(Open RP) Forever And A Day
The spiderling's analysis of the figure it was attacking was surprising. Apparently, it was fighting an otherwise normal human that was between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-five, aside from the fact that various genetic markings showed excessive damage and that the body should probably have been about forty in some places.
It was also detecting a large amount of arcane energy that wasn't so much coming from the human or being projected upon him by any form of artifact he may have been using, but being channeled through him. It would seem that even if this batch of ne'er-do-wells were defeated, it would not be the end of them by a long shot.
The ninja/sorcerer/thing reached up, then, and wrenched the monstrosity free from his head. The spiderling ripped the mask off with it, revealing a bald, pale-white face with milky eyes before the figure was shrouded in shadow again.
There was a tremendous howling, and the gathered meta humans could feel themselves get slightly tired. In the same instant, the cybernetic agents picked themselves off the floor and their damaged flesh seemed to heal and cover their metal skeletons.
Mystically repaired, the peculiar Sedadyne forces resumed their fight with renewed vigor. Still, the agents were severely outclassed and they didn't have much longer.
One of the agents didn't rise. Lying at the feet of the Dwarf, his eyes flickered once and the body exploded violently.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Pax considered herself lucky to have been standing over the corpse when it exploded, for considering how much it hurt she didn't want to consider what it might have done to their somewhat less durable allies. Fortunately, her being right next to it had shielded them from the full force of the blast. The greenish light of Kheldian healing energy flashed around her, a number of broken and damaged armor plates reforming before she teleported over to the biggest concentration of shadows.
These, she reasoned, might be more susceptible to her energy attacks based on the whole light versus shadow thing. Of course technically that meant she'd be more susceptible to them too but she didn't stop to consider that. She stomped, a wave of energy bursting out from around her foot.
Cassie grumbled to herself as she saw the enemies they'd put down already getting back up. "Didn't work the first time, why can't they just stay down and save us the trouble?", she asked no one in particular. One of them that got a little too close for comfort got a bolt of force from the device on her wrist, rendering him suddenly airborne before he was shredded by three drones worth of lasers.
Meanwhile, seeing the agents relatively clumped up, Mac chuckled quietly to himself and fired off a few incendiary rockets from the rocket pack above his head. The ground around the agents burst into flame as the rockets landed.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
Jack swore loudly as his mental strike had no effect at all, except for drawing attention. He got booted to the ground, and was getting ready to go to melee before a Kheldian swiped it into a wall. "I'm going to a new planet. This one is to defensive nowadays," Jack grumbled to himself as a Bane Mace appeared in his hand. Grumbling to himself, he neared his offender and shot off a blast of energy, knocking it back into the wall.
He was withing melee range as the machine started to rise again. Jack rose the Mace above his head with both hands and slammed it down with all his might, crushing in it's skull. Jack rose it again and slammed it down, then repeated twice. The mentalist laughed, more of a bark, and made to turn to another cyborg before the one he supposedly 'killed' started to regenerate. All the damage the man did seemingly disappeared, the cyborg running towards him.
As Jack gave up and tried to fly towards the ceiling, a black tendril grabbed his foot. He noticed the figures coming out of the blackness and yet again, swore. "I'm getting sick of this" he mumbled, shooting off another energy blast.
Being freed by Rose, Stahlhund twirled into one of the nija like beings, his sword sticking through it. If the machine would of had a face, he'd be smirking right now. Until the howling began and some of his systems went screwy.
The agents rose once again when Stahlhund noticed the man in the cage. "Rose, there are men in the cages. Do you see them? One appears to be conscious and my readings show them all with regenative powers. I also may request a tactical retreat. We may need higher ground. These creatures are the main threat, in numbers." The machine spoke into the channel the team could hear. He'd stand and fight, or retreat and...well.fight. He was a soldier. That's what he does.
Self-Proclaimed Number one Fanboi of the RP Forums and it's writers.
Me: How about "Zeus, The Pimp God"?
A friend: It'd be too hard to dress him up like a bull
Peculiarly, the man Stahlhund stabbed didn't have a cybernetic chassis for a skeleton. The blade sank through flesh, bone and blood as easily as it would any normal person. As the breath faded from the ninja, electric sparks started to radiate from him as runes floated over his head, just like that one he and the other rogues had faced in St. Martial.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Time to get out of here.
Instead of talking about it, how bout to you open this thing up and let me help you, the hostage was on his knees inside the cage, hands wrapped around the bars.
One of the other men in the cage had completely woken up and his disposition was a little different than anyone elses. His response to realizing where he was committed him to kicking and screaming violently. The Healer wasnt sure what his abilities were, but an enhanced strength must have been somewhere in there. The cage bars started to bend with each kick the man made until eventually one of the bars popped out of place. Another jolt and a second bar flew out of its spot.
The Healer gently touched the crazed mans shoulders and emerald colored energy seeped out of his fingertips and into the man. Immediately, the anger flowed out of him and he calmed down. Both men stepped through the makeshift opening in the cage and stood up for the first time in who knows how long.
Help them, the Healer referred to everyone else in the cage.
Now free from bondage, secret government agent, Malachite, looked toward the others in battle.
And Ill help them.
The fight was soon being taken to the ninja-clad ones in the shadows. It was only logical to the doctor: they were a higher threat, healed by transering energy from other people, and seemed to have a longer delay in blowing up.
The cleaner operating tables looked like an effective enough weapon when handled properly. She picked up another one and took aim at another one she found in the further corners. Dr. Lore made a running charge for the man, pulling the table behind her. She watched as the hapless victom made a break for the left, which she was waiting for and swung the table into his chest and face.
She took the distracted second to see how everyone else was holding up. Then, she saw the hostages. One freed himself and was clearly taking charge of the others. Something about him made her pause.
Then she felt the tight grip of the tendrills again that pulled her right to the ground while her prey slipped back into the shadows. She was left writhing on the floor to get up, screaming and cursing in frustration. Not only was she caught off guard, but the moron she was hurting got away!
Oddly enough, she was able to push herself back up to her feet and escape much easier than before. In fact, she noticed that she was able to see the shadows assailents a lot easier and concentrated much better in battle. Before, she had noticed...
I wonder...
She looked back at the hostage that freed himself, noticing the auras he was giving off. Perhaps he did something...
Her eyes then turned to the others in the cage, noting that they were all unconcious... and guarded by a Rikti. Rikti aside, perhaps there was more she could do at the moment then take her chances with shadow controlling ninjas and cyborg super agents.
She took a sprint towards the cage to check on the other hostages herself, seeing if any of them needed medical attention.
The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood
Rose was quite relieved when Dr. Lore went over to the prisoners. Her own medical talents were somewhere higher than slim, and little better than none. Hell, she had to *buy* a Aeon Inc Medical Tricorder to her permanent chagrin.
Satisfied that the superstrong doctor had things well in hand, Rose punched the tentacle that was wrapping itself around her leg.
"I've seen to many movies that started like this, and no thank you!" She snapped as the ripped the tentacle from its dark mass and threw it at a dark Ninja.
Two more tentacles sprang from the shadows to replace the one, catching her arm and snagging her waist. A few more punches into the mass freed her again. The nether energies of the tentacles were cold and sapped her strength the longer she fought, but there was brute force, and then there was brute force...
"Stahlhund! Throw those explody ninjas into this dark crap."
Hopefully it wouldn't horribly backfire and kill them all.
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
((Hm, okay, I guess I'll assume Arek's strike worked then.))
As the ninja crashed into a crate, the Sky Commander's weapon tore through the rest of the tendrils holding him down, a beat of his wings getting him clear and back-to-back with Drago.
"I see our paths in this have merged." he told the Arachnos-armored man, but didn't get much further before the sudden how set in, gripping at his liveliness and raising the enemy once more. Well, that just wouldn't do.
Luckily, everything seemed to have gone to melee now, giving the two a decided advantage in fighting off would-be attackers, as well as allowing Drago a chance to look for where all this 'dark' stuff was coming from. Generally, there was a central figure behind these things.
Was this the case here...?
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
((Oh yeah, unless I have something to rebuff or a defense to throw up, you guys are doing fine.
Also, the dark stuff, Arek, it's coming from the "ninjas" themselves. They seem to be dark sorcerers of some kind... The source isn't here, however. While there is a central point, it's quite distant, so it'll be very difficult to pinpoint through any local sensing. It also negates the idea of throwing the ninjas into it (since its theirs to begin with).))
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
"Current action: 'Open cage': Unnecessary," grated Cher'tak as he rocked back under a double-fisted slam from one of the cyborgs.
Pistoning his right fist into its face, the deployed trio of spikes gouging deeply into the skin, Cher'tak opened up enough room to swing his sword up above his left shoulder and then smashed it down in a diagonal slash. The cyborg tumbled to the ground, cleaved from collarbone to hip and didn't get back up again.
"Rikti engineering: Superior," he said in a somewhat smug tone before glancing over at the approaching brute.
He listened to her ask if anyone needed medical assitance and nodded after she finished talking.
"Other captives: Minds dazed, crazed," he replied, looking from them to Malachite, giving the man an appraising look probably lost through his expressionless helmet. "Suggestion: Sedate. Prevent harm: Themselves, others."
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
"Agreed." the one word said in a definitive manner. His sword rammed into another "ninja" and with a tunr of his body, Stahlhund tossed it into the mass of darkness. He spun, his sword twirling like an angry propeller. His sword struck twice more, the shadow wielders being flung into the mass as well.
He glanced over to the captives, relieved that the Doctor could be even more assistance. He was a soldier, not a medic. His skills in that field were quite sparse. So, through the shadow wielders he spun and slashed, whirled and threw them.
Self-Proclaimed Number one Fanboi of the RP Forums and it's writers.
Me: How about "Zeus, The Pimp God"?
A friend: It'd be too hard to dress him up like a bull
Drago scowled beneath his helmet. Wasn't this just peachy? A bunch of genetically engineered (or at least modified) ninja shadow wizards slinging dark spells around, and he was fresh out of hyperwave emitters.
Always the case, isn't it?
A leg of his backpack struck out to bat one away, the denim draconian behind him poling another up and over with the force lance.
"What now?" the Sky Commander wanted to know with more of a statement than a question, not letting up in his defense.
"Working on it." Drago retorted a bit more casually, but did the like, blasting a ninja to the ground with a crimson energy bolt. Sadly, the man jumped right back up, "I'm open to suggestions, though."
Okay, let's think about this: take them down but forget one, they get back up. Get them all and they blow up. Hmh. Not the best of options.
The van caught his eye.
Then again...
He looked about the room. Were there any other vans? Or perhaps shipping containers? Just something decently large and enclosed, that was all he needed...
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
Electric sparks started to radiate from him as runes floated over his head, just like that one he and the other rogues had faced in St. Martial.
[/ QUOTE ]
Pax didn't know what those runes and sparks were, but she could guess. And Cassie's violent swearing at the sight of them confirmed her guess. Thus, things had to be done or they were all going to go up in a huge explosion. Well. No way was she letting that happen.
Only problem was, she had no way of stopping it. Fortunately, someone else did. A near impenetrable forcefield bubble sprange up around the fallen ninja, enough to contain or at least severely dampen the impending explosion unless it was something truly exceptional. That was all she could do though, as she had to concentrate on keeping her bots safe so they in turn could keep her safe. Teal and green light flared around the area as she alternated between flinging force bolts to blast enemies away and repairing the damage her bots were taking - thankfully not too much, thanks to her own efforts and those of the two protectors with the shield bubbles - with a handheld nanite device. She kept up a steady stream of mostly foul language throughout, muttering angrily under her breath as she blasted yet another ninja away from her. "Seriously, is there no end to these things?", she asked no one in particular.
Seeing the exploding ninja thus contained - hopefully - Pax turned her attention to the rest. "Enough with the shadows", she commanded as she returned to human form to let off an attack much like a flashbang grenade, a bright flash of Kheldian energy lighting up the warehouse. Some of the ninjas stumbled around almost drunkenly, trying to shake the afterimages out of their eyes so they could see again. Others seemed completely unaffected. It was those others that Pax opened up on next, energy blasts flying in a steady stream from her hands to land amid and against them. Every fifth one or so detonated with a wave of concussive energy, though whether it actually knocked any of them over remained to be seem.
(( If I'm overstepping things here Grey then tell me. They struck me more as disposable minions than something I should have to ask permission to beat up though. ))
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
Jeez, I keep forgetting how short I am... Dr. Lore growled in her own head, looking up at the Rikti by the cage. Pushing aside the ire of being short, she got down on one knee to check the hostages in the cage.
They seemed okay upon external examination. She ripped off one glove and felt foreheads with the back of her hand. Nothing serious so far. Noticing a couple were rousing, and remembering the screaming she heard from the cage earlier, she quickly took sedatives out of her first aid kit.
"Shhh, it's okay." she assured, her hushing probably drowned out from the background noise of battle. Gently tilting their necks up, one by one she administered a light tranquelizer through small needles. "Go back to sleep. I'll wake you back up when things have calmed down." Taking out an empty needle, she took a blood sample from one of the hostages and ran it through the medicom to make sure everything internally was okay.
As that processed, her eyes gazed up at the second hostage that was freed: apparently the one who kicked the bars off the cage. He looked strong, but she wondered...
"Hullo." she said passively, snatching his wrist before pulling him down next to her on his rump. Rough, but not enough to hurt him. "You're gonna stay here with me and tell me what you remember."
The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood
((Think there may be a little confusion...
Malachite wasn't the strong man. The bar buster was a random second hostage Malachite healed and he went beserk when he realized he wasn't where he wanted to be and a minor case of claustrophobia. Malachite tells random second awakened hostage to check on others in the cage while he went on to do what he could in battle.
And if this is the understanding, then...do what you will with second hostage. I just wanted out of the cage. ))
((Yeah, I intended the second hostage to be the strong guy, not Malachite. No confusion at all. I have been thinking of "kinda-sorta" taking him over, but I don't wanna lay claim to him if there's other plans for this guy/everyone else in the cage.))
The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood
The battle was going poorly for the cyborgs and sorcerers. As the meta humans shot, smashed, stabbed or otherwise decimated the forces, the van suddenly roared to life and raced out of the building. It smashed through one of the garage doors as it opened and escaped out to Skyway City.
It was ridiculously quick, and the cyborgs and ninjas were throwing too much interference for any of the heroes or rogues to mount any serious pursuit without getting tackled or bogged down by tar-like tangible shadows.
Once the vehicle had escaped, the agents and sorcerers stopped fighting. The eyes of the agents started to flicker and the sorcerers started radiating electricity. They had served their purpose and it was time to eradicate the evidence of their existence.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
"Oh for F**** sake." Rose muttered as the ninja began to count down.
She tossed the closest one into a corner away from the fighters and quickly moved to the next one. Hopefully, she could get enough of the them so as not to destroy any useful clues.
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
"Yeah right, that's going to work." Drago gave a wry chuckle as the van started up. He was actually quite amazed that his thinking was apparently off, but he certainly wasn't about to complain about it. No, he just looked to Arek, "You've got things here, right?"
"Affirmative." the denim draconian replied with a curt nod, and the next second Drago was already gone, leaving behind naught but the characteristic pop of air rushing into a suddenly appeared vacuum.
The Sky Commander then stepped forward to take the offensive, but then things changed. At first, this seemed good to him, but the telltale signs of prepping self-destructs quickly told him otherwise. He quickly shifted tactics to the same manner as Dynamo Rose, though he focused more on getting the about-to-blow hostiles away from the cages, doing so with a mix of bolts from his force lance as well as simple, direct throws.
On a rooftop across the street, Drago had meanwhile watched the van burst from the warehouse, and now that it turned and headed down the road, he targeted it directly for another jump.
Reappearing on the vehicle's roof, he his chassis with hands and feet to not slide off, then drove the sharp, clawed arms of his backpack at the metal, attempting to rip through the roof and gain access to the vehicle. Best of all, if anyone inside went and got smart enough to shoot up, they'd quickly learn just why each of those arms also had a channelgun at its tip...
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
Malachite continued to assist where he could within the fight. As the van was leaving, he motioned toward it was immediately grabbed from behind by one of the agents. Malachite could feel the restraining power in the hostiles arms and didnt give much to resist. Once the van was out of sight, Malachite didnt feel the same amount restraint anymore. He carefully looked behind him and noticed that someone was home, but the lights werent on. The agent dropped his arms and let Malachite go. He looked around and saw that all the other agents were doing the same. They were protecting whatever was in the van! Now these vessels were useless.
Malachite walked back to the cage and kneeled near the other caged members. He looked up at the one checking their vitals and studied her actions.
Whats their status?
((Remember, fellas, the agents go boom after their eyes flicker.))
Drago reappeared on the van's roof but didn't find himself exactly where he'd expected to be. While his arrival point had been fine, the point itself was hurtling through the sky! Gripping the sides of the roof tightly, he started cooking up a new plan.
Unfortunately, before he could put it into action, there was a loud boom and a bullet tore out of the vehicle's roof. There was a distinct smell that assaulted the Senior Operative's nostrils and he let go of one side of the van to roll away from following shots. Bullets tore through the roof where he'd just been and a dark green mist briefly wafted through the holes.
Whoever was inside, they were armed with Venom rounds and a powerful rifle. Drago was about to return fire with his spider leg pack when he felt a hand grip him from behind and yank him away from the vehicle. Another round blasted through the wall and the operative was spun around. There was a slamming sensation as he got a panoramic view of the city (and a bit of an acrophobic one, considering the fact he seemed to be held with one hand).
He saw a flash of metal to his left and some red electricity. This made Drago think that perhaps it was Rose who had him. When he looked at the hand, however, he knew instantly that it wasn't the young woman. He was gripped by a young man, a rogue who wasn't part of the original plan and was having trouble keeping up with the van while holding on to his new passenger. For some reason, despite his obviously "villainous" powers, he wasn't simply dropping the operative to continue his pursuit.
The back door to the flying van opened and a man with a sniper rifle in one hand and gripping the doorway roof with the other aimed and started firing wild shots at his vehicle's pursuers. This one, Drago realized, matched the description of the man Harbinger Daemon and Chillblazer reported as calling himself "Jack Solomon."
One of the rounds came so close, the senior operative could hear it buzzing, then there was a slight poof. The round had connected with some of the electricity radiating from the flying brute and exploded. The meta human holding him laughed a triumphant bark, but then cursed. The van started getting farther and farther away and the meta human started slapping at his own torso. Drago turned to see a young man wearing a pair of big silver skulls, one on his chest and the other on his shoulder, over what looked to be a an orange and dark blue basketball uniform. Otherwise, the meta human looked completely normal for a young man in his mid-twenties.
A loud, humming vehicle sped by them and there was a distinct sensation of falling. Drago looked to see another young man on what looked to be a flying motorcycle (and far less sophisticated than the van at that; there were little jets firing from thrusters reminiscent of Sky Raider Sky Skiffs, leading Drago to guess rather easily what the origin of the second vehicle was) pursuing the van. It fired a gun from under its nose at the larger, apparently faster, machine before slowing and turning.
The pilot seemed concerned for his companion, the man holding the Senior Operative. He came back around and dove under them. A moment later, they collided with something under them and the operative looked at the pilot and he gave the Arachnos Soldier a thumbs up before gripping the handles and trying to slow the descent. The look on his face showed that he was having trouble.
"It's too heavy!" he shouted to his friend, "You might want to fly out of here!"
"I can't..." the other shouted back, "I can't... I feel weak... That bullet... It sprayed me with something when it exploded!"
Drago didn't want to be around for the eventual crash and started plotting a point for him to teleport to. Once he'd gotten some coordinates from his drone, however, it was too late. He and the brute must have fallen quite a ways because they were already street level in a matter of seconds.
The vehicle had a little more lift down here and was able to slow exponentially. The pilot weaved his vessel about in an attempt to crash somewhere less painful than the asphalt street. Drago could hear the vehicle grinding against the pavement and the driver leaned in an attempt to get the thrusters to maneuver the machine, causing it to turn sideways and drag a few more yards with the passengers steered away from the street.
When it stopped suddenly, Drago and the brute found themselves pressed against the nose of the flying bike and the machine rocked a little. The pilot, however, was thrown from the machine and he dragged across the street for a few feet.
"Oh, man!" he shouted as he tried to push himself up, "Why the Hell did that happen to me!?"
"Don't know, Levi," the other replied as he started wiping at the Venom on his body, "Huh... This stuff's drying already?"
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
The thunderous report and high pitched metallic screech of the van ripping its way out of the warehouse caused Cher'tak to wince, wishing for a second that he could rub his scalp through his helmet. That moment passed quickly and he resumed blasting the cyborgs with his bladerifle and swatting away those that got too close. Or he would have if they hadn't all appeared to shut down and prepare to self-destruct.
"Massive detonation: Imminent!" shouted the Warmaster as he lunged forward to grab the cyborg which had previously grabbed Malachite, throwing the thing toward the pile of ninjas. "Take cover: Evacuate now!"
Dashing forward, Cher'tak bodyslammed a stationary ninja away from the cages back deeper into the warehouse. He grabbed his weapon in both hands and smacked another like a baseball before retreating. He took up a guard position between the largest group of about-to-explode bad guys and the cage, extending his shield's energy field as far as it would go and channeling as much energy into it as his suit could spare.
"Arek: Teleport all: Good idea," he grated out before bracing himself.
EDIT: Wrong draconian, lol.
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
The hostage the doctor pulled down to talk to was still a little disoriented and confused. Dr. Lore frowned, and told him to just stay near the cage. She looked over her medicom for vitals, and didn't see anything pop out at her that looked out of the ordinary.
Then, the other escaped hostage came by her and asked for the status of the others in the cage. Dr. Lore looked up at him, wondering how her costume makeup was holding.
"They seem to be in good health, as far as I can tell." she answered. "Your buddy is too confused to remember anything. Can you tell me what hap..."
"Massive detonation: Imminent! Take cover: Evacuate now!"
[/ QUOTE ]
Dr. Lore's gaze shot to the agents and ninjas from the center of the room. Everyone seemed to be pushing them to the farther end of the warehouse and gathering by the opposite end. Sounded feasable, but...
She turned to the sitting, strong hostage. "Get back in the cage!"
"GET BACK IN THE CAGE!" Without another word, she shoved him back through the makeshift opening and stood up to help. There was nothing ranged she could do herself, but...
No. No, don't do it. There's heroes here. It's a dead giveaway. As soon as they know you're a villain they'll have you locked up. But there's nothing else I can do. But we're too far from Sharkhead. But I have to try...
Arguing with herself in her head only took a couple of seconds. She balled her fists to her side and concentrated. Even if this didn't work, she had to try.
Draw up...
Faintly, she felt power seep from the ground, up her legs and well into her hands as if she was being filled with water. The unmistakable feeling gave her a confident smile.
...and push!
Her hands shot out in front of her, and the energy took shape of a shark and hurdled at the nearest agent. It slammed into the unlucky cyborg and the inertia knocked it further into the warehouse.
She had the energy to throw two more at the nearest agents before she herself plopped on her rump in front of the cage in exhaustion. What ever little bit helps, she thought to herself.
The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood
The attacking shadows didn't come as much of a surprise, the very tactically-minded Sky Commander having seen no logical reason they should stay around the cages if they were indeed mobile. Unfortunately, just because he perceived this didn't mean he could predict just the kind of strike they'd carry out, and dark tendrils snapped like whips about an arm and a leg, ramming the draconian to the ground.
With a bestial snarl, he pushed back on them, teeth grit as he dragged himself back up with but sheer willpower, shouting to Cher'tak, "Warmaster! Rrrrelease...open the cage!"
Yanking some distance, the he arced his force lance at an approaching ninja, who seemed to have thought the ensnared Drokar an easy target. He'd likely learn better then and there, for Arek's strikes tended to be highly accurate, and even using the lance in the manner of a staff, the denim-scaled draconian could do some serious damage.
The black-suited man he'd taunted just before, however, faced no such immediate threat, and thus drew his pistol - only to get a faceful of what was likely to be the most unusual projectile he'd ever done seen.
"Spastic headcrab!" Drago's voice called out not an instant before a spiderling flung itself at the man's head and stayed there, clawing and hacking away, as well as performing a field analysis of just what it was attacking.
What data did it get?
Drago himself, having warped in with his entire entourage of arachnobots, took immediate charge of the situation, maneuvering his mechanical menagerie into advantageous positions, where they could most tactically apply their talents to the assault - and of course, he didn't stop at the spiderbots. He may not have been an immediate adaptor, but he was a very competent leader, and could direct most any fight to his side's favor...
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi