Question the Answer.
An artist without a true home?
CSI: Kansas City
What's the newest show on CBS?
Plugged inside out
Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay
You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free
What was wrong with your sink?
Spatula Awareness
What's the next convention you're going too?
Donuts and axle grease
Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay
You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free
What do you plan on having for lunch?
its the only option
"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man
Silence!!! I kill you!
How do you make a tree and a snake fight each other?
Rubbing a statue clockwise will give out a better shine than counter clockwise.
Whats the deal with that rag stuck in your nose?
Stepping into it.
Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay
You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free
How do you make a box into a space ship?
Cast Iron Refrigerator.
What was the worst invention of the dark ages?
a pair of worn-out oven mitts and a taxidermist
What do you consider foreplay?
Smoked Turkey and Fried Bologna
What did I have for lunch three weeks ago?
A cold shower.
What can't you live without?
Equal and two dozen eggs
Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay
You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free
What goes in Rocky Balboa's breakfast smoothie?
What would happen if Buddist monks took over the world ??
Did Old McDonald really have a farm?
What did Fred Durst do it for?
nyquil and a pillow mint
What is your favorite night cap?
Can of cheese and Micro Chips
How do you make mini-nachos?
spontaneous bit switching
What is that black pill for?
Great Scott
at what line do RHPS theaters get TP'd?
weak week
What's the name of your favorite dish?
Ego running wild
Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay
You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free
What was K-Fed's Indian name in Boy Scouts?
Cube Door Crushed
What happened to Duff McGruff?
Drowned with sugar
Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay
You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free
What happened to the ever-diligent Home-Ec student when his boat crashed?
Spongy forehead
How big is your left foot?
Swedish Svengali