(Open RP) Forever And A Day




Rose stifled the laugh that tried to escape her throat. Her? Lead a ragtag crew of mercenaries on a investigation? Who did she look like, Hannibal? Leading the characters found in the Etoile Islands was like trying to herd cats. If Manning was going to shove that load on her, she'd need more money.

Shrugging, she handed over the paper copies of the file Manning gave her to Dr. Lore. "This is what we have. I'll transmit electronic copies to anyone capable of recieving."

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



Stahlhund nodded in agreement at the Doctor as she asked her questions, "Great points, Doctor. This is why I am a soldier and you are a Doctor. I am quite eager to engage in battle and perhaps, been too forward. I apologize."

He tapped the side of his helmet to indincate to Rose that he could recieve such copies. He reveiwed the information that he had gathered, all without so much as an nod or two. The red machine beeped a few times as he finished with the information. "I am ready to begin whatever it is we need to do. Payment is not the reason I have come here. So, please finish what you need and I will be awaiting by the seats." The german stalker said, as he strolled across to the seats. He did not sit however, just stood close by.

Self-Proclaimed Number one Fanboi of the RP Forums and it's writers.

Me: How about "Zeus, The Pimp God"?

A friend: It'd be too hard to dress him up like a bull



--Nerva Archipelago: Crey industries International--

"Well, let's see," Gregory thought about what he knew from the case, "As far as vigilantes in Paragon, the only one I can remember is Oakhammer, a plant-like martial artist. I think there were some stalkers, like Max Gorgonetti, who worked as a hitman for the Marcones. Here in the isles, a number of stalkers Crey liked to have on their payroll have been impossible to contact, and they're regenerators, too, so I worry that maybe they're missing, too."

He pulled up his communicator and looked it over.

"Let's see... Shadowstain, a magic martial artist... Power Fist, a cybernetic woman with powerful energy bursts in her attacks... Hm... I have a message from one... A mutant who called himself Blight Carver."

He opened the message and his eyes widened.

"Well, I don't know what to make of this... Blight Carver just sent me a message indicating that he thinks somebody's following him. He's wondering if I sent anybody to harass him, and to tell Kelly Uqua that he doesn't know anything (whatever that means)."

He looked to the rest of the contractors and started typing into his communicator. The result was a send function that relayed the message to the rest of teh people in the room.

"He sent this from his home number... Here's his address in St. Martial. I would suggest you look into this quickly. This individual might have more pertinent information."



Manning! I told you to leave me alone after that last job! Uqua gave me the creeps and what everybody was sayin' about her... Look, just tell her I don't know anything and to keep her goons off my back! I know they're yours because of the cheesy suits! Lose my number, too. I don't need this kind of crap in my life! I knew I should have worked for Cage...

Blight Carver, 555-0913, Four Suits Casino Room 1209

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Dr. Lore looked over the message on her phone, and nodded. Hunting instincts started to kick in. Chances are he left, but there should have been something in the area to find for clues.

"Then let's hurry." she proposed, turning to the group. "Let's meet at this address by the fastest means of travel you have."

The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood



He thought about checking some minds out, almost did it, actually, but decided not to.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not that it would have helped him anyway, at least where Cassie was concerned. Her mind was fairly well defended, after much practice against Rikti mentalists while she was working with Vanguard. And Mac of course was a robot and didn't technically have a mind at all, so he would have been out of luck there too.

Looking up as Manning came in with presumably another mercenary she listened with uncharacteristic patience as Rose introduced herself and offered information. Holding up one arm so that the rather fancy looking watch on that wrist was easily visible, she politely requested one of the electronic copies.

When Manning explained about the message, she stood up. "What are we waiting for then?", she asked the assembled group.


Chances were Arek might recognise the redheaded caucasian woman that dropped out of the sky beside him, dressed in what could only be the costume of a superhero. The blue and white starburst patterned tights plus loose sleeves and winged boots in the same colour weren't quite as bright nor as colourful as some of the costumes the city's heroes ran around in, but they came close.

"Hiya Arek", she commented offhandedly, almost as if she'd expected the draconian to be standing there at the precise moment she dropped in. Turning to Henry Wong, she added, "Sign me up for this thing too."

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Jack still flipped his coin, waiting for Gregory Mannings and his client to get out of his office. He didn't have much patience to wait for something that involved killing, and waiting like this was starting to take it's toll on him. He put his coin away back in his pocket, as all it was doing was aggravating him now.

Then Gregory and some woman, Dynamo Rose, came out. Rose handed some sheets of paper to the lady next to him, Dr. Lore. Jack, finally with an excuse to get out of his chair, hopped over the bench and stood behind the Dr., reading the papers quickly and storing them away in his head. As quick as he looked them over, he did actually read them and take in their info.

After this was finished, he half-listened to Greg and half-went through the papers again. He nodded a couple of times like most people do when they're being talked to but not paying attention. Jack did hear Greg say they should get there as quickly as possible and nodded with meaning this time.

"So we are a team, then?" Jack asked to no one in particular before he left.



OOC: Oh good, guess I won't be alone blue side after all.

BIC: The translators really did a poor job of this.

Oh quit complaining. If you would just download the lessons you would be perfectly capable of reading it on your own.

I'm eccentric. It's 'part of the job description' as a human would say.

There's a difference between eccentricity and willful pigheadedness, Cher'tak.

Yes yes yes, replied Cher'tak, Traditionalist Warmaster of the Rikti on Primal Earth. Now excuse me, I'm almost there. You know how anxious the humans get if I'm actively connected to the group-mind.

Remember that you're representing all of us out there, Warmaster, shot back C'Kelkah, one of the leading members of the Traditionalist faction from where she paced in one of their secure bases. You are to generate good will toward all Rikti people by assisting Hero Corps, not just to prove your warrior prowess.

Ah yes, us Lineage of War folks just need to daub our cheeks with woad and dance around waving our spears to feel fulfilled, Cher'tak replied, a wry tone coloring his thought. I'll make a good impression, don't worry.

Tell me that next time I have to authorize yet another full organ transplant for you. Regardless, I should go.

With a wordless thought of affirmation, Cher'tak withdrew his mind from the group-mind and settled back into the comfortable isolation that was his 'job description.' But while he might have been alone in his head, he certainly wasn't alone in any other meaning of the word. He was in the middle of Atlas Park, after all, his blood red Rikti battle armor sticking out like a sore thumb amongst the spandex, wings, and capes of his fellow heroes.

Fellow heroes. No matter how many times he thought of that, it still seemed to fit like a glove a few sizes too big. He still had a lot to do before he could consider himself an actual hero.

"Greetings; Salutations," grated the Rikti over his annoyingly synthetic sounding translator. Despite the ever bothersome annoyance he stood proudly before the three people, Vanguard badge gleaming bright on the left side of his chest and bladerifle attatched to its carry point on his back.

"Self name; Designation: Warmaster Cher'tak. Faction: Traditionalist. Objective: Assist Hero Corps; Paragon heroes: Recover or Revenge: Missing heroes," he continued, subtly giving Arek and the heroine an appraising glance behind the anonymity of his helmet.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.




"I will be the judge of that." the denim-hued draconian retorted coldly, something about the human before him clearly bothering Arek, "What do...?"

He stopped as the woman joined them, somewhat perplexed by her manner, for he didn't recognize her. Spending most of one's time with about a dozen other species tended to do that, "...do I know you?"

Of course, that was when a Rikti Warmaster in blood-red armor arrived on the scene, the Sky Commander not sure what to make of him either. Not that he wasn't up to date on Rikti-human relations, no. It was more the Vanguard badge the man wore. Ever since Acid had severed all ties to the organization, Arek hadn't any developmental information on them.

"Arek." he therefore stated neutrally, sizing up the Warmaster in much the same manner, and then adding to both of them to break the ice some, "Glad I seem to be not the only one concerned about this..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




--Atlas Park: Behind City Hall--

"Nor am I," Wong said delightedly, but his facial expression didn't remain that way as he continued, "Well, unfortunately, I don't have much to go on. The Security Chief from Brickstown's First National when Oakhammer was abducted is currently fielding questions in the Brickstown Infirmary. After what those monsters did to him, they had to replace sections of his spine! He should make a full recovery, but I don't know if that'll take into account the psychological damage involved in being ripped in two."

He shrugged.

"There are a couple heroes that the Phalanx interviewed, too. One lost her fiance... She was a bit of a mess when Freedom Corps interviewed her, but maybe she'll have something more coherent with some more time to think about it. I know I sound heartless right now, but we need to know anything she knows, and we need to start acting fast."

He typed into his communicator.

"Here's her address. Her name is Bronze Shield... She's a tanker, one of the recent ones who take after Blue Steel. Careful, don't make her mad. She's got a mean right cross."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



From the Crey Nerva office, there were not so many options. The ferry, of course, old Reliable. As she walked out the door, Dynamo Rose checked the Ferry Schedule, and was not impressed.

Rather than risk teleport lag, Rose went straight to the Black Helicopter and demanded a drop off at the Four Suits. Arachnos Pilots were some of the most accomdating pilots she had ever met, and a part of her was always suspicious about it. At the moment, she had no time to waste on thoughts like that.

She waited a minute to let anyone else using the transportation get on, and then told the pilot to move it.

Seven minutes later, Rose jumped off the Flier onto the roof of the Casino.

The Four Suits Casino was by far less gaudy than the Golden Giza, but in a strange Neon lights fashion, it was dimished by that.

The Marcone at the roof access held up his shotgun, but quickly stepped side, "Dynamo Rose! Tell Basse we're paid up already!"

Ignoring the outburst, Rose stepped inside, charging up her armor, the red electrical field crackling to life as she started working her way to Room 1209.

Keying her comm, she said, "I'm at the casino, top floor."

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



"...do I know you?"

[/ QUOTE ]

She looked back at him curiously for a moment before answering, "Maybe not. I never did find out which time you guys were from. I'm Paxtera, by the way", she added to both Arek and the Rikti. Again, the presence of a Rikti Warmaster didn't seem to surprise her entirely much.

"Here's her address. Her name is Bronze Shield... She's a tanker, one of the recent ones who take after Blue Steel. Careful, don't make her mad. She's got a mean right cross."

[/ QUOTE ]

"So do I, strangely enough", Pax replied. "One always hopes to not have to use it though..."


"So we are a team, then?" Jack asked to no one in particular before he left.

[/ QUOTE ]

"I wouldn't go so far as to say that", Cassie replied as she followed him outside. "More of a loose alliance."

Once outside, she looked around before joining Rose in making a beeline for the Black Helicopter. "Room for another in this crate?", she asked as she got in regardless. Dropped off a while later, she had to laugh as the shotgun-wielding Marcone at the door found himself face to face with the barrel of one of Mac's plasma cannons. He got really friendly really quickly and let them pass with no further objections. She made an odd gesture at Rose as she followed the other villain up the stairs, and the screen of the watch on her wrist glowed as a bubble-like shield of force sprang into existence around her.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Jack shrugged indifferently. "Team, alliance, all the same to me" he said before exiting into the air once again, taking a quick look around to see where his 'alliance' was going, scratching his left shoulder unconsciously. Seeing they were taking the helicopter, he followed them, not talking as he boarded. He usually didn't take the Arachnos choppers, but he hadn't killed anyone in a while, and quite frankly, he needed a little bloodshed.

As they arrived on the roof, Jack decided not to follow Dynamo and Cassie to go down from the roof, but jumped down to the ground with ease, slowing down considerably just before he smacked onto the pavement. He circled his shoulders a little to stretch before walking inside, going towards the designated room. Anyone who was brave, or unfortunate enough, to get in his way was soon either propelled across the room or simply dropped to the ground, either in pain or just laying there still, eyes motionless.



"Eternal hope: Warriors; Soldiers: Skills: Not required," mused Cher'tak somewhat after Paxtera's comment. He then swung his head toward Wong and fixed the man with a stare that had an inquisitive air about it. "Query; Request: Information: Attacking villains: All avaliable."

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Dr. Lore joined the group on the helicopter, and stayed quiet to catch up on the paperwork Manning gave her. She took note that witnesses to the last abduction were admitted to the Port Oakes hospital. This was probably the case "of interest" she was told about earlier.

As soon as the chopper touched down, Dr. Lore jumped out with the others, smirking at the startled Marcone before making her way inside the hotel.

"Chances are, if he thinks he's being hunted he might have left the room already. That doesn't mean we can't search the place for clues... or for whoever was after him."

The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood



"Paxtera?" the Drokar's head came forward to look at her closer, eyes a bit wider than before, "But...I thought Vharsuun kill you when you banished him? How...?"

"Right." he almost smirked a moment later, "Kheldian. Still good to see you made it."

With regard to the Rikti, Arek waited to see how the Hero Corps liaison's answer fell...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi





Hey Grey, what about Millions and Drago?



--St. Martial: J.W.'s Lounge and Bar--

When the light of the teleportation singularity faded, Harbinger rubbed his eyes and looked around. Recognizing the neighborhood, he nodded.

"I live down the street," he grumbled to his companions, "The bartender knows me. He might have something to tell me."

He led them in to a dark lounge. J.W.'s seemed to be a casino only by the slot machines and a few tables where people could play cards with each other. The rest, however, were suitably dark so various "shady deals" could be arranged. Fortunately, today was a slow day, as there were only a couple perpetually drunk barflies sitting on the stools, waiting to be served more alcohol. Even if they were interested in eavesdropping, they were too inebriated to remember anything.

"Holy crap... Harbinger?" the bartender shouted, "Last I saw you, you were tearing out of here like a bat out of Hell! You still owe me forty bucks for your tab!"

"Eddy!" the demon shouted back, "I need your help!"

"Yeah? Well, maybe you'll pay up and we'll see what I can recall... Thing is, information don't come cheap, either."

"You know," the demon growled as his body burst into flames, "Most normal people like you would have crapped their pants at the notion that I wanted somethin' from 'em."

"Yeah," the bartender reached under the counter and retrieved a specially inscribed double-barreled shotgun, "And they aren't equipped with a magic gun that's loaded with silver dimes."


--St. Martial: 4 Suits Casino: Room 1209--

The mercenaries reached the room without incident. However, the door was slightly ajar. Dynamo Rose signaled to the others to follow her lead and pushed the door open to see what was inside.

A solitary figure waited for them. He was facing the window, but his outfit made him look like some sort of bizarre, stylized ninja with serrated fins coming out of the top of his mask. The man turned his head when he heard the creak of the door and spoke in a voice as cold as the pits of the Netherworld.

"We saw you approach. You're here for the assassin? He's gone. Forever. And as for you... Your search ends here..."

He whirled around and hurled a patch of inky blackness at the mercenaries. Tentacles sprouted from it and latched onto them, miring them in place.

Whoever this guy was, he was not a friend.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



--St. Martial: J.W.'s Lounge and Bar--

A drunken punk, with a crimson mohawk and a sweaty black leather jacket, snickers as Eddy pulls out his gun.

"Just once I'd like to get drunk here, without seeing someone shot or beat into a coma. Just once."

Then the punk belches loudly, and goes back to playing Axis and Allies on his laptop. His Dos Equis, sits next to his computer untouched.

It's obvious that the poor kid is milking his last beer, so he can use the free wireless bandwidth inside the bar. This makes him clearly penniless and pathetic, and the laptop is probably stolen.



Jack made his way to room 1209 and met the others there. Dynamo motioned for the group to follow and opened the door. He followed closely behind, itching to get his hands on someone. As they went in and saw the figure, he almost cursed out loudly when he realized he was practically a sitting duck without his powers. Sitting and waiting is all he seemed to do now-a-days.

Then the figure turned and spouted a couple of words before sending a flying, black, tentacle filled thing at them. Jack tried to dodge the shot, but got grasped to the ground like what he could only assume was everyone else. Then, as he realized what had happened to him, smiled.

"You started it" Jack accused, much like a child as he flew a psionic blast at the man. If he had no defenses at all to such attacks, it could render him insane from pain, although to most metas, all it did was give a horrible throbbing sensation. That was more like a test, however, and his next moves would be based on what his attack did.



"Woah." Millions said, eyes widening as the barkeep drew up the shotgun. "Look, there's no need for violence here. We're all friends, aren't we...?"

[i]'Don'tpanicdon'tpanicdon'tpanicdon'tpanicphmygodhe hasagunshouldhaveneverlefthomedon'tpanicdon'tpanic ...'[/'i] He thought.



"Calm yourself." Drago placed a hand upon Harbinger's right shoulder from behind, seeming to take no note of the flames. He stepped around the large man on the same side, his helmet's many eyes all seeming to focus on the bartender, "And you...a fine weapon you've got there. How much does its ammunition cost? Because you know..."

He sat down casually in the stool right before the bartender, the arms of his backpack curling menacingly toward the array of fine spirits behind the man, "...it would be a shame if you suddenly found yourself unable to procure more for lack of funds. Arachnos does have a way of losing so much paperwork these days..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




The black mire that shot from the stranger's hands slammed into Rose like a gunny sack of potatoes. Cold too, she thought as she trudged through the dark matter. The electricity that flowed through her kept her synapses firing, even with the numbness spreading.

She saw Jack lash out at him, but Rose wasn't sure he could take a direct hit from whoever this guy was.

The one of a kind generator inside her armor flared to life, magnifying the electrical output of her own body 10,000 fold, the excess electricity sprang out from Rose like a storm, the gauntlets took some extra energy as well, the red hot power glowing brightly in her hands.

"All he needs to do is be able to talk!" she yelled as she jumped into the air over the target, slamming her energy focused fists into him. That kind of power stunned lesser foes, but the damage didn't even appear to stagger their foe.

Snapping her fingers at him, she tried to keep his attention on her so the others could lay into his back.

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



Whoever this guy was, he was not a friend.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cassie spread her arms wide, the device on her wrist emitting a dome of force that would blunt and deflect attacks within it's radius. And just in time too, as the slithery black whatever that stuff was impacted against the shield with a noise she couldn't quite describe. Regardless, Cassie moved back behind Mac, ordering the bot to attack at the same time.

Her shield might have deflected the first strike but that was no gaurantee it would successfully deflect any subsequent strikes, so she put a wall of robot in front of her as a second shield. Simultaniously, the room lit up with a series of flashes as the rest of her bots teleported in. Five in total, three drones and two protector bots. Immediately the protectors began applying another layer of shielding first around Cassie then around the other bots, while the drones simply pointed and opened fire.


"Right." he almost smirked a moment later, "Kheldian. Still good to see you made it."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Ahh, so you do remember me", Pax laughed, before what he'd said registered properly and she looked up at him in some alarm at the implication she was supposed to be dead. "Wait. Who's Vharsuun? And why were we banishing him or her?"

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Stahlhund had entered the helicopter with veryone else, unseen. He was there when the figure struck out against them. However, he was not within range of the black mass. He watched for a few moments until Dynamo Rose seemed to get his attention.

The stalker moved forward, dodging the volley from the robots that had gathered like some unseen, dancing machine. In fact, he was humming something that vaugely sounded like Mozart. He moved with the music as made his way to the figure's back. The red machine crouched down, his attention focusing on the area where the man's spine should be. A whirring sound was heard moments before a red and black blade was ejected from his wrist and into his hand. It was made of Impervium and looked remarkably sharp. The german stalker abruptly stopped his quiet humming as he thrust the blade towards the man's back.

Self-Proclaimed Number one Fanboi of the RP Forums and it's writers.

Me: How about "Zeus, The Pimp God"?

A friend: It'd be too hard to dress him up like a bull



--St. Martial: Four Suits Casino: Room 1209--

The lightning-fast assault was too much for the mysterious man. While he was able to drain some of Rose's energy while she assaulted him to heal his own wounds, he wasn't able to withstand the robots perforating his body, nor the assassin strike to his spine.

With a gurgled whisper, he slumped to the floor. Before anybody could gain their bearings, however, electricity started crackling from his body and a series of runes started hovering around him. Despite the man's paralysis, he seemed to be laughing...


--St. Martial: J.W.'s Lounge--

"You'd be surprised how easily I could get around that," the bartender muttered to Drago as he replaced the shotgun with trepidation, "But I'm not about to stand in the way of Arachnos... I... I didn't see you there, sir, Crab Spider... Sir..."

He sheepishly looked around the bar before noticing the barflies and decided to regain some composure by shoving them away.

"Can't you see I've got real business to discuss here? Gentlemen, if you would take a seat..."

He waited for the meta human rogues to take the offered seats before he gave them complementary water and leaned in close.

"Okay... Harbinger... You were in here almost a week ago, same as always. It was your chicken-fried steak night."

"Oh man," the demon rubbed his belly, "I could really go for one of those right now..."

He saw Drago's posture was negative on the notion, however.

"On second thought, though, we don't have the time..."

"Well," the bartender continued, "You were chilling over in your usual booth when this guy in a suit came in and headed straight for you. The two of you talked for a while, and you didn't like what he had to say..."

Harbinger's head rolled to the side. He muttered something into his shoulder, but he only seemed more confused.

"...Well, he left and you finished your meal. After that, you went into the bathroom, and a moment later, you were tearing out of here like a man on a mission. I shouted at ya to pay your bill, but you just barked something crazy at me."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.