omg War Mace + Energy Aura so strong!



Posted nice to come back after a long hiatus to see that this very definition of EPIC WINSAUCE is still around! its PIPING HOT WINSAUCE!!!!!! WOOOHOOO



Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
Funny how the people said this thread wouldn't last because it's stupid
Lies, all LIES!!!



This thread better be strong and pretty enough to survive till the summer of 2010... srsly



*engage Bee Gee mode* AH AH AH Aihm stayin alive Stayin alive *cue finger diagonal point* AH AH AH AIhM STAYIN ALIIIIIIIIII HA HA IIIIIIIII HA HA IIIIIIIIII HA HA IIIIIVE AAAAAOW! *cue disco dance * BA NA NA NA BA NA NA BA NA NA NA NA NA NA WOHOOOOOO!!!!



MUCH MUCH to strong and MUCH MUCH to pretty to be second page. This is strong and pretty front page material!



This thread is starting to remind me of 4chan....



no no pretty and strong to be second page.....



Happy Strong & Pretty Holidays!!

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



Originally Posted by Ocularis View Post
Happy Strong & Pretty Holidays!!
You sir have just been awarded one Strong and Pretty point!!!! WINNAA!!!!!!!



YAY! the strong pretty thread is back for Christmas!!! Hope all your christmas trees are strong and pretty! XD



Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
YAY! the strong pretty thread is back for Christmas!!! Hope all your christmas trees are strong and pretty! XD
My tree is full of energy as I plugged it to the wall. It also has a war mace, as I think it looked prettier than weakling glass balls. That qualifies my tree as mace + energy aura strong!



Lets see here, Starsman's christmas tree Strong.......check. Pretty........also check. You sir are a WINNA!!!!!!! you may have a strong and pretty point as well!



Attention all alien lifeforms seeking a new world to invade: AVOID THIS PLANET! The inhabitants are both strong AND pretty and will never fall to the likes of you.



Originally Posted by BFGMarkOne View Post
Attention all alien lifeforms seeking a new world to invade: AVOID THIS PLANET! The inhabitants are both strong AND pretty and will never fall to the likes of you.
You see this is what makes us so dangerous, we are so strong and pretty that they wanna get close to bask in our strong and prettyness. but then they realize much to late, to their horrible and terrible dooooooooooooOOOOOOOMMMMM that we are much to STRONG AND PRETTEH!!!!!!



Merry Strong and Pretteh Christmas everyone!



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
My tree is full of energy as I plugged it to the wall. It also has a war mace, as I think it looked prettier than weakling glass balls. That qualifies my tree as mace + energy aura strong!
LOL, my daughter made a mace out of a wrapping paper tube and about 20 bows stuck to the end of it. She said "Look Daddy it's my christmas wand" But I knew what it REALLY S to the P!



Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
LOL, my daughter made a mace out of a wrapping paper tube and about 20 bows stuck to the end of it. She said "Look Daddy it's my christmas wand" But I knew what it REALLY S to the P!
Priceless. Now that's what I call a Christmas gift to a CoH gamer.

The Porcelain God - DarkKinetics Corruptor
Meat Juice - DarkDarkSoul Brute
Pretty and Strong - Do you really have to ask?



this thread is way to strong and pretty to be stuck in 2009...



This thread is so strong and pretteh that it is two decades old!!!! STRONG AND PRETTEH RULES!!!! that is all.



lol Bump for 2010!!! Someday we'll have a S/P forum!



Too bad the devs went ahead and ruined the thread 6 months ago when they buffed up WM/BA. A new <insert gimp primary>/EA thread needs to be created for 2010. EM/EA anyone?



I just had a STRONG and PRETTEH moment. i just recently purchased an 64 gig ipod touch. Well i own the box set of all three lord of the rings. So i get the first part of the fellowship of the ring on my precious, i mean my pod of rockness. Well i dont even get five minutes into the movie when it hit me like a ton of bricks. Saurons mace is STROOOOOOOONG AAAAAAAND thats right you guessed it PREEEETTTTTEEEEEH!!!!!!!!! that is all.....



but folks that not the real question. The real Lord of the Rings Question, is who's mace is stronger and prettier, Saurons or the lich kings mace?



Somehow, on Freedom, the name 'Pretty and Strong' was not taken...sorry is now...and is so STRONG!

The Porcelain God - DarkKinetics Corruptor
Meat Juice - DarkDarkSoul Brute
Pretty and Strong - Do you really have to ask?