Eben Brooks: Personal Archvillain




I came across this lil music Vid and had to share it with you all.

Great job, must watch !!

Eben Brooks: Personal Archvillain

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Ha! "reach out and punch face!"




I came across this lil music Vid and had to share it with you all.

Great job, must watch !!

Eben Brooks: Personal Archvillain

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That was awesome!



Glad i could share it with you all, and i hope it put a smile on your faces, Now back to work on I14 !! j/k lol.

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Wow, LG was first after TWO rednames!

*bows before his awesomeness*

And thanks for sharing the vid, too!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



*laughs* I loved that. Looking to the side I noticed a couple other gems, "Hey there Cthuhlu" and "It's the End of the Verse as We Know It" both had me in stitches. I wonder if he has a CD.



Given that some of these CoH-filks were originally posted in early 2008, I am shocked, shocked and astonished that we didn't hear about this before this.

Someone invite this guy to Hero-Con!

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. -F. Nietzsche

Guide to Dark/Dark Defenders



I love how I stay logged on to these forums even though I'm a professional lurker.

Great job on all fronts, Ebben. Keep up the good work.



Given that some of these CoH-filks were originally posted in early 2008, I am shocked, shocked and astonished that we didn't hear about this before this.

Someone invite this guy to Hero-Con!

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We did, you just missed it . Eben came on this forum and posted 'beat up the scum' some 6+ months ago. IIRC, personal archvillain was only a work in progress at the time.



Hey! I've been discovered!

Seriously, though, I'm glad you all like it. I don't yet have a CD of my filk material, but I do have CDs of some of my more serious music at my website, http://music.ebenbrooks.com/

However, I'm working on a couple of EP projects, and one of them will definitely be all my City of Heroes songs. So as soon as I have it all put together, I'll let you know.

As for Hero Con, I'd love to come. When and where is it? (Sorry, I'm not on these boards much, so I'm a bit out of the loop.)

Buy Eben Brooks' new CD Geek Mythology, with four City of Heroes/City of Villains themed filk songs, for only $10!



Hey! I've been discovered!

Seriously, though, I'm glad you all like it. I don't yet have a CD of my filk material, but I do have CDs of some of my more serious music at my website, http://music.ebenbrooks.com/

However, I'm working on a couple of EP projects, and one of them will definitely be all my City of Heroes songs. So as soon as I have it all put together, I'll let you know.

As for Hero Con, I'd love to come. When and where is it? (Sorry, I'm not on these boards much, so I'm a bit out of the loop.)

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How many songs do you have that are CoH related ? if you don't mind my asking .

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



How many songs do you have that are CoH related ? if you don't mind my asking .

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At the moment, four, though I'm working on a possible fifth with my friend Allison Lonsdale.

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Are they all on Youtube ? Links if pos plz.

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



that was awesome!



Are they all on Youtube ? Links if pos plz.

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Not yet, but I plan to put them up as soon as I get decent recordings of them. My next show is on March 21st, so I may be able to post one of them after that. ;-)

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Any chance that show would be anywhere near Mi ?

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Woot for tours !! lol

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Are they all on Youtube ? Links if pos plz.

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Not yet, but I plan to put them up as soon as I get decent recordings of them. My next show is on March 21st, so I may be able to post one of them after that. ;-)

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Any news on a new song ? And how was the show on the 21st ?

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's