The Force Fielder's Bible




Important note: Every major set in the game was designed with one major weakness, that was a part of NCSoft's design philosophy. Force Fields' major weakness is Sleep. None of your powers provide you with ANY resistence to Sleep effects. However, remember that Sleep only affects you if it actually hits you, so your only defense against sleep aside from pool powers is, well, more Defense!

[/ QUOTE ]

Just FYI... The Controller's Ancillary pool Psionic Mastery includes Indomitable Will and that provides sleep protection. It can be made perma fairly easily.

[/ QUOTE ]Fairly easily? Well, assuming that slotting it can get you +100% recharge rate, you'd need another +200% to get the recharge down to 90 seconds.


Actually, that would be nice to be able to do... how do you do it easily?

[/ QUOTE ]

with Hasten and some IO set bonuses?






Wait, wait. . . .as long as I rebubble before the original PBU Bubble fades, then my new bubbles will be buffed as well?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not exactly - it's that the original PBU'd bubbles have their duration refreshed, they aren't 'new' bubbles. If you or your target zones, you'll have to do the whole thing over.

But yeah.. it's fantastic.



Wait, wait. . . .as long as I rebubble before the original PBU Bubble fades, then my new bubbles will be buffed as well?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not exactly - it's that the original PBU'd bubbles have their duration refreshed, they aren't 'new' bubbles. If you or your target zones, you'll have to do the whole thing over.

But yeah.. it's fantastic.

[/ QUOTE ]

PBU'd Short Circuit is better. Enemies with no endurance can't attack.



Wait, wait. . . .as long as I rebubble before the original PBU Bubble fades, then my new bubbles will be buffed as well?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not exactly - it's that the original PBU'd bubbles have their duration refreshed, they aren't 'new' bubbles. If you or your target zones, you'll have to do the whole thing over.

But yeah.. it's fantastic.

[/ QUOTE ]

PBU'd Short Circuit is better. Enemies with no endurance can't attack.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yet Short Circuit isn't a FF power or available in an Epic power pool.



Wait, wait. . . .as long as I rebubble before the original PBU Bubble fades, then my new bubbles will be buffed as well?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not exactly - it's that the original PBU'd bubbles have their duration refreshed, they aren't 'new' bubbles. If you or your target zones, you'll have to do the whole thing over.

But yeah.. it's fantastic.

[/ QUOTE ]

PBU'd Short Circuit is better. Enemies with no endurance can't attack.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yet Short Circuit isn't a FF power or available in an Epic power pool.

[/ QUOTE ]

What can I say? I love the Electrical Blast set. I don't leave home without it!



Wait, wait. . . .as long as I rebubble before the original PBU Bubble fades, then my new bubbles will be buffed as well?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not exactly - it's that the original PBU'd bubbles have their duration refreshed, they aren't 'new' bubbles. If you or your target zones, you'll have to do the whole thing over.

But yeah.. it's fantastic.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was never quite sure if this was a glitch or a mistake in the 'real numbers' system. I was also never sure if, when I had refreshed the bubbles that those numbers weren't glitched.

Thanks for confirming this. It really helps out on my controller

Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.



Repulsion Bomb seems to be knocking back pretty much everything, even +2 non-Clockworks Socketted with one Acc atm, no knockback enhs.

edit: I realize this is a Defender guide but for cross-class power sets (such as FF), these guides are invaluable to other classes with the same powers. This is just my own experiences based on usages not intended in the original scope of the guide and a small reference for other people in my same situation.

I'm a Bots/FF MM, so after playing a bit more I think its the knockback effects of my bots' attacks that are increasing the KB magnitude on those mobs (or something like that, I'm not sure exactly on the mechanics. Think spamming holds on a boss to build up strength.) My assault bot spams rockets, my protectors lobs grenades that kd/kb. My cast is still going off when their first volley hits, turning the KD into a KB.

I'm guessing I could time it better to get a KD before the first attacks hit, but that is defeating nearly the entire purpose of the skill and on top of that, its not something I'd want to use every ~15 seconds (assuming 6slotted as recommended.)

So the moral of the story is: It may be a great power on its own, but if you're decreasing the enemy KD protection or increasing your own magnitude for a mob (not sure on the mechanics,) you can probably expect Repulsion Bomb to send mobs flying.

ps: I really wish I could turn off the KB of the bots. I love them so much. The KB is probably a balance to prevent them from being the "cookie cutter" choice over the other types of pets.



Actually, if you look at City of Data, Mastermind's repulsion bomb does 1.113 knockback, whereas Defenders does 0.67 knockback (which is knockdown unless enhanced).

The knock value for MM's is just larger for whatever reason.



Actually, if you look at City of Data, Mastermind's repulsion bomb does 1.113 knockback, whereas Defenders does 0.67 knockback (which is knockdown unless enhanced).

The knock value for MM's is just larger for whatever reason.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not exactly... the knockback value for MMs just scales with level for some reason. Defenders and controllers get 0.67 knockback from Repulsion Bomb regardless of level. MMs have 0.89 knockback when they first get RB, scaling slowly up to 1.113 when they hit 50



Actually, if you look at City of Data, Mastermind's repulsion bomb does 1.113 knockback, whereas Defenders does 0.67 knockback (which is knockdown unless enhanced).

The knock value for MM's is just larger for whatever reason.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not exactly... the knockback value for MMs just scales with level for some reason. Defenders and controllers get 0.67 knockback from Repulsion Bomb regardless of level. MMs have 0.89 knockback when they first get RB, scaling slowly up to 1.113 when they hit 50

[/ QUOTE ]

They all have the same base value of 0.67. The difference between them is that the Defender and Controller versions use the Ranged_Ones multiplier/modifier table, and the Mastermind version uses the Ranged_Knockback multiplier/modifier table.

Basically, the Ones tables is nothing but... well, 1.00s from level 1 to 50. The Devs typically use this table for values they don't want to change with level (like powers that grant +Regeneration, +Recovery, or +Recharge).

0.67 * 1.00 = 0.67 Mag Knockback, which is Knockdown.

The Knockback tables have a scaling value (like Heals, Damage, or Movement Speed), so that Knockback powers knock things back further as you go up in level. At level 50, a MM has a Ranged_Knockback modifier value of 1.662.

0.67 * 1.662 = ~1.113 mag Knockback at 50.

Most likely a bug, because it seems like a strange inconsistency. Then again, MMs are typically artificially 'limited' because it's so easy to push them in to 'overpowered' territory.

Trickshooter's Characters | @Trickshooter @Brightside



@ OP:

I enjoyed the revised article. I have started a new FF/Rad Defender and have a few observations, however.

Presently (level 11 only) I have PFF, Deflection Shield, and Insulation Shield. On the rad side I have the tier 1 blast, Irradiate, and Electron Haze (the cone AoE). I have also taken Maneuvers.

My theory here is, after bubbling, what is the best use of my powers for the team? At my present level, the /rad AoE defense debuffs (along with some damage) seem to be a bigger team contributor than a kb here and there (force bolt) and detention field.

I'm not saying there's no room for Force Bolt or DF in my build, I just don't have them yet and haven't missed them so far.

Lastly: If I go for a stamina-less build, is IO set slotting (say 4-5 slots in the the bubbles and main attacks) sufficient to keep endurance from crashing while running the leadership toggles?



The purpose of my guide wasn't to say that everyone should take every power, it was to prove and to show that there are no "useless" powers in the set. Every power has many uses, and every power has many places where they would be useful. However, not every person will use every power or find every power useful to THEM.

As an example, I usually respec OUT of Force Bolt once I can get Repulsion Field, and treat myself AS the Force Bolt and at the same time use the RF as my own personal Defense shield. Many other people instead never pick up RF and use Force Bolt exclusively. Different strokes for different folks.

Finally, If you have one "SO" worth of Endurance Reduction in every power, that can certainly compensate for not having Stamina.



Now reformatted for the new boards! Enjoy!



I love your guide no matter what turbo ski might say!



Small new update posted, please see the edit notes at the bottom of the OP.



Thank you Westley. Your guide has been very informative.



Originally Posted by 1_800_Spines View Post
Gayest bubble ever
Gotta love people who feel the need to TROLL forum posts.

Great guide Wes. I do believe I might roll a defender this time around. And FF sounds like fun based on everything posted. I figured I've done all of the other AT's. I want to experience a support class for once.



Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post

As long as you refresh the bubbles with your standard, un-PBU'd bubbles, they last in the PBU'd state. In this way it's possible to keep your whole team swimming in Defense Buffs.

Unfortunately, this is not true, at least not when I tested it. I tested this with a friend and had him check his defense numbers in the Combat Attributes window. It looks like it is true if you are tracking the numbers given by the buff icons, but going by the numbers in the Attributes window each application of a shield completely overwrites the last. I believe the buff icons simply are not refreshing properly.

Edit: It is possible that there is some difference between Power Boost and Power Buildup here, or the Troller vs. Defender Shields, since I was testing with Power Boost, but I doubt it changes the result.



I couldn't think of a better place to post this than the guide that got me excited about playing a FF Defender with all nine primary powers.

A use I don't see listed for Detention Field is multiple-AV fights. Most AVs do not resist intangibility. What this means for fights like Nictus Rommy and any AV fight in the Sutter TF is that the team only has to worry about one angry purple enemy at a time. With two standard Recharge IOs and a few +recharge set bonuses, the power is ready to cast as soon as it wears off and Rommy (and all the ambushes tied to his untouchable health bar) watches helplessly as the team demolishes his three pretty little clouds of hate.

What makes this power shine like none other is two Acc/Mez HOs which (contrary to what the power info tells you in game) increase the magnitude of the effect (not the duration). So armed, my defender can hover onto an STF, take the 'unmezzable' Ghost Widow out of the lieutenants fight with one shot, and watch the controllers wet themselves with jealousy.

It's not the most-used tool in my belt, but it's worth the power choice + three extra slots every time I get to ask my team which AV they want to fight first.