(Open RP) Forever And A Day
Rather than relay the murkey truth of the matter, Rose assured Manning that they met up with Senior Operative Drago just fine and were currently exchanging information.
She relayed that basics of Blight Carver's situation. Missing without a struggle, showed signs of excessive paranoia before he jumped ship and she even tossed in the bit about the enemy they encountered who was too good for a cyanide tooth.
"All that's left of him is ash, so we couldn't get anything from him. I'll see if any of the robots got pictures. If we get some, I'll send it over."
she transmitted a copy of Carver's diary and his photo records of his stalkers.
"We're working on tracking the kidnappers down, probably a little follow up on when Carver exactly dissapeared. I'll give a ring when we have a solid lead."
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
Another nod was given to Daemon and she tried not to raise a questionable eyebrow seeing the kid named Millions, but gave him a nod as well. She was a sucker for kids, but kept that fact very well hidden.
Listening to Drago's findings was troubling to her. Both her eyebrows went up upon the mention of Sedadyne. Of course she had heard of them, but the company kept under the radar after their infamous SNAFU. But no idea came to mind of how a small pharmaceutical company was fitting into this puzzle.
Missing regenerators, suspicious Crey-like characters, and now Sedadyne? Was there a connection to these pieces? There still wasn't a clear picture. More pieces would have to be put in place first, and the good doctor found one place to start.
"Perhaps if we looked at the anti-meta venom in the bullets Harbinger was shot with we could find another clue."
The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood
(( Ninjin I didn't mean to offend, just was saying you'd mentioned it to me. Badly phrased, probably. ))
"Its not pure Nem. Probably cobbled." Dynamo Rose said, shrugging. Glad that she wouldn't have to shoot herself--at least for now. Hearing the annoying trill of her communicator she added, "Excuse me."
[/ QUOTE ]
"That's a relief", Cassie almost visibly relaxed. She hated dealing with Nemesis, the old man's plots were so convoluted they confused even her. Anyone who wasn't Nemesis was far preferrable.
"All that's left of him is ash, so we couldn't get anything from him. I'll see if any of the robots got pictures. If we get some, I'll send it over."
[/ QUOTE ]
Not like a robot to laugh, but none the less that was exactly what the big Assault Bot did. "Consider them sent", he informed Rose in a voice that held far more emotion than the typical robotic monotone.
Cassie just glared at him. "Thought we agreed you were going to act like a normal robot?"
"Sorry", Mac replied, though he didn't exactly look sorry.
"Hacked police scanners, near empty base, bright light, temporary paralysis... Nope, doesn't fit the MO of anyone I know of", Pax said. "When exactly did you say this happened?", she asked curiously, fully intending to go back to exactly then and watch it happen rather than relying on a secondhand description of events.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
Stahlhund was listening to the conversation and was a bit taken aback at the young kid in the group. Then the one called Harbinger Demon intrigued him. The so-called "victim"
"So, Harbinger, do you have any theories of why you were in this matter at all?" The german stalker said, still in place with his hands behind his back, the only indication of where the voice had come from was him looking at the large demon.
Self-Proclaimed Number one Fanboi of the RP Forums and it's writers.
Me: How about "Zeus, The Pimp God"?
A friend: It'd be too hard to dress him up like a bull
--Bronze Shield's Residence--
Something about Arek saying he understood what she was going through set Bronze Shield off and she jumped up off her couch. After hurling her cup of coffee across the room, she started shouting. Her robe apparently was just another comfort layer, as she was wearing a sweatsuit underneath it.
"You think you understand what I'm going through!? You've lost someone you were in love with!? That you don't know what to do without!? Who the Hell do you think you are!? You brought a Rikti to my house, you're wringing me for information I've already given Longbow..."
She sat back down and the group waited a few seconds. Finally, Pax asked for the specific date and the tanker responded quietly.
"Well... It was Thursday..."
--Flashback: Skyway City: Hyde Park--
The four heroes flew, sped and hopped to the cavern dug into the side of the hill. Above them, to the south, they could see the back of the statue of Dauntless. It looked unusually red in the evening light.
The four heroes, Yellow Bomb (the blaster), Onyx Shot (the defender), Ripper Shredder (the scrapper) and Frank Wellman (the tanker) paused outside the building to get their bearings.
"Okay, we're looking for Archon Krilner," Onyx Shot explained, his voice sounding dark and brooding through his black mask, "We've all dealt with Council cells before, so remember, as long as we stick together, keep our heads, and don't let them focus on the less resilient of us, we should be able to get through this."
"Don't worry, guys," Ripper Shredder, despite his manic appearance, his eyes were amazingly clear and confident, "Frank and I'll keep them off of ya."
The heroes ducked into the caverns and commenced their search. It was an unusual incursion. While the warrens hummed with the sounds of machinery siphoning power from the city's grid, there were hardly any troops anywhere. The team ran across one or two on patrol, but never enough to pose a serious threat.
When they found Krilner, he shouted obscenities and curses, even going into conniptions about how "this always happened while his troops were out to lunch" before they finally put him down. The heroes were just starting to debate what the meaning of all these strange signs meant when there was the sound of something rolling toward them.
They looked around, but didn't notice the dark sphere that rolled into their midst. The beaten Archon at their feet looked at it, though, and had just croaked out "What the-?" when it exploded and a bright light enveloped the entire group.
The lights flickered and went out as the heroes were thrown against the walls. Emergency lighting came on and Yellow Bomb rolled over just in time to see a group of dark-dressed men shamble into the room and start dragging Ripper Shredder away. She weakly tried to say something, and one went to do something to Wellman, but another stopped his associate.
The kidnappers then fled the scene, dragging Ripper behind the last two of them until they emerged from the tunnel into the twilight. Upon exiting, they rushed up the hill to the statue of Dauntless to meet with a waiting vehicle. It appeared to be a blocky black van, with tinted windows and armor plating over the tires.
"You should have let me kill the idiot," one of the kidnappers grumbled, "Wellman's been a thorn in my side for years!"
"The device shuts their powers down," another grunted, "But it doesn't affect their MedCom connection. You snap his neck, he'll be right back on the streets, gunning for us!"
"[Frig] that! We could take him! I could take him!"
"If you deviate from the plan," a voice intoned from within the van, "we may have to look into hiring a new crew. If we do, we can't have an old crew running around with knowledge of our activities and bringing more spandex-clad lunatics looking for our operation. I trust you understand the implication."
"Yeah boss," the belligerent kidnapper was suddenly nodded vigorously.
"Besides," the team leader reminded him, "You can't fight Wellman like you want to. We can't use our powers with the inhibitors on, remember? It keeps the Drones from knowing we're here and the capes' scanners think we're average citizens... But you go and shut that thing down just to settle a grudge, you'll expose us!"
"I know, I know..."
"All this exposition is fine and all..." the voice murmured, "But you should give us the parcel so we may process him. Then get on with your next assignment."
The rogues tumbled the stirring body of Ripper Shredder into the back of the van. He swiped at one of the men pushing him into the vehicle, but stopped when the metallic sound of something jabbing into him sounded and he slumped still again.
"Next time, no exposition," the voice growled at the kidnappers, "Just deliver the package and we'll go about our business. Now go!"
The rogues split off in different directions and the van made its way south.
---Rogue Isles: St. Martial---
Manning wondered about the individual they had to fry. If the stalker had been kidnapped, why did the kidnappers leave an agent to fight any potential investigators? He told Dynamo to look out for any other weird behavior before signing off.
Now the situation returned to Harbinger Daemon. With the questions directed at him, he first shrugged at Jack.
"Sorry, man. I ain't got a clue what I am in that respect. When I was pinched when I was younger, the wizards the Brawler brought with him said I had a mystical aura and I always responded well to artifacts, but that's the best as I know about my origins."
He turned to Dr. Lore when she mentioned the anti-meta Venom rounds, one of which should have killed him.
"Actually, I kind of owe the Brawler my life... See, I was working security for a cartel he busted up. He made a beeline for me, I guess I was the toughest Meta, and he rammed his fist right into my ribcage, ripped one out, and beat me unconscious with it. I guess that's how I found out I really was a demon of some kind... A human couldn't have survived that. Now... I don't know if it'll help, but you could analyze my blood. I guess some of the Venom is still in there, as I still feel pretty tired."
"So, Harbinger, do you have any theories of why you were in this matter at all?"
[/ QUOTE ]
The demon turned irritatedly in Stahlhund's direction, hearing the derision clearly evident. He started low, but his voice gradually rose in volume and flames started to flicker across his skin as he roared.
"I have no idea, meat. I guess it has something to do with the fact that I'm a big guy who lights on fire and can lift and hurl trucks. I was having a wonderful dream about smashing the Hell out of Brickstown before waking up to the nightmare reality that I really was smashing the Hell out of Brickstown. I was a cover story, and I've still got a rifle wound in my back through to and out of my chest as a reminder that my survival wasn't on the agenda! There's a guy who never did nothin' to nobody buryin' his brother over in Sharkhead right now! You want to ask him what his role in all this was!?"
He was glaring at the empty space now, his eyes blazing violently, but he knew the stalker was there. He'd worked with stalkers enough to know they liked to pull their disappearing acts whenever they wanted dramatic effect.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
"Calm yourself, Demon. I was not present at the hostile event you were. As for your rifle wound, I have teamed and fought against people willing to rip their own brother's heart out if they could have what they wanted. I do not know you. I must have suspicion. I have suspected everyone in this room. I also believe that they have either done the same or are trusting enough not to. A cover story yo say? Odd. If I was shooting people then I'd either have the..hm...how do you say..um..Scrapegoat?...have a rifle or they were perhaps planning on burning the bodies." The german stalker rattled off, trying to cool the demon off and find answers. He has ben wondering this whole time just why and how they figured that the demon might be killed by these bullets.
Self-Proclaimed Number one Fanboi of the RP Forums and it's writers.
Me: How about "Zeus, The Pimp God"?
A friend: It'd be too hard to dress him up like a bull
Harbinger grinned.
"Dead scapegoats work better than live ones. They don't say anything than what your spin doctors do."
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Jack nodded at the response, giving a slight shrug. "Happens to the best of us" he said smoothly before the Stalker took over. As Harbringer rattled on and started flaming, Jack couldn't help but burst out laughing. He calmed down slightly, but still had giggles. "This is fantastic..." he muttered to himself happily as he turned away from the group and looked out of the window, for no apparent reason except for the view.
"How did you know my last name, if you don't mind me asking, sir?"
[/ QUOTE ]
Drago almost froze. Almost. Not quite. Still, he couldn't believe he'd tripped up like that. What an amateurish mistake to make!
But you know, that old Grinch was so smart and so slick, that he thought up a lie and he thought it up quick.
Well okay, so it wasn't really a lie per se. Drago just answered with a different version of the truth.
"My employer's run across you before." he said, not losing a second or giving any indication that it was anything but a casual, candid response.
"Perhaps if we looked at the anti-meta venom in the bullets Harbinger was shot with we could find another clue."
[/ QUOTE ]
"Actually," Drago pulled a small black cylinder from his belt, the thing resembling half a test tube crafted of carbon, "of that I have a sample. Well, not the exact thing, but something close at least."
He presented the container to Dr. Lore, which to just about everyone here may well have raised the question of where he'd gotten it from. On the other hand, perhaps the issue of whether Drago had already preformed an analysis would be more prominent in their minds. Perhaps they would ask both.
In any case, he had indeed performed an analysis of this venom already. What had he found...?
"You think you understand what I'm going through!? You've lost someone you were in love with!? That you don't know what to do without!? Who the Hell do you think you are!? You brought a Rikti to my house, you're wringing me for information I've already given Longbow..."
[/ QUOTE ]
"Yes I am," Arek's eyes narrowed at the forceful response, the draconian having expected something like this, stopping the woman by stepping closer yet again, "yes I do, and I think I am the one doing something about it. Why? Because the same people who abducted your fiancée also took my brother."
She sat back down and the group waited a few seconds. Finally, Pax asked for the specific date and the tanker responded quietly.
"Well... It was Thursday..."
[/ QUOTE ]
Now Arek sat down as well, listening intently...
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
Millions, slightly puzzled by Drago's response and about to retort in a manner that would have made it very akward for the supposed Arachnos Agent, suddenly winced when Harbinger reacted in a hostile fashion to Stahlhund. He turned to the giant demon.
"Um. I'm really sorry Harbinger sir, but ah...Maybe we shouldn't go trying to antognize the people we are...Er...You know...going to be working with? Maybe? Possibly? .......Sorry...?"
"So, Harbinger, do you have any theories of why you were in this matter at all?"
[/ QUOTE ]
The demon turned irritatedly in Stahlhund's direction, hearing the derision clearly evident. He started low, but his voice gradually rose in volume and flames started to flicker across his skin as he roared.
[/ QUOTE ]
Dr. Lore growled at the stalker with distaste.
"Don't [tick] him off, teapot! Can you compute that some things in life happen for no reason?"
"Actually," Drago pulled a small black cylinder from his belt, the thing resembling half a test tube crafted of carbon, "of that I have a sample. Well, not the exact thing, but something close at least."
[/ QUOTE ]
As she accepted the vile, a small "How...?" escaped her lips before she cut herself off and started with another question. "And I take it this was analyzed already? If not, I can process it... perferably in another location..."
She switched her attention to Harbinger as he offered to have his blood examined. Unhooking her first aid kit from her belt she walked closer towards the demon, popping out a tiny syringe incased in a glass tube.
"Yes, I better take a blood sample here to see if anything else is in your system we should know about. I'll see what I can do about those bullet wounds too. Have a seat and hold your arm out."
Going into multi-tasking mode, she held the vile of venom out to the nearest person: the little boy, Millions. "Can you hold onto this for me, please?" she asked with a pleasant smile. Then, she pulled the syringe out of its case and gently poked it into Harbinger's arm. After drawing blood, she inserted the needle into her medicom and started running an analysis. Hopefully, a name for the drugs in his system that caused his blind rampage would show up in the results... if the database had it...
The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood
The demon glared a little angrily at the kid, but nodded begrudgingly. He glared to the spot where he figured the stalker rogue was still hiding and (in his opinion) snickering and growled out a low apology for his outburst.
Proffering his arm for Dr. Lore, he was a little bothered at how easily the hypodermic needle punctured his skin. It didn't hurt like he feared it would, so he was at least feeling that much better.
The blood wasn't much different from any samples Lore may have acquired from the Behemoths she may have come across in her travels. There were a few differences, notably the human DNA, but it still had the same mystical and ethereal energies that liked to play havoc on her sensors. The sample was also degrading, but the rate was slowing.
That was when she saw it. An unknown chemical compound, similar to a poison, but different as well. Her system was detecting metals, polymers and proteins, and that was when she realized it was a nanobot compound. Normally, such items were the subject of "Grey Goo" scenario fears, because it was believed that they would replicate out of control and devour the world. However, that scenario didn't take into consideration the possibility that the nanobots weren't really finding the materials they needed or that they didn't really have the strong central processors necessary to break free of their original, chemically induced programming.
In this case, the Venom was still working its original function, but it was running out of itself. It wasn't really breaking down the body, either, but wherever it went, the cells lost some of their mystical potence. Indeed, Lore was seeing the vial turn almost into human blood before her very eyes, but there wasn't enough Venom left in the sample to complete the transition, and the blood was slowly reverting back to its "possessed" form.
Drago's scan revealed much the same thing, that it was a nanotechnology serum that seemed designed to damage the very essence of a meta human, regardless of what that meta human was. The disturbing implications of such a device were evident: since they damaged a meta human's connection to their powers, this type of ammunition could be used to kill almost anyone, possibly even Lord Recluse or Statesman! If they weren't safe from the corrosive effects of such a weapon, nobody was.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
When needles started popping out Rose excused herself. She wandered into the kitchen and looked in the safe Jack had opened.
She examined Blight Carver's souvenirs with passing interest. Rose knew she would not find it, but she looked through the safe for the ring anyway.
Satisfied, she came back into the room, where Dr. Lore was looking at vials of blood and tapped Jack on the shoulder, "Any jewelry in the safe? Rings?"
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
"I have." Drago confirmed objectively, conveying his findings from earlier as Dr. Lore performed her own analysis, likely finding the same things he had, "Problem is, there's a good number of groups around capable of making such things. Individuals as well. Even some 'heroes'. This stuff's as common as it is vicious, at least in basic principle."
"As for the how," he tapped the smoothly curved plate of his armored shoulder, "I got that from the one that went in here. I was part of the Arachnos team on the submersible that picked up Mr. Daemon. I didn't feel the need to scrap a perfectly good robbery simply because someone was shot."
"No offense." he told Harbinger with a brief glance, figuring the man would understand. After all, it happened all the time. Drago turned back to the round, not seeing the merit in waiting until they asked for it, instead simply telling them a story, "In retrospect, it may have been a mistake. But then and there, it didn't look much different from the usual: cops everywhere, streets blocked off, Crey, Nemesis, Council here and there, nothing really unusual - until I got to the bank."
He took a seat on the sofa, stretching his arms out to the sides, one leg over another.
"Place was a mess. But you know, I didn't think much of it. Thought the guys before us just had a falling out, turned on one another. Again no offense. It happens - usually when someone spooks a bunch of Eagles - so I walked right on in, not a care in the world."
Broken glass crinkled beneath the soles of his feet, just a fraction of the debris strewn all about on the carpet. He couldn't believe the devastation, a chill running down his spine. What in the world had happened here?
"I got to the vault, which to my disappointment sadly wasn't open, but with the guards gone and my lookouts keeping the cops busy, I thought oh well, still welcome enough."
He got to the vault, looking in disbelief at the myriad of bloodstains upon the heavy door. He approached. Yes, that blood was real alright. Someone had tried to get into this thing by pounding on it with their bare hands! True, there were villains from whom that worked just fine...but that seemed to very much not have been the case here. Whoever had left these smears behind hadn't done this with any semblance of sensor or purpose. Only frightful madness.
"I take the door, make my way inside. Sure enough, by then another 'hero' shows. You know how it works: tears through the lookouts, comes in like he owns the place. That much I expected. What I didn't expect was just how far Paragon's standards have shifted from capes and spandex."
He motioned to Harbinger, "You think he looks kinda scary? No? Well I do. Now imagine me standing there with a bag full of cash over my shoulder, and this huge dragon guy busts in on me. And I do mean huge. This guy had muscles on his muscles! On top of that, he's blood-red, absolutely covered in spikes, and he's holding a sword that's big enough to make me think he could just bean me with the flat and I'd be out. Oh, and did mention it was on fire? Yeah, needless to say I wasn't feeling so good about this anymore. Of course, as these things tend to go, we immediately hit it off..."
He took the door, just as planned. The grenades made short work of it, corrosive agents followed by a high-explosive charge finding only moderate resistance. Then he waited. It wouldn't be long.
Not a minute passed either, and into the vault chamber came Field Commander Groul, known generally as callsign: Spearhead Lambda. He walked with an unhurried gait, the large claws of his digitigrade feet dragging a few specks of broken glass in from the lobby as the alizarin-scaled draconian surveyed the scene here with a patient expression, the senior Arachnos operative of course taking note of his presence right away, as could be expected.
His words, however, were decidedly not.
"...um..." he remarked with a moment of hesitation, "Groul...what's with the loincloth?"
"I told you I was going to be in Cimerora before our meeting." the towering draconian smirked, "Apparently, it makes the humans there feel more at ease if they can imagine that there's nothing to see instead of just seeing there's nothing to see. No, I don't understand it. Hence I don't give it much thought. What happened here? Not you, I hope?"
"No." Drago shook his head, "Unscheduled robbery before this one by the looks of it, and apparently one that went horribly awry. My sub took aboard some pretty mangled people I'll have a talk with later. They're in no condition now. How about you? See anything unusual on your way in?
"...but the fight had barely gotten started when another crew busts in and tosses this contraption at both of us. Everything goes white, then black, and by the time my helmet's cameras restart, there's three random people on the dragon guy and one of them's waving this big gun around trying to target me. Needless to say, I didn't exactly agree with that, so I just let loose on them all."
The two almost didn't notice the small black sphere tossed into their midst, but they sure as hell took note of the thing's bright flash. Then the place went black, the lights' power cut, and before Drago knew it there was a trio of villains on the Field Commander.
"Oh, you're kidding me!" one of them bellowed, the towering draconian not taking kindly at all to the man trying to wrestle him to the ground, "I thought that was supposed to take away his powers! Why didn't it work?!
"Just take hi-oof!" another started, but found himself in the wall a second later, Groul even with eyes closed a more than capable fighter, ridding himself of the attackers in duly forceful manner.
Of course, even rising to the challenge like this likely wouldn't have been enough if the supposed Arachnos man hadn't interfered, the arms of his backpack speaking in tandem with his shotgun, covering the attackers (now clear of the Field Commander) with a spray of specialized munitions. Groul's burning sword did the rest, and though at fight's end spatters of his blood stained the ground, the would-be assailants had managed little more than flesh wounds.
"Lucky for me, he seemed to just about ignore that. I say lucky for me because he played grilling time with the other guys. So they're down, I'm alone again, he's bleeding and looking at me like it's my fault. Well...okay, so maybe it partially was, but still. In any case, turns out it wasn't over. Bunch of guys in black suits show up MIB style, don't say a word, and just start shooting."
"Started with what I'm guessing were plasma pistols, which seemed to work okay on the big guy, but not really me. I can dodge stuff pretty decently, and what did hit my armor managed. Naturally, that ticks them off at me, so one of 'em pulls out another big gun and starts blasting. Three guesses as to what that thing was loaded with. Yes. Thankfully, I've got a nice counter-agent, so when I passed out, they didn't think it wasn't going to kill me. My best guess: they grabbed the dragon guy."
However, they didn't get any time to celebrate. Not seconds later, several nondescript figures in dark business suits entered with machine-like steps, their faces unusually pale around dark sunglasses, taking aim with high-tech pistols that sent raucous energy blasts toward their intended targets.
More of Groul's blood made contact with the floor, the presently melee-oriented draconian unable to get close without getting caught in the crossfire, leaving Drago to reply to their energy blasts with his own. Unfortunately, they didn't seem to be too effective, but nevertheless got enough attention to warrant return fire by a certain weapon, a trio of venom-carrying rounds tearing through the spider-themed armor and into Drago's chest and abdomen, the third lodging in he armor of the shoulder.
He hit the ground hard, searing pain raking his body, a characteristic indicator of having been poisoned; a feeling he knew rather well. He also knew this wasn't any ordinary poison, and thus jammed an injector into his bloodstream as quickly as he could - though apparently not quick enough. Groul taking on the unfamiliar men in a bout of vengeance was the last thing Drago saw before things went black.
"And thus we find ourselves here." he concluded with a clam of his hands, "Hired to find these regenerators and the people responsible. Funny how the world works sometimes, hm...?"
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
Jack turned to see Rose behind him, asking about jewelry and rings. Technically, gems aren't considered jewelry... he thought to himself slyly, mentally smirking.
"Nah, just some cash" Jack answered simply. He sighed and looked over his shoulder, back out towards the window. "So, what do you thinks going on here? Shots that can take away powers, big, dragon-people. I swear, this place gets weirder by the day"
The findings caused Dr. Lore to take a seat as well, numbed by shock. The scenarios of who these people were and what their ultimate goal with these anti-meta weapons made her feel weak in the legs. She had to sit or she'd collapse. Listening to Drago's story helped calm her by distracting her thoughts, though what he was saying didn't help much. When he finished, she confirmed her findings.
But now what... She didn't feel there was a direction to go in. Who were these people? Why were they doing this? Why regenerators of all types? None of these questions were physically asked; they didn't need to be.
She had the presence of mind to send her findings to Manning. There was no equipment present to fully study the anti-venom further herself. It was best to let Crey handle it for now.
The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood
You're wringing me for information I've already given Longbow..."
[/ QUOTE ]
Pax chuckled quietly at that. "Yes, but Longbow don't have time travel on their side. Or last I checked they didn't, they don't develop their own version of that until- nevermind, not supposed to be talking about future stuff. And," she turned to Arek. "Did you say Groul is missing too? Guess that explains why you guys got mixed up in this. Don't worry, we'll find him. Anyway, off to last Thursday..." And with a flash of golden light she was gone, presumably to last Thursday as she said.
Moments later, she reappeared in that same light. "Well, that was interesting to say the least. Anyway I know where they took him, or rather I know where they took him last Thursday. Likely he's been moved since then but it's a start at least." Thus, she proceeded to retell them all what she'd seen.
Pax was true to her world, going back to early morning last Thursday and taking up a position on the rooftop opposite the warehouse before settling down to wait. She hated waiting, there was a reason she'd asked for the exact time. But it wasn't really worth arguing over so she sat down to wait, making sure to shift herself slightly out of sync with both normal space and normal time, such that she could still observe but not be affected or detected by anything. A useful trick when one wished to see past events without inadvertently altering them.
When the group of heroes finally arrived she followed them in, hanging back just enough that she wasn't in their way but not so far she couldn't see what was happening. Though once she did have to flatten herself against the cave wall as they unexpectedly changed direction and went running past her. Muttering something about caves and dead ends, she continued following.
It wasn't until the end that anything interesting and important actually happened. She ducked out of the range of what appeared to be a sort of flashbang grenade just in case - she was fairly sure she wouldn't have been affected anyway but there was no reason to take risks one didn't have to. She watched as the dark-suited men dragged the now missing hero away, and followed them as best she could. Understandably they were taking pains to avoid being followed but she managed to keep up with them.
Standing upside down on the bottom of the Dauntless statue's arm, she watched as they loaded Ripper Shredder into a van and went their seperate ways. But she didn't bother following them, rather she followed the van. The objective after all was to find and hopefully rescue the hero once she returned to when she'd left the others. As the rogues moved off, she flew just above the van as it moved off to the south, eventually ending up at an abandoned warehouse next door to a company called Sedadyne. Satisfied for now, she again disappeared into that odd golden light. After getting out of sight of anyone who might see, of course.
(( Edited at Grey's request. ))
Cassie and her assault bot just hung back as the demon and the stalker annoyed one another. Though she was a little curious about the substance the Spider and Dr. Lore were discussing, she didn't interrupt. She'd only have been in the way, her area of expertise was mechanics and electronics after all, not chemistry.
Listening with uncharacteristic patience to the Spider's story of the robbery, she got the distinct feeling there were things not being told. But he was a Spider and Spiders not telling everything was nothing new so she didn't pay it much attention. Idly, she wondered if this supposed anti-meta venom would do anything much to her since she was effectively a normal human if one discounted her technology. Still, sounded almost like something the Malta group might come up with to her.
"So, what's our next move?", she asked the room in general.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
So, what do you thinks going on here? Shots that can take away powers, big, dragon-people. I swear, this place gets weirder by the day"
[/ QUOTE ]
Rose shrugged, "I don't think its a brainwashing scheme anymore. If they have bullets that steal powers--which I'm highly dubious about--they don't need guys with powers."
Rose turned to the group, "Speaking of which, I think its in everyone's best interest if that Nanotech gets lost. Once Crey has it, they'll reproduce it, and then every Longbow, Malta, and Nemesis troop will have it. When super powered villainy is your stock and trade its not a good idea to give people the means by which to kill you."
"But those bullets are our best lead. They get made somewhere, someone buys them, ships them, and all that logistical garbage. If anything it'll give us a list of names."
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
Stahlhund de-cloaked in the postion he cloaked in. Hands behind his back, looking at no one, and very much loke a soldier. His voice said the same thing, human like but somehow cold and devoid of emotion. "Doctor, I may respect your intellingence but you should refrain from name calling. I am not a computer. I do not compute things. I am a tool for war and death. I make a strategy to defeat my opponet and not much else. I must suspect for I have not the luxury of backup or magic or such. " He then turned to Rose.
"I must agree. I no longer suspect Harbinger of this deed now. I also cannot believe that they have bullets capable of taking powers away. Now, where do we start our search?" The accented machine spoke.
Self-Proclaimed Number one Fanboi of the RP Forums and it's writers.
Me: How about "Zeus, The Pimp God"?
A friend: It'd be too hard to dress him up like a bull
"Not bullets." Drago corrected Rose with a neutral headshake, "Those just carry the killing agent. Like...no, not like. It is an adaptive poison. No, if I understood things right, those flashbang-like charges are what disables supers...likely by disrupting something in the brain by overloading the senses so it can't send the proper signals for a short while. Think of it as a meta-specific stun grenade. The kind that works on stone tanks."
"I disagree on the lead, however." he added to that, "Like I said, there are many people who could make these around here, and I doubt any of them would keep records we can access over the internet. Sure, we could find each of them, get into their stuff on site, and try there, but I suspect that'd take an unreasonably long time."
"Don't take that to mean 'don't do it', though." he wanted to make sure he wasn't misunderstood, "If any of you know anyone or has any database that could be compared here, go right ahead. But for now, our mean lead is still Sedadyne..."
He stood up from the couch again, "...which means that's where I'm headed. Anyone not coming along...?"
"I did." Arek confirmed, his tone for the first time showing a twinge of emotion; and not a very positive one, "And I hope so. To the extent of my knowledge, he was taken in no less than three pieces."
A pained twinge crossed the draconian's visage, remembering the scene he'd cased in the Brickstown bank after 'Drago' had called him - and with it the three distinct, smeary trails of blood that had been there, all of his brother.
"We should proceed to the warehouse then." he nevertheless refocused quickly, inquiring of Paxtera, "Since you have seen it, you should be able to get us closest, correct...?"
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
Millions coughed suddenly. "Er. If I may make a suggestion in that regard?" He said quietly, stepping forward slightly to be more visible, yet still keeping his head slightly bowed. "Crey is one of the world's top manufacturers of, err...Not to sound like an advert, but everything. Raw materials, technology, military hardware, medicine...Everything. It is very likely that Sedadyne still does business with Crey despite the hostile take-over. In which case, as an employee of Crey Industries, I could probably arrange for the next bulk shipment to contain a few extra...unlisted assets without them being listed on the manifest. With some stealth and proper application of force, we could get in and out with everything we need without stirring the nest."
He glanced up at the crowd.
"Er. Lots of 'ifs' in there though. Sorry."
The eyebrow had to go up now. This kid worked for Crey? True, there were child heroes and villains, but would Crey employ a young boy? Perhaps, if there was more to him than on the surface. However, he was well spoken and sounded well enformed. Dr. Lore lowered her eyebrow and smiled a little.
"True, that's a lot of 'ifs' but we do need somewhere to start. We'll need more information on Sedadyne to see if they have Crey connections at all, or had some in the past. If so, by all means, see what you can do." She looked up at Drago as he stood. "Well, you can count me in."
The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood
Rose shook her head and there quite possibly may have been eye rolling, but it was hard to tell. She herself wasn't concerned about de-meta-izing bullets. If her powers stopped working, it meant her body wasn't producing electricity anymore, and that meant she was dead. No big deal one way or another. If the others wanted to play with their lives, it was their business.
She gave a friendly smile though, and offered, "Sounds fine to me."
Dynamo Rose began to consider how she might need to reconfigure her armor to deal with airborne toxins. Might have to dig out the airtight variation. Something to consider at least.
While she did this, she emailed Manning an update on their next destination.
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
--Nerva Archipelago: Crey Industries International--
Manning checked the e-mail he'd received from Dynamo Rose and nodded. He had hoped the investigation wouldn't lead to Paragon City, but he was certain he could provide transportation and even a cover story to keep them off the radar of the city's less zealous heroes. It wouldn't help them with anybody who knew them, but it was a big city, after all.
"Alright," he typed into his reply e-mail, "Come back to Nerva Archipelago. I have requisitioned a helicopter to take you to Paragon City. The crew will give you and the rest of the team cover identities and disguises if necessary. You will be taken to Crey Industries' headquarters in Kings Row, and travel from there to Skyway City should be relatively simple."
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
((So... You're not going to join in? I could still use the character, you could still be a part of this.))
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.