(Open RP) Forever And A Day




Dr. Lore straightened out her coat on her shoulders before taking off her red headband and stuffing it in her coat pocket. She didn't have a change of clothes, which for the moment was suiting her fine. With what little knowledge of what they were up against, plain clothes didn't seem like the best thing to wear. Besides, it wasn't as though her white coat was a unique pattern or stood out greatly.

Then, indescision struck: "..." And she shrugged the coat off before folding it once and resting it in the crook of her left arm. Most likely, a plain white business shirt, black tie, white pants and black dress shoes looked a little more ordinary out on the city streets. Her coat would be back on once the investigating began.

She kept quiet and hung behind with the others. There was no telling what would happen from here, so the doctor kept mentally prepared. "..."

The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood




Millions was under the impression that they would sneak into King's Row and THEN be shipped. Which would have taen five minutes since we'd only be going through two zones max anyway. Hence why Millions only thought it would take five minutes.



((Travel times between Zones are an in-game allowance. While it may take a minute to go from St. Martial to Warburg and another minute from there to get to Kings Row, that's so the action in the game is quicker. Out here in RP world, however, real travel times should be taken into consideration.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.




I'm aware of that. But it should only take five minutes for a cargo container to be driven down ten city blocks or so.



((Well... Through the contrivance of time being relative, the rogues and heroes are now definitely working simultaneously. The assumption is that the Redside stuff has been happening earlier in the day than the Blueside.

Can't do it again, though. Not unless you guys wind up in wildly different geographic locations again.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Rose had gotten heavier armor before leaving the Etoile Islands, a heavier chestplate and undermesh for bullets and knives, and an opaque headpiece covered her face. A holographic HUD was projected a few visible inches off the surface of the helmet, but most importantly, the upgrades made the suit a self contained enviromental apparautus. Taking a sample of the atmosphere, Rose began to fill the system with breathable air.

"The stench of industry. Gah. Geothermal demons or not, at least Cap smells better."

Uploading the most recent Paragon Map to her system, Rose began looked up Sedadyne in the yellow pages.

"Its in Skyway. Take a cab, risk the train?"

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



Stahlhund merely was cloaked. He was aware of heroes and such with the abilty to see through it. However, they wouldn't know him or anything. He was strictly Rouge Isles.

"Hm.Interesting choice, Rose. I doubt we'd all fit in a cab. We will most likely have to risk the train." the gruff german machine spoke, matter-of-factly...

Self-Proclaimed Number one Fanboi of the RP Forums and it's writers.

Me: How about "Zeus, The Pimp God"?

A friend: It'd be too hard to dress him up like a bull



(( Ok, I'm lost. I was under the impression the villains were travelling there in the helicopter Cassie offered them. Is this not the case? Also, if that is right then ask yourselves this: Why would Cassie land said helicopter anywhere other than as close as she can reasonably get to the place they need to go? Also note the chopper is and has always been equipped with a cloaking device. ))

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?




Well the plan, as far as I perceived it, was to get to King's Row via normal Atachnos methods. Helicopter, white non-descript truck, etcetera. Then shipment to Sedadyne via cargo container. It looks like we somehow got cargo'd to King's Row instead and now we are walking to Sedadyne.



Rose nodded at Cassie, "We'll take your transpo, whoever needs a cover, or just wants one ready when we land, let me know, we'll pick them up in Paragon."

[/ QUOTE ]

(( This here, led me to believe they were taking the chopper. Was that not the intended meaning? ))

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



((You are currently in Kings Row. Sedadyne is NOT a part of Crey, so Crey doesn't have direct shipping to Sedadyne. As far as I can tell, the Kings Row facility is the closest Crey headquarters to the Sedadyne facility in Skyway City. A Skyway facility could have been used, but Kings Row was more likely to receive a large cargo shipment, as it's an industrial city (like Oakland), plus I'm unaware of any buildings in Skyway City with the Crey logo emblazoned on them.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



(( Except that Cassie quite obviously left the group, after it was apparently decided that some or all of them were taking her chopper. So... we have some coming by cargo and some coming by chopper? Or are my actions just going to get retconned? ))

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



((...Whhhhaaaaattt? I'm confuzzled

I thought we were taking Cassie's copter to wherever the Sedadyne place was, or close to it, and whoever had wanted a cover would get one before we all barged in like raging monkeys))



((Well, regardless of the method of travel, you were still going to wind up in Kings Row. You weren't going to be going directly to the Sedadyne Headquarters... It's not Crey property. From this Crey facility in Kings Row, you have an opportunity to establish what you need.

All roads lead to Kings Row is what I'm saying.

And I was under the impression that all other methods had been tossed aside in favor of Millions' plan, which I now see was left as "Oh, we go through Warburg and wind up in Kings Row."


Now... You guys still have the opportunity to establish whatever cover or make whatever arrangements you need. The point, in the end, is that the Crey facility in Kings Row is the opportune staging point at this point in the adventure.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"Its in Skyway. Take a cab, risk the train?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"I still don't understand why we didn't just land closer to the damn warehouse", Cassie answered somewhat irritably. She'd wanted to do exactly that, but no they had to come here to meet up with the others who'd decided to take a different route. Their own bloody fault for taking the slow way, she thought.

While waiting for the others to be ready she leaned casually against apparently thin air, though on closer inspection a faint shimmer in the air would reveal the presence of a cloaked helicopter. The cloak was good enough to stop the heroes that swarmed through Paragon from finding it unless they were specifically looking for a cloaked helicopter in that particular area and if they did find it, the automatic defenses were set to remain silent until detected and then open fire. Since this was only King's Row and the chopper's defenses were built to stand up to almost anything short of Statesman himself, Cassie really wasn't worried about someone messing with her ride while she was gone.


"Suggestion: Close range. Possibility: Myself: Detect: Active minds."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Sounds like a plan to me", Pax replied before flickering out of sight again as she shifted partially out of sync with this point in space/time. "Though I honestly doubt there's anyone there, the place looks abandoned. Either that or they're really good at hiding", her voice added from apparently thin air. Still, she followed Arek down to the roof hatch and waited while the draconian messed with the lock. Just in case, she powered up all three of her energy shields.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



"I still don't understand why we didn't just land closer to the damn warehouse"

[/ QUOTE ]

Rose shrugged, "I can see tactical reasons for either decision. But, seeing as this is mostly recon, as in, we have no idea where whatever we're looking for is, causing a spectacle would only bring a dissproportionate amount of heroes upon us--for the information we may not even find--faster than we can repell them. Besides, Skyway is what? 10 minutes from here? How much closer do we need to be? I'm much more concerned about getting in without bringing Synapse down on us."

As if the thought just now occured to her, Dynamo Rose Mapquested their destination. While the webpage loaded she picked up the surprisingly well crafted Hero-Corps ID card. Definately a well made forgery...

Scratching some dried blood off the edge, Rose chuckled, okay, maybe not a forgery. Reading the name however, killed any mirth she had, 'The Amazing Death-Defying Pom Poms O' Doom?' All of the circuit blowing, diode glowing dimwittery..."

"Heroes." It was both an exasperation and a curse.

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



Millions Green, having observed that his supposedly well-thought attempt to be useful had suddenly crashed and burned, stayed at the back of the group and tried to be invisible. 'If I draw attention to myself now, they'll shout at me for being an idiot.' He thought.



((Shift, despite the OOC, as far as the IC team is concerned, the plan went as well as it could have.

I didn't mean to dump on you, any of you, but you were essentially all arguing over your flavor of travel and would have pretty much wound up in the same place in 90% of the choices. The other choices involved flying over Skyway and jumping out of the helicopter for no fathomable reason.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



(( Not jumping out of it. Landing it on the roof of the warehouse they needed to go to. Or on the next building over.

Also I just noticed this:
All of the circuit blowing, diode glowing dimwittery...

[/ QUOTE ]
You left a piece out?))

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Jack had slept most of the way to the Row, still half asleep as they gathered. He yawned and stretched out his arms and back, then shook out his legs. He nodded slowly, then shook his head quickly. "What were we talking 'bout again?" Jack asked, his voice sounding surprised, then it returned to normal as he caught the conversation. "Right, right. I say we take the train, tram thing." Jack voted, then added "Or we could all steal a car and meet up there"



Shrugging slightly as the others voiced their concerns, Cher'tak hopped off the roof. He hit the ground with a heavy thud, his armor weighing more than it looked, and trotted across the street. He made sure to look both ways before crossing in an almost comical moment before moving. This meant he saw the small gang of Trolls spot him and decide that this section of turf wasn't worth getting killed over.

"Cloak: Life-signs: Not always: Cloak: Mind-signs," he explained over the inter-team channel as he checked the front of the warehouse with the sensors built into his own suit before jumping up to the roof.

"Exception: Every rule," he added as he carefully walked over the roof toward Arek and Pax, trying not to make too much noise as he reached outward with his mind, probing outward to detect other active minds around.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



"I agree with Rose. If Synapse were to find us, it would be most unpleasent. I'd rather us just sneak in, get the informaton and then head back." The german machine responded, his voice the same near emotionless tone as always. The red stalker faded from view, engaging his cloaking device.

Self-Proclaimed Number one Fanboi of the RP Forums and it's writers.

Me: How about "Zeus, The Pimp God"?

A friend: It'd be too hard to dress him up like a bull



"Cloak: Life-signs: Not always: Cloak: Mind-signs."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Yeah, but I doubt they're going to take the trouble to hide one and not make sure they've hidden the other as well. From what I saw, they don't seem the type to do things by halves", came Pax's voice from off to one side, the peacebringer still not completely in this time or place.


"I agree with Rose. If Synapse were to find us, it would be most unpleasent. I'd rather us just sneak in, get the informaton and then head back."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Speaking of sneaking...", Cassie muttered, before disappearing as she climbed back inside the chopper and thus inside the cloaking field. Inside, she grabbed a number of small devices with a single button on them before climbing back out and handing them around so that everyone had one. "They're recall beacons", the mastermind explained. "Hit the button if you're in trouble or after we're finished our job here and you'll teleport back to the chopper. And... don't yell at me if they don't work properly, I still haven't gotten around to properly testing them. But they should work."

Since they were meant to be laying low here, she didn't summon any of her robots and wasn't presently carrying her plasma rifle. Both were only a moment's notice away, though.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Dr. Lore took the beacon, nodded in approval of it and placed it next to her medical device.

"Sounds good to me." she confirmed. "If there's nothing else, let's move out. I don't have a problem taking the train."

The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood



Arek gave a nod. The Warmaster had a good point, for the Sky Commander had no such thing as a handheld individual impulse probe. Still, he kept watch on the energy sensor...


"Do so." Drago gave an approving nod, taking a beacon as well, "I'll join you once you've entered the building. I'm afraid I don't have an...a disguise handy, so I'll just jump to you once you're inside..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
