The Champion Parents Lounge




I am now the proud legal guardian of a pregnant 17 year old... I need to stop meeting people on my rare visits to the outside world.

Also just got a long-term-temporary job at an imaging center and the twins I carried last year will be one year old on Friday, which I get to babysit them that day because the parents have to go to a funeral.

Must remember to breathe.



While I appreciate the advice, there is something to be said for the fact that my six year old has had a lot of different life experiences than many of the children people here have raised. He was adopted out of foster care, and, well, I could tell stories, but I really couldn't tell stories because that would be a breach of confidence. Suffice it to say that a punishment that would be horrible to most kids isn't even on his radar due to some of the things he's been through prior to getting here.



*recovers from laughing so hard at GP's above comment* Ah...parenthood and the things you can say and be happy about.



I am now the proud legal guardian of a pregnant 17 year old... I need to stop meeting people on my rare visits to the outside world.

[/ QUOTE ]

Since when did you join the Palin family?
But seriously, congratulations. You have your work cut out for you now.

Also just got a long-term-temporary job at an imaging center and the twins I carried last year will be one year old on Friday, which I get to babysit them that day because the parents have to go to a funeral.

[/ QUOTE ]

Except for the funeral, that must be a thrill to see the kids again.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



When I was growing up my neighbors were foster parents, and good ones from what I hear. One of the worst stories was on my friend's birthday the foster parent's kids woke him up by punching him in the stomach and head. Then at night, when it was time for bed, they brought out a cake, had him blow out the candles, then threw it in his face and made him go to bed covered with cake and frosting. At the time I couldn't believe his stories were true, now I know better.
Congratulations on the adoption.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



I'm stuck alone with 4 sick kids and one hell of a chest cold.. even when my mate is here he's not really here. I've made three meals, been taking care of runny noses, a cranky baby and the chores all bloody day. My chest feels and sounds like I've swallowed a set of bag pipes. Not once did I get a "You go rest honey, I'll make sure the boys don't trash the place, feed em and get you some tea." End of rant. Sorry.

Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug



If I ever tried to pull that crap with my wife, I'm 90% certain I'd be dead within 10 hours.



It would take that long? Lucky you...

Hope you and your brood get to feeling better, GP.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Hot Tea with Honey and Lemon should help out GP, at least for you.
As to the lazy bum, I would suggest a Shotgun, but since you are in Canada, I doubt you would have one.



It's not luck that would keep me alive ten hours, it's the fact that there would be a certain amount of excruciating pain before the death.



Hot Tea with Honey and Lemon should help out GP, at least for you.
As to the lazy bum, I would suggest a Shotgun, but since you are in Canada, I doubt you would have one.

[/ QUOTE ]how else is she supposed to keep the bears away?



Hot Tea with Honey and Lemon should help out GP, at least for you.
As to the lazy bum, I would suggest a Shotgun, but since you are in Canada, I doubt you would have one.

[/ QUOTE ]how else is she supposed to keep the bears away?



Hot Tea with Honey and Lemon should help out GP, at least for you.
As to the lazy bum, I would suggest a Shotgun, but since you are in Canada, I doubt you would have one.

[/ QUOTE ]how else is she supposed to keep the bears away?

[/ QUOTE ]

Despite being a "Frontier" nation, Canada makes it hard to own a gun, unless you are a hunter. Which GP might be, but most Canadians I have known, unless they served in the military have never handled a gun.



My ex had a gun collection, which his girlfriend of five years made him sell BEFORE she dumped him..which was a smart move.

Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug



My ex had a gun collection, which his girlfriend of five years made him sell BEFORE she dumped him..which was a smart move.

[/ QUOTE ]




YaGuess I got raised different. I enjoy babying the wife when she's sick and when time affords it (meaning not working) because mainly, she's really happy when she feels better. As am I.



Luckily, he caught onto my angst and stepped up to the plate. I think he got an earfull from his sister before I could give him an earfull. He must've done ten loads of laundry lastnight..

Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug



Hot Tea with Honey and Lemon should help out GP, at least for you.
As to the lazy bum, I would suggest a Shotgun, but since you are in Canada, I doubt you would have one.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would suggest the ol' carving knife through the pillow trick as the pillow will help suck up the blood.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Luckily, he caught onto my angst and stepped up to the plate. I think he got an earfull from his sister before I could give him an earfull. He must've done ten loads of laundry lastnight..

[/ QUOTE ]

Or its just a case of "man".
For you see, the male of the species operates in a different time stream than the female. The female's problems do not go unnoticed by the male, but rather they fail to percieve them at the same time, sometimes not for days after the female shows obvious distress. And even upon noticing, the male tends to react much more slowly knowing that 75% of all problems vanish mysterously after a few days. After enough time has elapsed and the problem is still there, the male does tend to help out. =P

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



Sign-up for Science Field Day. Son too "Crime Scene Detective." Wonder if I have to start worrying. I don't think I made him mad lately.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Okok.. time to get off of my butt and make lunches for skewl.. argh.. so sleepy.

Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug



OK 1st thing 1st... Grats on the beautiful baby GP. And I PRAY mine's as small.
2nd I love this thread. It is prob my favorite one to read.

That being said, I have a question for all the mothers out there that had a C Section. How dangerous is it? I'm on my 4th child and this is my first C and I'm a little skerd.. ok a LOT skerd.

@AngieB & @Angie B
Ms. Paragon City 2009
"The ingenuity of game players is a formidable force that, if properly directed, can be used to solve a wide range of scientific problems." - Firas Khatib



Don't be scared.. if they do their jobs right.. you won't feel a thing.. and then you get spoiled rotten.

Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug



First off FIZZGIG!!!!! Secondly, like GP says, if they do it right it'll be okay and with medical advances the way they are the scar unlike the days before can be very slight so you should be good.



Mull the C-section is not the prefered method but been done a lot that they know how to do it really well. you should be fine just ask for ice cream (or special treatment from the other half).

I have watched both and I still say seeing the kid out just below the belly is weird. Only side effect I seen is a sharp pain every once in a while along the scar (can happen on any).

advice from a single father.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.