Rating Griefing
the law of averages states that you will not be at a 5 star rating after a given amount of time with your arc posted, so best thing to do is chill.
Please realize that is entirely possible you received poor ratings from people due to things like them not liking the colors you selected for your custom mobs (assuming you had any).
You could have been the victim of stupidity, rather than maliciousness.
the law of averages states that you will not be at a 5 star rating after a given amount of time with your arc posted, so best thing to do is chill.
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What he said
Granted your writing may be one of your imaginations treasure and who wants to have someone not like something that is personal to them.
Maybe take into consideration that you might write an arc based on clowns, someone might not like clowns so thus they give you a bad rating. Did it have anything to do with your content? no your content was fine and the other 8 people who did your arc were fine with it. But whomp that clown hater just couldn't deal with the clowns in the mission.
There are a TON of scenarios that might or might not like someone like your arc, it could be someone just whizzing through trying to find badges and giving rating as they want. It could be people griefing there's that possibility. People just have different opinions on stuff.
Now with coh we have the availability to have everyone be a critic. It may or may not be your arc, someone could be having a bad day. It could be someone really was not able to follow your story line. Someone didn't like a boss you made. etc. etc.
I've figured out on rating missions of Thinking of it like book/movie genre's. Everyone's testing out what genre's they like right now. Maybe they're into short humorous arcs, maybe they're into story content arcs, maybe they like killing tech robot critters, etc..
If you have A LOT of people running your arc you're probably going to find people who do not like it for whatever reason. Law of averages.
This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea

People are just strange mate. I was on an 8 man pug last night doing arcs. We did what was one of the better arcs I've played to date including test, but it was a dark theme arc.
At the end we were all chatting about how great the arc was and that it was indeed a 5 star arc etc.. Despite staying the entire time and seeming to enjoy themselves a RL couple were saying they didn't like it and it gets 1 star. One of the team asked them why, they said dark themes were against their religion.
I was like hmm.. thats strange it said dark theme in the description, it was a 5 mission arc and they stayed the entire time. They particpatd in the misson chatter and appeared to be having a good time joking about the arc etc...
I didn't say anything but I thought it was pretty messed up to one star that great arc. However, others in the group were questioning the reasoning and it got ugly with the couple leaving angry citing freedom of religion.
While I respect ANY religion, I felt that them one starring this arc had more to do with Human issues than any deity they worshiped.
That mate is "people". People are great aren't they.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Maybe I have been to the Special Olympics once too many, but I have decided that the most fair way for me to vote is either 5 stars or no vote at all (and I try to leave constructive feed back and an offer to replay it if they want). I figure if I am not going to help them get towards the goal of HoF least I can do is not hurt their chances.
Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.
Just thinking out loud but is there no way to address this sort of behavior?
[/ QUOTE ] For starters you could create a better arc. I mean, how arrogant do you have to be to think the only reason somebody isn't giving you five stars is because they are griefing you? Maybe, just maybe, people have different likes and dislikes.
Creating a better arc would be what he was loooking to do. Much to his disappointment the people that one starred the arc left no feedback that he could use to "make a better arc".
Arrogance, no the OP was not being arrogant at all.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Creating a better arc would be what he was loooking to do. Much to his disappointment the people that one starred the arc left no feedback that he could use to "make a better arc".
Arrogance, no the OP was not being arrogant at all.
[/ QUOTE ] I understand what you're saying, but that isn't what the OP said. He was wondering if it was griefing. To think that the reason you get a bad review is somebody griefing is arrogant, IMO.
You must "NOT" understand because the two people that left no comments are the one's he is wondering "if" they are griefers. He also stated:
Now, I know not everyone will like your arc.
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Hardly the statement of an "arrogant" person, hardly. You just barked up the wrong tree on this one mate.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Sorry but he posted this in his mission thread that I searched out because I was sort of interested in seeing this glorious arc:
Shameless bump...
Lots of very positive feedback on this arc so far. Had all 5 star ratings until someone decided to grief me.
[/ QUOTE ]
So, whatever. People like this are the reason I don't leave comments with low scores. I don't really want you up in my grill playing twenty questions about why I gave you the score I did. Four stars is a solid average and even ignoring the overwhelming bias of running people through your own mission, there's always going to be people that legitimately don't like whatever you do. Use any work of creativity ever made as a testament to that fact.
the law of averages states that you will not be at a 5 star rating after a given amount of time with your arc posted, so best thing to do is chill.
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I have yet to see an arc hold onto it's 5-stars past 50 votes.
Threads like this are why I don't want to deal with feedback through tells. Leaving you a rating less than five stars is not griefing you. Different people have different standards as well as different likes and dislikes.
Calling it griefing is basically saying that you deserve a five-star and anything else is just people being stupid. Get over it. You can't please all of the people all of the time.
Sorry but he posted this in his mission thread that I searched out because I was sort of interested in seeing this glorious arc:
Shameless bump...
Lots of very positive feedback on this arc so far. Had all 5 star ratings until someone decided to grief me.
[/ QUOTE ]
So, whatever. People like this are the reason I don't leave comments with low scores. I don't really want you up in my grill playing twenty questions about why I gave you the score I did. Four stars is a solid average and even ignoring the overwhelming bias of running people through your own mission, there's always going to be people that legitimately don't like whatever you do. Use any work of creativity ever made as a testament to that fact.
[/ QUOTE ] Darth_Khasei, it appears I'm not barking up the wrong tree.
I think he has a legit reason to suspect the two people griefed him. It would not be the first time. I don't think its unreasonable to feel the ratings were just the reflection of the way those two felt. The lack of comments hurt that case as do the other 5 stars for the other 8 or so.
Preference griefing is what I suspect, the same kind of preference griefing that lead the devs to lock DC's at 5 stars.
In terms of the tree, the arrogance tree? Yeah, you got that all covered mate.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
In terms of the tree, the arrogance tree? Yeah, you got that all covered mate.
[/ QUOTE ] I was being cocky, not arrogant. There is a difference
I was thinking cheeky but that'll do.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Maybe I have been to the Special Olympics once too many, but I have decided that the most fair way for me to vote is either 5 stars or no vote at all (and I try to leave constructive feed back and an offer to replay it if they want). I figure if I am not going to help them get towards the goal of HoF least I can do is not hurt their chances.
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I think thats a big problem thats out there right now.. but think, what about all the people that dont have all night, or 3-4 days a week to play.. maybe its a couple missions on a friday night and they go looking for a fun arc..
Ohh this one has 5 stars and 100 people rated it it must be great!.. then ya play it and it blows.. Not even an attempt at a story, boring mission nothing but large maps with a big boss.
Great i just wasted my night playing a farm mission thinking it would get good cause a ton of people 5 stared it. with almost 50k missions arcs already im not gonna feel bad about giving truthfull ratings and feed back on ones i play. Ill also be telling people about the good ones too.
Perhaps ill use the end of my bio's with arc numbers of good ones
Besides maybe im crazzy but i think a badger should earn there badges.. I know plenty that put in a ton of effort and wrote arcs that im sure will hit HoF eventually. Some.. well there are always one map zombie/space alein farms that im sure will eventually make it cause enough people will play it for um eventually
And the question of the day is: did the 5 star people leave feedback? if not, why not? I downgrade arcs that contain EB's or AV's for no good reason. And I leave feedback. If I 4 or 5 star, i leave feedback. How will they know where the goodness in the arc came from if I dont tell them what I liked?
Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running
I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!
You are in a maze of twisty little passages
What does "no good reason" mean? Unless its a locked AV you never "have" to face an AV on any arc unless you choose too.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
I ran into someone who rated an arc 3 stars and provided feedback to fix it. The feedback allowed the owner to know who left it, so it logged on his 2 accounts and rated all of the guy I met's missions as 3 stars.
To the Poster, you mission may be great for teams but solo impossible. Does it say that in the description? If it is very hard it should also say that.
You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.
I don't really want you up in my grill playing twenty questions about why I gave you the score I did.
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I had a really nice, friendly chat with somebody who gave me scathing feedback (and 1 star) on one my arcs yesterday. Some of it turned out to be an apparent bug (for whatever reason it showed 1-54 as the level range to him rather then the 20-20 it normally shows, so he was surprised by the exemp-down).
I made a couple of modifications based on the feedback and discussion and was pretty happy with how it all went down. I'd imagine that's how it should go ideally in these situations?
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Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.
@ OP: what you are describing is not griefing, it's just subjectivity in action. Griefing is personal. Reasonable minds can disagree.
If someone has taken the time to design a mission and I have taken the time to play it, then a conversation about the merits of the arc is worthwhile and necessary. Otherwise, the designer has made a "silent scream" into the cyberverse with no feedback.
Sorry but he posted this in his mission thread that I searched out because I was sort of interested in seeing this glorious arc:
Shameless bump...
Lots of very positive feedback on this arc so far. Had all 5 star ratings until someone decided to grief me.
[/ QUOTE ]
So, whatever. People like this are the reason I don't leave comments with low scores. I don't really want you up in my grill playing twenty questions about why I gave you the score I did. Four stars is a solid average and even ignoring the overwhelming bias of running people through your own mission, there's always going to be people that legitimately don't like whatever you do. Use any work of creativity ever made as a testament to that fact.
[/ QUOTE ]
I suppose this is why I have played this game for over 3 years, but rarely post on the forums. No matter how carefully you word something, there is someone out there that is interested in digging up whatever they can to attempt to discredit you. For this particular quote though you really should include my whole post so that the context could be seen. I mention that I am specifically looking for feedback from 8 man teams. Maybe my perception of the situation was wrong? Sure, looking back and reading some of the other suggestions from folks I had not considered everything. Did you consider this might have been why I posted? That I was just simply asking a question as to what I perceived to be a problem?
Perhaps that wasn't clear in my original post, and obviously after having my entire post picked apart by our panel of experts and analyzed as if I were a politician, I made a poor choice in the word "griefing". Even though my original post clearly stated "begin to wonder if you are being griefed", it's now very clear that I am just insecure and can't handle a bad rating for my arc.
Seriously people, it was an honest question about how people come along and 1 star someone without feedback. Did you ever think that instead of arrogance, I really am interested in creating better arc, and that I want the feedback? Give me the benefit of the doubt instead of assuming I am some egotistical poster who can't handle getting a 1 star rating. I'm not going to grill you with 20 questions about why you didn't like my arc, but I am going to ask you what I can do to improve. It's my understanding that this was one of the primary focuses of the rating system.
As a teacher I encourage and teach my students to develop their own opinions. But I also require them to back them up. "You suck", is not a valid support. All that my post was intended to do was to get people thinking about ways to deal with someone who takes the time to rate the arc, but cannot type a sentence what they did or did not like about it.
My issue with the ratings is that the 4 and 5 star mishs are alot of farms. I went into a 5 star mish yesterday: outdoor map, like 20 glowies and 20 destructable objects, and all the troops had a melee attack and a web grenade. That's 5 stars?
It seems if you have a badge farm mish or a xp farm mish you have gold. I have had arcs out since day one without a single play just because there are so many available and mine isn't marked as a 'farm'.
I am holding on to the 'be patient' notion. I figure after all the badges are farmed that people will want to try something with a story to it. Not just click 400 items and run in a circle on a map killing 6 bosses and troops with no challenge to them.
That is not to say that there isn't good material out there at 4 or 5 stars. I have found plenty. Nor am I saying that there aren't people out there that give honest ratings. Hell I could run every farm mish and rate 0 stars with a comment that I hate farms. But I try to be fair.... I only hope that all the towns don't turn into PI farm central like they appear to be.
Disclaimer: Yeah I play on Freedom, so I have to expect farm central.. Maybe the devs should just make a farm HoF to solve the problem! LoL....
Happened on test and it's happening on live. Getting your arc noticed is turning into pvp for some people. Finished running my arc on an 8 man team on invincible, I've received nothing but absolutely great feedback. My arc goes up to the front page with a large number of five star ratings. Someone else runs it, leaves no feedback but has to really hate it as my overall rating goes down to four stars. Another group of people run it, all give feedback loving it, more five stars and I'm back on the front page. Log off to eat dinner, come back and one person has left no feedback but given it a bad rating to drop it to four stars again.
Now, I know not everyone will like your arc. But at some point you begin to wonder if you are being griefed. I guess there is no way to fix this though. If they made it so you could only rate an arc if you finished it a lot of stuff that is bugged and needs a bad rating would never get one.
Just thinking out loud but is there no way to address this sort of behavior?