. Trial accounts can't even get that high, and we already know email can be restricted by level. Could be a short and sweet deal.

But yeah, those are the ultimate.



trip, this can be considered spam posting since there have been at least 10 of these type of posts in the last week or so. just pm a dev already with the idea. it's obvious that they aren't reading it here.



trip, this can be considered spam posting since there have been at least 10 of these type of posts in the last week or so. just pm a dev already with the idea. it's obvious that they aren't reading it here.

[/ QUOTE ]

This. But /signed to the OP anyways.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



How do you reduce the number of Suggestion threads related to in-game email spam?!?!?

I actually find the suggestion threads more annoying than the in-game email spam!

Happy Birthday!



How do you reduce the number of Suggestion threads related to in-game email spam?!?!?

I actually find the suggestion threads more annoying than the in-game email spam!

Happy Birthday!

[/ QUOTE ]

They're not as bad as the "STOP FARMING /RAGEQUIT!!!!!11" threads.



How do you reduce the number of Suggestion threads related to in-game email spam?!?!?

I actually find the suggestion threads more annoying than the in-game email spam!

Happy Birthday!

[/ QUOTE ]

They're not as bad as the "STOP FARMING /RAGEQUIT!!!!!11" threads.

[/ QUOTE ]

But also not as amusing.



trip, this can be considered spam posting since there have been at least 10 of these type of posts in the last week or so. just pm a dev already with the idea. it's obvious that they aren't reading it here.

[/ QUOTE ]Appreciate the head's up. But I haven't seen one that incorporates this whole list. And I intend to just link to this in the future, if I feel the need.

If I get a wrist/head slap for it, I'll take it humbly. Hopefully, they'll only lock it if they feel the need, not delete it.

(I already PMed it, too. I recognize that that's more direct than posting.)



im not against the idea, so i hope i didn't offend you. if you already pm'd then leave it at that. i really don't see a need for trial accounts to be able to send email at all either. i do get sick of seeing it myself but, just to be funny here, i do find it funny to see who is offering the most for the least.



How do you reduce the number of Suggestion threads related to in-game email spam?!?!?

I actually find the suggestion threads more annoying than the in-game email spam!

Happy Birthday!

[/ QUOTE ]

They're not as bad as the "STOP FARMING /RAGEQUIT!!!!!11" threads.

[/ QUOTE ]

But also not as amusing.

[/ QUOTE ]

That too.



Nor was any offense taken. You had a completely valid point.



Repeated Suggestion or not...




1. Block Trial Accounts from sending email at all. (They currently can send at level 10.) Allow them to receive as normal, and to reply to received emails, but not to change any of the addresses on the reply.

[/ QUOTE ]

THIS! Please devs, get this implemented. The frequency of email spam has been on the rise the last few months in my experience. I've run into plenty of these RMT spammers in both PI and now in the Atlas AE building. They are all trial accounts, all still at level 1, but having been PL'ed to 10 just to send emails.

And while I understand GM's have a lot on their plate, it would be nice if they could respond a little faster when these RMT'ers get reported. I have petitioned many times on ones standing there actively sending out emails, and I have yet to see a GM respond in any kind of timely fashion.



3 is really all we need and I've suggested this dozens of times.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



3 is really all we need and I've suggested this dozens of times.

[/ QUOTE ]Completely acknowledged. Many people have suggested various forms of that one. And most of the others. All I've done is collect them into a single post.



1. Block Trial Accounts from sending email at all. (They currently can send at level 10.) Allow them to receive as normal, and to reply to received emails, but not to change any of the addresses on the reply.

2. Limit each global account to X number of emails per 24-hour period. Set "X" to whatever value allows a generous but reasonable use of email. Exempt SG members sending to SG/Coalition members. Allow all others to apply for exemptions on a case-by-case basis. Exempt all appropriate accounts at implementation. (Obviously, Mods/Devs/GMs/etc. would all be exempted.)

3. Put in filters that allow us to choose whom to accept Email from:

[x] ALL
[x] Friends List
[x] Global Friends List

Supergroup/Coalition and Game-related emails would not be blocked. Friends and Global Friends lists refer to the recipient's lists, not the sender's.

4. For extra credit, put SPAM ignore on its own list, thus restoring the functionality of our ignore list.

5. For Super Mega Extra Bonus Points, when an account is banned as a spammer, automatically delete ALL emails from that account, Server-wide.

This list is collected and refined from various people's posts all over the forums.

[/ QUOTE ]
If #3 were implemented, and depending on the particular settings and defaults, {example: Recieve from Trial Accounts? Default=No} #1 would not be needed and I believe full Email privledges could be granted to trial accounts.
Spammers using trial accounts would be unable to send to most of the playerbase, as they would have the default ignoring them. Legitimate users who give trial codes to thier buddies could toggle off the default setting so that they could hook up to play together.

If #3 is not implemented, then I'll take #1, #2, #4, #5 and a large Diet Coke, please.



1. Block Trial Accounts from sending email at all. (They currently can send at level 10.) Allow them to receive as normal, and to reply to received emails, but not to change any of the addresses on the reply.

2. Limit each global account to X number of emails per 24-hour period. Set "X" to whatever value allows a generous but reasonable use of email. Exempt SG members sending to SG/Coalition members. Allow all others to apply for exemptions on a case-by-case basis. Exempt all appropriate accounts at implementation. (Obviously, Mods/Devs/GMs/etc. would all be exempted.)

3. Put in filters that allow us to choose whom to accept Email from:

[x] ALL
[x] Friends List
[x] Global Friends List

Supergroup/Coalition and Game-related emails would not be blocked. Friends and Global Friends lists refer to the recipient's lists, not the sender's.

4. For extra credit, put SPAM ignore on its own list, thus restoring the functionality of our ignore list.

5. For Super Mega Extra Bonus Points, when an account is banned as a spammer, automatically delete ALL emails from that account, Server-wide.

This list is collected and refined from various people's posts all over the forums.

[/ QUOTE ]
If #3 were implemented, and depending on the particular settings and defaults, {example: Recieve from Trial Accounts? Default=No} #1 would not be needed and I believe full Email privledges could be granted to trial accounts.
Spammers using trial accounts would be unable to send to most of the playerbase, as they would have the default ignoring them. Legitimate users who give trial codes to thier buddies could toggle off the default setting so that they could hook up to play together.

If #3 is not implemented, then I'll take #1, #2, #4, #5 and a large Diet Coke, please.

[/ QUOTE ]

Would you like to supersize that?



1. Block Trial Accounts from sending email at all. (They currently can send at level 10.) Allow them to receive as normal, and to reply to received emails, but not to change any of the addresses on the reply.

2. Limit each global account to X number of emails per 24-hour period. Set "X" to whatever value allows a generous but reasonable use of email. Exempt SG members sending to SG/Coalition members. Allow all others to apply for exemptions on a case-by-case basis. Exempt all appropriate accounts at implementation. (Obviously, Mods/Devs/GMs/etc. would all be exempted.)

3. Put in filters that allow us to choose whom to accept Email from:

[x] ALL
[x] Friends List
[x] Global Friends List

Supergroup/Coalition and Game-related emails would not be blocked. Friends and Global Friends lists refer to the recipient's lists, not the sender's.

4. For extra credit, put SPAM ignore on its own list, thus restoring the functionality of our ignore list.

5. For Super Mega Extra Bonus Points, when an account is banned as a spammer, automatically delete ALL emails from that account, Server-wide.

This list is collected and refined from various people's posts all over the forums.

[/ QUOTE ]
If #3 were implemented, and depending on the particular settings and defaults, {example: Recieve from Trial Accounts? Default=No} #1 would not be needed and I believe full Email privledges could be granted to trial accounts.
Spammers using trial accounts would be unable to send to most of the playerbase, as they would have the default ignoring them. Legitimate users who give trial codes to thier buddies could toggle off the default setting so that they could hook up to play together.

If #3 is not implemented, then I'll take #1, #2, #4, #5 and a large Diet Coke, please.

[/ QUOTE ]
Well, I put these in my best guess of difficulty to implement, and I think #1 would just be a matter of changing the current Trial Account Email limit from level 10 to, say, Level 15. [insert standard code rant and other disclaimers here]

I would rather see #3 applied with all filters set to "allow", to avoid any "learning curve" for new players. I didn't include a filter for trials, because I assumed #1 would happen before any of the others. Time to revise the list.



Ways to reduce RMT email spam:

1. Block Trial Accounts from sending email at all. (They currently can send at level 10.) Allow them to receive as normal, and to reply to received emails, but not to change any of the addresses on the reply.

2. Limit each global account to X number of emails per 24-hour period. Set "X" to whatever value allows a generous but reasonable use of email. Exempt SG members sending to SG/Coalition members. Allow all others to apply for exemptions on a case-by-case basis. Exempt all appropriate accounts at implementation. (Obviously, Mods/Devs/GMs/etc. would all be exempted.)

3. Put in filters that allow us to choose whom to accept Email from:

[x] ALL
[x] Trial Accounts (#1 would make this superfluous)
[x] Friends List
[x] Global Friends List

Supergroup/Coalition and Game-related emails would not be blocked. Friends and Global Friends lists refer to the recipient's lists, not the sender's.

4. For extra credit, put SPAM ignore on its own list, thus restoring the functionality of our ignore list.

5. For Super Mega Extra Bonus Points, when an account is banned as a spammer, automatically delete ALL emails from that account, Server-wide.

This list is collected and refined from various people's posts all over the forums.



1. Block Trial Accounts from sending email at all. (They currently can send at level 10.) Allow them to receive as normal, and to reply to received emails, but not to change any of the addresses on the reply.

2. Limit each global account to X number of emails per 24-hour period. Set "X" to whatever value allows a generous but reasonable use of email. Exempt SG members sending to SG/Coalition members. Allow all others to apply for exemptions on a case-by-case basis. Exempt all appropriate accounts at implementation. (Obviously, Mods/Devs/GMs/etc. would all be exempted.)

3. Put in filters that allow us to choose whom to accept Email from:

[x] ALL
[x] Friends List
[x] Global Friends List

Supergroup/Coalition and Game-related emails would not be blocked. Friends and Global Friends lists refer to the recipient's lists, not the sender's.

4. For extra credit, put SPAM ignore on its own list, thus restoring the functionality of our ignore list.

5. For Super Mega Extra Bonus Points, when an account is banned as a spammer, automatically delete ALL emails from that account, Server-wide.

This list is collected and refined from various people's posts all over the forums.

[/ QUOTE ]
If #3 were implemented, and depending on the particular settings and defaults, {example: Recieve from Trial Accounts? Default=No} #1 would not be needed and I believe full Email privledges could be granted to trial accounts.
Spammers using trial accounts would be unable to send to most of the playerbase, as they would have the default ignoring them. Legitimate users who give trial codes to thier buddies could toggle off the default setting so that they could hook up to play together.

If #3 is not implemented, then I'll take #1, #2, #4, #5 and a large Diet Coke, please.

[/ QUOTE ]

Would you like to supersize that?

[/ QUOTE ]
For 80 cents more?
Does that include Airfare to the office/warehouse where the RMT'ers have thier operations set up, diplomatic immunity and a crowbar?
I ask because I can supply my own crowbar, if need be.



If #3 is not implemented, then I'll take #1, #2, #4, #5 and a large Diet Coke, please.

[/ QUOTE ]

Would you like to supersize that?

[/ QUOTE ]
For 80 cents more?
Does that include Airfare to the office/warehouse where the RMT'ers have thier operations set up, diplomatic immunity and a crowbar?
I ask because I can supply my own crowbar, if need be.

[/ QUOTE ]NO, not another micro-transaction, PLEASE!!!



3. Put in filters that allow us to choose whom to accept Email from:

[x] ALL
[x] Friends List
[x] Global Friends List

Supergroup/Coalition and Game-related emails would not be blocked. Friends and Global Friends lists refer to the recipient's lists, not the sender's.

__________________________________________________ _
does this mean i can leave them all disabled and not recieve emails at all? pls. pls. pls.?



3. Put in filters that allow us to choose whom to accept Email from:

[x] ALL
[x] Friends List
[x] Global Friends List

Supergroup/Coalition and Game-related emails would not be blocked. Friends and Global Friends lists refer to the recipient's lists, not the sender's.

[/ QUOTE ]
does this mean i can leave them all disabled and not recieve emails at all? pls. pls. pls.?

[/ QUOTE ]You would still get email sent by your supergroup and it's coalitions, and any emails from the game moderators/devs/etc. Other than that, yes, turning all those off would block ALL other emails.



(Revised 05/01/09)

Ways to reduce RMT email spam:

1. [DONE] Block Trial Accounts from sending email at all. (They currently can send at level 10.) Allow them to receive as normal, and to reply to received emails, but not to change any of the addresses on the reply. [Apparently, trials are already completely barred from sending email.]

2. Limit each global account to X number of emails per 24-hour period. Set "X" to whatever value allows a generous but reasonable use of email. Exempt SG members sending to SG/Coalition members. Allow all others to apply for exemptions on a case-by-case basis. Exempt all appropriate accounts at implementation. (Obviously, Mods/Devs/GMs/etc. would all be exempted.)

3. Put in filters that allow us to choose whom to accept Email from:

[x] ALL
[x] Trial Accounts (#1 would make this superfluous)
[x] Friends List
[x] Global Friends List

Supergroup/Coalition and Game-related emails would not be blocked. Friends and Global Friends lists refer to the recipient's lists, not the sender's.

4. For extra credit, put SPAM ignore on its own list, thus restoring the functionality of our ignore list.

5. For Super Mega Extra Bonus Points, when an account is banned as a spammer, automatically delete ALL emails from that account, Server-wide.

This list is collected and refined from various people's posts all over the forums.