You get what you pay for
3 pairs of fuzzy black catgirl ears.
I shelled out $34.95 and got...
a pea
I paid $12345678910111213 and got
3 Ronco Donald Trump bobble heads and a Popiel grape peeler.
I paid $1.38 and got...

A tube of toothpaste to keep that healthy smile white and bright.
I paid $4.99 and got...
A banana
I paid $250.25 and got...
A lifesize replica of the Holy Hand Grenade.
I paid only $99.95 for...
A nerf gattling gun...
I payed $88.88 and got...
118.5 candy bars.
I payed $.01 and got...
A slap in the face.
I payed $12.34 and got...

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

A used power juicer
I paid $.99 and got...
A magic card
I paid $249.99 and got...
three magic beans from a guy named jack
i paid $65.25 and got ...
The Halo 3: Extra Nuts edition.
I payed 400 bucks and I got...
a paint-by-number color tv (you need to work fast)
I paid $13.59 and got...

My advice.
I paid $666 and got...
a whole buncha nothin'
I paid $14.99 and got ...
a brick.
I paid $999.99 for...
A vegemite sandwich and a Men At Work album.
I paid $49.99 and got...
An original press of 'Detroit Rock City' by Kiss on vinyl
I paid $0.02 for...
your opinion
I paid $1499.99 and got ...
A rockin' WoW account.
I paid 140 Euro and got...
thrown out of an american store
I paid half a cent and got...
Half a brain. Now you just need the other half.
I paid just only $19.95 and got...
a brand new car! (it's a die-cast model, but it's still new!)
I paid $34.62 and got ...
I saw this a while back in another forum that had nothing to do with CoX, and I thought it might be fun to try here.
It's simple: I say "I paid $xx, and I got--". Then the next poster tells me what I got, then they say "I paid $xx, and I got--", and so on.
Here goes.
I paid $19.99, and I got...