Ways to reduce RMT email spam




(Revised 05/01/09)

Ways to reduce RMT email spam:

1. [DONE] Block Trial Accounts from sending email at all. (They currently can send at level 10.) Allow them to receive as normal, and to reply to received emails, but not to change any of the addresses on the reply. [Apparently, trials are already completely barred from sending email.]

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I look forward to seeing how this affects the rate of incoming spam. If it kills it, then fine. If not, then I will be amused at the thought of my gentle red SPAM button reporting (and leading to the ban of) an account paid for by the RMTbags.

2. Limit each global account to X number of emails per 24-hour period. Set "X" to whatever value allows a generous but reasonable use of email. Exempt SG members sending to SG/Coalition members. Allow all others to apply for exemptions on a case-by-case basis. Exempt all appropriate accounts at implementation. (Obviously, Mods/Devs/GMs/etc. would all be exempted.)

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T'would be interesting/amusing when a fellow gets kicked from his SG for spamming them, after paying some PL-4-hire company, then using his account to spam from.


3. Put in filters that allow us to choose whom to accept Email from:

[x] ALL
[x] Trial Accounts (#1 would make this superfluous)
[x] Friends List
[x] Global Friends List

Supergroup/Coalition and Game-related emails would not be blocked. Friends and Global Friends lists refer to the recipient's lists, not the sender's.

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I still like this idea, even though I hope (and suspect) that #1 pretty much kills RMTmail.


4. For extra credit, put SPAM ignore on its own list, thus restoring the functionality of our ignore list.

5. For Super Mega Extra Bonus Points, when an account is banned as a spammer, automatically delete ALL emails from that account, Server-wide.

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I still like these.



Apparently #1 has been in place from when they first limited trial accounts. I was told that they considered the level 10 limit but realized it would still be used for spamming, and implemented the full limit from the beginning. Information to the contrary is inaccurate.

The RMT emails we're getting are coming from paid accounts.



(Revised 05/01/09)

Ways to reduce RMT email spam:

1. [DONE] Block Trial Accounts from sending email at all. (They currently can send at level 10.) Allow them to receive as normal, and to reply to received emails, but not to change any of the addresses on the reply. [Apparently, trials are already completely barred from sending email.]

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I look forward to seeing how this affects the rate of incoming spam. If it kills it, then fine. If not, then I will be amused at the thought of my gentle red SPAM button reporting (and leading to the ban of) an account paid for by the RMTbags.

2. Limit each global account to X number of emails per 24-hour period. Set "X" to whatever value allows a generous but reasonable use of email. Exempt SG members sending to SG/Coalition members. Allow all others to apply for exemptions on a case-by-case basis. Exempt all appropriate accounts at implementation. (Obviously, Mods/Devs/GMs/etc. would all be exempted.)

[/ QUOTE ]
T'would be interesting/amusing when a fellow gets kicked from his SG for spamming them, after paying some PL-4-hire company, then using his account to spam from.


3. Put in filters that allow us to choose whom to accept Email from:

[x] ALL
[x] Trial Accounts (#1 would make this superfluous)
[x] Friends List
[x] Global Friends List

Supergroup/Coalition and Game-related emails would not be blocked. Friends and Global Friends lists refer to the recipient's lists, not the sender's.

[/ QUOTE ]
I still like this idea, even though I hope (and suspect) that #1 pretty much kills RMTmail.


4. For extra credit, put SPAM ignore on its own list, thus restoring the functionality of our ignore list.

5. For Super Mega Extra Bonus Points, when an account is banned as a spammer, automatically delete ALL emails from that account, Server-wide.

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I still like these.

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Other ideas:

1-Instead of X number of emails, limit the amount of recipients of a single email and put in a time delay to send out the next email, account wide.

2-Put in a filter and weight system, if it passes a certain weight it will be rejected or have to be approved.

3-Tie the entire email system and limitations for outgoing or mix and match the many suggested. Ex: "At 3 months you are able to send email with a maximum of X recepients, once ever X minutes." And gradually increase it.

4-If an account is reported for spam, have it flagged and looked into, then restrict email account wide.


6-Remove email entirely

7-Word filter certian site names. Ex: "www.MattBold.com" becomes "<SPAM>".