Favourite Screenies....




Welcome ^__^



Hey Bad Influence, if you goto your City of heroes folder on your computer you will find a folder of all the screenshots you took and they will not have the interface on them.

@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...



Why is this emote so elusive? It seems like females are limited [usually] to just one or two sit-poses. I dont think I've ever managed to get this pose afterward:


And then we have:



Plainly this is heaven, complete with harp music:




I thought this was a pretty great shot of my speedster, Light Runner, in his pure energy form.

Dawn Strike



Fusionette's not so bad. Doc D, however, is the worst "Hero" NPC I've ever had to interact with.

[/ QUOTE ]
I have three reasons I hate her:
A. Just HOW many times do I have to rescue that incompetent waste of pixels?
B. Why must she ALWAYS aggro enemies at the worst time possible?
C. A long while ago a villain side team I was on was unable to complete their mission because of the old NPC bug where they'd hop out of the elevator and run through the walls and repeat ad nauseam. Can ya guess what NPC it was?

-Recruited under Arachnos' "Equal-Opportunity Villainy" plan-



really? I didn't think Delilah was that bad, shes fairly durable and isn't as suicidal as Fusionette or Lady Jane, or the chick that always reminds me of the Operative from No One Lives Forever. heh

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



I like this one of a character I made in CoV beta. Mainly because it wasn't until I took the screenshot that I realized I had unintentionally made a character that resembles Burt Reynolds.

I really like this one too.

And finally, there's this screenshot I managed to take of TA one day.