(Open RP) Forever And A Day
Millions fidgeted uncomfortably as a force field enveloped him. "In any case, we should get this over with. We need to avoid fighting if possible while also completing this before anybody else takes notice. Shall we...?"
The interior of the warehouse was surprisingly wide open. Other buildings of similar exterior design were usually crammed with tight corridors or otherwise obstructed with large boxes and crates.
While this warehouse had the massive crates and boxes, they were stacked and arranged against the walls. This allowed for a wider area within which the company could move their small front-loader and maneuver the various products they were about to ship out to their manufacturers and distributors.
Since the building was fairly new, there wasn't much in it. A few crates had been opened, but that was for inventory checking purposes. The real draw, however, was in one of the back corners and arranged throughout the center of the warehouse.
A black van sat dead-center of the building. A set of operating tables with chemicals of various kinds were arranged around the vehicle in various states of cleanliness (or uncleanliness, as the case was for some of the red-stained tables near the vehicle's rear door).
Patrolling around the vehicle was a group of men in dark business suits. Aside from black and white, there was no color to the men, not even in the complexion of their skin. They were all horribly pale, and their movements were plodding and deliberate.
When Pax slammed through the roof, the men in suits turned and assessed the situation. At first, they reached into their suits and withdrew pistols. When they leveled the weapons upon her, though, they didn't fire.
"Classification," one said in a dull monotone, "Intruder bears the energy signatures typical of Kheldian extraterristrials. Classification: Peacebringer."
"Strengths," another said in just as dull a voice, "Energy manipulation in the form of massively concussive bursts and shields that are highly resistant to energy assault. Vulnerabilities: Quantum Distortion Bursts to disassociate Kheldian symbiotic energy form from the host. Availability of Quantum Array weaponry, negligible."
All at once, they slid their pistols coolly back into their suits and holstered the weapons.
"Switch to melee," the first one announced.
He leaped at the Dwarf, apparently heedless of the damage about to be inflicted upon him. When Pax lashed out, however, the agent punched, causing their fists to collide, and a painful shock reverberated up the energy "crab's" arm.
Behind Pax, a set of cages containing a few people who seemed to be sleeping was behind the Dwarf. The shadows about them seemed to coalesce and move of their own accord.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Stahlhund had slipped by the two people coming indoors. He had remained unseen and unheard. The sound of thunder, though, caught the machine's attention. He noticed Rose running to the warehouse.
"Dynamo Rose. What is going on? Do you need assiantance?" The german stalker spoke calmy. He was walking towards the warehouse as he spoke, his blade still drawn.
Self-Proclaimed Number one Fanboi of the RP Forums and it's writers.
Me: How about "Zeus, The Pimp God"?
A friend: It'd be too hard to dress him up like a bull
Stay... or move? Stay... or move? Dr. Lore's hand twitched after Rose ran off. She knew the mission was to gather evidence and avoid fighting, but a feeling deep down nudged her battle instincts slightly. There was almost no hiding it even though she tried; she was itching for a fight.
Reason was fighting for control, but the need for action was present as well.
"Come on." she urged the remaining party, heading for the warehouse as well. Unlike Rose and Stahlhund, she leapt up to the roof to see what made the thunderous blast. The discovery of the hole and the silent reminder of the force field around her gave her the bravado to walk up to the hole and peer inside.
Her reaction was hard to fight back.
"What in the...?!"
The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood
And a painful shock reverberated up the energy "crab's" arm.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok, this thing actually managed to hurt her in Dwarf form. With only one hit. Well then. "Gah!", Pax yelled in a mixture of pain and frustration. "Bad robot!", she added as she backhanded the offending robot, or cyborg, or whatever the hell it was with enough force to send any normal human and most superpowered ones across the room.
Looking to the others who hadn't approached to close range, she teleported over to them - people always forgot the Dwarves could teleport - and stomped hard on the ground. A flare of bright blueish energy radiated out from the impact point, battering them and throwing them off their feet.
Raising an eyebrow at the sounds of combat inside the warehouse Cassie tapped the device on her arm again and a further four portals appeared, resulting in the arrival of Mac and her three drones. After both she and the two Protectors applied their various force shields, she ordered the bots forward and approached somewhat more cautiously than the others behind them. Keeping a tight grip on her plasma rifle, she looked around for a ground-level door to the warehouse and motioned for the bots to enter through the closest one.
And that they did - without bothering to open it first. Cassie grumbled a little to herself. "I know I built you guys smart enough to open a damn door without being explicitly told to...", she muttered as she followed them through.
"Yeah, but smashing it down makes a way better entrance than just coming in quietly", Mac replied in a cheerful tone before pointing a plasma cannon at the closest thing that looked threatening. The other five bots followed suit, taking aim at any possible hostiles with their various weapons. A faint hum was heard as one of the Protectors warmed up the repair device attached to its other arm. As yet though, none of them fired. And they wouldn't, unless something fired at them first or Cassie gave the order.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
"Jumpy bunch, aren't they." Rose muttered to no one in particular as her companions leapt into action.
Keying her comm into private chat, she responded to Stalhound, "I'm fine. But the warehouse situation is probably going to get messy and fast."
A mental trigger activated her electrical armor. Few heroes could manipulate electricity on this level, it gave her away as a Rogue, but Rose wasn't about to get blindsided by stray cannon fire.
She briefly hesitated on whether or not she should join her fellows. For the safety of the mission, it might be wise to keep someone back. Of course, it wouldn't help her reputation if they thought she was a coward. 'Cautious' could be a job killing word.
So, she leapt to the rooftop, keeping an eye out for the winged fellow, but joined Dr. Lore at the hole.
Hrm. Standard Mad Science fare. "Oh. Peacebringer. Shiny."
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
The denim-hued draconian did neither. Instead, he waited, assessing the situation below, listening carefully to the monotonous statements of the black-dressed men. The grenades shifted steadily between the claws of his left hand. He gave Dr. Lore a short glance when she hit the roof, but other than that didn't pay much heed to the woman. After all, there many heroes with white trench coats (and stranger costumes) around Paragon, and the chance that one stopped to see what had caused a ruckus here wasn't low at all.
"What in the...?!"
[/ QUOTE ]
"That is what we are about to find out." the towering Drokar retorted in a dry, logical tone, then first spread his wings, and folded them once more in his leap through the hatch, attempting to ram one of Paxtera's opponents into the ground at behest of his large, clawed feet.
Of course, he wasn't idle during the fall, tossing a tear gas charge toward those that still patrolled around the van, hopefully assailing them with enough to leave them helpless. Though it of course fared better with organic systems, this stuff often worked on machines as well, so chances weren't bad.
Either way, Arek missed Rose's appearance.
Drago, however, did not.
"Why, what's going on?" he wanted to know over the commlink, "Don't tell me this went bad already..."
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
"Ackwoledged(Sp?!)." The germamn machine said. A panel popped open on his left arm. Stahlhund pnched in some buttons, most likely coordiantes. A bright flash apeared where he was as he telelported inside the warehouse. He popped back into existnec right next to Cassie. The Stalker's blade was ready and his cloak was on.
((late kight post...again >_>)
Self-Proclaimed Number one Fanboi of the RP Forums and it's writers.
Me: How about "Zeus, The Pimp God"?
A friend: It'd be too hard to dress him up like a bull
Jack let the bubble envelop him, inspecting it and 'oohhing' at it's shiny-ness. "I love these things" he muttered to no one in particular. A large crash interrupted him, causing Jack to whip his head around as most of the group headed for a nearby warehouse. Jack flew after them, landing on the roof as a lizard-thing jumped down a hole. Jack stuck his head inside the roof and looked around, seeing a Kheldian fighting robots, or cyborgs, or zombies, whatever an evil villain had in mind today.
Jack hopped down the hatch and landed soundlessly, assessing the situation carefully. He shrugged to himself and shot a small psychic blast at one of the suited men. If it had any effect his head would snap back like being hit by a rock, but it did little, if any, damage.
The first agent was batted aside just as Pax had hoped. While they had a dense infrastructure under their pale flesh, they were still susceptible to physics. The body slammed against an industrial pillar and landed on its feet before running back into the fray.
Another two started rushing the Dwarf, but the rest of the group (seven, it seemed) paused and looked about the rest of the warehouse. While their fellows punched and kicked the invading hero while attempting to duck and roll away from its attacks, the other seven looked about, aware of the fact that more meta human vigilantes could be on the way.
Arek didn't disappoint their expectations as he appeared like a terrible beast of legend, simultaneously toppling one of Paxtera's assailants to the floor with a kick to the head and hurling a gas grenade into the midst of the remaining seven. Some of the agents rolled away deftly, but others were caught in the cloud. At first, they seemed to move normally in it, but their limbs and heads started to twitch, and they couldn't seem to move.
Jack's psychic blast lanced into the mind of one of the cyborgs nearest to him and caused the machine to turn to him. The agent didn't seem affected by the attack and it kicked the man to the floor before getting batted aside by one of the Dwarf's huge claws.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
"Well." Millions muttered to himself. "You just all go on ahead and do that." He sighed. "I'm a crutch to them. No powers - especially travel power." He continued muttering to himself, but started jogging towards the nearest entrance.
A group of men in Sedadyne jumpsuits lay dormant in a cage while a warehouse skirmish progressed. One of the men began to groan. The noise must have jump-started his consciousness, which was odd because everything sounded so far away. He made attempts to open his eyes, but nothing happened. His body wasnt moving much with the exception of being able to lift his fingers. His mind drew flashes of the last few days or so and his eyes shut tighter with each oncoming memory. The flashes provoked a bodily jerk as if he was being poked from different parts of his body.
Eventually, he was able to move his arm to touch at the throbbing hedache that had begun when he started to wake up. His short, strawberry-blonde hair was unkempt on top of his lean 62 frame. How long had it been since hed been here? His eyes opened a smidgen and the man could make out colors and movements. The lights were still a little bright. Slowly, hed begin to bring things into focus.
What the hell was going on?
Dr. Lore spied the seven or so suits looking around as if expecting more trouble, and cracked her knuckles as she decided to give it to them.
She dove down the hole and landed on her hands and feet before springing towards her prey. Seven? Too many? Probably wouldn't matter in a second. She forced one out of her way with a punch to get in the middle of the group, then slammed her foot down hard with extreme velocity to knock them all off their feet.
The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood
"Careful with that gas!" Arek's deep tone shouted after Dr. Lore's charge, not entirely sure what (if any) effect it would have on her. He certainly didn't get to see it then end there, the man he'd pinned beneath his feet using the moment of lapsed attention to grab the draconian's leg and snap a twist, hurling the denim-scaled Drokar over and toward the ground.
Thankfully, Arek was anything but as heavy as he looked, spreading wings to slow and balance his fall while he tossed his force lange into the air. Thus he had a palm free to rebound and push up off the floor, landing on his feet again, his position a prepared crouch. Not a moment later, his free arm shot out to the right, hand twisted back and open, the staff-like weapon coming down securely in its toothily smiling master's grip.
"You will need to do better." he leaped up while bringing the lance before him, a web grenade on its way toward the black-dressed pale man at the same time, apparently continuing the fight. In truth, however, the Sky Commander was presently reassessing the situation, which had of course changed with the arrival of more combatants. Luckily, they seemed to be on their side. Still, just what was going on here?
Drago was certainly asking himself the same question, the Crey-hired team's communicators, relaying his still calm-toned, but doubtlessly desiring questions, "Guys, seriously, what's going on? Stahlhund, Millions, Dr. Lore, someone come in - what's happening over there...?"
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
"Stahlhund, reporting. Melee in warehouse" the german machine responded frankly. He stepped towards one of the agents still cloaked, and drove his blade into it's gut. Now, however, he was de-cloaked, but not vulnerable.
Self-Proclaimed Number one Fanboi of the RP Forums and it's writers.
Me: How about "Zeus, The Pimp God"?
A friend: It'd be too hard to dress him up like a bull
Jumping down into the warehouse, Dynamo Rose activated her Lightning Field, the stray wisps of electricity arcing along metal surfaces. Occasionally the arcs would stretch and catch some of the suited men, minor damage, but it would draw some major attention to her.
Circling around the fracas, Rose found a more isolated Sedadyne goon. A sudden discharge of power cracked the air and Rose slowly lifted her hands as she built up the power in them. With a sharp thrust, the Redhead slammed her fists into the man, discharging enough power that would kill a rabid ox.
Coughing twice and spitting up some blood, which splashed annoyingly on her faceplate, Rose cursed. Energy Transfer @#$@! hurt.
"Drago, Dynamo. In combat with Sedadyne agents. Heroes on scene, at least two I can see, but we seem to be fighting on the same side at the moment."
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
Cassie was going to say something to the effect of 'all hell's breaking loose, like always' over the radio in response to Drago, but since the others beat her to it she didn't see the point in adding her voice. Instead, she focused on the chaos erupting in front of her as one of the cyborgs or whatever they were made the mistake of looking just a little too hostile in the eyes of her bots. In unison, the six of them discharged a stunning array of plasma bursts, photon grenades and laser blasts into the unfortunate victim.
An ordinary human would have hit the ground as nothing more than perforated and charred meat, though that didn't necessarily mean this thing would. Thus, the bots discharge a few extra shots into the possibly lifeless corpse before turning their attention to anything else matching a similar description. As yet that list of hostiles didn't include any of the heroes, so no shots hit any of them until they did something to attract some.
Seeing that blunt force seemed to have more effect than energy-based attacks, Pax changed tactics. Instead of wasting energy in her blows, she simply lashed out around herself with all of the Dwarf's considerable strength. A number of foes abruptly found themselves airborne as they got too close to the sweeping claws. Somehow, despite the apparent recklessness of her attacks she avoided hitting any of the other metas, both villains and heroes. After all, red and blue finding themselves on the same team wasn't unheard of.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
The agents were battered and torn, their suits and flesh burned or shredded away to reveal cybernetic skeletons underneath, but they were hardly beaten. The one Cassie's robots had lacerated with energy fire pushed itself back up, drew its pistol, and fired an energy bolt that scored the hull of one of the battle drones to prove its refusal to relent.
The agents weren't the problem the meta humans had to deal with, however. The problem they had to worry about was the fact that the shadows throughout the warehouse were now reaching for them with tenebrous alacrity. Tentacles of pure darkness lashed out at them from all sides and the attacking meta humans could see a number of men in what looked to be stylized ninja outfits stepping out of the darkness.
The rogues would recognize them as looking like the lunatic who had attacked them in St. Martial in the early morning.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Stahlhund went to turn to help the others when the cyborg like agent just stopped falling. It grabbed the stalker with strong hands and wrenched him off his feet. The german machine slashed and hacked at the machine-like man until it finally released him. The agent was not yet beaten.
"Hm. Cyborg?" The stalker spoke, questioningly. As he lunged forward for another attack, the shadows moved. "What?" the stalker said in confusion.
The various ninja like beings stepped out of the shadows. Stahlhund shouted over the comm links "That lunatic in St Martial appears not to be unique!"
He twirled and swirled from the agents and the shadows. His visor pinpointing where the best possible area to move to. The german stalker slashed at the agents that came closer as well as the dopplegangers of the lunatic. The german let loose a low growl as the shadows twisted around one of his legs.
Self-Proclaimed Number one Fanboi of the RP Forums and it's writers.
Me: How about "Zeus, The Pimp God"?
A friend: It'd be too hard to dress him up like a bull
EDIT: Post changed for power usage. Wasn't inoperable afterall.
The man in the cage finally was able to focus enough under the light to see more people than what were in here earlier. He recognized the agents, but it seemed that there were a certain number of heroes there in combat with his kidnappers. He recognized a few of the heroes. Others, hed never seen before.
Wait, is that
No couldnt be. Or could it? Were there villains in this sector as well?
The caged man didnt waste any time trying to figure things out. He checked his low quarter surroundings and ran his hands along the cage for any weak points or locking mechanisms. The distraction might be enough to find a way out of this. He searched within himself and found that part of his brainthe part that tapped into his regenerative powerswas there, but dormant; must have been the sedative. He closed his eyes and focused. Like an unraveling of knots, he was able to loosen some of the binds that held his power at bay. A faint lime-green light emerged from his body frame and he could feel himself begin to feel better. His mind cleared and some of his strength returned.
There has got to be a way of here.
Tentacles of pure darkness lashed out at them from all sides and the attacking meta humans could see a number of men in what looked to be stylized ninja outfits stepping out of the darkness.
The kidnapped man stopped searching, frozen in place, as his eyes began to follow the caliginous matter that crept along the floor. He watched closely as the darkness crept behind one of the fighters.
Look out, the caged prisoner called out, but found the shouts too late.
Stahlhund let loose a low growl as the shadows twisted around one of his legs.
He changed up his tactics and started to try and wake up everyone in the cage with him. The same green aura from before emitted from him and the other detainees started to rouse from their unconscious state.
Bladerifle tapping lightly against the pavement just outside the warehouse's loading doors, Cher'tak listened to the sound of the melee inside. Judging from the sounds and limited information his battle suit could weasel out of Arek's and Pax's communicators the fight seemed to be going better than expected. He didn't think either of the pair could shoot electricity or had laser weapons, so this meant other heroes had arrived to aid them. This made sense with the additional minds he had sensed approaching the building. They would have to find out what lead the other group had, but first things first.
"Securing: Hostages," Cher'tak stated over the team's comm channel as he swept his weapon up and stabbed it through the sheet metal of the large loading door. A couple more quick cuts later and the he was able to kick the chunk of metal away, stepping into the large room with his mounted shield flaring to life.
Bracing the butt of his rifle between his elbow and hip, Cher'tak fired a single shot at the back of an unengaged cyborg. The shot was accurate, despite it's aim, and a smoldering hole was blown into the machine's back. It didn't do much except draw its attention, but that was all Cher'tak expected.
"Classification: Rikti Chief Soldier," announced the cyborg as it advanced. "Heavy armor with integrated defensive and offensive systems, likely high skill melee combat. Strategy: Ranged combat."
Leveling its pistol at the Warmaster the cyborg fired several shots, each one blocked either by the glowing green shield on his left hand or absorbed by his heavy armor. Chuckling to himself, Cher'tak maneuvered toward the cage of hostages, casually batting aside a forming ninja with one swipe. The ninja dodged, but at least he was out of the way.
As far as he was concerned, the rest could have the glory of the battle. He'd defend the captive humans until it was over.
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
The german let loose a low growl as the shadows twisted around one of his legs.
[/ QUOTE ]
Rose stepped up to Stahlhund and stepped her foot onto the black...thing that was grabbing the stalker. The coils twitched a little from her electrical aura, and the redheaded brute shoved the german away from the tentacle.
"The first one wasn't so hard to kill, this shouldn't be much worse."
Her hands began to glow with angry red energy as she punched the expanding darkness--just to see if she could.
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
The doctor was dealing some pain, and grinning like a madman for it. She grabbed the leg of one of her fallen victoms and easily swung him into another one. The damages they were taking created wounds that betrayed their nature.
"Cyborgs. Fun." she said to herself, still clutching the agent's leg. She steered clear of the tear gas, but noticing there were still agents inside that needed a clobering threw the previous body at them. She imagined the sound of a bowling ball striking pins seeing the collision, which made her smirk to herself.
With most of the others engaged, Dr. Lore turned her attention to the van. She didn't see a driver, and there were various operation tables arranged nearby. She was about to unhook her medical kit from her belt to examine the more bloody looking ones when she felt something grab her leg.
Her head shot a quick glance down to see the familiar dark tendrils curl around her ankle and shin. With a suprised yelp, she slammed her other foot down on the shadowy offender before a seperate one grabbed that leg too. Her glance shot back up to the shadows of the warehouse with a growl, seeing not one of the mysterious ninja-clad man from before but several. And one had gotten his grip on her.
She pushed her weight down to her feet to keep from being knocked over, and grabbed one of the operating tables. Comprimising her weight for a brief moment she shuffled the table around so she was grabbing it with both hands, hoisted the whole thing over her head and flung it at her attacker.
The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood
Doctor Lore, Dynamo Rose, Stahlhund, and Cher'tak and others could all feel their minds open as if a new light had been switched on.
The caged man had turned his attention to the fight, if I can't get out, might as well do what i can while I'm in here.
The aura had seeped into his eyes that now glowed brightly inside the cage. The regenerative power had an outward affect on everyone he targeted in his mind. He accessed a percentage of their intellect and amplified. Their agility was slightly enhanced and their perception to everything surrounding them was increased.
Hopefully that helps.
The loud crack sounded and caught her attention. She couldn't immediately identify the sound, it was almost like thunder, but she saw no clouds. Suspicious just kept repeating in her mind.
Rose never took to complex math like some of her peers, but that didn't stop her from finding programs to do it for her. Almost instantly her onboard systems had traced the sound back to their origin point, and created a small waypoint on her map.
It looked to be...the Sedadyne Warehouse. Crap. Slapping her palm to her forehead, Dynamo Rose sighed, "Its from the warehouse owned by these schmucks. I'll go check it out. I'm probably the most expendable."
Rose crouched low and jumped onto a nearby wall. Pushing off with a powerful leap, she quickly found herself resting on the nearby rooftop.
She moved her way closer hoping to get a good view of whatever caused the explosion before hitting the rooftop of the warehouse.
"Some kind of winged fellow blew a hole in the roof I think."
Rather than leap right over, Rose decided to wait and see if the winged fellow would leave--indicating escape, or go in Indicating competition.
"Could be competition." she relayed back.
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster