Looking for Prayers and positive thoughts




I am thinking it is Anna, a very beautiful name!!

this is based on this from SS: "Anna, my daughter, slept for over 24 hours after her surgery."




T&P for you and yours...



Hello all,
As you guys know, last night was my turn at the hospital. This morning, once the nurses left after getting her vitals and whatnot, she seemed to be in a really good mood. She was all smiles, for some reason, she doesn't like it when I wear a hat (or mebbe she does) because she usually reaches up to take it from me the first chance she gets. So, today we spent time with her taking my hat away and playing peek-a-boo with it. We walked the floor in the pediatric ward and she waved to the nurses (when she felt like it ). She had another test today that has a name consisting of a group of letters I can't remember at this moment (it has an I, M and a B in it, but I left my paperwork at the hospital for the wife to read tonight).
GOOD NEWS!!!! The doc came to the room to let us know that since we won't get the rest of the results from the tumor biopsy and today's test until next week, we should be able to bring Anna home until they do come in!!!! The wife and I can't wait, I was ready to start loading the car right then.
Thank you all for all the well wishes, the see to be helping so much, I can't tell you how much I appreciate them. Thank you all so much.

My Arcs:
Man's Insanity: The Beginning - 93644
Save the City of Heroes Podcast - 103442



Glad to hear you'll have a break from the hosp. Relax a bit and recharge. Enjoy the week and then it will be back to the hosp for good news. Stay positive.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Very glad to hear that SS my heart goes out to you and hop;e all is still well

<--- on Guardian DUH!!!!



Prayin' for ya, SS- and your daughter and the rest of your family. Although I can't say I'm sorry I didn't find this thread until after the good news hit, heh...

Best wishes for you and the clan, neh?

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Okay, you made me well up again, but for good reasons this time.
It sounds as though things are swinging around towards the upside based on your recent visits. This is very good news. Your hat story sounds vaguely familiar - I can't put anything on my head without my girl taking it off. Apparently, I'm not allowed to have anything on my head, either. Luckily, I still have all my hair, otherwise I might be cold.
Keep hanging in there, hero. Ya'll seem to be making the right moves and it's nice to read.



I'm so glad that she's able to go home with you.



My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you go through this difficult time.



&lt;Teleports in from Liberty&gt;

As the recent recipient of our own Miracle (with a capital M...see links below) this last month, my wife and I can tell you that prayers and thoughts and support from others really do help.

We'll be thinking of and praying for you and Anna and the rest of your family.

Now...how do I teleport back to Liberty..........hope this works!



Things are turning for the best it seems. That's great! You've got my families thoughts and prayers heading your way.



So sorry to hear that hun. Your family is in my thoughts, I hope everything goes well.

Very happy that she got to go home with you all for a while.

Keep us updated.

�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray



Now...how do I teleport back to Liberty..........hppe this works!

[/ QUOTE ]

That'll be $4.99 oneway, plz.

Oh and great to hear some good news SS.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Great news! We'll continue to send positive energy your way. Here's to a speedy recovery!

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.



It's sounds like things are going better. All my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

God bless!



Gah... helluva way to find that out.

Anyway, I'll be without internet for the rest of the weekend... moving... but your thoughts will be with me

My Blogs on TGWTG.com
Angels of Wrath/Evilnighters/Legion of Catgirls
Mission Arc: #352860 - RJ The Road Dog: Big Trouble in Little Tokyo



My prayers and thoughts are with you, SS.



I will keep your daughter and your entire family in my prayers. I have been through a lot healthwise, and the boards and CoH friends have been an amazing support system. If you need any advice on dealing with hospitals, feel free to PM me. I just got out after a month, and I know how exhausting it can be for the caregivers whose loved ones are sick. ((Hugs and kisses for your sweet baby))




Yay! It's RoseVortex! Glad to see you're doing well too.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



SinnerSaint, my family will keep your family in our thoughts and hope for the best.

My daughter was born with Alagille Syndrome, a multi-system disorder that she needed a liver transplant for. She had her transplant over 3 years ago and is doing well, but for a long time before that (and for a short while afterwards), we had many dark moments when we wondered if she would live past childhood and, if she did, what kind of life she would have. She's a typical 7 year old girl right now, but even so, we bear the knowledge that most transplanted Alagille Syndrome kids don't have a normal life expectancy and it's quite possible that her mother and I will outlive her.

Having one of your kids be sick is bad enough; when it's something as big and life-altering as cancer, well... I still can't imagine what must be going through your mind, even though I can relate to the having-a-sick-kid part of it. Just make sure she gets the best care that she can get, and try to stay strong. Hopefully she'll be one of the many cases of neuroblastoma that end up doing well.

Regardless, enjoy every minute that you have with her. That's the best advice that can be given to a parent, whether their child is sick or healthy. Every minute, every smile, every heartbeat, is a gift.

When we were dealing with our daughter's transplant, my wife and I had her family, and my co-workers, to help us through it, but we were physically separated from them by 160 miles. With my friends from Paragon City, though, it was like nothing had changed, despite the fact that we were in a hospital far from home. I'm very grateful for the support we got from my family and co-workers, don't get me wrong -- but the impact that my fellow superheroes had in helping me get through that rough time can't be stressed enough. We have a great community here that is generous with its kindness and compassion.

I don't know you, and you don't know me, but if there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to let me know. Please keep us updated on your daughter's progress.



Keeping you guys in my thoughts - any hospital visit isn't fun, and I'm glad it's not as serious as was predicted. Fingers crossed!

@Pulsaria - As seen on Liberty and Virtue
50s - Energy/Kin, Gravity/Energy, Ill/Emp, Claws/SR (50+3), Kin/Psy, Spines/Fire, SS/Shield (50+3), Arch/Storm
Upcoming Projects: DB/Nin, Sonic/PainDom, AR/Rad, Ill/Time, Widow
For the Avant-Guards!



I would rather visit the hospital with good news rather then bad any day of the week, but I'm glad things are looking up and you still get all the good karma I can spare.



My family's thoughts and prayer are for you and yours. We wish your child the best of recovery.