(Open RP) Forever And A Day
((...what the heck just happened?))
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
((The van fled the scene before the agents and sorcerers started to explode and actually took to the fricking sky is what happened. Drago teleported onto it without realizing this and the man in the back, Jack Solomon as it turns out, started shooting his rifle at the offending Senior Operative.
Before he was shot, however, Drago was yanked off the vehicle by an as-of-yet-unknown rogue whose friend pursued the vehicle with what looked like a broken-down Sky Skiff as the electrified brute that saved Drago's life was misted by the strange power-dampening Venom and they started dropping out of the sky. The Skiff came back, they were too heavy, but the pilot was able to bring the vehicle to a skidding stop. Drago and the Brute who pulled him off the flying van were alright, but the pilot was tossed and he dragged, face-down, across the pavement of the street for a few feet.
Everybody else, unfortunately, is mounting a pursuit that is going to prove ultimately fruitless...))
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
((All the explody minions done exploding? What's left?))
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
((It...may take me a while to figure out how to react here. Please carry on, I don't want to stop anything.))
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
When the explosions stopped echoing in her ears, Rose wiped some ninja off of her armor and scanned the area for hostiles.
Thankfull that her suit was using a self contained breathing apparatus, Dynamo Rose switched her HUD from visual to thermal imaging until the smoke cleared.
Reaching to her belt, the hitwoman grabbed her Aeon Corp. Handheld Medical Device. It whirred to life as it began its warmup message
Thank you for choosing Aeon Corp. for your First Aid requirements. This device is very fragile, please do not jostle, shake, or expose to dangerous mater--
She jammed her thumb on the 'skip' button, set the level of pain to 'Ow' and let it rip.
As the device worked, Rose wondered idly if this was another demon derived piece of technology--then realized it wouldn't make a difference in whether she used it or not.
Replaced on her belt, the brute called out, "Okay, speak up if you aren't dead. If you need first aid, say 'Ow'."
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
((I believe I followed everything correctly, if I have something wrong, please tell me))
As the van blasted off and the ninjas went blank, Jack smacked one around for the heck of it. "Hah, this is kind o-" he started before being blown backwards from the explosion, knocking into a nearby wall, making a considerable dent in it. "Owww..." Jack moaned, before looking apologetically at Rose. "No, sorry, didn't mean I need healing, just mean that, y'know, I got" he said, standing up before shaking his head and ending his ramble with a "Never mind"
Jack looked out the gaping hole the van had left and saw the trailing smoke it had left behind. He had a brainstorm and quickly flew out the hole after the van, not hoping to catch it, but sending out a mental tracking device. If it actually reached the van and there was anything that remotely used a brain, Jack would be able to know where it was at all times. If he was out of reach or there was nothing using a brain, well, he was SOL.
When it stopped suddenly, Drago and the brute found themselves pressed against the nose of the flying bike and the machine rocked a little. The pilot, however, was thrown from the machine and he dragged across the street for a few feet.
"Oh, man!" he shouted as he tried to push himself up, "Why the Hell did that happen to me!?"
"Don't know, Levi," the other replied as he started wiping at the Venom on his body, "Huh... This stuff's drying already?"
[/ QUOTE ]
Drago, unfortunately, hadn't gotten away quite as well as a certain James Baker. Unlike the brute, he remained hunched over the machine's nose, left hand at the collar of his helmet, as if trying to pry the thing away. He was motionless but for the slow, gradual pull of his right arm out from before him. Upon freeing that hand though, the energy in its arm appeared expended, fingers opening as the hand dropped sans any vigor, an automatic particle injector falling to the ground.
In addition, now that the arm hung limply beside him, the wound in his right abdomen could be visibly traced from the trail of blood that slowly etched its way across the black armor of his uniform.
The entry point of a Venom round.
That was why Drago hadn't been able to do anything. When the brute approaching him from behind had taken his attention for a moment, the shooter inside the van had gotten his chance to strike without repercussion. It was ironic really, for the van taking flight was not a factor that had affected Drago's initial plan. James' appearance, however noble its intent, on the other hand had carried dire consequences...
"Arek: Teleport all: Good idea," he grated out before bracing himself.
[/ QUOTE ]
Truth be told, the Sky Commander would've loved to do just that. Unfortunately, it didn't look like the det-prepping enemy would give him the time necessary for him to tell his warp equipment not to take them along for a general evacuation - and since the idea of that would've been to get away from them before they exploded, this created obvious complications.
Thankfully, the cage with the captives had been cleared of would-be bombs by now, and though several were still way too close to declare it a safe zone, it created a situation that allowed Arek to use teleportation in another way: namely by jumping a pair of large, heavy shipping containers before and beside it, creating an impromptu wall of reinforced steel.
However, since he didn't know anything about the power of the expected detonations, the Sky Commander naturally prepared for the worst, releasing his force lance and stemming himself against one container, giving a curt shout to any remaining others to help. Some did, others couldn't make it.
And the enemy blew their top. Literally.
But the wall held.
"Okay, speak up if you aren't dead. If you need first aid, say 'Ow'."
[/ QUOTE ]
A grind echoed as the denim-scaled draconian pushed the end of 'his' container forward a bit, panting heavily from the strain of holding it in place. He'd probably pulled a few things, and in fact looked decently tired, but right now he didn't really care.
"Check the captives." he told Rose flatly, signifying with an outstretched wave that he didn't want anything near him until that priority was taken care of. Apparently, this guy didn't seem to care which side of the law she stood on - and indeed, he did not...
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
The sudden appearance of one of the giant shipping crates in front of him startled Cher'tak, but he was quick to follow Arek's example. Dropping his sword, he rammed his shoulder against the crate and braced as best he could, only skidding back a couple of inches after the enemies detonated.
"Health: Nominal: Captives: Intact," he said after a few moments had passed, slinging his bladerifle back over his shoulder and moving to confirm that the hostages were fine, the blast having been prevented from reaching them.
Stepping around the crate, Cher'tak moved to where the van had been, looking out through the hole it had torn in the door before turning to Rose and the other villains left in the warehouse.
"Explanation: Required: Presence," he said, pointing at Rose with his shield arm. "Normal response: Withheld: Unsatisfactory explanation."
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
Rose could feel her jaw tighten and some sharp words were rising in her throat. Rose O'Grady had been accused of being ultra-rational in the past, but that was...before. Living a life of unmitagated violence changes people.
She looked the Rikti Soldier up and down. He didn't look special, like one of the many she'd killed in her time free of Ziggursky. He could be one of the 'nice' Rikti, she supposed. Vanguard have given her a stack of papers three hundred pages tall when she signed up. There was a lot about them she didn't understand, but she did know one thing.
"Well, last time I checked, we won, so you don't really get to demand anything, do you?" She finally said. That her statement withheld most of the usual slurs or impolite things was a testament to her control.
Ignoring the captives, Rose wandered off deeper into the wreckage, looking for a salvagable computer. Information was what Crey needed, let somone else play nurse.
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
((Everybody else, unfortunately, is mounting a pursuit that is going to prove ultimately fruitless...))
[/ QUOTE ]
(( The hell they are. ))
When it became obvious they weren't going to catch the flying van, Pax and Cassie stopped. "Fine then, if you're allowed to cheat so am I", Pax commented, but before Cassie could ask what she meant the peacebringer disappeared in a flash of golden light. She looked around, but didn't see Pax reappear anywhere. Finally shrugging in defeat, she told Mac to fly her back to the others.
Pax did in fact reappear, but not after she disappeared. Rather she appeared a couple of minutes before, when it had still been possible to catch the van. Or, unfortunately for her, possible to get hit by the van as she'd managed to appear right in front of it. Disappearing under the front of it, the driver probably thought he'd killed her with the impact or at least knocked her out of the sky. Such was not the case.
In fact she was a smidge more resilient than that, and had recovered quickly enough that the van wasn't out of sight before she took up pursuit this time. Better than nothing, I guess, she thought to herself as she flew after it. A flash of greenish Kheldian energy healed most of the injuries from being run over, but she was still a little dazed. Not so dazed that she didn't think to bring up her energy shield in case someone inside the van decided to take potshots at her though.
(( Edit: That better, Grey? ))
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
There was little Dr. Lore could do to help shield against the explosion. She braced herself against both the cage and a crate placed in front of it and shoved when the explosion hit, and that was about it. She was too exhausted to do anything else.
She made another round check on the captives to check their status (they still seemed okay), before sitting back down again to catch her breath. Maybe she was finally getting out of shape...
She raised her head to the bickering going on around her, not minding it as no one seemed to be talking to her. Instead, she took a head count to see if all were present and accounted for. Obviously not, several of both her team and heroes took off after the van.
A stray thought crossed her mind: What about the kid? ...THE KID!
"Millions!" she outbursted in her shock. "We left him on the corner!" She got up and quickly made her way to the door, apparently not as exhausted as she thought.
The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood
((Rebel... There's nothing under the van for Pax to grab a hold of. It's smooth under there; no axles, struts or whatnot. There are four domes where there would normally be wheels. She could probably turn into a Dwarf and rip into the bottom of the vehicle, but they'll know she's there.))
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
(( At no point that I can find was that said or even hints made that the van was anything other than an average black van in appearance. Did I miss something? ))
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
((Up to this point, there hasn't been any inspection of the vehicle's underbelly.
It's flying. If it can fly at any point it may as well be flying at all times. There's no need for wheels in such a vehicle (this isn't the Delorean), and the points where the wheels would be anyway are instead housing hoverpods (similar as to what you would find on the Arachnos Flier). Without the need for space for what would be moving parts on a normal car, and a need to cut back on drag, the underbelly of this machine would almost certainly have to be smooth.
To cover this capability, it hovered roughly a foot from the ground up to this point, appearing from most angles as any normal van. However, in an effort to escape this exponentially problematic situation, stealth concerns have been tossed aside in favor of a rash escape.
Here's something to consider, though... There would most certainly be conduits of some form in that underbelly, so any damage done to this already unsteady flying box would probably do considerable harm.))
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
((You really should've described it as hovering earlier then. Besides, weren't you trying to tell me yesterday that there wasn't any sensible way to expect that this 'normal-looking' van could fly? I dunno about you, but if something hovers, most of them time it tends to be capable of flight by virtue of common sense. ))
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
Malachite had been blasted into the cage.
His mind reacted with a shot of regenerative power as he flew. The hostages in the cage felt the enhancement, as did Dr. Lore ((if she so chooses)). All of them finally seemed able to see clearly and walked out of the cage and into the open. Malachite stood up and gaggled amongst them silently as they tried to answer the question of the day: Wtf?
A young man in his twenties, wearing a sky blue button up shirt accompanied by a navy blue tie watched a new blip appear on his computer screen. He tore off his headphones and turned in his wheeled, revolving office chair.
Sir, Ive got him! Ive got Malachite.
A dark-skinned, burly man with spiked black hair and more than filled out his black tank top and blue jeans rushed forward to the mans computer screen. He stared in unbelief at the data and relinquished a hint of a smile. The large man immediately straightened up and looked to the worker.
Whatever was blocking our feed is gone, sir. It was all of a sudden too. Like a blanket was just yanked off our coverage.
Well, dont just stand there. Port him in,
Yes sir! The young worker placed his headphones back on and started pressing a number of buttons and dials with increased fervor.
Back Alley Brawler looked around at the rest of the individuals in the large open-area office where other men and women were working on similar computers and in the same uniform, You and you. Come with me, the super hero pointed and dashed out of the office. The two he singled out followed behind.
Malachite waited.
And then, he was gone.
"What an appealing woman." Arek remarked sardonically, related voice perhaps a little lower than his already deep tone.
Noting with satisfaction that the captives were unharmed, at least as far as the explosions went, the draconian stretched his back and wings, then picked up his weapon again as well. He gave the force lance a single, curt shake, and it quickly telescoped back to its former shape, which the Sky Commander then returned to his belt, specifically to the loop alongside the second, collapsed one he still carried.
"I think the expression is 'I am going to feel that one in the morning'." he added with a press on his left shoulder by the opposite arm, "Come. Let us see what we can find..."
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
((Its good, Rebel
Sorry for the confusion. Besides, with Energy Flight, Id say youve got a good chance to catch up and continue the fight
Also, Ive been loathe to provide many descriptions of whats been going on in the warehouse because, quite frankly, you guys have been spot on ))
The warehouse was devastated. Little remained of any of the agents or sorcerers and much of the rest of everything was damaged beyond repair. The cages were a little singed, but the occupants seemed to be okay. There were craters and scorch marks on the floor wherever an agent or sorcerer had been before detonating. Scattered throughout the clearing were bits of arms and legs with metal bits and wires poking out of them.
Much of the operation was completely destroyed. While investigators could determine what the place was used for, they wouldnt be able to determine many specifics.
Arek discovered some of the damaged energy pistols and part of the head of one of the agents. Oddly enough, the head seemed to contain a hard drive of some sort. This was somewhat disconcerting, considering the fact that most normal cyborgs or androids would have their brains within the reinforced chest cavity. However, not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, he hefted the damaged cranium for later study.
Raging James pushed himself up and looked to the Arachnos Soldier. Seeing the injury, he shouted for his brother to get up and get the bike moving.
Whats the big idea? the scrapper asked as he pushed himself off the street and turned to reveal his road-rashed and mangled face, Jebus, James. The guy looks better than I do. Whyre you concerned about an Arachnos guy, anyway?
He was ripping into that N.H.S. van just like we wanted to, the brute applied pressure to the wound in an attempt to staunch the blood flow, Id say that makes him on our side.
You had to go and be logical, the scrapper muttered as his face reconfigured to its proper shape, Alright, well
You think Randy would be ticked if we brought him to the base?
Probably, but we cant take him to the hospital.
He hovered off the ground a little and electricity started to crackle from the metal skulls stuck to him.
A second ago, my powers just blinked right out. The skulls slapped right against, me, too, like they were trying to hold on to me. There was this weird gunk on me, too, but it was mostly gone when we landed
I think it was that bullet that exploded when it came too close.
Think you can keep up with the bike? Well get this guy to the portal and get him in the base.
Ill keep pressure on his wound while we fly
The bike whined as it came alive again and the two meta humans headed north for the base portal near the citys Yellow Line station.
Pax would have been alright if not for the man in the back of the flying van trying desperately to close the doors hed rashly popped open to take shots at his pursuers. Seeing the energy being was still chasing him and the vans driver, he unslung the rifle from his back and started aiming again. Solomon wasnt sure the Venom rounds would work against the Kheldian, but he had been given assurances that they could kill any meta human on the planet, even Lord Recluse and Statesman.
Of course, it required the rounds actually hit their targets. With the doors flapping back and forth as the flying van bobbed and weaved in the wind, he often lost his target. Sometimes, the bullet would ricochet off one of the doors themselves and he would have to pause to apply the Cure solution.
Cursing, he wished the vigilante had done that Dwarf thing again and tried to rip a hole in the floor when he heard it bumping along the vehicles smooth underbelly. At least then, hed have the same clear shot hed had against that Crab Longfang that had tried to tear through the roof.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
"It's good to have you back," Back Alley Brawler drank coffee while he stared at Malachte. The Agent was leafing through case files in a private corner office at an undisclosed location.
Malachite, now clean and fresh cut in a pair of green sweats, t-shirt and running shoes, picked up his own mug as he read. It was herbal green tea. Fitting for a man named Malachite. He sipped it as he read the list of names of those missing in both The Rogue Isles and Paragon City. After a few minutes of absorbing all of the information, he looked up at his fellow Agent and friend.
"So what is our involvement in this?" His voice was surprisingly deep. Not Michael Clarke-Duncan deep, but down there.
"We have missing heroes. We need to bring them home. Period," The Brawler spoke like it was simpler than it actually was.
Malachite smiled and blew on his tea before taking another sip, "No, what is our involvement in this?"
The tank topped hero thought a moment and nodded in understanding.
"The one up top has put a pretty high priority on this. With Crimson and Indigo on heavy duty extraction detail, it's-"
"Come down to us." Malachite sighed.
"It's not like that," The Brawler tried to reason.
"Yes it is." Malachite calm and emotionless.
Brawler didn't respond for a second, "Ok, maybe it is."
Malachite moved his chair back from the table and started to stand.
"Wait. Grant wait," Brawler stood up first. He was rather spry for his large size. He didn't even bump the table as he moved.
Malachite ignored him and took him and his tea to the front door. Then he stopped once his hand grabbed the door handle. He shook his head, releasing a stifled laugh.
"You're lucky this tea is good."
Behind him Back Alley Brawler mischievously smiled, "Suit up."
At least then, hed have the same clear shot hed had against that Crab Longfang that had tried to tear through the roof.
[/ QUOTE ]
Which was precisely why Pax hadn't done that. She might not have been one for thinking things through fully but she wasn't so completely stupid as to present a stationary target at point blank range to anyone who may or may not be in the van wishing to kill her.
Of course, it required the rounds actually hit their targets. With the doors flapping back and forth as the flying van bobbed and weaved in the wind, he often lost his target.
[/ QUOTE ]
And with Pax making some evasive manuevers from the moment she heard the first shot whizz past her head, he would have an ever harder time hitting her. Not to mention she was fully capable of returning fire, specifically with a trio of energy blasts hurled toward the vehicle. Or more specifcally, at the hover pods she'd noticed when it ran her over - if she could shoot it out of the sky, it couldn't get away so easily.
The sound of rockets followed by a loud crash announced Cassie and Mac's return, the big assault bot walking in through the same hole he'd used to leave and looking as frustrated as a robot could look. Cassie confirmed the likely impression by stating disappointedly, "We lost them."
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
"Perhaps." Arek retorted to Cassie, extending to her the remains of the head he'd found, "Perhaps not. I am unfamiliar with Terran technology. You are a roboticist, correct?"
Of course, even if the woman couldn't get anything relating to the van from the thing, that didn't mean the draconian was out of options. After all, the van did fly - and he didn't hold the designation of Sky Commander for nothing...
"...nnnnnn..." Drago groaned in agony as the machine took off again, shakily trying to reach the injector again before they got airborne.
Sadly, he failed. Still, he didn't give up. He tried fervently to gather up enough focus to get some coherent words across his lips, "...sssseeeerrrr-rrr...."
Without the serum in that injector, the Venom was free to take its course, however. What would have been the effect on a normal human without superpowers...?
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
((Normal Human... Right... ))
While in flight, Rage heard the soldier murmur and looked at him. Unfortunately, he'd never taken a close look at Arachnos armor before, so he had no idea what Drago had been trying to access.
"What do you suppose made my electric armor short out?" he shouted to his brother, "That black stuff?"
"Well, it was the only thing on ya when it stopped and the only thing gone when it fired back up. I'd say that's a good bet. Hang on! I'm taking a shortcut!"
He vaulted the flying bike off the street and over the accompanying fence. Speeding under the Green Line's track, he steered the vehicle through construction yards and over the river.
The energy spheres streaked to the fleeing vessel and the rifle rang out another shot. One of the spheres was clipped and detonated, scattering the other two. Solomon barked out a cheer of victory and started sighting in on Pax again.
Then the orbs closed in from under the hurtling van and smashed into the front passenger-side hover pod and the center of the ventral plating. The machine corkscrewed and started tumbling to the ground.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
((Well, unless I know what it would do to a human who's not super, I'm not going to have any baseline to compare against, now am I? ))
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
((PM away...))
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Pax looked around. As far as she could see, things were wrapping up here. Not that that mattered, since the van they needed was gone already. Thus, no sense in hanging around her. One last stomp and flare of energy sent the remaining agents clustered around her flying in all directions. Pax then took off herself, flying off after the van.
Cassie had much the same idea, waiting for a lull in the battle before making a break for it herself. Flashes of light lit up the area as five of her six bots vanished into the same portals they'd first appeared from. Sending one last force bolt toward the nearest enemy, she jumped up onto Mac's shoulder and the big assault bot in turn fired his thrusters. You wouldn't think an assault bot could get itself off the ground, but somehow Mac managed it. A bright blue flame burst from thrusters mounted in his feet and back, and he accelerated to a fairly impressive speed before disappearing through the hole the van had left.
Outside, both of them had the same idea - get after the fleeing van. And that they did, leaving twin trails of energy and rocket exhaust as they each pushed themselves to their absolute top speeds to catch the vehicle. Seeing Drago and his friend shot down, Cassie put shield bubbles around Pax and Mac before producing a larger bubble centred on her to protect all three of them. Almost simultaniously, the peacebringer and the assault bot fired bursts of energy towards the van, aiming for the man inside.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?