(Open RP) Forever And A Day




((Sorry Devious, I had some chores I had to get to...

Ah, I see I didn't indicate a location in my distracted state when I initially posted, so I will clarify. Sedadyne Pharmaceuticals' location is a matter of public record. The company happens to have its current headquarters in, you guessed it, Paragon City. Specifically, it's located in the southeast corner of the "Land of the Lost" in Skyway City. I figure leaving it here in OOC is probably best, seeing as how your character's on-board computers could have accessed the information.))

--St. Martial: J.W.'s Lounge--

"Nah, I never noticed anybody following me," Harbinger replied, "But I did see the guy who was talking to me in this video go into the bathroom when I told him to '[urinate] off,' went back to eating. It's crazy what you miss when someone acts like they do something every day. Was there something in there?"

((I figure the Four Suits: Room 1209 section is running on its own impetus at the moment... So I will turn to the Heroes now...))

--West of Steel Canyon: Blue Springs Enclosed Neighborhood--

The collection of heroes found themselves outside a set of homes that, aside from slight differences in the colors and shades of the paint, all looked the same. Numbers indicated which house was what, and they were fortunate to be two houses from their destination.

They approached quickly, so as to avoid making the average people in the neighborhood stare, and rang the doorbell of Bronze Shield's home. A moment later, the door opened slowly, and a haggard female face framed by disheveled blonde hair looked meekly out at them.

She looked like she'd been awake for days, and crying almost as long. Her eyes and nose were red from the constant stress and there were dark lines around her eye sockets. Her hair was especially unkempt and frazzled, and it seemed that she was clutching what looked to be a small teddy bear to her belly.

Seeing they were heroes, and apparently freelance ones at that, she bit back her angry demand for privacy and looked to them with what seemed to be the first rays of hope she'd had in a long time.

"Have you found him?" she asked wearily, "Have you found Kyle?"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Jack found on his 'radar', besides Rose, Cassy and her bot, a small, electrical buzzing appeared. Jack meant to not notice it and look unprepared in case it decided to attack, but Rose pointed it out quickly enough. The mentalist didn't show any physical signs of aggravation, although he was silently cursing in his head. He ignored her and kept punching in codes, doing some of the following:

12340-12349, 12330-12339, 1200-1209

Not going exactly in order, just doing spastic little searches. If the searches did nothing, his temper was growing shorter and shorter. As he kept putting in codes and the safe still didn't crack, he would give up and stretch out his arm, slowly and gently using telekinesis to pull out the number pad, using stronger force as he went on until it pulled out.

If this didn't work, a certain Bane Mace would reappear, and the safe door would receive a good bashing.



Red’s ability to fly was sloppy and slow. He jerked into the air with a sudden stop and start motion, (making a lot of noise along the way as the electricity around him sparked and sizzled). Red was strong, but he was never nimble. He was also never neat, never quiet and never subtle. In fact, he was “trouble walking” in every sense of the phrase.

“Maybe the robot’s not worth it,” he thought to himself. “Maybe, once again, I’m letting my love of technology get the better of me. Maybe I should just go straight and get a job as a computer technician.”

He shuttered at this last thought, and bit his lip as if to bring himself out of his self-pity.

“No damn it, I’m Chaos Red. I can do anything.”

And so he flew into the window, crackling like a greased frying pan.



((Wow... While the logic is extremely flawed, he finally got it...))

--St. Martial: Four Suits Casino: Room 1209--

Upon inputting the code 1-2-3-4-1, the safe opened for Jack. Inside was an assortment of souvenirs from Blight Carver's adventures, some money, a couple gems, another bag of hash, and what looked to be a steam-powered pistol.

As Jack withdrew the weapon, he realized it looked a lot like the various broken Bank Guns he'd come across in his travels. It was supposed to be a weapon that could smash through a vault door in one shot, but all prior attempts had failed. This, however, seemed to be a heavily refurbished, modified and well-kept version of the weapon.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



She browsed a bit through the laptop for any five digit numbers, and wasn't finding anything that could pass for a secret code. She took a look through the journal and surveilance pictures to see if there was anything of note. True, these guys Blight Carver were watching were wearing black suits similar to Crey but something seemed... wrong. She couldn't put her finger on it. Maybe it was Crey, maybe it wasn't... Jumping to conclusions wasn't the safest thing to do in this case.

"I say once we find everything, we go talk to the witnesses in Port Oakes. There's no one alive that could tell us..." Then her attention was caught on the Spiderling that wandered in. The obvious question came to mind until she remembered what the little spies did to non-Arachnos security equipment. "CRAP!" she suddenly blirted, running for the thing to grab it.

The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood



As Red entered the building he could sense there was something going on - and he knew, he had once again stumbled into trouble, and probably invited himself to a place he was not expected or welcome.

"CRAP!" he suddenly blirted, and quickly tried to grab the spiderling.



Rose ignored the spiderling in lieu of the man running for it. With a raised eyebrow, the 6' 3" woman clad in lightweight power armor clothslined the man, and set her heeled foot on his chest when he hit the ground.

"Who are you?"

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



Red deactivated his electrical aura. Then he blinked at Rose, cleared his throat and stated plainly, "Oh, is this not where the Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is? Damn, I've lapsed for two years, my schedule must be horribly out of date. So unless you got free donuts, coffee and a nice little prayer about 'one day at a time', I'll just be on my way."

Then he paused briefly and added, "Damn, nice suit girl. Where'd you get that?"



((Holy cow, I really got it? I'm...amazed ))

Jack let out an involuntary "Yes..." as he opened the safe, looking through Blight's belongings. He quickly pocketed the cash and the gems, and debated taking the bag of goods before shaking his head and tossing it behind him carelessly. Thinking that was all, he did a quick look around to make sure there was nothing else he wanted when he saw the gun. He took it out of interest and studied it for a moment, impressed.

He stuck the barrel threw his belt like a cowboy and stood up, noticing for the first time that his comrades had left. He found them quickly and saw Dynamo clothesline some punk to the ground, letting out a bark of a laugh involuntarily. "Nice shot!" Jack laughed, slowly walking over to the kid. He raised an eyebrow and studied him, then knelt down next to him and said, quite neutrally, "Hit me" Behind his sunglasses his eyes were deadly serious, not asking, but demanding the punk strike him.



"I got the heel of a boot on my chest dude, otherwise I'd oblige," came Red's reply.

"Seriously, I just wanted to tell a group of strangers, that I need to quit drinking again and wandered into the wrong place. Have mercy on a penniless drunk will ya?"



Rose backed her foot off of the man, studying him carefully. "...thanks for sharing. Now, I'm no expert, but I think Jack wants to have a go with you, so I'll just wait over yonder while you two take care of business."

Rose meandered over to Dr. Lore to see how she was handling the spiderling that had become the focus of so much attention. Turning her head to look back at the man, she added, "And don't worry about falling off the horse. Happens to everyone."

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



"I always get into crap like this," Red thought to himself. "I'm the god damn Charlie Brown of super-villains."

He looked up at his aggressive and threatening opponent and said softly and gently, "So uh, dude, a fight huh? Listen I tell ya what, how about we..."

It was right about then he saw a red targeting reticle appear on his chest. He looked down the corridor, and there he saw a mechanical spider, with a red laser emanating from its optical eyes.

The spider then began to whirr and wheeze, like a jet engine ready for take off.

"...uh guys, I think that spider-bot is about to fire."



"I don't want a fight, you drunk" Jack said impatiently and slapped the kid upside his head for good measure. "You just happened to fall into a very confusing scene at the exact wrong time. All I wanna do is have a quick look inside that head. Won't hurt, promise" He smiled devilishly, but of course, something else had to come along.

Jack sighed and pointed over to Cassie's robot, Mac. "See that thing? It could tear that little spider to shreds if it moved. Now hit me. Don't care if it's hard or not, just do it. Now"



Red didn't quite understand Jack, and kept the corner of his eye out of the robot spider that had laser targeted him.

He was in no position or power to argue of course, and quite frankly had nothing to lose anyway. One advantage of being street-punk with no home, job or money, is you never had anything to lose.

So he gave back the same slap he had just received, same velocity, not causing pain, but with the obvious tone of: "WTF?"



Stahlhund watched from the shadows, his cloak hiding him in plain sight. He was intrigued by this Jack and was watching intensly. However, the spider bots seemed to be handled, the red machine kept a watch on the whole apartment while he watched Jack.

He figured that Jack may be able to sense him, at least somewhat, so he de-cloaked not far from Red. He had forgotten that Red didn't know he was in as well.

(That came out kinda fuzzy....sorry..))

Self-Proclaimed Number one Fanboi of the RP Forums and it's writers.

Me: How about "Zeus, The Pimp God"?

A friend: It'd be too hard to dress him up like a bull



"How many people you got in here man? Were you guys doing drugs? Is that what this is all about? 'Cause I don't use, but I have no problem with that stuff. Libertarian, and all that stuff you know?" and Red sheepishly pointed to the anarchy symbol on his jacket.



((Chao...quit running away with the thread. The rest of us wanna participate too, you know. Also...*snatches back spiderling remote* My robot! Get your own! Who gave you this thing anyway? ))

"Have you found him?" she asked wearily, "Have you found Kyle?"

[/ QUOTE ]
"No." Arek's answer stood curt and emotionless, the tall, denim-hued draconian the very picture of detachment, trying not to let the woman's emotions drag out his own, "But we want to. We will need to know everything you do."

At the same time, he let his tail drift covertly to the ground, suspecting she might well try and slam the door on them. To prevent such a potential occurrence, he stealthily moved the tip of his fifth appendage to block...


"Nah, I never noticed anybody following me," Harbinger replied, "But I did see the guy who was talking to me in this video go into the bathroom when I told him to '[urinate] off,' went back to eating. It's crazy what you miss when someone acts like they do something every day. Was there something in there?"

[/ QUOTE ]
"Putting it mildly." Drago remarked, wondering just how the demon had already forgotten what he'd told both him and Millions just before asking the question Harbinger had just answered. Still, he made no mention of it, simply going over the key points a second time.

"...although it looks like I need to revise my theory of highly elaborate planning." he finished, "If this...person planted that stuff just before you entered the bathroom, and no one's been tailing you as you say, I can't narrow this down to any of the traditional over-the-top planners."

"Hm." he gave a shrug, "Looks like we'll have to check out this Sedadyne place then. If memory serves, their...hello?"

Drago remained silent for a few moments, the eyes of his helmet staring off into space, then turned to the two again, "My drone found something interesting. Let's go have a look."

With that, he reached into a pocket and dropped a hundred dollar bill on the bar, then departed with the two in tow...


"CRAP!" she suddenly blurted, running for the thing to grab it.

[/ QUOTE ]
"CRAP!" he suddenly blurted, and quickly tried to grab the spiderling.

[/ QUOTE ]
The mechanoid had no intention of being gabbed, propelling a pair of silken threads to the ceiling and shooting away with the aid of those ziplines just before Chaos Red found himself clotheslined by a certain woman in lightweight power armor.

Now upside-down on the ceiling, the machine stayed out of reach of what it considered annoying obstructions to its mission, deploying a pair of autocannons just in case, and of course contacting the one who'd given it orders with report of being obstructed. Upon request to identify who or what it meant, the machine painted Chaos Red with an ID laser.

"Ah, the loudmouth from the bar." was Drago's comment upon stepping into the apartment through the still-open door, the Arachnos-armored man surveying the surroundings for effect, "What a mess. You guys sure did a number on this place. Mind telling us why...?"

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Millions had, of course, followed behind both Harbinger and Drago and was now using the large deamon-like man to hide him from view from those in the apartment.



While she had pounced for it like a cat for a mouse, the spiderling managed to slip away in the last second towards the ceiling via spinerettes. Doc had to catch it; what if it found something they haven't yet and dismantled it? Like another security camera? Before she could super-jump up to it and smash it, another person came to the door.

"Ah, the loudmouth from the bar." was Drago's comment upon stepping into the apartment through the still-open door, the Arachnos-armored man surveying the surroundings for effect, "What a mess. You guys sure did a number on this place. Mind telling us why...?"

[/ QUOTE ]

She froze for a brief, stunned second, poised to jump. A chill ran down her back at the sight of the Crab Spider, but wore off after a brief bit of reasoning.

It's not a guy in a Crey-like suit... In the least he's not here to attack us...

Straightening her back, regaining composure and disreguarding the spiderling on the ceiling she cleared her throat.

"I think before we say anything, maybe you should tell us why [u]you're[u] here..."

The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood



Drago would probably be rather unsurprised to find himself staring down the barrel of Mac's plasma cannons, the big Assault Bot reacting on base programming and targetting the newest intruders but waiting for Cassie's order to fire. "State your intentions", the machine said in a typical robotic monotone.

Cassie meanwhile had pulled a high-tech looking plasma rifle from who knows where and aimed it at the other newcomer. She looked around as Drago and the others entered, but her weapon never moved and she didn't order Mac to stand down until the Arachnos operative gave a satisfactory answer.


"Have you found him?" she asked wearily, "Have you found Kyle?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Pax opened her mouth to answer, but Arek beat her to it. "We were told you might be able to point us in the right direction", she added to what the big draconian had said, also hoping the girl wasn't about to slam the door shut in their faces.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Jack sighed slightly at the 'intensity' of the slap. "I guess that might count" he muttered to himself, scratching his arm unconsciously before he noticed he was doing it, and quickly stopped, grumbling words that were incoherent to himself again. He ignored Stahlhund's reappearance and Chaos' reaction, prodding at the boy's mental defenses. There wasn't anything to obvious except for the human will at first glance, and he didn't feel like wasting his time searching for anything dangerous.

"Hold still, or you might kill yourself" Jack said, he saying this like it was one of the most normal things to say. As he was about to get to work, someone bashed through the door. Jack couldn't keep it in and swore loudly, whipping his head around to see the newcomers. "Shut up, will you?" He turned back to Chaos grumbling again, and without any signs of preparations, drived straight into the punk's mind.

If the kid didn't have any mental defenses, much anyways, this actually would hurt, like a hammer swung inside your head and a couple volts flowing through your body. Jack didn't expect the volts to hurt, the kid did use lightning, but the pounding was hard to ignore.

However, if he did have a lot of resistances, the Bane Mace would be paying for itself.



The woman made a slight whimper at the negative responses, then looked down. She laughed a little when she saw the tail getting into the door frame, but it lacked any form of strength.

"I'm not going to slam the door on you," she whispered, "I'm too tired... Please... Come in and sit down... Where you can..."

She led them in to her home and the heroes were visually assaulted by what seemed to be the aftermath of a tornado inside the house of the heroine. She staggered to the kitchen while mumbling something about coffee as they righted chairs or the couch and tried to find a place to sit.

There were holes punched in the walls, the television was toppled over and smashed apart, and from their vantage point, they could see the dining room table was splintered. It seemed only the glass coffee table and the houseplants had survived the wrath of this woman scorned, for reasons that were probably sentimental.

"Would you all like some coffee?" Bronze called out to the heroes.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Drago couldn't help but smile beneath his helmet. Moments like this made him wish he had sunglasses to remove in a dramatic fashion. Regrettably he didn't though, so he just went to the next-best thing.

"Arachnos has no need to explain our intentions." he played the 'Arachnos has my back' card, trying to make it seem he had the organization's backing on this. After all, they had no way to tell he was lying - even the most skilled telepaths couldn't make out his mind to any extent. To them he was just some kind of dead zone; like thin air.

"However, your explanation lies in plain sight." he continued neutrally, his tone devoid of all emotion, "Blow out a bunch of windows in this town, and someone's bound to notice...not to mention my spiderling felt severely accosted. Now, who are you, and-hm?"

He looked down to the small arachnobot, which had prodded his leg with one of its own, the Crabsman's(?) tone suddenly a good bit lighter, "Oh. I see."

"So you are Dr. Lore." he refocused his oct-lensed gaze on the woman, "That must make the you Manning's crew. Hm. I hadn't expected to run into you quite so soon. Senior Operative Drago. These two are..."

"Shut up, will you?"

[/ QUOTE ]
Drago stopped at this, leaning just a little to the side, from where he was standing seeing a rather creepy-looking man kneeling and leaning over the fellow he'd seen at the bar, who in turn lay on his back.

He looked again to Dr. Lore, "Please tell me I'm not looking at some kind of sexual assault in the making..."


((Gonna wait for Khell some with Arek.))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Chaos Red winced, then winced some more and then finally succumbed to the dreadful invasion.

Red's tolerance of pain was extremely high, (because his own super powers caused him great pain), but this was another matter.

His last thoughts before finally losing all self-control were a strange red-headed girl, (her face half-black and half-white), and then briefly to a father figure of unimpressive physique.

Then he let go and let tender mercy be his only savior...



Rose watched the Arachnos Operative closely. She didn't like that confidant air he put on. Very few Arachnos agents had such confidance when dealing with a horde of super villains. Arachnos was only big and scary when you felt them all around you. He was either good, or stupid.

He wasn't an arbiter, they could just beat him senseless and be on their way. Probably not a good idea though. If he was here just investigating the explosion, there wouldn't be any trouble. But, he mentioned Manning, that could be trouble. Best to find out what he knew.

She waved casually, "Ignore them, Jack's bonding...or destroying his mind...something like that."

Rose poked herself with her thumb, "Rose O'Grady. And we're completely innocent of any and all wrong doing we may--or may not--have been accused of at this point, or at any point yet to come."

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster