5 -
And heres my idea for suggestions; when someone clicks continue when posting a new idea there should be anywhere between 5-10 mandated readthroughs on the thread. Then when they click ok submit or continue again it shows a list of about 15 other things that come up and then takes them back to the editing screen.
Also all power customization, raising of the level caps, "nerf this cause it beat me," selling inf ideas, make this game like game x, open pvp, and /duel threads will foward the person to a website with a huge NO and then fowards you to <a href="raygoldmodels.com" target="_blank">this website</a>
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DUDE, so my idea.....but what a great idea it would be. Any type of idiot filter would be.
Or you could have a contract that appears before submitting that states:
"If the contents of your suggestion are redundant, pointless, poorly thought out or simply unintelligible and we have no record of your account using the search function at least 10 times before posting, NCsoft gains full custody of your soul and first born child.
Check here to accept these terms O "
....Crap, I only searched 9 times before making the contract suggestion! -
Could you honor us all by allowing us to build you a 40 statue in thanks for making this? And if so, out of what?
Seriously, this needs to be Stickied to the top of this forum, if not the the forehead of certain members of the community.
Maybe.....just maybe, this will prevent just 1% of the stupid threads that plague this forum, if so I'd call it the greatest single thread in the history of the forums.....One can only dream. -
You dont want to use the Sonic cones for damage. Hell, two of them you generally don't want at all. SOnic is a single target set. Howl is meh, Shockwave is meh-er, Sirens Song isnt a damage skill, and already has more than enough range(so does Howl, for that matter). If you ever play a Sonic build and take Shockwave, i will personally come to your house and drop a barrel of fish on your head. If you take Shockwave *and* howl, I pity you.
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don't be so quick. I've been seeing some postive reports lately about taking the elec EPP's cone and having a 3-cone mini-nuke chain of Howl, Shockwave, and Static Discharge. considering you'll also be able to mix Siren Song in there as a 4th control cone, that's not bad.
edit: cancel the above, I gave it a good run on test today and was unimpressed. Even with all 4 of Howl, Static Discharge, Shockwave and Siren Song, I was barely able to take down +1's or +2's (depending on mob damage type resists) WITH Buildup, and the amount of incoming return fire taken in the time taken to run that full chain wasn't worth it. Factor in mezzing mob types and it's not possible to pull off the full chain without being halted midway through, even by tring to utilize the KB from Shockwave or the sleep of S-Song. And the scatter of Shockwave was tres annoying, although it was fairly consistent in KBing all of them instead of partial.
I really think an AoE build with sonic needs Boost Range from /nrg to be effective. the range on these cones really required a close starting position. I was able to squeeze these AoE's in without sacrificing single target powers, but an AoE sonic build, while it may add more team-friendly AoE firepower, takes too many power picks to achieve what AoE-centric sets can do with fewer (no surprise there, just thought I'd mention it). so far my final impression of this is that I'd turf Shockwave, and just go with Howl+Static Discharge from Electric mastery epic pool. Adding Shockwave to the mix only added minimal extra damage, and the scatter required too much range switching unless led with Boost Range and will likely annoy teams quite a bit. Too many requirements for too little return.
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I wouldn't count Sonic completely out yet as a viable AoE primary. With the addition of Mental Manipulation, you may be able to chain Howl, Psychic Scream and Static Discharge into a 3 hit combo of cones all with solid damage and a -Resist to start it off. Throw in SS or Shockwave to finish if you feel like it. True, it wont be as good at AoE as Fire or Archery, but I think its pretty commonly accepted that Sonic really accels at single target anyway. -
Trust me, you're way off on Amplify's duration and wrong about PB's effect on the -Resist, but spot on for everything else.
As Ostrakon said, Aim, BU, Amplify and the weaker component of Fiery Embrace are all 10s durations. Don't blindly trust Mids for stuff like that, for a blaster that should be straight from memory.
Also, noticing that the mobs fell faster is very anecdotal and can be heavily based on perception. A better test for the -Resist would be for you to shoot off a Screech with power boost and another without and look at the "orange shield debuff" symbol circling the enemy. But, I'll save you the trouble and tell you I have done this and the debuff does not last longer. If you check Red Tomax's site as well as any of the Dev posts or guides on the matter, you'll notice that PB does not deal with Damage buffs or debuffs or Damage Resist buffs or debuffs in any way shape or form.
That is not to say that Son/NRG does not benefit from PB. Far from it. It adds 100% duration to DW, SS and screech as well as boosts defense bonuses from CJ and any other defensive Defense based powers (excluding frozen armor due to its resist component putting it on the "do not boost list" for some reason only known to the devs and commented on once by Castle from what Ive seen) as well as the hold protection from Acro and heals from Aid Other/self.
Also I may have misread as to your comment on +resist enhancements in F armor. It seems from your build that you put an Impervium Armor +resist in there for a 2.5% recovery bonus. Personally I would have left that out and compensated with another slot in Stamina and adding the +10 end proc from Performance shifter. This will net you more +end and will grant you the ability of getting +10 end at random even after a Dreadful wail crash.
Its a very nice guide with a great build that looks very much what mine will once I net that last 150 mil I need to finish my purps, but I just wanted to chime in to fix some inaccuracies and to help you min/ max a bit. No offense was meant by my comments. -
Ostrakon is right, Bonesmasher isn't an auto stun, its only 60% chance.
On the other hand though, that's more than enough for me usually making Stun superfluous. Pre-38, I had a 60% chance of perma stunning any boss I faced from the get go by stacking screech and BS's chance to stun. If the BS-stun didn't connect I'd just keep him on his butt with power thrust until screech was back up. After 38 its a non issue because I can simply TF the boss perma.
Another point of clarification: Power boost DOES NOT have any effect on the magnitude or duration of any of the -Resist effects of any of the Sonic blasts. The duration is fixed for each attack with Dreadful wail being the longest, then screech, shout, howl, scream then shriek in that order of length. Siren's and Shockwave do not have a -Resist component. The magnitude is always 13% and is resistable unlike the defender versions in PVP (having resistance shields lowers the absolute magnitude of the debuff for blasters in PVP, but not the relative magnitude)
Personally, as a matter of taste, I saved myself a power choice by dropping Acro and just slotting 3 -Knock IOs in CJ and Frozen armor. Karma in each and a steadfast in the armor. I also slotted the +defense IO from the Steadfast resist set. It adds defense to all damage types and that single IO adds more defense than a single Defense IO would add to only smashing/lethal. Also, I wouldnt recommend slotting any +resist enhancements into frozen armor, it grants a miniscule amount of Fire resist and only a small amount of Cold resist.
Also, I'd like to know how exactly you are getting your Amplify to be perma. You stated that with 66% recharge you had it "still perm" Doing some math and number crunching that isn't possible. With a duration of 10 seconds and a recharge of 60 seconds and a total recharge bonus of 216% counting Hasten and set bonuses, you only get a recharge of 20seconds (10 seconds from perma).