How to search first! (Read this BEFORE you post!)
been suggested use search before you post please
gl all and have fun
Murphys Military Law
#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.
#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.
been suggested use search before you post please
gl all and have fun
[/ QUOTE ]
But I totally designed one that's easier to use.
Murphys Military Law
#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.
#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.
u broke the forums .
And heres my idea for suggestions; when someone clicks continue when posting a new idea there should be anywhere between 5-10 mandated readthroughs on the thread. Then when they click ok submit or continue again it shows a list of about 15 other things that come up and then takes them back to the editing screen.
Also all power customization, raising of the level caps, "nerf this cause it beat me," selling inf ideas, make this game like game x, open pvp, and /duel threads will foward the person to a website with a huge NO and then fowards you to this website
been suggested use search before you post please
gl all and have fun
[/ QUOTE ]
But I totally designed one that's easier to use.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, and there in lies the problem even with using the Search Function.
One may finally see 3 other threads that have the same idea you do, but you think your idea is better and deserves its own thread. I think that rationale makes up at least 50% of multiple postings, whether intentional or not.
"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie
All I did was add a link to my signature
You rock, Ostrakon.

You rock, Ostrakon.
[/ QUOTE ]
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Could you honor us all by allowing us to build you a 40 statue in thanks for making this? And if so, out of what?
Seriously, this needs to be Stickied to the top of this forum, if not the the forehead of certain members of the community.
Maybe.....just maybe, this will prevent just 1% of the stupid threads that plague this forum, if so I'd call it the greatest single thread in the history of the forums.....One can only dream.
And heres my idea for suggestions; when someone clicks continue when posting a new idea there should be anywhere between 5-10 mandated readthroughs on the thread. Then when they click ok submit or continue again it shows a list of about 15 other things that come up and then takes them back to the editing screen.
Also all power customization, raising of the level caps, "nerf this cause it beat me," selling inf ideas, make this game like game x, open pvp, and /duel threads will foward the person to a website with a huge NO and then fowards you to <a href="" target="_blank">this website</a>
[/ QUOTE ]
DUDE, so my idea.....but what a great idea it would be. Any type of idiot filter would be.
Or you could have a contract that appears before submitting that states:
"If the contents of your suggestion are redundant, pointless, poorly thought out or simply unintelligible and we have no record of your account using the search function at least 10 times before posting, NCsoft gains full custody of your soul and first born child.
Check here to accept these terms O "
....Crap, I only searched 9 times before making the contract suggestion!
That's so devastating clever that my mind struggles in its attempt to form a sentence that adequately describes it.
. . .
Humor me for but a moment. Let's take a look at the rules:
4. Know the search function. Use the search function.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now that, my friend, is a nice piece of advice. I know your idea is so original, but... it wouldn't hurt to check to see if someone beat you to the punch.
"But Ostrakon, that's too hard! Clearly, its difficulty absolves me from having to follow the rules, allowing me to post the fourth thread about power customization today!"
Yeah, you would say that. Well, kiddo, I'm not letting you off the hook. But it's okay, I learned the Navajo so you won't have to.
Yeah, that's right. You can use Google to search the CoX boards. You know how to use Google, right?
Wanna take your chances and submit without searching? I wouldn't. The new mods, Koschej and Niviene, have actually been enforcing rules lately. Constantly regurgitated idea threads will likely be next.
Let's put it this way. Take a d20. (That's a twenty-sided die, in case you didn't know.) Roll it. Did it spontaneously combust in a blaze of white fire?
I'm guessing not. The odds that your idea is actually original are roughly the same as rolling a d20 and having it come up "deific flames." Which is pretty low, to say the least.
Know the search function.
Use the search function.
'Cause you don't have an excuse anymore.
[/ QUOTE ]
This post, while encouraging of an important posting practice, has quite a negative, condescending tone to it. In its current form, it's simply too offending to actually be persuasive to the reader, let alone be worth a sticky. Remember, you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.
That's so devastating clever that my mind struggles in its attempt to form a sentence that adequately describes it.
. . .
Humor me for but a moment. Let's take a look at the rules:
4. Know the search function. Use the search function.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now that, my friend, is a nice piece of advice. I know your idea is so original, but... it wouldn't hurt to check to see if someone beat you to the punch.
"But Ostrakon, that's too hard! Clearly, its difficulty absolves me from having to follow the rules, allowing me to post the fourth thread about power customization today!"
Yeah, you would say that. Well, kiddo, I'm not letting you off the hook. But it's okay, I learned the Navajo so you won't have to.
Yeah, that's right. You can use Google to search the CoX boards. You know how to use Google, right?
Wanna take your chances and submit without searching? I wouldn't. The new mods, Koschej and Niviene, have actually been enforcing rules lately. Constantly regurgitated idea threads will likely be next.
Let's put it this way. Take a d20. (That's a twenty-sided die, in case you didn't know.) Roll it. Did it spontaneously combust in a blaze of white fire?
I'm guessing not. The odds that your idea is actually original are roughly the same as rolling a d20 and having it come up "deific flames." Which is pretty low, to say the least.
Know the search function.
Use the search function.
'Cause you don't have an excuse anymore.
[/ QUOTE ]
This post, while encouraging of an important posting practice, has quite a negative, condescending tone to it. In its current form, it's simply too offending to actually be persuasive to the reader, let alone be worth a sticky. Remember, you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.
[/ QUOTE ]
My favorite is that the wouldbe forum police didn't even follow his own advice.
There already is a thread that is about this very topic.
There is a fancy word starting with H, that fits the OP like a glove.
AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)
you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.
[/ QUOTE ]nuh-uh!
you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.
[/ QUOTE ]nuh-uh!
[/ QUOTE ]
Touche. After additional research, I stand corrected.
But then again, it poses the question, "Did we really want to attract flies in the first place?" After all, we are talking about disease-carrying insects that would happily feast on horse dung. I suppose the metaphorical equivalent here could be forum trolls looking for a flame war.
So in that case, "You repel more trolls with honey?" Mmm... no, still doesn't sound right.
Alternative suggestion: post your idea as seems good to you. Rest assured that moderator wannabes will inform you, usually in the tough tones reserved for the internet, that your idea has been posted before and that you should have used search.
If someone posts a substantive response to the content of your post, engage them in discussion. Ignore the folks who like to go meta about whether you are posting appropriately, unless they have a red name.
My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.
Alternative suggestion: post your idea as seems good to you. Rest assured that moderator wannabes will inform you, usually in the tough tones reserved for the internet, that your idea has been posted before and that you should have used search.
If someone posts a substantive response to the content of your post, engage them in discussion. Ignore the folks who like to go meta about whether you are posting appropriately, unless they have a red name.
[/ QUOTE ]
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
That's all very fine and well except for the:
4. Know the search function. Use the search function.
Before you ask a question, please check the Important Information section of the message boards and the Customer Service Knowledge Base. If your answer is not there, please use the Search function located at the top of every page of the boards. Your question may have already been asked and answered elsewhere on the forums. Look in the Player Questions, Dev Digest, Developers Corner, and Guides sections as well!
[/ QUOTE ]
It IS recommended that you figure it out first, before trying to proclaim a new thread about anything. Blindly posting whatever 'seems good to you' gives us 14 threads a month about "I want new tails/heads for animal toons".
No, they're not "not good" ideas. But they are ideas which have been stated, restated and cloned a hundred times over. Adding a voice to the appropriate thread to me is more important than yet another flame-worthy mention of server-merges, power customization or whathaveyou that's already been talked to death. No, they didn't necessarily see the prior threads. They didn't look. It's the poster's job to do so.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Or perhaps force an auto-search of the potential thread maker's thread title and show related threads in this forum, then asking again, "Here are some threads that may potentially be related. Do you still wish you continue?".
Then their excuse of "I didn't know" can't work. Ever.
Which would be a wonderful solution if the UBB search algorithm didn't suck.
It IS recommended that you figure it out first, before trying to proclaim a new thread about anything. Blindly posting whatever 'seems good to you'
[/ QUOTE ]
I must have been typing too quietly again.
Post as seems good to you. Let the rest sort it out.
Storage per byte is actually very cheap now.
My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.
ThaIt's the poster's job to do so.
[/ QUOTE ]
The poster is a customer. The vendor needs to walk softly in telling him what his "job" is. I am rather at a loss what basis other customers have for trying to tell him such a thing.
The mentality displayed by a remark like "this is the poster's job" underscores what I find repulsive every time the users on this system try to police content, far more than yet another server merge or release-names-on-paid-accounts proposal (to name two topics I personally find repugnant).
Post, though the heavens fall and the same users flood in with 20 replies about using "Search."
My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.
It IS recommended that you figure it out first, before trying to proclaim a new thread about anything. Blindly posting whatever 'seems good to you'
[/ QUOTE ]
I must have been typing too quietly again.
Post as seems good to you. Let the rest sort it out.
Storage per byte is actually very cheap now.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not when I'm reading the same damn idiotic "gotta have x and y" threads every week. It takes up MY time, and yours, and everyone else's. When there are already good, well thought out and complicated threads about the subjects, bringing up whatever often can or needs to be brought up... Why do it AGAIN?
Why not just DO what the forum rules SUGGEST you do? And what those 20 people suggest? And what all other forums I've ever, ever been on suggest? Search first. Post after you've searched. That will make the OP wise enough to post something DIFFERENT.
I do like it when there's something slightly tweaked - but the truth is that most if not all the "unique twists" have been brought up after months of arguing about the same thing, "I looked at this thread and the other and realized if you did z and d things, you'd have this other result what do you think of that?"
That's a worthy thread in the making. But one which is simply put NOT researched whatsoever.... will almost always be shot down because it will fall into the long-lamented "why didn't you search for that, it's brought up every other day" routine.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
That's so devastating clever that my mind struggles in its attempt to form a sentence that adequately describes it.
. . .
Humor me for but a moment. Let's take a look at the rules:
4. Know the search function. Use the search function.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now that, my friend, is a nice piece of advice. I know your idea is so original, but... it wouldn't hurt to check to see if someone beat you to the punch.
"But Ostrakon, that's too hard! Clearly, its difficulty absolves me from having to follow the rules, allowing me to post the fourth thread about power customization today!"
Yeah, you would say that. Well, kiddo, I'm not letting you off the hook. But it's okay, I learned the Navajo so you won't have to.
Yeah, that's right. You can use Google to search the CoX boards. You know how to use Google, right?
Wanna take your chances and submit without searching? I wouldn't. The new mods, Koschej and Niviene, have actually been enforcing rules lately. Constantly regurgitated idea threads will likely be next.
Let's put it this way. Take a d20. (That's a twenty-sided die, in case you didn't know.) Roll it. Did it spontaneously combust in a blaze of white fire?
I'm guessing not. The odds that your idea is actually original are roughly the same as rolling a d20 and having it come up "deific flames." Which is pretty low, to say the least.
Know the search function.
Use the search function.
'Cause you don't have an excuse anymore.
[/ QUOTE ]
This post, while encouraging of an important posting practice, has quite a negative, condescending tone to it. In its current form, it's simply too offending to actually be persuasive to the reader, let alone be worth a sticky. Remember, you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's not a matter of attracting people to anything.
I, like more than a few other people, have been getting heavily modded for rules that have never been enforced before.
Now, I can't cry about that, because, well, the rules are there for a reason. Sucks (for me) that they're getting enforced for once, but then again, good for the mods for actually doing something.
But if we're gonna have a set of rules, they should all be enforced. This thread was designed to make it easier for people to follow one of them. If they don't like the tone and disobey it, they're still disobeying the rules.
That's why this guide needs to be stickied.
So, you have an awesome idea. You want fire blasts to be green on some characters. You want a secret moon base. You want Villains to get more SFs.
That's so devastating clever that my mind struggles in its attempt to form a sentence that adequately describes it. Sure, you could post it right now, but...
Humor me for but a moment. Let's take a look at the rules:
4. Know the search function. Use the search function.
Before you ask a question, please check the Important Information section of the message boards and the Customer Service Knowledge Base. If your answer is not there, please use the Search function located at the top of every page of the boards. Your question may have already been asked and answered elsewhere on the forums. Look in the Player Questions, Dev Digest, Developers Corner, and Guides sections as well!
[/ QUOTE ]
Now that, my friend, is a nice piece of advice. I know your idea is so original, but... it wouldn't hurt to check to see if someone beat you to the punch.
Now, how do you use this "Search Function?" Well, there's the tricky part. The search function itself is a product of a world of demons: a dimension in which Kafkaesque nightmares maraud through the minds of its inhabitants. To use it, you will have to master multivariable calculus in Navajo. And some quantum physics, but that'll breeze by after four semesters of Navajo.
"But Ostrakon, that's too hard! Clearly, its difficulty absolves me from having to follow the rules, allowing me to post the fourth thread about power customization today!"
Yeah, you would say that. Well, kiddo, I'm not letting you off the hook. But it's okay, I learned the Navajo so you won't have to.
Let me introduce you to Ostrakon's new and improved search function. You can thank me later.
Yeah, that's right. You can use Google to search the CoX boards. You know how to use Google, right? Just keep the "" tag in the link above, and add your idea after a space. Hit the "search" button. Ka-zam! You'll find exactly what you're looking for!
Sometimes it helps to add quotes to what you're searching for. For example, you might be searching for "power customization" or "Pyre Mastery for Scrappers".
See? It works great, and it's pretty darn easy to use.
Wanna take your chances and submit without searching? I wouldn't. The new mods, Koschej and Niviene, have actually been enforcing rules lately. Constantly regurgitated idea threads will likely be next.
Let's put it this way. Take a d20. (That's a twenty-sided die, in case you didn't know.) Roll it. Did it spontaneously combust in a blaze of white fire?
I'm guessing not. The odds that your idea is actually original are roughly the same as rolling a d20 and having it come up "deific flames." Which is pretty low, to say the least.
Know the search function.
Use the search function.
'Cause you don't have an excuse anymore.