Welcome to the Community Mac Users!




So.... has anybody played CoH on the new MacBooks (not pro)? I'd love to hear how the graphics look on the new nvidi 9400m chip! Thinking of getting one next week !

[URL="http://www.kjsr.net"]Host of KJSR.net's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL="http://dazzmarvelous.blogspot.com"]The Dazz Blog[/URL]



I always find it funny that "PC" stands for "personal computer," but somehow Macs are different. Are they on lease from Apple and not actually yours? Do they turn you into a faceless sillhouette with no identity that exists solely to purchase and show off Apple products!? OH NO!

Incidentally, I like the new video.

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The funny thing is, Apple practically invented the PC. Using Mac and PC is not using the right words since a Mac IS a personal computer. In my opinion, it should Windows vs Mac vs Linux, operating systems, not the innards(which are the same now since Macs run on Intel).




And nice video

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



People have said that it looks pretty good on the new MacBooks. The only thing I'd advise is ensure you've got enough memory, particularly if you plan on having things running while you play. My iMac (it's the first gen Intel iMac) is limited to 2 GB RAM, and I really wish I could go to 4 GB.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout




Ok, ok you're a Mac and I'm a PC. But are you hero or villain?????

Welcome to CoH/V Macsters!

[/ QUOTE ]


I am a Villain!


[/ QUOTE ]

Ex, that video is AWESOME! I absolutely love everything about it. It's funny, very well done, and quite possibly the best CoX video yet. Love it!

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL="http://tobyfife.blogspot.com/"]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



Hey cool I can now play this game again now that I am in Mac Land albeit one without Boot Camp (soon Snow Leopard... soon.. I shall skip your un snowy cousin and wait for you.. oh yes..).

Well, once it finishes downloading these bleeding file manifest it is just sitting on..



Very simple, cool, and funny! 2 thumbs up!



Hey cool I can now play this game again now that I am in Mac Land albeit one without Boot Camp (soon Snow Leopard... soon.. I shall skip your un snowy cousin and wait for you.. oh yes..).

Well, once it finishes downloading these bleeding file manifest it is just sitting on..

[/ QUOTE ]

Um...I think Leopard is a requirement. Check out the requirements at http://www.cityofheroes.com/mac

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Leopard is a requirement, but people have gotten it working on Tiger. It's not supported though, so if it doesn't work...don't be surprised.



Ahahaha! Did anyone else catch the little disclaimer at the bottom in the end?

"Eyes and mouth were animated because it made it look cooler."

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice touch.

And nice vid!

CoH Codex : Demo Models/FX/MOVs : Demo Info

Arc 111022: "Doctor Geist and the Scientific Method"



So, 2 questions..

When do we get Moving mouths for our characters..

And Which one was Mac, and which one was PC? lol

[/ QUOTE ]

We will never get moving mouths for our characters.

The mac is clearly the Villain for the following reasons.

Villains side is more intelegently designed easier to navigate, faster and more innovative is much more pretty and yet it is grossly under populated.

The hero is very much the PC, his voice could be modified as it's not proprietary, and is quick to point out how the villain is just like every other villain out there no customization with their laughs etc.



I have a Macbook pro, and i tried CoH for a little bit using the 9400M instead of the 9600 (you can run either on the Pro), and it ran pretty good, noticeably better than the old X1600 in my 3 year old Macbook pro... definitely playable... but I didn't do any extensive testing, as it runs much better with the 9600



I loved this game a few years ago on PC, and was really excited to see that it has come to Mac! Downloading the client now, can't wait! This should keep me going until NC release their PS3 MMO. But for now I can't wait to get my cape back on!!!!



Ah....my transition to the MAC is now complete. There is nothing I run on the PC that I can't run on the MAC.

COX never look so good!



I currently play on a MacBook (not the pro) with 4GB of RAM and the only issues I notice are when I'm in areas with LOTS of other heroes or in Pocket D (which usually has lots of heroes and villians anyway). Granted I haven't made it to all the zones (just started playing a couple of weeks ago) but so far with all details on high (except for shadows, that's disabled), I'm averaging ~30fps.

Overall, it's a very enjoyable playing experience and I don't have any complaints. Of course a truly native OS X client would be "da bomb", but I'll take this "port" for now.

Arc ID #228900: Staring evil in the face.
Arc ID #228526: They will know fear!



I've been waiting to play this game without using bootcamp for a Loooooooong time . aaaaahhhhh well worth the wait.

Many Sg's
3 Accounts
Over 60 toons
Endless Loyalty
Art commissions! and wordpress!



Which would you say ran CoH better, Mac or PC?



Heya all!
:: waves ::

Been playing CoH for over 5 years now, but my wife and I just moved over to macs from our old pc systems about 2 months ago.

Going from a 4 year old single core 3 Gig Dell XPS with an ATI x850 PE card to a new 27" iMac Quad with an ATI 4850, well, it's a LOT better

Hoping to get my wife back into it at some point, she's on a 14 Gig Mac Pro Quad with an ATI 4870, so it'd be even better on her machine . She moved from a REALLY moribund 4 year old laptop to the Mac Pro Desktop, so it's been a total night/day experience.

Loving the Mac's so far... Esp apps such as DevonThink which is invaluable for keeping all the STUFF we work with for web content development straight, and finding things .




Hey all,

Mac user for about 2 years, brand new to City of Heroes about an month in now.

Got my own hero created and roaming so getting into it, just thought Id introduce myself.

If you ever see a magic scrapper named Joben, thats me.




Hi all, another mac player, ok, not a player yet because i bought COH 2 days ago, and cant log, already send a couple of tickets to TS, but without a solution yet

Every time i try to log the answer is "invalid username or pass" (and both are ok and working in the web, etc..)



Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
You did the right thing contacting customer service - they should be able to help you if there was a problem setting up your account.
Finally after a week of mailing and a threat to cancel account and request refund its working!

So now, i can officially say hi as a COH player :P