Customizing the QuickChat Menu
I still can't get this thing going - is there anything that need be done differently if my folder is in Program Files(x86)? It's the only difference I can think of between what's shown in this thread and what I have.
That shouldn't matter, so long as it's placed in the data directory under your CoH installation.
OK, so I absolutely love this feature, and thread for enlightening me to it. I have gone and added a whole bunch of different things to mine, ranging from Suppressclosefx to the i15 CCEs(with the hotkeys for just about everything). I've been meaning to post it for awhile to see if anyone else would like to use it, and this morning I was asked in-game to post it so here it goes:
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
// This is a popup menu file.
// These menus associate a string (which is displayed on the menu) with a
// command which is parsed as if you typed it into the command window.
// Popup menus can be defined using the fairly simple syntax you see below.
// They can have submenus, options, titles, and dividers.
// When specifying the name of an submenu, option, or title, you can put
// an apersand (& before the character which you want to be the hotkey for
// that option. Be careful not to specify the same hotkey for multiple items
// within a menu (or else the hotkey won't work for one of them).
// The top-level menu name (e.g. QuickChat) is not seen by the player and
// shouldn't be translated. This is the internal name used by the game to
// look up the menu definition.
// To launch any popup menu you can execute "/popmenu MenuName" in the chat
// window. It will pop up wherever the cursor is.
// You can put multiple menu definitions in this file or make new files
// in this directory. They must have a .mnu extension.
Menu Example
// This is an example which uses a title and a divider. They can appear
// anywhere in a menu or submenu (as well as multiple times).
Title "Example Menu"
// Each option on a menu has two parameters, the first is the name
// to be displayed on the menu, with an ampersand (& before the hotkey.
// The second is the command which will be executed as if you typed
// it into the command window.
// Also note that the same hotkeys are used here as in a later submenu.
// This is OK since only one submenu is active at a time.
Option "&Hi" "say Hi!$$e Hi"
Option "&ATTACK!" "say ATTACK!$$e attack"
// This defines a submenu.
// Again, the name given will be displayed on the menu, and it will
// respond to the given hotkey (&.
Menu "More &Combat"
Option "&ATTACK!" "say ATTACK!$$e attack"
Option "&SPOON!" "say <color yellow><bgcolor red>SPOON!$$e attack"
Option "&RUN!" "say <color white><bgcolor red>RUN!"
// Current emotes (from \game\data\defs\emotes.def) for reference. Use them
// like "e Wings" to do the wings animation.
Menu QuickChat
Menu &Greetings
Option "&Hi" "say Hi!$$e Hi"
Option "Hell&o <target>" "say Hello, $target$$e Hi"
Option "&Introduce <self>" "say Pleased to meet you! I am $name, a level $level $origin $archetype.$$e Hi"
Option "&Looking for team" "local <color white><bgcolor #2222aa><scale .75>level $level $archetype$$say <color white><bgcolor #2222aa>Looking for team"
Option "&Welcome" "say Welcome!$$e Welcome"
Option "<wa&ve>" "e Wave"
Menu &Travel
Option "&Lead on!" "say Lead On!$$e ThumbsUp"
Option "Onwar&d!" "say <color white><bgcolor green>Onward!$$e point"
Option "&Follow me!" "say Follow me!"
Option "&Stop!" "say <color black><bgcolor red>Stop!$$e RaiseHand"
Option "&Wait here" "say Wait here$$e RaiseHand"
Option "Let's &go!" "say <color white><bgcolor green>Let's go!$$e yes"
Option "&On my way" "say On my way..."
Option "Over &here!" "say Over here!$$e OverHere"
Option "&Yoo hoo!" "e whistles$$e whistle"
Option "Where &to?" "say <color black><bgcolor PowderBlue>Where to?$$e shrug"
Option "&Ready?" "say <color black><bgcolor PowderBlue>Ready?"
Option "Get a &mission?" "say <color black><bgcolor PowderBlue>Get a mission?"
Menu Co&mbat
Option "&On my mark..." "say On my mark...$$e RaiseHand"
Option "&ATTACK!" "say ATTACK!$$e attack"
Option "&GO!" "say <color white><bgcolor green>GO!$$e Attack"
Option "&NOW!" "say NOW!$$e Attack"
Option "&RUN!" "say <color white><bgcolor red>RUN!"
Option "&HELP!" "say <color black><bgcolor yellow>HELP!"
Option "&Don't attack" "say Don't attack!$$e DontAttack"
Option "&Wait!" "say Wait!$$e RaiseHand"
Option "&Stop!" "say <color black><bgcolor red>Stop!$$e RaiseHand"
Option "&Look Out!" "say <color black><bgcolor yellow>Look out!"
Option "&Incoming!" "say <color black><bgcolor yellow>Incoming!"
Option "N&eed health!" "say <color black><bgcolor yellow>Need health!"
Option "&Come get some!" "say Come get some!$$e tauntA"
Menu Con&verse
Option "&Chat" "e Talk"
Option "&Yes" "say Yes$$e yes"
Option "Yes &sir!" "say Yes Sir!$$e salute"
Option "&No" "say No$$e No"
Option "H&uh?" "say <color black><bgcolor PowderBlue>Huh?$$e shrug"
Option "Good &job!" "say Good job!$$e ThumbsUp"
Option "S&orry" "say <color black><bgcolor LightSlateGray>Sorry$$e sorry"
Option "&Thank you" "say Thank you$$e ThankYou"
Option "You're &Welcome" "say You're welcome$$e YoureWelcome"
Option "No &Problem" "say No Problem$$e ThumbsUp"
Option "&Grrrrrrr!" "say <color DarkRed><bgcolor Silver>Grrrrrrrr!$$e tarzan"
Option "&Arrrrggggh!" "say <color DarkRed><bgcolor Silver>Arrrrggggh!$$e Frustrated"
Option "E&xcellent!" "say Excellent!$$e clap"
Option "Mua &Ha Ha Ha!" "say Mua ha ha ha!$$e EvilLaugh"
Option "<No&d>" "e Nod"
Option "<&Laughs>" "e laugh"
Option "<G&iggle>" "e BigLaugh"
Option "<&Evil laugh>" "e EvilLaugh"
Option "<Yada Yada Yada&1>" "e Yata"
Option "<Tal&k to the Hand>" "e TalkToHand"
Menu &Decide
Option "<&Yes>" "e Yes"
Option "<&No>" "e No"
Option "<&Rock>" "e Rock"
Option "<&Paper>" "e Paper"
Option "<&Scissors>" "e Scissors"
Option "<&Coin toss>" "e CoinToss"
Option "<&Dice>" "e Dice"
Option "<&Lecture>" "e Lecture"
Option "<&Explain>" "e Explain"
Option "<D&isagree>" "e Disagree"
Menu &Judge
Option "<Score &1>" "e Score1"
Option "<Score &2>" "e Score2"
Option "<Score &3>" "e Score3"
Option "<Score &4>" "e Score4"
Option "<Score &5>" "e Score5"
Option "<Score &6>" "e Score6"
Option "<Score &7>" "e Score7"
Option "<Score &8>" "e Score8"
Option "<Score &9>" "e Score9"
Option "<Score 1&0>" "e Score10"
Menu &Emotions
Option "<&Angry>" "e Angry"
Option "<&Frustrated>" "e Frustrated"
Option "<Wave Fis&t>" "e WaveFist"
Option "<&Drat>" "e Drat"
Option "<&Shucks>" "e Shucks"
Option "<G&rief>" "e Grief"
Option "<Shru&g>" "e Shrug"
Option "<&Cheer>" "e Cheer"
Option "<&Victory>" "e Victory"
Option "<&Winner>" "e Winner"
Option "<&Curse You>" "e CurseYou"
Menu &Interact
Option "<Sl&ap>" "e slap"
Option "<You &Bow down!>" "e Bowdown"
Option "<Sma&ck>" "e Smack"
Option "<Surren&der>" "e Surrender"
Option "<G&etSome>" "e GetSome"
Option "<A&fraid>" "e Afraid"
Option "<&Go Away>" "e GoAway"
Option "<&Hmmmm>" "e Hmmm"
Option "<&Chicken>" "e Chicken"
Option "<AF&K sleep>" "e Sleep"
Option "<S&lashThroat>" "e SlashThroat"
Option "<S&mackYou>" "e SmackYou"
Option "<Ha&ndsup>" "e Handsup"
Option "<Pr&otest>" "e Protest"
Option "<&Plot>" "e Plot"
Option "<Cam&era>" "e Camera"
Menu &Other
Option "<Newsp&aper>" "e Newspaper"
Option "<&Bow>" "e Bow"
Option "<&Fancy Bow>" "e FancyBow"
Option "<&Clap>" "e Clap"
Option "<&Dance>" "e Dance"
Option "<&Jumping Jacks>" "e JumpingJacks"
Option "<&Kneel>" "e Kneel"
Option "<&Laugh>" "e Laugh"
Option "<Poi&nt>" "e Point"
Option "<&Over Here>" "e OverHere"
Option "<&Praise>" "e Praise"
Option "<&Roar>" "e Roar"
Option "<Howl>" "e Howl"
Option "<Sal&ute>" "e Salute"
Option "<&Military Salute>" "e MilitarySalute"
Option "<At &Ease>" "e AtEase"
Option "<The Wa&ve>" "e TheWave"
Option "<&Taunt>" "e Taunt"
Option "<&Warm up>" "e Kata"
Option "<Boombo&x>" "e BoomBox"
Option "<&Yoga>" "e Yoga"
Option "<Tar&zan>" "e Tarzan"
Option "<Flex &1>" "e Flex1"
Option "<Flex &2>" "e Flex2"
Option "<Flex &3>" "e Flex3"
Option "<&Wait>" "e Waiting"
Option "<Fl&ipping Coin>" "e FlippingCoin"
Option "<&Cellphone>" "e Cellphone"
Option "<Binoculars>" "e Binoculars"
Option "<Clipboard>" "e Clipboard"
Option "<Stunned>" "e Wounded"
Option "<Fish>" "e Fishing"
Menu &BoomBox
Option "<bb &Altitude>" "e BBAltitude"
Option "<bb &Beat>" "e BBBeat"
Option "<bb &Catch Me>" "e BBCatchMe"
Option "<bb &Dance>" "e BBDance"
Option "<bb &ElectroVibe>" "e BBElectroVibe"
Option "<bb Disco &Freak>" "e BBDiscoFreak"
Option "<bb Do&g Walk>" "e BBDogWalk"
Option "<bb &Heavy Dude>" "e BBHeavyDude"
Option "<bb &Info Overload>" "e BBInfoOverload"
Option "<bb &Jumpy>" "e BBJumpy"
Option "<bb &Kick It>" "e BBKickIt"
Option "<bb &Looker>" "e BBLooker"
Option "<bb &Meaty>" "e BBMeaty"
Option "<bb &Notorious>" "e BBNotorious"
Option "<bb Move &On>" "e BBMoveOn"
Option "<bb &Peace>" "e BBPeace"
Option "<bb &Quickie>" "e BBQuickie"
Option "<bb &Raver>" "e BBRaver"
Option "<bb &Shuffle>" "e BBShuffle"
Option "<bb &Technoid>" "e BBTechnoid"
Option "<bb Wind It &Up>" "e BBWindItUp"
Option "<bb &Venus>" "e BBVenus"
Option "<bb &Wah Wah>" "e BBWahWah"
Option "<bb &Yellow>" "e BBYellow"
Option "<bb Spa&z>" "e BBSpaz"
Menu D&ance
Option "<Dance &1>" "e Dance1"
Option "<Dance &2>" "e Dance2"
Option "<Dance &3>" "e Dance3"
Option "<Dance &4>" "e Dance4"
Option "<Dance &5>" "e Dance5"
Option "<Dance &6>" "e Dance6"
Menu S&it
Option "<&Sit>" "e Sit"
Option "<Sit Chair &1>" "e SitChair1"
Option "<Sit Chair &2>" "e SitChair2"
Option "<Sit Chair &3>" "e SitChair3"
Option "<Sit &Bench 1>" "e SitBench1"
Option "<Sit B&ench 2>" "e SitBench2"
Option "<Sit Be&nch 3>" "e SitBench3"
Option "<Sit Bench &4>" "e SitBench4"
Option "<Sit E&xecutive Chair>" "e SitExecutiveChair"
Option "<Sit St&ool>" "e SitStool"
Option "<Sit &Table 1>" "e SitTable1"
Option "<Sit T&able 2>" "e SitTable2"
Option "<Sit &Ledge>" "e Ledgesit"
Option "<Sit &Ground>" "e Sit"
Option "<Sit Lot&us>" "e Lotus"
Option "<&Kneel>" "e Kneel"
Option "<&Crouch>" "e Crouch"
Title "Custom:"
Menu "&Used Emotes"
Option "&Akimbo" "e akimbo"
Option "Alakazam React <&P>" "e alakazamreact"
Option "&Cross Arms" "e crossarms"
Option "&Drink" "e drink"
Option "&Eat" "e eat"
Option "Floating &Books" "e floatbooks"
Option "&Flip" "e Flip"
Option "&Invent" "e invent"
Option "Listen To Police &Scanner" "e listenpoliceband"
Option "&Waiting" "e waiting"
Option "Wall &Lean" "e walllean"
Option "None/Stop <&U>" "e none$$e none"
Menu "&Costume Changes"
Option "Costume &1" "cc 0"
Option "Costume &2" "cc 1"
Option "Costume &3" "cc 2"
Option "Costume &4" "cc 3"
Option "Costume &5" "cc 4"
Title "Costume Change Emotes"
Menu Back&flip
Option "Costume &1" "cce 0 ccbackflip"
Option "Costume &2" "cce 1 ccbackflip"
Option "Costume &3" "cce 2 ccbackflip"
Option "Costume &4" "cce 3 ccbackflip"
Option "Costume &5" "cce 4 ccbackflip"
Menu "&Evil Laugh"
Option "Costume &1" "cce 0 ccevillaugh"
Option "Costume &2" "cce 1 ccevillaugh"
Option "Costume &3" "cce 2 ccevillaugh"
Option "Costume &4" "cce 3 ccevillaugh"
Option "Costume &5" "cce 4 ccevillaugh"
Menu &Howl
Option "Costume &1" "cce 0 cchowl"
Option "Costume &2" "cce 1 cchowl"
Option "Costume &3" "cce 2 cchowl"
Option "Costume &4" "cce 3 cchowl"
Option "Costume &5" "cce 4 cchowl"
Menu Sal&ute
Option "Costume &1" "cce 0 ccsalute"
Option "Costume &2" "cce 1 ccsalute"
Option "Costume &3" "cce 2 ccsalute"
Option "Costume &4" "cce 3 ccsalute"
Option "Costume &5" "cce 4 ccsalute"
Menu &Peacebringer
Option "Costume &1" "cce 0 ccpeacebringer"
Option "Costume &2" "cce 1 ccpeacebringer"
Option "Costume &3" "cce 2 ccpeacebringer"
Option "Costume &4" "cce 3 ccpeacebringer"
Option "Costume &5" "cce 4 ccpeacebringer"
Menu &Warshade
Option "Costume &1" "cce 0 ccwarshade"
Option "Costume &2" "cce 1 ccwarshade"
Option "Costume &3" "cce 2 ccwarshade"
Option "Costume &4" "cce 3 ccwarshade"
Option "Costume &5" "cce 4 ccwarshade"
Menu "&Vanguard Sigil"
Option "Costume &1" "cce 0 ccvanguardsigil"
Option "Costume &2" "cce 1 ccvanguardsigil"
Option "Costume &3" "cce 2 ccvanguardsigil"
Option "Costume &4" "cce 3 ccvanguardsigil"
Option "Costume &5" "cce 4 ccvanguardsigil"
Title "Booster II-Costume Change Emotes:"
Menu "Casted &Magic"
Option "Costume &1" "cce 0 cccast"
Option "Costume &2" "cce 1 cccast"
Option "Costume &3" "cce 2 cccast"
Option "Costume &4" "cce 3 cccast"
Option "Costume &5" "cce 4 cccast"
Menu &Lightning
Option "Costume &1" "cce 0 cclightning"
Option "Costume &2" "cce 1 cclightning"
Option "Costume &3" "cce 2 cclightning"
Option "Costume &4" "cce 3 cclightning"
Option "Costume &5" "cce 4 cclightning"
Menu "Presto-&Chango"
Option "Costume &1" "cce 0 ccprestochango"
Option "Costume &2" "cce 1 ccprestochango"
Option "Costume &3" "cce 2 ccprestochango"
Option "Costume &4" "cce 3 ccprestochango"
Option "Costume &5" "cce 4 ccprestochango"
Menu &Spin
Option "Costume &1" "cce 0 ccspin"
Option "Costume &2" "cce 1 ccspin"
Option "Costume &3" "cce 2 ccspin"
Option "Costume &4" "cce 3 ccspin"
Option "Costume &5" "cce 4 ccspin"
Menu "&System"
Menu "&Click-To-Move"
Option "Disable Click-To-Move &0" "ctm 0"
Option "Enable Click-To-Move &1" "ctm 1"
Menu "Show &F.P.S."
Option "Hide F.P.S. &0" "showfps 0"
Option "Show F.P.S. &1" "showfps 1"
Menu "&Max. (Active) F.P.S."
Option "Max. F.P.S. &0 (Fullspeed)" "maxfps 0"
Option "Max. F.P.S. 5" "maxfps 5"
Option "Max. F.P.S. 10" "maxfps 10"
Option "Max. F.P.S. &15" "maxfps 15"
Option "Max. F.P.S. 20" "maxfps 20"
Option "Max. F.P.S. &25" "maxfps 25"
Option "Max. F.P.S. &30" "maxfps 30"
Option "Max. F.P.S. &50" "maxfps 50"
Option "Max. F.P.S. 100" "maxfps 100"
Menu "Max. &Inactive F.P.S."
Option "Max. Inactive F.P.S. &0 (Fullspeed)" "maxinactivefps 0"
Option "Max. Inactive F.P.S. &1" "maxinactivefps 1"
Option "Max. Inactive F.P.S. &5" "maxinactivefps 5"
Menu "&Netgraph"
Option "Netgraph &0" "netgraph 0"
Option "Netgraph &1" "netgraph 1"
Option "Netgraph &2" "netgraph 2"
Menu "Stop Inactive &Display"
Option "Allow Inactive Display &0" "stopinactivedisplay 0"
Option "Stop Inactive Display &1" "stopinactivedisplay 1"
Menu "Suppress F&X"
Option "Suppress FX &0" "suppressclosefx 0"
Option "Suppress FX &1" "suppressclosefx 1"
Menu "&Distance:"
Option "1" "suppressclosefxdist 1"
Option "5" "suppressclosefxdist 5"
Option "&10" "suppressclosefxdist 10"
Option "&25" "suppressclosefxdist 25"
Option "&32" "suppressclosefxdist 32"
Option "&40" "suppressclosefxdist 40"
Option "&50" "suppressclosefxdist 50"
Option "&60" "suppressclosefxdist 60"
Option "&70" "suppressclosefxdist 70"
Option "&80" "suppressclosefxdist 80"
Option "&90" "suppressclosefxdist 90"
Option "10&0" "suppressclosefxdist 100"
Menu "&Screenshot"
Option "&Screenshot" "screenshot"
Option "Screenshot U.I. &0" "screenshotui 0"
Option "Screenshot U.I. &1" "screenshotui 1"
Menu "&Wedding Pack"
Option "Throw &Rice" "e rice"
Option "Throw &Confetti" "e confetti"
Option "Throw Rose&petals" "e throwrosepetals"
Option "Propose <&m>" "e propose"
Menu "Booster Pack &1 (Cyborg)"
Option "Power &Down" "e powerdown"
Option "Power &Up" "e powerup"
Option "Ro&bot Dance" "e robotdance"
Menu "&Power(s)"
Option "&Self-Destruction" "powexecname self destruction"
Menu "Booster Pack &2 (Magic)"
Option &Juggle "e juggle"
Option "Juggle &Electricity" "e juggleelectricity"
Option "Juggle &Fire" "e jugglefire"
Option "Juggle &Magic" "e jugglemagic"
Option "&Card Trick" "e cardtrick"
Menu "&Power(s)"
Option "&Mystic Fortune" "powexecname Mystic Fortune"
Menu PetCommands
// This is an example which uses a title and a divider. They can appear
// anywhere in a menu or submenu (as well as multiple times).
Title "PetCommands"
// Each option on a menu has two parameters, the first is the name
// to be displayed on the menu, with an ampersand (& before the hotkey.
// The second is the command which will be executed as if you typed
// it into the command window.
// Also note that the same hotkeys are used here as in a later submenu.
// This is OK since only one submenu is active at a time.
Option "&Aggressive" "say Hi!$$e Hi"
Option "&Passive" "say ATTACK!$$e attack"
// This defines a submenu.
// Again, the name given will be displayed on the menu, and it will
// respond to the given hotkey (&.
Menu "More &Combat"
Option "&ATTACK!" "say ATTACK!$$e attack"
Option "&SPOON!" "say <color yellow><bgcolor red>SPOON!$$e attack"
Option "&RUN!" "say <color white><bgcolor red>RUN!"
}</pre><hr />
I just finished testing this version and everything seemed to be working, let me know if you attempt to use it and find something like 1/2 the options not showing (aka a missing bracket 1/2 way down the code), etc
[After Preview]: OMG, sorry this ends up taking up like a page of the thread

10 50's To Date! Check out Titan Sentinel; it got my CoH presence synced online

This looks very promising, but would the OP please consider editing the post to the new forum?
There are wild html tags all over the posts... somebody gotta catch'em all.

Main Hero: Flame Blade (Scrapper lvl 50; Katana/Regeneration)
Main Villain: Elenor Seahawk (Mastermind lvl 44; Necromancy/Poison)
My Arcs: #337278: Learning Curve
Fight my Brute: SMASH
Now if some of you read the EU boards, you'd have seen this system mentioned two or more years ago.
Did a bit of investigation back in those days, just checking my info once the damn patcher finishes, I seem to remember that you can add and *.mnu file to that folder and call the relevant menu using the /popmenu <menu name> command.
I even started writing a guide, but was unable to get clarification if this fell under same EULA rules as changing the graphics etc. (Asked for Clarification of this from Bridger (EU CM) back before he left... just to date my discovery.)
To confirm that, I have a 2nd .mnu file (windows.mnu) with a defined menu of windows. Using /popmenu windows the menu pops up at my cursor.
edit 2:-
If you try and call an addition popmenu menu from within an existing menu the game loses control... as in no keys or mouse presses work.
Menu "&1 Team Select" { Option "Team mate &1" "team_select 1$$popmenu tm1" Option "Team mate &2" "team_select 2$$popmenu tm2" Option "Team mate &3" "team_select 3$$popmenu tm3" Option "Team mate &4" "team_select 4$$popmenu tm4" Option "Team mate &5" "team_select 5$$popmenu tm5" Option "Team mate &6" "team_select 6$$popmenu tm6" Option "Team mate &7" "team_select 7$$popmenu tm7" Option "Team mate &8" "team_select 8$$popmenu tm8" Option "Cancel &9" "nop" } } Menu tm1 { Title "Team Mate 1 Buffs" Divider Option "&0 Cancel" "nop" Divider Option "&1 Speed Boost" "powexecname speed boost" Option "&2 Increase Density" "powexecname Increase Density" Option "&3 Grant Invisibility" "powexecname Grant Invisibility" Divider Option "&9 Back" "popmenu windows" } |

Btw, anyone have any idea about why some of the options in the quickchat submenus are encased in < and >?
Menu &Decide
Option "<&Yes>" "e Yes"
Option "<&No>" "e No"
Option "<&Rock>" "e Rock"
Option "<&Paper>" "e Paper"
Option "<&Scissors>" "e Scissors"
Option "<&Coin toss>" "e CoinToss"
Option "<&Dice>" "e Dice"
Option "<&Lecture>" "e Lecture"
Option "<&Explain>" "e Explain"
Option "<D&isagree>" "e Disagree"

Main Hero: Flame Blade (Scrapper lvl 50; Katana/Regeneration)
Main Villain: Elenor Seahawk (Mastermind lvl 44; Necromancy/Poison)
My Arcs: #337278: Learning Curve
Fight my Brute: SMASH
I think its just a display option, when you open the menu the emotes are listed in < > symbols.
Btw, anyone have any idea about why some of the options in the quickchat submenus are encased in < and >?
The ones not in angle brackets have text 'spoken' with or without an emote.
Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides
Now if some of you read the EU boards, you'd have seen this system mentioned two or more years ago.
![]() If you try and call an addition popmenu menu from within an existing menu the game loses control... as in no keys or mouse presses work. The above means I have to kill the client and restart. I had forgotten about that. ![]() |
1. Using the default .mnu or a popmenu to call up another popmenu
2. going 5 submenus deep (very rarely even going 4 submenus deep)
3. bad formating in your .mnu (mission quotes and that sort of thing).
The interesting thing is that even though you lose control of the 3D environment, you can still control the 2D GUI.
Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides
has anyone managed to get the "new" quickmenu text?
I'm afraid I don't know what you mean?
// This is a popup menu file. // // These menus associate a string (which is displayed on the menu) with a // command which is parsed as if you typed it into the command window. // // Popup menus can be defined using the fairly simple syntax you see below. // They can have submenus, options, titles, and dividers. // // When specifying the name of an submenu, option, or title, you can put // an apersand (&) before the character which you want to be the hotkey for // that option. Be careful not to specify the same hotkey for multiple items // within a menu (or else the hotkey won't work for one of them). // // The top-level menu name (e.g. QuickChat) is not seen by the player and // shouldn't be translated. This is the internal name used by the game to // look up the menu definition. // // To launch any popup menu you can execute "/popmenu MenuName" in the chat // window. It will pop up wherever the cursor is. // // You can put multiple menu definitions in this file or make new files // in this directory. They must have a .mnu extension. // Menu Example { // This is an example which uses a title and a divider. They can appear // anywhere in a menu or submenu (as well as multiple times). Title "Example Menu" // Each option on a menu has two parameters, the first is the name // to be displayed on the menu, with an ampersand (&) before the hotkey. // The second is the command which will be executed as if you typed // it into the command window. // Also note that the same hotkeys are used here as in a later submenu. // This is OK since only one submenu is active at a time. Option "&Hi" "say Hi!$$e Hi" Option "&ATTACK!" "say ATTACK!$$e attack" Divider // This defines a submenu. // Again, the name given will be displayed on the menu, and it will // respond to the given hotkey (&). Menu "More &Combat" { Option "&ATTACK!" "say ATTACK!$$e attack" Option "&SPOON!" "say <color yellow><bgcolor red>SPOON!$$e attack" Option "&RUN!" "say <color white><bgcolor red>RUN!" } } // Current emotes (from \game\data\defs\emotes.def) for reference. Use them // like "e Wings" to do the wings animation. Menu QuickChat { Menu Converse { Menu Greetings { Option "Hi" "say Hi!$$e Hi" Option "Hello <$target>" "say Hello, $target$$e Hi" Option "Introduce <Self>" "say Pleased to meet you! I am $name, a level $level $origin $archetype.$$e Hi" Option "Looking for team" "local <scale .75>level $level $archetype$$say Looking for team" Option "Welcome" "say Welcome!$$e Welcome" } Menu Combat { Option "On my mark..." "say On my mark...$$e RaiseHand" Option "ATTACK!" "say ATTACK!$$e attack" Option "Don't attack!" "say Don't attack!$$e DontAttack" Option "Stop!" "say Stop!$$e RaiseHand" Option "Come get some!" "say Come get some!$$e tauntA" } Menu Travel { Option "Lead on!" "say Lead On!$$e ThumbsUp" Option "Onward!" "say Onward!$$e point" Option "Follow me!" "say Follow me!e point" Option "Stop!" "say Stop!$$e RaiseHand" Option "Wait here" "say Wait here$$e RaiseHand" Option "Let's go!" "say Let's go!$$e yes" Option "On my way" "say On my way..." Option "Over here!" "say Over here!$$e OverHere" Option "Where to?" "say Where to?$$e shrug" Option "Ready?" "say Ready?" Option "Get a mission?" "say Get a mission?" } Menu Speech { Option "Yes" "say Yes$$e yes" Option "Yes sir!" "say Yes Sir!$$e salute" Option "No" "say No$$e No" Option "Huh?" "say Huh?$$e shrug" Option "Good job!" "say Good job!$$e ThumbsUp" Option "Sorry" "say Sorry$$e sorry" Option "Thank you" "say Thank you$$e ThankYou" Option "You're Welcome" "say You're welcome$$e YoureWelcome" Option "No Problem" "say No Problem$$e ThumbsUp" Option "Grrrrrrr!" "say Grrrrrrrr!$$e tarzan" Option "Arrrrggggh!" "say Arrrrggggh!$$e Frustrated" Option "Excellent!" "say Excellent!$$e clap" Option "Mua Ha Ha Ha!" "say Mua ha ha ha!$$e EvilLaugh" } Divider Option "Chat" "e Talk" Option "Lecture" "e Lecture" Option "Explain" "e Explain" Divider Option "Nod" "e Nod" Option "Thumbsup" "e Thumbsup" Option "Shrug" "e Shrug" Option "Thanks" "e ThankYou" Option "Welcome" "e YoureWelcome" Divider Option "Disagree" "e Disagree" Option "Shake Head" "e No" Option "Yada Yada Yada" "e Yata" Option "Talk to the Hand" "e TalkToHand" } Menu Interact { Option "Salute" "e Salute" Option "Military Salute" "e MilitarySalute" Option "At Ease" "e AtEase" Divider Option "Bow" "e Bow" Option "Fancy Bow" "e FancyBow" Option "Clap" "e Clap" Option "Praise" "e Praise" Option "Camera" "e Camera" Divider Option "You Bow down!" "e Bowdown" Option "Surrender" "e Surrender" Option "GetSome" "e GetSome" Option "Go Away" "e GoAway" Option "Taunt" "e Taunt" Option "Chicken" "e Chicken" Option "SlashThroat" "e SlashThroat" Option "Threaten" "e SmackYou" Option "Handsup" "e Handsup" Option "Smack" "e Smack" Option "Slap" "e slap" Option "Slap React" "e SlapReact" Option "Alakazam!" "e Alakazam" Option "Alakazam! React" "e Alakazamreact" Option "Bat Smash" "e Batsmash" Option "Bat Smash React" "e Batsmashreact" Divider Menu Judge { Option "Score 1" "e Score1" Option "Score 2" "e Score2" Option "Score 3" "e Score3" Option "Score 4" "e Score4" Option "Score 5" "e Score5" Option "Score 6" "e Score6" Option "Score 7" "e Score7" Option "Score 8" "e Score8" Option "Score 9" "e Score9" Option "Score 10" "e Score10" } Menu Decide { Option "Coin toss" "e CoinToss" Option "Roll Dice" "e Dice" Divider Option "Rock" "e Rock" Option "Paper" "e Paper" Option "Scissors" "e Scissors" } Menu Environment { Option "Peer In" "e Peerin" Option "Touch Screen" "e Touchscreen" Option "Type" "e Typing" Option "Research" "e Research" Option "Research Low" "e Researchlow" Divider Option "Sit Chair 1" "e SitChair1" Option "Sit Chair 2" "e SitChair2" Option "Sit Chair 3" "e SitChair3" Option "Sit Bench 1" "e SitBench1" Option "Sit Bench 2" "e SitBench2" Option "Sit Bench 3" "e SitBench3" Option "Sit Bench 4" "e SitBench4" Option "Sit Executive Chair" "e SitExecutiveChair" Option "Sit Stool" "e SitStool" Option "Sit Table 1" "e SitTable1" Option "Sit Table 2" "e SitTable2" Option "Sit Ledge" "e Ledgesit" Divider Option "Wall Lean" "e WallLean" Option "Assume the Position" "e Assumepositionwall" } } Menu Actions { Option "Wave" "e Wave" Option "Big Wave" "e BigWave" Option "Raise Hand" "e RaiseHand" Option "Point" "e Point" Option "Attack" "e attack" Divider Option "Backflip" "e Backflip" Option "Jumping Jacks" "e JumpingJacks" Option "Kata" "e Kata" Option "Flex 1" "e Flex1" Option "Flex 2" "e Flex2" Option "Flex 3" "e Flex3" Divider Option "Cheer" "e Cheer" Option "Wave Fist" "e WaveFist" Option "Whistle" "e Whistle" Option "Victory" "e Victory" Option "Winner" "e Winner" Option "The Wave" "e TheWave" Divider Option "Angry" "e Angry" Option "Frustrated" "e Frustrated" Option "Curse You" "e CurseYou" Option "Roar" "e Roar" Option "Howl" "e Howl" Option "Tarzan" "e Tarzan" Divider Option "Crack Knuckles" "e Knuckles" Option "Dust Off" "e Dustoff" Option "Read Book" "e Readbook" Option "Burp" "e Burp" Divider Option "Laughs" "e laugh" Option "Giggle" "e BigLaugh" Option "Evil laugh" "e EvilLaugh" Option "Drat" "e Drat" Option "Shucks" "e Shucks" Option "Grief" "e Grief" } Menu Idle { Option "Neutral Stance" "e Idle1" Option "Center Stance" "e Idle2" Option "Hands on Hips" "e Akimbo" Option "Cross Arms" "e Crossarms" Option "Wait" "e Waiting" Option "Stunned" "e Wounded" Option "Afraid" "e Afraid" Option "AFK sleep" "e Sleep" Option "Plot" "e Plot" Divider Option "Sit on Ground" "e Sit" Option "Lotus" "e Lotus" Option "Kneel" "e Kneel" Option "Crouch" "e Crouch" Divider Option "Read Newspaper" "e Newspaper" Option "Hold Torch" "e Holdtorch" Option "Use Laptop" "e Laptop" Option "Cellphone" "e Cellphone" Option "Fish" "e Fishing" Option "Flipping Coin" "e FlippingCoin" Option "Binoculars" "e Binoculars" Option "Clipboard" "e Clipboard" Option "Invent" "e Invent" Option "Protest" "e Protest" Option "Panhandle" "e Panhandle" Option "Floating Books" "e Floatbooks" Divider Option "Drink" "e Drink" Option "Eat Food" "e Eatfood" Option "Eat Donut" "e Donut" Option "Drink Tea" "e Teabag" } Menu Music { Option "Boombox" "e BoomBox" Menu Tracklist { Option "bb Altitude" "e BBAltitude" Option "bb Beat" "e BBBeat" Option "bb Catch Me" "e BBCatchMe" Option "bb Dance" "e BBDance" Option "bb ElectroVibe" "e BBElectroVibe" Option "bb Disco Freak" "e BBDiscoFreak" Option "bb Dog Walk" "e BBDogWalk" Option "bb Heavy Dude" "e BBHeavyDude" Option "bb Info Overload" "e BBInfoOverload" Option "bb Jumpy" "e BBJumpy" Option "bb Kick It" "e BBKickIt" Option "bb Looker" "e BBLooker" Option "bb Meaty" "e BBMeaty" Option "bb Notorious" "e BBNotorious" Option "bb Move On" "e BBMoveOn" Option "bb Peace" "e BBPeace" Option "bb Quickie" "e BBQuickie" Option "bb Raver" "e BBRaver" Option "bb Shuffle" "e BBShuffle" Option "bb Technoid" "e BBTechnoid" Option "bb Wind It Up" "e BBWindItUp" Option "bb Venus" "e BBVenus" Option "bb Wah Wah" "e BBWahWah" Option "bb Yellow" "e BBYellow" Option "bb Spaz" "e BBSpaz" } Divider Option "Dance" "e Dance" Option "Shuffle" "e Dance1" Option "Rock It" "e Dance2" Option "The Washer" "e Dance3" Option "Raise the Roof" "e Dance4" Option "Bounce" "e Dance5" Option "The Monkey" "e Dance6" Option "Drum Dance" "e Drumdance" Divider Option "Big Drum" "e Drum" Option "Small Drum" "e Drumlow" } } |
I can't speak for RubyWrecker, but it's what I wanted to know. Thanks a lot!
Yep that is what I was looking for.
Now to the "fun" of updating my quickchat menu with the additional commands I want listed in there....
thanks very much for this.
It sounds like they rolled back the patch though so the new default menu may not be there anymore.
Anyone managed to find the menus that associate with the various right clicks? Especially the one that associates with the chat window... I'm forever losing tabs and channels by accident and want to remove all the key short-cuts.
The Aug 04 patch update had an update for the default quickchat menu. If you were using a custom quickchat menu, you wouldn't have noticed it in the game.
It sounds like they rolled back the patch though so the new default menu may not be there anymore. |
// // This is a popup menu file. // // These menus associate a string (which is displayed on the menu) with a // command which is parsed as if you typed it into the command window. // // Popup menus can be defined using the fairly simple syntax you see below. // They can have submenus, options, titles, and dividers. // // When specifying the name of an submenu, option, or title, you can put // an apersand (&) before the character which you want to be the hotkey for // that option. Be careful not to specify the same hotkey for multiple items // within a menu (or else the hotkey won't work for one of them). // // The top-level menu name (e.g. QuickChat) is not seen by the player and // shouldn't be translated. This is the internal name used by the game to // look up the menu definition. // // To launch any popup menu you can execute "/popmenu MenuName" in the chat // window. It will pop up wherever the cursor is. // // You can put multiple menu definitions in this file or make new files // in this directory. They must have a .mnu extension. // Menu Example { // This is an example which uses a title and a divider. They can appear // anywhere in a menu or submenu (as well as multiple times). Title "Example Menu" // Each option on a menu has two parameters, the first is the name // to be displayed on the menu, with an ampersand (&) before the hotkey. // The second is the command which will be executed as if you typed // it into the command window. // Also note that the same hotkeys are used here as in a later submenu. // This is OK since only one submenu is active at a time. Option "&Hi" "say Hi!$$e Hi" Option "&ATTACK!" "say ATTACK!$$e attack" Divider // This defines a submenu. // Again, the name given will be displayed on the menu, and it will // respond to the given hotkey (&). Menu "More &Combat" { Option "&ATTACK!" "say ATTACK!$$e attack" Option "&SPOON!" "say <color yellow><bgcolor red>SPOON!$$e attack" Option "&RUN!" "say <color white><bgcolor red>RUN!" } } // Current emotes (from \game\data\defs\emotes.def) for reference. Use them // like "e Wings" to do the wings animation. Menu QuickChat { Menu &Greetings { Option "&Hi" "say Hi!$$e Hi" Option "Hell&o <target>" "say Hello, $target$$e Hi" Option "&Introduce <self>" "say Pleased to meet you! I am $name, a level $level $origin $archetype.$$e Hi" Option "&Looking for team" "local <color white><bgcolor #2222aa><scale .75>level $level $archetype$$say <color white><bgcolor #2222aa>Looking for team" Option "&Welcome" "say Welcome!$$e Welcome" Option "<wa&ve>" "e Wave" } Menu &Travel { Option "&Lead on!" "say Lead On!$$e ThumbsUp" Option "Onwar&d!" "say <color white><bgcolor green>Onward!$$e point" Option "&Follow me!" "say Follow me!" Option "&Stop!" "say <color black><bgcolor red>Stop!$$e RaiseHand" Option "&Wait here" "say Wait here$$e RaiseHand" Option "Let's &go!" "say <color white><bgcolor green>Let's go!$$e yes" Option "&On my way" "say On my way..." Option "Over &here!" "say Over here!$$e OverHere" Option "&Yoo hoo!" "e whistles$$e whistle" Option "Where &to?" "say <color black><bgcolor PowderBlue>Where to?$$e shrug" Option "&Ready?" "say <color black><bgcolor PowderBlue>Ready?" Option "Get a &mission?" "say <color black><bgcolor PowderBlue>Get a mission?" } Menu &Combat { Option "&On my mark..." "say On my mark...$$e RaiseHand" Option "&ATTACK!" "say ATTACK!$$e attack" Option "&GO!" "say <color white><bgcolor green>GO!$$e Attack" Option "&NOW!" "say NOW!$$e Attack" Option "&RUN!" "say <color white><bgcolor red>RUN!" Option "&HELP!" "say <color black><bgcolor yellow>HELP!" Option "&Don't attack" "say Don't attack!$$e DontAttack" Option "&Wait!" "say Wait!$$e RaiseHand" Option "&Stop!" "say <color black><bgcolor red>Stop!$$e RaiseHand" Option "&Look Out!" "say <color black><bgcolor yellow>Look out!" Option "&Incoming!" "say <color black><bgcolor yellow>Incoming!" Option "N&eed health!" "say <color black><bgcolor yellow>Need health!" Option "&Come get some!" "say Come get some!$$e tauntA" } Menu Con&verse { Option "&Chat" "e Talk" Option "&Yes" "say Yes$$e yes" Option "Yes &sir!" "say Yes Sir!$$e salute" Option "&No" "say No$$e No" Option "H&uh?" "say <color black><bgcolor PowderBlue>Huh?$$e shrug" Option "Good &job!" "say Good job!$$e ThumbsUp" Option "S&orry" "say <color black><bgcolor LightSlateGray>Sorry$$e sorry" Option "&Thank you" "say Thank you$$e ThankYou" Option "You're &Welcome" "say You're welcome$$e YoureWelcome" Option "No &Problem" "say No Problem$$e ThumbsUp" Option "&Grrrrrrr!" "say <color DarkRed><bgcolor Silver>Grrrrrrrr!$$e tarzan" Option "&Arrrrggggh!" "say <color DarkRed><bgcolor Silver>Arrrrggggh!$$e Frustrated" Option "E&xcellent!" "say Excellent!$$e clap" Option "Mua &Ha Ha Ha!" "say Mua ha ha ha!$$e EvilLaugh" Option "<No&d>" "e Nod" Option "<&Laughs>" "e laugh" Option "<G&iggle>" "e BigLaugh" Option "<&Evil laugh>" "e EvilLaugh" Option "<Yada Yada Yada&1>" "e Yata" Option "<Tal&k to the Hand>" "e TalkToHand" } Menu &Decide { Option "<&Yes>" "e Yes" Option "<&No>" "e No" Option "<&Rock>" "e Rock" Option "<&Paper>" "e Paper" Option "<&Scissors>" "e Scissors" Option "<&Coin toss>" "e CoinToss" Option "<&Dice>" "e Dice" Option "<&Lecture>" "e Lecture" Option "<&Explain>" "e Explain" Option "<D&isagree>" "e Disagree" } Menu &Judge { Option "<Score &1>" "e Score1" Option "<Score &2>" "e Score2" Option "<Score &3>" "e Score3" Option "<Score &4>" "e Score4" Option "<Score &5>" "e Score5" Option "<Score &6>" "e Score6" Option "<Score &7>" "e Score7" Option "<Score &8>" "e Score8" Option "<Score &9>" "e Score9" Option "<Score 1&0>" "e Score10" } Menu &Emotions { Option "<&Angry>" "e Angry" Option "<&Frustrated>" "e Frustrated" Option "<Wave Fis&t>" "e WaveFist" Option "<&Drat>" "e Drat" Option "<&Shucks>" "e Shucks" Option "<G&rief>" "e Grief" Option "<Shru&g>" "e Shrug" Option "<&Cheer>" "e Cheer" Option "<&Victory>" "e Victory" Option "<&Winner>" "e Winner" Option "<&Curse You>" "e CurseYou" } Menu &Interact { Option "<Sl&ap>" "e slap" Option "<You &Bow down!>" "e Bowdown" Option "<Sma&ck>" "e Smack" Option "<Surren&der>" "e Surrender" Option "<G&etSome>" "e GetSome" Option "<A&fraid>" "e Afraid" Option "<&Go Away>" "e GoAway" Option "<&Hmmmm>" "e Hmmm" Option "<&Chicken>" "e Chicken" Option "<AF&K sleep>" "e Sleep" Option "<S&lashThroat>" "e SlashThroat" Option "<S&mackYou>" "e SmackYou" Option "<Ha&ndsup>" "e Handsup" Option "<Pr&otest>" "e Protest" Option "<&Plot>" "e Plot" Option "<Cam&era>" "e Camera" } Menu &Other { Option "<Newsp&aper>" "e Newspaper" Option "<&Bow>" "e Bow" Option "<&Fancy Bow>" "e FancyBow" Option "<&Clap>" "e Clap" Option "<&Dance>" "e Dance" Option "<&Jumping Jacks>" "e JumpingJacks" Option "<&Kneel>" "e Kneel" Option "<&Laugh>" "e Laugh" Option "<Poi&nt>" "e Point" Option "<&Over Here>" "e OverHere" Option "<&Praise>" "e Praise" Option "<&Roar>" "e Roar" Option "<Howl>" "e Howl" Option "<Sal&ute>" "e Salute" Option "<&Military Salute>" "e MilitarySalute" Option "<At &Ease>" "e AtEase" Option "<The Wa&ve>" "e TheWave" Option "<&Taunt>" "e Taunt" Option "<&Warm up>" "e Kata" Option "<Boombo&x>" "e BoomBox" Option "<&Yoga>" "e Yoga" Option "<Tar&zan>" "e Tarzan" Option "<Flex &1>" "e Flex1" Option "<Flex &2>" "e Flex2" Option "<Flex &3>" "e Flex3" Option "<&Wait>" "e Waiting" Option "<Fl&ipping Coin>" "e FlippingCoin" Option "<&Cellphone>" "e Cellphone" Option "<Binoculars>" "e Binoculars" Option "<Clipboard>" "e Clipboard" Option "<Stunned>" "e Wounded" Option "<Fish>" "e Fishing" } Menu &BoomBox { Option "<bb &Altitude>" "e BBAltitude" Option "<bb &Beat>" "e BBBeat" Option "<bb &Catch Me>" "e BBCatchMe" Option "<bb &Dance>" "e BBDance" Option "<bb &ElectroVibe>" "e BBElectroVibe" Option "<bb Disco &Freak>" "e BBDiscoFreak" Option "<bb Do&g Walk>" "e BBDogWalk" Option "<bb &Heavy Dude>" "e BBHeavyDude" Option "<bb &Info Overload>" "e BBInfoOverload" Option "<bb &Jumpy>" "e BBJumpy" Option "<bb &Kick It>" "e BBKickIt" Option "<bb &Looker>" "e BBLooker" Option "<bb &Meaty>" "e BBMeaty" Option "<bb &Notorious>" "e BBNotorious" Option "<bb Move &On>" "e BBMoveOn" Option "<bb &Peace>" "e BBPeace" Option "<bb &Quickie>" "e BBQuickie" Option "<bb &Raver>" "e BBRaver" Option "<bb &Shuffle>" "e BBShuffle" Option "<bb &Technoid>" "e BBTechnoid" Option "<bb Wind It &Up>" "e BBWindItUp" Option "<bb &Venus>" "e BBVenus" Option "<bb &Wah Wah>" "e BBWahWah" Option "<bb &Yellow>" "e BBYellow" Option "<bb Spa&z>" "e BBSpaz" } Menu D&ance { Option "<Dance &1>" "e Dance1" Option "<Dance &2>" "e Dance2" Option "<Dance &3>" "e Dance3" Option "<Dance &4>" "e Dance4" Option "<Dance &5>" "e Dance5" Option "<Dance &6>" "e Dance6" } Menu S&it { Option "<&Sit>" "e Sit" Option "<Sit Chair &1>" "e SitChair1" Option "<Sit Chair &2>" "e SitChair2" Option "<Sit Chair &3>" "e SitChair3" Option "<Sit &Bench 1>" "e SitBench1" Option "<Sit B&ench 2>" "e SitBench2" Option "<Sit Be&nch 3>" "e SitBench3" Option "<Sit Bench &4>" "e SitBench4" Option "<Sit E&xecutive Chair>" "e SitExecutiveChair" Option "<Sit St&ool>" "e SitStool" Option "<Sit &Table 1>" "e SitTable1" Option "<Sit T&able 2>" "e SitTable2" Option "<Sit &Ledge>" "e Ledgesit" Option "<Sit &Ground>" "e Sit" Option "<Sit Lot&us>" "e Lotus" Option "<&Kneel>" "e Kneel" Option "<&Crouch>" "e Crouch" } } Menu PetCommands { // This is an example which uses a title and a divider. They can appear // anywhere in a menu or submenu (as well as multiple times). Title "PetCommands" // Each option on a menu has two parameters, the first is the name // to be displayed on the menu, with an ampersand (&) before the hotkey. // The second is the command which will be executed as if you typed // it into the command window. // Also note that the same hotkeys are used here as in a later submenu. // This is OK since only one submenu is active at a time. Option "&Aggressive" "say Hi!$$e Hi" Option "&Passive" "say ATTACK!$$e attack" Divider // This defines a submenu. // Again, the name given will be displayed on the menu, and it will // respond to the given hotkey (&). Menu "More &Combat" { Option "&ATTACK!" "say ATTACK!$$e attack" Option "&SPOON!" "say <color yellow><bgcolor red>SPOON!$$e attack" Option "&RUN!" "say <color white><bgcolor red>RUN!" } } |
I'm lookin for some thing like SG Recuiting message button in Customizing the QuickChat Menu. please help!
here what like to say:
The Very Loyal Ninja Clan Omega is Recuiting new Members any AT Welcome also people have Super Booster IV: Martial Arts is Very Welcome to join the clan we also have Base(Dojo) and Friendly Coalition. for more info send tell to "name of contact go here".
Nacht Nova Thunder = Level 50 (Liberty) Dark Blaster/Storm Summoning - Defender
Nova Ninja = Level 50 (Liberty) spines/ Regeneration - Scrapper
CanadianMan = Level 50 (Liberty) Super Strength/Invulnerability - Tanker
LibertyBoy = Level 35 (Liberty) Stone Armor
/Fiery Melee - Tanker
Option "&Recruit" "b The Very Loyal Ninja Clan Omega is Recuiting new Members any AT Welcome also people have Super Booster IV: Martial Arts is Very Welcome to join the clan we also have Base(Dojo) and Friendly Coalition. for more info send tell to NovaThunder."
I'm having issues with channel names with spaces enclosed within an option. For example...
Option "&5 VU2010" "beginchat /send "Virtue LFG Alpha" [$name, $level $archetype]: "
...stops at the send. Is there any way to get around this?
Option "&Recruit" "b The Very Loyal Ninja Clan Omega is Recuiting new Members any AT Welcome also people have Super Booster IV: Martial Arts is Very Welcome to join the clan we also have Base(Dojo) and Friendly Coalition. for more info send tell to NovaThunder." |
Is that b in the right place?
Klaw: That b sends the message to /broadcast.
Just a simple addition to make life even easier.
/bind X quickchat
Once you have your menu setup the way you like it you will be able to press X --> Y --> Z.
Y and Z = whatever your shortcuts are.
" you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb" - Dark Helmet