Discussion: Changes to Task/Strike Force Missions




Tremere seems to sit in this thread and try to dissemble any solid remarks and opinions stated by any poster. Just put him on igg and continue on Lady and other's with extremly valid points and good suggestions.

I seriously hate this remark but find it completely appropriate in this case " Don't feed the troll."

Might be one thing if he had a valid point or even evidence and documentation to support his ideals. He doesnt. Every remark is an attempt to derail from the issue at hand.

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good call. trolls bite



If Lighthouse, can not even tell us accurately the requirements to form task forces are, then why the heck should we trust them to fix this properly?

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Because Lighthouse = Dev

True Story

Lighthouse is so far removed from the development of this game its sickening. His job (which most of you clearly dont understand) is Forum Moderator. He has ZERO say in the game. He has ZERO say in the programming of the game. He has ZERO say in the decissions of the game.

Its not far removed to realize that he doesnt know everything about this game. Even if his cubicle is 10ft from Castle's.

I'm really shocked at how few of you understand that.



I'm not going to assume that at all. Since those requests for tf changes were requested a long time ago.

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We already know that TF changes are in the works. Thats a Red Name stated fact.

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Unless you provide me with a redname quote I call bs.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Might be one thing if he had a valid point or even evidence and documentation to support his ideals.

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This comes from the individual who stated that this change impacted the markets so badly that a Miracle was sold for 100mil.

Thanks for the laugh



I'm not going to assume that at all. Since those requests for tf changes were requested a long time ago.

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We already know that TF changes are in the works. Thats a Red Name stated fact.

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Unless you provide me with a redname quote I call bs.

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It was in an Interview IIRC... currently searching for it, but it does exist.



If Lighthouse, can not even tell us accurately the requirements to form task forces are, then why the heck should we trust them to fix this properly?

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Because Lighthouse = Dev

True Story

Lighthouse is so far removed from the development of this game its sickening. His job (which most of you clearly dont understand) is Forum Moderator. He has ZERO say in the game. He has ZERO say in the programming of the game. He has ZERO say in the decissions of the game.

Its not far removed to realize that he doesnt know everything about this game. Even if his cubicle is 10ft from Castle's.

I'm really shocked at how few of you understand that.

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Right but one would think one would know about the actual game of which they are forum moderator.

I'm shocked you don't understand that.

Also one would think that he would be in the loop on such a major change.

Also one would think that by now the patch notes system would be improved.

Also one would think by now that devs can tell when certain changes will make farming EASIER.

I'm shocked you don't understand that.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I'm not going to assume that at all. Since those requests for tf changes were requested a long time ago.

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We already know that TF changes are in the works. Thats a Red Name stated fact.

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Unless you provide me with a redname quote I call bs.

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It was in an Interview IIRC... currently searching for it, but it does exist.

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Stating that they would be doing this in issue 12? Not likely. But i'll humor you.

Find the link.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



It was in an Interview IIRC... currently searching for it, but it does exist.

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Can you remember the gist of it? My search-fu skillz are at your disposal.



shhhh he's laughing at himself



Also one would think by now that devs can tell when certain changes will make farming EASIER.

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Ignoring everything else you said, because this popped out at me..

Where are you getting this information?
Why do you feel this will make farming easier?

There is no basis for that claim. Zero. Zip. Notta.



Also one would think by now that devs can tell when certain changes will make farming EASIER.

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Ignoring everything else you said, because this popped out at me..

Where are you getting this information?
Why do you feel this will make farming easier?

There is no basis for that claim. Zero. Zip. Notta.

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LOL seeing as I jsut did this yesterday on my fire/kin and know of 5 others already liking that this is making farming easier and the pages of discussion on this in this thread?

Uh huh suurree.

Still waiting on that link btw.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



LOL seeing as I jsut did this yesterday on my fire/kin and know of 5 others already liking that this is making farming easier and the pages of discussion on this in this thread?

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I'm well aware of pages in this thread where I show that farming will not be impacted, if thats what you are refering to.

But please... provide details.



LOL seeing as I jsut did this yesterday on my fire/kin and know of 5 others already liking that this is making farming easier and the pages of discussion on this in this thread?

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I'm well aware of pages in this thread where I show that farming will not be impacted, if thats what you are refering to.

But please... provide details.

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And all were proving false.

Go re-read the thread.

Still waiting on that link btw.

EDIT: I'm off for now all. I'll check back to see if we have that evidence we've been asking for.


Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



If Lighthouse can not even tell us accurately the requirements to form task forces are, then why the heck should we trust them to fix this properly?

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Because Lighthouse = Dev

True Story

Lighthouse is so far removed from the development of this game its sickening. His job (which most of you clearly dont understand) is Forum Moderator. He has ZERO say in the game. He has ZERO say in the programming of the game. He has ZERO say in the decissions of the game.

Its not far removed to realize that he doesnt know everything about this game. Even if his cubicle is 10ft from Castle's.

I'm really shocked at how few of you understand that.

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I think I can safely say that I have had far more contact with Lighthouse than you.

I know that he is not a developer. Unlike you, I know that he is a Community Relations Manager, that is a liaison between the developers and the players.

The information given to him or that he presented was clearly in error. That he passed that information to us as fact without checking those facts shows a breakdown.

Try to spin this however you want, you will not succeed.

The players have been given false information, are upset, and now are entitled to truthful answers no matter what [u]your opinion[u] is.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



If Lighthouse can not even tell us accurately the requirements to form task forces are, then why the heck should we trust them to fix this properly?

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followed by:

The information given to him or that he presented was clearly in error. That he passed that information to us as fact without checking those facts shows a breakdown.

[/ QUOTE ]

Contradiction much.



Hey Tremere? You've got Castle's job wrong too. He doesn't have anything to do with mission, sf, tf, trial design. Those fall under the jurisdiction of Posi and to a lesser extent Hero 1.



Hey Tremere? You've got Castle's job wrong too. He doesn't have anything to do with mission, sf, tf, trial design. Those fall under the jurisdiction of Posi and to a lesser extent Hero 1.

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I dont recall saying what Castles job was. Nice try though



And all were proving false.

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Oh I've read this thread...

And I countered every claim made by those in this thread that this change would benefit farmers.

No, this change will NOT.

But again I ask... please provide details stating how it will... so I can once again shoot it down.



Do you seriously not see how a farmer could start a TF set at a minimum of 8 members, and then run the mission ad nauseum as a farm? The "fillers" don't even need to be there. All the farmer needs is one other (an alt account) to stay in the TF.

How does that not benefit farmers?

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



Do you seriously not see how a farmer could start a TF set at a minimum of 8 members, and then run the mission ad nauseum as a farm? The "fillers" don't even need to be there. All the farmer needs is one other (an alt account) to stay in the TF.

How does that not benefit farmers?

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As I've stated numerous times in this thread...

Farmers spawn maps set for sizes of 6 to avoid bosses. This change would force them to fight bosses. Thats added danger plus it slows them down. This cuts into the influence / hour ratio & thus will be avoided.

Besides at lvl 50 your choices for TFs are Shard or STF. The Shard puts you against Nem, CoT & Rularu.... 3 villian groups that a farmer would want to stay far away from. Or you could try the STF which puts you against Arachnos, which isnt any better.



If Lighthouse can not even tell us accurately the requirements to form task forces are, then why the heck should we trust them to fix this properly?

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followed by:

The information given to him or that he presented was clearly in error. That he passed that information to us as fact without checking those facts shows a breakdown.

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Contradiction much.

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There is no contradiction, and you are showing that you don't have any reading comprehension. You might try learning it sometime, as it is a useful skill in the real world.

Both statements agree that Lighthouse gave us bad information. Agree/Disagree?
Both statements are showing there is a breakdown in communications. Agree/Disagree?

Both statements are saying the exact same thing in different ways.

Lighthouse posted that the majority of task forces can be started with 4 people:

Just to quickly touch on this (since I'm on the Training Room with the Wedding Event, but reading here too) - most Task Forces and Strike Forces have a requirement of 4. I was looking over documentation on the list of SF/TF.

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So he clearly has far more access to the inner workings of this game than you think he does.

Also, unlike you, I CAN (and almost always) provide links to back up what I claim any red name says.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



1) Regardless of how big a change is, exploit fixes are not snd should not be tested without an NDA. NDAs are fairly useless for testing exploit fixes, since honest folk who would abide by an NDA don't knowingly exploit. Hence, no warning.

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I am very confused by the basic premise of your post. I've never heard of this "exploit fixes must be secret and NDA'd" rule before.

There were other exploits in the test server patch notes. Exploits that were, in my opinion, lesser known than mission softloading.

Which reminds me, this change does not affect mission softloading, except in the special case of task forces. This might give us an insight as to what the trigger for this change might have been.



If Lighthouse, can not even tell us accurately the requirements to form task forces are, then why the heck should we trust them to fix this properly?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because Lighthouse = Dev

True Story

Lighthouse is so far removed from the development of this game its sickening. His job (which most of you clearly dont understand) is Forum Moderator. He has ZERO say in the game. He has ZERO say in the programming of the game. He has ZERO say in the decissions of the game.

Its not far removed to realize that he doesnt know everything about this game. Even if his cubicle is 10ft from Castle's.

I'm really shocked at how few of you understand that.

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OOO but you did You might not have flat out said Castle does A,B,C or D. You inferred. Get over yourself and get a foogin clue, Tremere.

I' m ready for the links to the changes you "claim" are in the works as well. With baited breath. There aren't going to be any links because they dont exist.

I on the other hand can spend about 20 minutes this evening and do a market analogy for the last week and back up EVERY single thing I have posted.



If Lighthouse, can not even tell us accurately the requirements to form task forces are, then why the heck should we trust them to fix this properly?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because Lighthouse = Dev

True Story

Lighthouse is so far removed from the development of this game its sickening. His job (which most of you clearly dont understand) is Forum Moderator. He has ZERO say in the game. He has ZERO say in the programming of the game. He has ZERO say in the decissions of the game.

Its not far removed to realize that he doesnt know everything about this game. Even if his cubicle is 10ft from Castle's.

I'm really shocked at how few of you understand that.

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OOO but you did

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Farmers spawn maps set for sizes of 6 to avoid bosses. This change would force them to fight bosses. Thats added danger plus it slows them down. This cuts into the influence / hour ratio & thus will be avoided.

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And where is your proof this is the case?

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters