MA Mondays!




You need to post details in here if you want it run, not just "look for my name".

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



Wewt! Don't worry, I wont be hogging the limelight every Monday. After these three I think I'm going to take a break from arc writing for a while.



Well, since it looks like no one else put in an arc for this week, we will do Gulver's (from last week) and Mr Squids in the following order:

1) Gulver arc 73197
2) Mr Squid arc 123675 "The Lost Choir: Chapter One: The Old Testament"
3) Mr Squid arc 136959 "The Lost Choir: Part Two: The New Testament"
4) Mr Squid arc 141011 "The Lost Choir: Chapter Three: Apocrypha"

I would ideally like to have several different authors represented in a night, but it looks like this week has been quiet. So please, post your arcs if you want feedback!

[/ QUOTE ]

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Good luck and great fun to those running MA Monday tonight.

Since you're looking for arcs, here's one for the queue:

Arc Name: There's Something in the Water
Arc ID: 60327
Faction: Villianous
Creator Global/Forum Name: @PK Dauntless
Difficulty Level: Medium (Soloable, one optional AV/EB)
Synopsis: Dr. Aeon's finally had it with stories of Paragon City citizens and their greater-than-normal abilities. Help him get to the bottom of these claims. (Solo-friendly. HUmorous. For levels 40-50)

ETA: And by 'queue' I mean that I fully understand you will get to it when you get to it.

Author of There's Something in the Water (Arc # 60327)

Not only was that genuine frontier jibberish...

Courtesy: Preventing unnecessary homicides for over 4000 years.



Hey, I have an arc that I have completed, and wouldn't mind some ppl to run it and let me know what they thiink:

ARC ID: 98299, The Infernian Invasion: Act 1.

Creator/Global: @Magmus Rules

Description: The heroes and villains of the world are forced to join forces to stop a full scale invasion on our planet, and you will play a big role in the defeat of the antagonist(and many others) of the story! Act 1 (of a 3 arc trilogy) introduces the story with someone you may least expect to contact you about something like this, however, it is because she knows a great deal more of the main antagonist than anyone else. You are curious of her findings, and decide to help her out.

Length: Considered Very Long.... 4 missions, the first 2 of which can be very quick, so it depends

Difficulty: Maybe not best to solo, however a MM did tell me he solo'd the whole arc. For best results I do suggest a team.

LVL: varies, some mishes auto lvl

Alignment: Neutral

Enemies: Custom, and 1 mish containing 5th column.

Notes: There are up to 5 AVs/EBs spread out between the arc, just an FYI. 1st & 4th mish is a defeat all btw... the only one, & you may need an upping of diff for benefit of bigger mobs, as I am not sure of the diff. between testing and live version, but I noticed that due to "in-mish" help in that mish, it could be easy aside fighting the bosses.
Thx and enjoy!

P.S thx alot Amy I do think this is a wonderful idea.




83814 - The Vahzilok Gamble. 4 missions, no kill-alls until mission 4. 1 to 54 for missions 1,2, and 4 against custom group, with a 15-20 mission in mission 3 with Vahzilok and custom group. 2 AVs; 1 in Mission 3, and 1 in mission 4. Boss level ally in missions 3 and 4 to assist solo players. Story and clue focused.

124796 - A Night at the Opera. 5 missions, with no kill-alls. Glowie hunt in mission 3. Mission levels are 41 to 54 in all missions. Malta in missions 1, 2, 3, 4 with custom group in missions 2 and 5. 1 AV in mission 5. Very soloable, actually. Also story and clue focused.



Arc Name: Brains over Brawn
Arc ID: 133458
Length: 5 Missions
Morality: Neutral
Enemy Groups: Malta, Council, Crey, Arachnos and Custom.
5 missions: Only one defeat all mission. Lots of allies in a few missions to help solo players. Story and clue focused.

1396 Badges... here's hoping this won't be the end! SAVE PARAGON CITY



Thanks to everyone who came out this week. We had 2 full teams again, so that was great! It seems I overlooked an arc from last week, which we managed to complete tonight. My apologies for that. If I post the list for the night and I've skipped over an arc by accident, feel free to let me know. I will continue to go in order of the arcs posted in this thread for the following MA Mondays.

Overall, I'd say that the arcs we've run thus far have been very polished and have had interesting story ideas. So thank you to all the authors that have contributed to this event so far.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Thanks again for running the show, Amy!



Arc Name:Skirmishes in time (Prelude to the Mender Wars) Beta
Arc ID:157672
Creator Global/Forum Name:MasterGabriel
Difficulty Level:Hard Designed for team play
Synopsis: Enemies (Circle of Thorns, Nemesis, Custom) Heroes are recruited to perform a task for a mysterious Mender of Ouroborous. They get a little more than expected when they find out who the oppositions is. The custom enemies are rough and a balanced team is recommended. There are a lot of bosses. I designed this arc to tests a teams ability to manage and control aggro as well as to use tactical positioning.
Estimated Time to Play:Most likely 2-3 hours or less.
Link to More Details or Feedback:No special feed back set up. This is the first of 3 arcs telling the story of the Mender Wars (an idea I got from watching the Samuraiko fan trailer for I14)

Edited custom enemies to increase fun factor and character survivability. Removed -perception powersets and decreased size of boss spawns to manageable levels.



Arc Name" Invasion of the Space Clowns
Arc # 1262
Length: 4 missions.
Difficulty: Slightly challenging
Synopsis: A Mad Scientist opened a portal to a world of evil clowns. He wants you to clean up his mess.

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



Good luck and great fun to those running MA Monday tonight.

Since you're looking for arcs, here's one for the queue:

Arc Name: There's Something in the Water
Arc ID: 60327
Faction: Villianous
Creator Global/Forum Name: @PK Dauntless
Difficulty Level: Medium (Soloable, one optional AV/EB)
Synopsis: Dr. Aeon's finally had it with stories of Paragon City citizens and their greater-than-normal abilities. Help him get to the bottom of these claims. (Solo-friendly. HUmorous. For levels 40-50)

ETA: And by 'queue' I mean that I fully understand you will get to it when you get to it.

[/ QUOTE ]

FYI, this is a fantastic arc. One of only two arcs I have 5 star-ed out of the 100+ I've run.

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



The Praetorian Past Arc Id:165889. I'll see you all tonight

@Black Tabby, @Black Tabby2
S.H.A.R.P, Order of the Champion Member
Champion Server, 1402 Badges (recorded July 18th 2012)



Alright folks, here is the line up, starting with a few arcs we did not complete last week.

1) The Vahzilok Gamble, arc 83814 by Wayward
2) The Lost Choir Part 2, arc 136959 by Mr Squid
3) The Lost Choir Part 3, arc 141011 by Mr Squid
4) There's Something in the Water, arc 60327 by PK Dauntless
5) The Infernian Invasion: Act 1, arc 98299 by Lord Magmus
6) Brains Over Brawn, arc 133458 by Sovereign Savior
7) Skirmishes in Time, arc 157672 by Master Gabriel
8) Invasion of Space Clowns, arc 1262 by Ashcraft
9) The Praetorian Past Arc, arc 165889 by Black Tabby

We won't get through all of these tonight, but I just wanted to post a list to keep track. Please let me know if I missed anyone. Thanks.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



sounds like a party... can't wait



I would like to thank everyone who participated in MA Mondays tonight for playing out my arc, you guys are really great, and you are doing a great service to all of the creators in COX.... and I appreciate the feedback that I did receive tyvm for your input guys. For those who are interested the next part of the series is in the works, and the story will get deeper. Again, TY guys!



Thanks again for coming out everyone. We got pretty far on the list actually and were able to complete Lord Magmus' arc.

Next week we will continue in that order starting with Sovereign Savior's arc, Brains Over Brawn.

Just a little tip to help follow the story lines: I've been putting NPC chat in its own window. Some authors have written very clever dialog there, so you don't want to miss it.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Thanks for running my arc. Hope everyone enjoyed it. And thank you very much for the endorsement, NetMinder.

Author of There's Something in the Water (Arc # 60327)

Not only was that genuine frontier jibberish...

Courtesy: Preventing unnecessary homicides for over 4000 years.



Arc Name:A Death in the Gish
Arc ID: 168760
Faction: Skulls, Vahzilok
Creator Global/Forum Name: Neuronia/@Neuronia
Difficulty Level: Easy
Synopsis: A lowbie mission arc about Kings Row. Caps at level 14.
Estimated Time to Play: 10-15 minutes

This is fast lowbie arc. Doable in 10-15 minutes at most, ghostable if you wish...Kings Row lore based.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Arc Name:A Death in the Gish
Arc ID: 168760
Faction: Skulls, Vahzilok
Creator Global/Forum Name: Neuronia/@Neuronia
Difficulty Level: Easy
Synopsis: A lowbie mission arc about Kings Row. Caps at level 14.
Estimated Time to Play: 10-15 minutes

This is fast lowbie arc. Doable in 10-15 minutes at most, ghostable if you wish...Kings Row lore based.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for making a lowbie mission.
There aren't enough for starting characters.
I have a couple lowbies that I'll probably run through this.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Arc Name: The Praetorian Invasion of the Land of Oz
Arc ID: 168841
Faction: Praetorians/Custom Group
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Sakura-Kishi
Difficulty Level: 3-4 out of 5 *each mission has at least one AV, Mission 4 has 3. Missions 2 and 4 each have two Helper NPCs each.
Level: 50-54
Synopsis: Ozma from the magical Land of Oz has come seeking help, there was a recent attempt to kidnap Princess Dorothy(in my Last Story Arc that needs updating) and now she is trying to learn what that plot was a smoke screen for... This adventure will take you into the events of the second Oz book via time travel and pit you against Several Praetorian AVs and a couple new faces as you have to stop Tyrant's total conquest of Oz.



might not make it this evening, hoping I can still... if I don't move my arc to next week please.