Champion - Mission Architect Directory





With I14, i'm sure Champion's community is hard at work to create great stories and mission with the Mission Architect. Well with the amount of mission currently available, it might be hard to find missions created by our fellow Champion players.

So I had the idea of creating this Mission Architect Directory for people of Champion where we can post our creation to allow other players to more easily find them.

If you want to share your mission about Cobalt desperate call for help against 20 GM infesting PI, or a dark plot of supernatural proportion in the Rogue Island.... well here is your chance.

Simply copy the following template and fill in the gap

Mission name:

Mission ID:

Recommended difficulty:

Recommended team size:

Background story (if you so chose to):

Enemy powers ( again if you want people to know):

Your Global name: (if you want direct feedback from the forum)


I hope everyone is and will be having fun with the Mission Architect, I know I can't wait for the release of some of your stories already




Damned good idea Electro!
I'll be wanting to play as many Forumite's Mission Arcs as possible!
Starting with Witty's.
'Cause you all know he's working on a Pirate Mission Arc right this very minute, and I want some Rum!

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



mine's almost done if anyone wants to help me test it



I am working on 3 different stories:

1) Supergroup "Orientation" mission

2) Supergroup weekly mission: Issue 1

3) Competition Story Arc. (Hopefully to win one of the "awards") - This one is under lock and key though!



Won't be doing anything with this until live but I have a villain arc written. Great idea though.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I hope to get this sticky and us the same thread for the live version.



This should be in the directory for sure, very helpful for server specific missions.

I got around to fitting the first mission of a story arc into the parameters of the M/A ( no closed beta invite, so micro time working on it =D ), and publishing today.

Here's the synopses:

Title: "All Your Yesterdays."
Description "Fifty four years into the future, a startling revelation, Heroes and Villains acting alike, and worse still the original Freedom Phalanx have mysteriously disappeared."
Contact Name: Foreshadow

Contact Intro: "Our lead research science team lead by Tina Macintyre has been monitoring developments in the distant future with growing concern. During their experiments with intra-dimensional travel they stumbled upon a time rift which led them to this Earth 54 years from now. What we discovered was shocking, there was little difference between heroes and villains, and whats worse, the current members of the freedom phalanx have mysteriously disappeared.
We have no idea how this came to be, but we do know that in response the Government will develop a secret serum program to try to turn the tide against the super powered chaos. In doing so, they set into motion unforeseen consequences that lead to the end of all civilization.
We need to stop this program, learn what happened to the phalanx members, and arrest both the villain and hero leaders, and put an end to their lawlessness."

Contact Send Off: "Your first mission will be to go to the exact point in time we've designated and protect the President of the United States Chelsea Clinton, her abduction on that date leads to the accelerated release of the SSP.

You'll have 2 objectives:
First, save the President and prevent the chain of events which leads to the release of the SSP and the end of all life on earth.
Secondly, you must retrieve the BacPAQ, it's the Presidents hand held pc, it will be in her briefcase somewhere in the area. It should give us a lead on the location of the SS program, and hopefully more.
And finally, Defeat Berylium and Arsenic, they and they're crew are behind the abduction plot.

This is not for the faint of heart, but I have confidence that you will succeed. Once you're done, get back to the portal and return to this time line"

Contact Return: I'm glad to see you made it back.
We had no idea it would be so overrun. I'm just glad you came through all right. Despite the worst the villains could throw at you, you overcame great adversity to get back here.

All of your effort was not in vain. The information we've gotten from the BacPAQ has told us three very important things. An initial pass has revealed not only the secret location of the SS lab, but also the existence of a data network interface code named KnowledgeStorm, it's used by the Government to house all information regarding "supers".
And finally we have discovered that a weapon was engineered to defeat the hero named Havok.

Mission #2 will be:
Part2: Strike the Secret Serum Lab

Destroy secret serum lab, - take the Nexus Mendelevium (to defeat Havok) - Access KnowledgeStorm find out what happened to the Original Freedom Phalanx members

Mission #3 will be:
Part 3: Stop Havok!

It's a lot of fun creating, hope you try it out, and looking forward to trying all of yours. =)



Shouldn't it be 'All Your Yesterdays Are Belong To Us'?

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



All right, got a mission up on test for your perusal, Champion.

Mission name: Rebels Without A Pulse

Mission ID: 9896

Recommended difficulty: Normal(?)

Recommended team size: 2+

Background story: Zombie greasers infest a cemetary.

Okay, its my first arc mish, so its not complicated at all. If it's good, awesome. If it stinks, let me know.




Mission name: Who is John Stephens

Mission ID: Drunken Avenger

your Global name: (if you want direct feedback from the forum)
Drunken Avenger


[/ QUOTE ]

Just uploaded mission one to test. Once i14 goes live I will port over and finalize the rest of the arc. Give it run an give some feedback if you want



The Jeff arc is finally done!

Check it out, tell me what ya think

Mission name: Looking for Jeff

Mission ID: 10758

Recommended difficulty: 1st or 3rd tier difficulty

Recommended team size: 3+ (that's the number i've successfully tested it with)

Background story: It's kinda hard to explain if you don't know who The Jeff is

Enemy powers: They're a mixed bag

Your Global name: @PownUnoobs (test and live)



We need a Champion training room Architect Global Channel



Good idea, I have one test mission published on test, but more for me learning the tools, I would like to get more time but since last thrusday, I been out doing de-construction work on my house in CO. (I live 1000miles away) Next time i get a chance to work on it, I am sure it will be close to going live.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



I finally finished one.

Mission name: Ghosts of the Brass Crusade

Mission ID: 9736

Recommended difficulty: Invincible (Unyielding with small teams)

Recommended team size: 8 (Will be very easy on small teams)

Background story (if you so chose to): Ever wanted to know where the Doomlords came from? No? Well, if you're going to play my arc, too [censored] bad. The arc has two basic plot elements: background info on my characters and a Nemesis plot.

Enemy powers ( again if you want people to know): Mix of standard Nemesis mobs and customized ones for some variety.

Your Global name: See sig.




nuff said....

[/ QUOTE ]

What's it feature? A completed Hami Raid?

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



My arc won't come out for a while until I get enough tickets to unlock a few things for it.

make moar arcs for me to grind out those tickets!

In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.



Mission name: Deathbabes from Planet X

Mission ID: 12487

Recommended difficulty: Dunno, first real attempt

Recommended team size: See above

Background story (if you so chose to): A pleasure-bot becomes self-aware and escapes from a planet of green-skinned women not even James T. Kirk could satisfy. He hides on Earth but is pursued by these man-hating harpies. It's up to you to help him.

Enemy powers ( again if you want people to know): Hehe

NOTE: This is a humor arc. It's meant to be a parody.




Arc Name: The Pale Horizon
Arc ID: 6859
Faction: Hero
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Lovelife (I think that it has Like Flames as the creator.)
Difficulty Level: medium - I found it easy on heroic solo, but cranking the difficulty can make some of the mobs pretty nasty. I haven't done a team run with bosses, but they may be a bit of a challenge if they work how I mean them to!
Synopsis: A new villain group has been amassing magical artifacts and you need to look into it before it gets out of hand.
Estimated Time to Play: Stealthing 3/4 missions solo, it took me about 15 minutes. There is only one defeat all (on a small map) and the others are on medium maps with an objective at the end.

I just published it the other day after working on it for only a few hours, so there is almost definitely room for improvement. I haven't had a chance for extensive testing, just a few runs through solo, so I never encountered one of my custom bosses, so I'm hoping that they work out fine! Overall, I like how it turned out, but comments are always welcome

Listen to Survival Guide. Because you should!
"You have a mom? I thought you were conceived through pure win?" ~Spinestradamus
"reading ur posts is like reading a stop sign, its red oddly shaped and makes me come to a complete stop...then i go" ~anon rep; thank you



Mission name: Birth of a Blaster

Mission ID: 12256

Recommended difficulty: I tried it solo with a fire/fire blaster set on Heroic and failed at the last boss miserably.

Recommended team size: just make sure you have a buff/debuffer with you.

Background story: pretty much tells the story of how Vulcanite's mutant powers manifested

Enemy powers : Hellions, CoT, and a special version of CoT I called Extractors (mainly Dark based powers)

Your Global name: (if you want direct feedback from the forum) @Vulcanite (live) @Texas Stampede (test)

The first two mishes are lowbie Hellion mishes but the rest should be better. Test it out and let me know if the last boss is TOO tough. I might have to drop him down a notch =/



My arc is almost done...oy vey on the last boss. And the spelling mistakes need to be fixed but the last boss may be too much solo..."Extreme" difficulty really is extreme.


I'll post the arc number by the end of the week, more tweaking required.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Hey all, I just completed and published my first completed mission architect arc. Its designed to be a fun challenge for higher level characters.


Arc Name: Return of the Kings
Enemy Group: "The New Kings"
Description: A new super-powered gang calling itself "The New Kings" has recently moved into Kings Row and begun to wreck havoc. Its up to you to investigate their criminal operations and put an end to this new threat.
Challenge: Challenging enough to work up an e-sweat
Morality: Heroic
Length: 5 missions--- about 30 minutes to an hour
Author: @Epoch6 (Test Server), @Flying Carcass (Live Servers)

[/ QUOTE ]

This arc features a "super-villain-themed" custom group called the New Kings which has a number of tough mobs. There is one named boss (scaled down to lieutenant on lower difficulties), one elite boss (again, scaled down to lieutenant on lower difficulties), and 4 arch villains (scaled down to elite bosses on lower difficulties). I found the final arch villain to be the most challenging, but I was able to beat it solo on my lv 50 eng/dev blaster on the second difficulty level.



Having worked in retail for quite some time, I was inspired to make a related arc. Hope you enjoy.

Mission name: Coworker Carnage

Mission ID: 15107

Recommended difficulty: Any

Recommended team size: Any

Background story: Your buddy from work calls you and informs you that you are about to be fired from your retail day job. They have no idea that you are secretly a super hero. Time for revenge!

Enemy powers: Custom/Mixed

Your Global name: @Amygdala

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Damned good idea Electro!
I'll be wanting to play as many Forumite's Mission Arcs as possible!
Starting with Witty's.
'Cause you all know he's working on a Pirate Mission Arc right this very minute, and I want some Rum!

[/ QUOTE ]

It took me a week almost to survive the debugging on the test server. And it's taken me three days to figure out where the GM monster sets are and the Open Map zones. And now I'm freaking out because Jurrasik's not on the list. 'Cause I promised Cobalt an All-Monster TF dammit and I'm trying to deliver!

Also, without a set villain group of pirates, starting up a Pirate TF is a moot issue. Unless you want us beating up Tsoo or something...

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through and most ebook retailers!