Champion - Mission Architect Directory




Damned good idea Electro!
I'll be wanting to play as many Forumite's Mission Arcs as possible!
Starting with Witty's.
'Cause you all know he's working on a Pirate Mission Arc right this very minute, and I want some Rum!

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It took me a week almost to survive the debugging on the test server. And it's taken me three days to figure out where the GM monster sets are and the Open Map zones. And now I'm freaking out because Jurrasik's not on the list. 'Cause I promised Cobalt an All-Monster TF dammit and I'm trying to deliver!

Also, without a set villain group of pirates, starting up a Pirate TF is a moot issue. Unless you want us beating up Tsoo or something...

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What about the Ghost Pirates from Port Oakes?
And we can always "invade" a Nemesis Town for their advanced Distillery Technology!

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Mission name: Library Restoration Project - The Perez Collection

Mission ID: 16101 (and 16100, I think I double-clicked the Publish button)

Recommended difficulty: It's a 4 mission TF, very long. One timed mish. Play as you like.

Recommended team size: EVERYONE!

Background story (if you so chose to): During the first Rikti Invasion, the Circle of Thorns took the opportunity during the city's destruction of stealing the library collection from the city's 4 branches (Perez, Hollows, Dark Astoria, and Eden. The city libraries were tied in to the Parks and Recreation Dept.). With Paragon City resuming some semblance of normalcy, WittyLibrarian was able to convince the PTB to re-build the city library system in other zones. The TFs (of which this is the first) are part of the project of getting some of the books back.

Enemy powers ( again if you want people to know): Circle of Thorns, Hellions

Your Global name: (if you want direct feedback from the forum)
In the test, it's @witty

I hope ye can find it and see how it goes.

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through and most ebook retailers!



We need to think about forming teams over in Test. Any good day for doing that?

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through and most ebook retailers!



I'm down for that. Lemme know what time and which room and i'll be there



This one went quicker, and even with creating a unique Boss.

Mission name: You Say It's Your Birthday!

Mission ID: 15573 (wait did I write that down right?)

Recommended difficulty: Any

Recommended team size: Any

Background story: Everyone got together to throw you a birthday party, but a couple of jerks who didn't want to foot the bill stole your presents and your cake! Go get your cake back!

Enemy powers: Custom Boss Mistress of All Cake (Gravity/WP), Carnies and Freakshow.

Your Global name: @witty

For any and all having a birthday, I'd suggested an in-game special mission for ya, and here it is...

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through and most ebook retailers!



We need to think about forming teams over in Test. Any good day for doing that?

[/ QUOTE ]i could go for that this weekend



We need to think about forming teams over in Test. Any good day for doing that?

[/ QUOTE ]i could go for that this weekend

[/ QUOTE ]

Sunday afternoon good?

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through and most ebook retailers!



afternoon not so much



This one went quicker, and even with creating a unique Boss.

Mission name: You Say It's Your Birthday!

Mission ID: 15573 (wait did I write that down right?)

Recommended difficulty: Any

Recommended team size: Any

Background story: Everyone got together to throw you a birthday party, but a couple of jerks who didn't want to foot the bill stole your presents and your cake! Go get your cake back!

Enemy powers: Custom Boss Mistress of All Cake (Gravity/WP), Carnies and Freakshow.

Your Global name: @witty

For any and all having a birthday, I'd suggested an in-game special mission for ya, and here it is...

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Oooh, I gotta run this on monday(turning 26!)

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.




Adventures of the Space Marines
Arc ID: 17032
Length: Very Long (5 Missions. Estimated 1-2 Hours)
Morality: Neutral
Plot: The evil Alkanis Empire lead by the space tyrant, Emperess Dominia, has invaded the planet Phobos and subjugated the peace-loving Simizams. Its up to the Space Marines, valiant protectors of the galaxy, to liberate the Simizams and thwart the Emperess's malevolent ambitions! Are -you- tough enough to hang with the space marines?
Author: @Epoch6 (Test Server), @Flying Carcass (Live Servers)

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Hey all, I just completed my second mission architect story arc. "Adventures of the Space Marines" is a sci-fi epic which pits your character in the fight against an evil space empire. Fight alongside the space marines and liberate Phobos! Overall I'm pretty happy with how the adventure turned out, but I would love to get some feedback.



I've been playing my Khelds a lot lately. I wanted revenge on the Voids. I made this mission to take out some frustration.

Then it occurred to me other people play Khelds and might want some fun of their own.

Fair warning: The mission is all Voids. It's not likely to be fun for Khelds.

Mission name: Die, Void, Die
Mission ID: 18073
Length: Short
Recommended difficulty: Any
Recommended team size: Any
Background story: Sunstorm recruits heroes (or villains) to clear out a warehouse full of Void Hunters.
Enemy Group: Void Hunters
Global Name: @Placta



Hey all, just completed my third MA arc. I enjoyed making the original "Adventures of the Space Marines" so much that I decided to make a sequel. "Adventures of the Space Marines 2" is a sci-fi adventure in which the player fights along side the Space Marines as they fend off a mysterious alien race, protect a VIP, and battle the nefarious Space Pirates!


"Adventures of the Space Marines 2"
Arc ID: 18598
Length: Very Long (4 Missions. About an hour)
Morality: Neutral
Story: "Adventures of the Space Marines 2" is a sci-fi adventure in which the player fights along side the Space Marines as they fend off a mysterious alien race, protect a VIP, and battle the nefarious Space Pirates!
Enemies: Custom. 2 AV/EBs

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope ya'll have fun with this "swash-buckling adventure in space". I'd say the story's less dark than the original's, but the gameplay is more of a challenge (compared to the current version of the original, mind you! ).

Known issues:
*The enemy groups don't have custom descriptions. I blame the fact that I'm currently at 99.07% of my save space capacity for that.
*There's occassionally a large ambush at the beginning of the third mission that shouldn't be. I have no idea what's causing this.



Once I-14 goes live, we should have Mod8 or Ex-Libris clear out this thread so we can only have Champion Missions Listed, and only Missions listed and not all the conversation we have now.
Until then we should list the Test Missions, though.

Anyone second the idea?

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



LOL i14 havent drop yet hold your horse role player.



Ok, been messing with the MA a bit and I have a mission up.

Mission name: Attack of the Space Clowns

Mission ID: 18749

Recommended difficulty: Solo worked for a tank and controller. Should be fairly easy.

Recommended team size: Hopefully, any.

Background story: Portal Corp is messing up again.

Enemy powers : AR, kins, some bubbles and Nrg attacks.

Your Global name: @Ashcraft

It's a fairl quick arc and my first try so let me know if something is wonky.

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



Yo wittypants! I ran your mish in the wee hours of my birthday and giggled far too much. Good job!

[/ QUOTE ]

Keep giving me 5 stars and put meh in the Hall of Famorz! Hope it wasn't too harsh.

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through and most ebook retailers!



Were there sorority girls? Cause I wrote one about those...

I'll have to try the birthday mish out too. But I expect cake that isn't a lie in return.



Please do, Turg, as long as you plan on posting the mission on Champion, too!



Well, if y'all are cool with it, here ya go. (And Lasc, Mission Architect is live on ALL servers, much like the market system. Publish on one, and it goes out to all.)

Arc Name: Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine, Act I
Arc ID: 18982
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Turgenev (Live and Test)
Difficulty Level: Best played from 35-50. Middling to Hard, solo to full team.
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 Hours
Synopsis: Wherein the old is new again; the dead may live; and our hearts will sing where our mind knows not the tune. - On one fateful day, our hero comes across an old Arachnos training simulation regarding a mysterious enemy. And on that fateful day, your life will never again be the same. (Act I of III)



no more love for The Jeff? could really use the feedback before it goes live



Mission name: The War of Fate: Betrayal

Mission ID: 19698

Recommended difficulty: Tried my best to make this doable at any level but I haven't tested it thoroughly.

Recommended team size: Hopefully, any.

Background story: A race of Immortal men and women are torn apart by the Betrayal of one of their most respected members. A league of Immortals are out to assassinate the Keystones of Fate and unravel the fabric of reality.

Enemy powers : AR, BS, SS, Fire, Sonic

Your Global name: @Ashcraft

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



Mission name: Rum Runners of Bloody Bay

Mission ID: 19101

Recommended difficulty: There's a Boss/EB with resurrect in it, he may bump up to AV if there's a larger team. I put in an Ally (Wittypirate) but he'll use Hurricane and Gale a lot so watch out for KB (is there any way to turn off a power on an NPC?). I also put in MM bosses but they didn't pop up on my Test attempts, so I figure a larger team will spawn 'em, and they may be buggy. Let me know.

Recommended team size: 2-3 or more.

Background story: Evil pirates from Nerva Archipelago have stolen the Bloody Bay Bucs' supply of rum! Time to steal it back and teach those not-good pirates who rules the seven seas.

Enemy powers : Dual Blades, Broadsword, Fire Blast/Fire Armor, Fire Tanker, Brawl punch.

Your Global name: @Witty

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through and most ebook retailers!