Invulnerability for NOOBS.
Nicely done KingSnake.
Your inclusion of tactics were excellent and didn't go over the tops of anyone's heads.
One thing... and this is more a nit-pick than anything, is that Dull Pain with 3x Heal enhancements in it is the equivalent of ~35% resistance to ALL (including Psi and Toxic).
So when fighting mobs that deal primarily Psi damage (or Toxic damage if you're fighting Vahz at low level), Dull Pain is essentially Psi/Toxic resistance.
Just my .02, take it or leave it.
Nice to see someone spreading the Invuln word. I have a few things I'd like to point out:
· Resist Physical Damage. (RPD)
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For Brute/Scrappers, I'd advise putting the Steadfast in here. You have to take the power and, as you mention, slots don't improve it terribly. That one IO, however, makes a huge difference. It's almost like having a free unslottable TH.
· Resist Elements. (RE) This is a passive just like RPD (the very first power). Its for Fire/Ice damage. It too, is a very small buff. Not worth taking early, if at all. (Most people opt to take Aid Other / Aid Self from the pools in place of the two Elemental and Energy passives. This is actually a pretty good idea. I dont do it myself for concept reasons, but having a good heal on a 30 second timer would really help with down time
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1) It provides resistance to Toxic, as well.
2) It's a 20 second timer, base.
· Unyielding. (UY) This is a toggle like TI. It gives resistance to all damage types. (Except for psy damage. Nothing in the Invuln power set gives protection of any kind to psy damage.)
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1) It may be worth noting its resistance boost to s/l is lower than the other types. (Specifically: half.)
2) I may be being nit picky, but DP's +maxhp buff works like psuedo resistance to all, Psi included.
Good Powers to take.
TH Get it eventually. In the 30s or 40s. Add a slot for total of 2, all defense.
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Personally, I really like TH. I'd never skip it or delay it or skimp on slotting it. It stacks very well with Invin and the Steadfast (an Invuln staple, imo).
[edit: One other thing. I know you don't go into pool powers, but since Stamina is such a staple power anyways... Slot Health. Invuln is good at mitigating damage as it comes in, but isn't as hot as recovering from them if DP is down. Health helps to bring your hp back up considerably.]
your description of RPD is wrong. You say it buffs defense, when it actually buffs resistance.
Globals - @Incursion. & @Incursion-
Little Typo: Resist Elements resists Fire/Cold AND Toxic.
But that was a fantasic tactics section. My DM/Invul and Inv/Fire agree.
Great guide and much needed for N00Bs like me! I'm planning on taking Tough, Weave, and Maneuvers instead of the passives on my Invuln scrapper if I can manage to keep the endurance costs within reason. Even without the extra toggles Conserve Power from the Body Mastery ancillary pool seems like a must have to me.
yikes, here I was picking up passives like they were going out of style.....guess they already did, heheh
I played an invuln scrapper up to 50 without Tough and Weave plus took all my passives by 30. I did it wrong? I m asking because I can handle with ease any group in this game but Carnies on UY setting. And I can't handle the carnies because of the end drain not because they are psi.
Anyway, my advice: take your passives in your 20s if you can. I t will help with enemies with ngy, neg. ngy, or fire or ice, or toxic on top of the S/L damage. Like CoT, Sky Raiders, Freaks, and... well you get the point.
Caveat: Issue 13 will significantly change some Invulnerability powers, especially the despised passives. You'll have to decide for yourself if those changes make the passives more worthwhile now, but be advised this guide is going to be obsolescent shortly.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
Caveat: Issue 13 will significantly change some Invulnerability powers, especially the despised passives. You'll have to decide for yourself if those changes make the passives more worthwhile now, but be advised this guide is going to be obsolescent shortly.
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Is this guide obsolete now? As the only Invuln guide around, it'd be nice to know if it's still useful of not. I'm a "NOOB" and I approve of a nice simple straightforward guide like this.
yeah kinda obselete, a lot of power have been reworked.
Through the "must have power" and slotting still ok.
But now you really might consider taking passive power, specialy the ones that give +resist to defDebuff.
As of Issue 13:
Resist Physical Damage went from 7.5% S/L resistance to 10% S/L resistance AND got a 25% resistance to defense debuffs.
Resist Energies went from 7.5% E/N resistance to 10% E/N resistance AND got 25% resistance to endurance drains
Resist Elements went from 7.5% F/C resistance to 10% F/C resistance AND got 20% slow resistance
Unyielding finally lost the 5% defense debuff
Invincibility lost a little defense per mob to compensate
Tough Hide gained 25% resistance to defense debuffs
...pretty sure thats across the board (Tanks, Scrappers and Brutes).
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@Fire Chief
As of Issue 13:
Resist Physical Damage went from 7.5% S/L resistance to 10% S/L resistance AND got a 25% resistance to defense debuffs.
Resist Energies went from 7.5% E/N resistance to 10% E/N resistance AND got 25% resistance to endurance drains
Resist Elements went from 7.5% F/C resistance to 10% F/C resistance AND got 20% slow resistance
Unyielding finally lost the 5% defense debuff
Invincibility lost a little defense per mob to compensate
Tough Hide gained 25% resistance to defense debuffs
...pretty sure thats across the board (Tanks, Scrappers and Brutes).
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm dusting off my /invul scrapper and decided to take a look at this guide.
Fire_Chief is saying the base on the passives went from 7.5% to 10%. I'm not seeing that. I'm still seeing 7.5%. Did something change in between I13 and now?
Fire_Chief is talking about Tankers. All Invuln sets (Tanker, Scrapper, Brute) went up, but relative to their old numbers. Tankers' old numbers were 7.5%, their new numbers are 10%. I don't remember what Scrappers' old numbers were, but they're 7.5% now.
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Ok, lets talk about Invulnerability. Apparently, not a lot of guides for this set So, since I have 200 levels worth of experience, and am getting tired of repeating myself Here we go

Invulnerability for Noobs.
A few things before we get started
1. This is not a build guide. You build your own hero, Im just going to tell you about the powers.
2. I dont do numbers. Soon, I wont have to thanks to the stat feature they are adding. WOOT.
3. My spelling is BAD. My grammar is WORSE. I KNOW this already no need to point it out.
4. This guild will work for Tanks, Brutes, or Scrappers. They are the same powers, after all
5. Real Quickly Id like to explain the difference between Resistance and defense. If you have a Resistance to something, you take LESS damage when it hits you say you have 50% resistance to fire and get hit for 100 points of fire damage youd only take 50 points of damage because you resisted half of it. Defense increases your chances of dodging an attack altogether. You take full damage if your hit, but you get hit less often. Clear as mud right?
6. For simplicity sake, Ill use SOs to explain slotting. I recommend reading up on IOs and using them instead. IOs ARE A GOD SEND. PLEASE look into them.
7. Im assuming you understand what ED is. If you dont, look it up.
8. This guide is about Invulnerability, nothing else. I may mention a few pool powers as I go, but Ill not be doing an extensive write up about them. If people would like to add to this guide by replying with pool information or some such, feel free.
Ok, now that thats out of the way, Well go power-by-power ok, lets get started.
· Resist Physical Damage. (RPD) This is a passive. That means, its always on, and uses no endurance. It buffs your resistence to Smashing and Lethal damage. (From now on, referred to as S/L dmg.) Its a small buff. Scrapper and Brutes start with this power, tanks can opt to skip it, and I recommend they do. This is an OK power, one Id recommend taking eventually, but not at the start of the game, when you can get so much more mileage out of the next power choice. This power, doesnt benefit A LOT from slotting, because its base is so low you get like 1 extra % of resistance for each IO . Not a great investment but if you have slots to burn, you can throw one here. Id never myself go more then 2 slots in this passive total.
· Temporary Invulnerability. (TI) This does the very same thing Resist Physical damage does, only A LOT better. It costs endurance to run. The endurance cost isnt overly bad, but it can drain you in the early, per stamina game. (You will want to take stamina, trust meh.) Take this power. Its a CORE power. I recommend you slot at least 3 slots in this power, for a total of 4. 3 dmg resists and 1 endredux.
· Dull Pain. (DP) This is a heal, that also buffs your maximum HP for about 2 mins. This is another MUST HAVE. Take it ASAP. You want 6 slots in it. 3 heal/3 recharge reducers. You will LOVE this power. One word of advice when using it. Wait until you HP is at about 50% before you use it Youll get healed back to full or almost full health, and get a nice buff to your HP. Using it earlier then that will waste the healing part of the power. This allows you to absorb the alpha strike, and come back even stronger then you were before. ***As some very knowlageable people below have pointed out, this is your go too power for dealing with Psy and Toxic damage. I really can't emphise enough how good a power it is. See the comments before of more details.***
· Resist Elements. (RE) This is a passive just like RPD (the very first power). Its for Fire/Ice/toxic damage. It too, is a very small buff. Not worth taking early, if at all. (Most people opt to take Aid Other / Aid Self from the pools in place of the two Elemental and Energy passives. This is actually a pretty good idea. I dont do it myself for concept reasons, but having a good heal on a 20-15 second timer would really help with down time ) If you do take it take it late like in the 40s and dont slot it heavily only one extra slot for a total of two at the MOST. Its a rather disappointing power
· Unyielding. (UY) This is a toggle like TI. It gives resistance to all damage types. (Except for psy damage. Nothing in the Invuln power set gives protection of any kind to psy damage.) Note that it gives LESS resistence to S/L then to the other types, about half. But don't let that disapoint you, because it's real selling point is that it protects you from mezzing effects, like Holds, Sleeps, Disorients, knockdowns/backs, and immobilization. Core Power here. VERY VERY important. Take it ASAP. Add 3 slots when you can, for a total of 4. 3 dmg resists, 1 endredux. This power also comes with a very slight debuff to defense. Its small, and not THAT noticeable, but I figure Id should mention it.
· Resist Energies. (Rnrg) Its the same as the last 2 passives. Gives a small buff to energy and negative energy. I give the same advice for it I did for the last one. Take it late, if at all, and dont add many, if any slots. 2 max IMO.
· Invincibility. (Inv) Another core power. This power is a toggle. It adds defense to you for each enemy you have in melee range, up to 10. It also adds a slight acc bonus per mob too. You want this power, and you want it ASAP. Once you have it, youll notice your survivability improve A LOT. And once you get the hang of getting 10 guys all in melee range, youll excel. The main trick is braking LoS (line of sight) and making them chase you down. I find that keeping on the move also cause them to bare down on you This is a GOOD thing. You want as many in your face as you can to get the most out of this power. Slot this with 3 extra slots for a total of 4, 3 defense buffs and an endredux. You CAN slot some To Hit buffs if you want, but I myself dont think its really worth it. But if you have slots to burn, go for it.
· Tough Hide. (TH) This is a passive, but a far more useful one IMO. It adds defense to everything, except psy and toxic. Its a small buff, but it stacks with Invincibility, and any other defensive power you might have. (Power pool powers like combat jumping, or IOs like steadfasts Res/DEF) Its because of that fact that I recommend you take it. And a slot it for a total of 2 slots. All defense buffs.
· Unstoppable. (US) This is a GREAT panic button power. You click this power, and you get 3 mins of, well, unstopability. It hits you with a MASSIVE resistance buff, and a big endurance buff. Once it wares off, you crash, and crash hard. You lose all your endurance and like 90% of your health. If your in the middle of a battle when it crashes its normally fatale. Not always but normally at first anyway. With practice, and experience, youll learn to survive. I cant remember the last time US killed me, and I almost always stay in battle, if there is a battle left to fight stuffs normally very dead by the time US wares off heh Keep an eye on your buff bar, and watch for it to start flashing. If your in combat when it does, book it out of there, at least far enough away to eat a green or two, a blue, and get your toggle back. (Or if your feeling daring eat a purple, wait for the crash, eat a blue, dull pain, and retoggle UY and get back to work. Bring up your other toggles in-between attacks.) This is the only power I slot differently between ATs. Tanks, need only 3 slots total, all recharge. Its base buff is enough to cap resistance. Scrappers need to add 1 Damage Resist to cap their resists. (4 total slots, OR, you can frankinslot it with one Res/Recharge 50 IO, and 2 50IOs.) And Brutes need to add 2. (5 total slots) ((They have tanker level caps but scrapper level powers.))
Ok, now for a quick summary, for those of you who didnt read the whole thing.
Must Have Powers. (Im using the abbreviations that are listed next to each power.)
TI. ASAP 4 Slots Total. 3 DmgRes/1EndRedux
DP. ASAP 6 slots total. 3heal/3recharge
UY. ASAP 4 Slots Total. 3Dmgres/1endredux
Inv. ASAP 4 Slots total. 3defence/1endredux
US. ASAP Slotting depends. 3 Recharge is a much. Add 1 dmgres if youre a scrapper, 2 if youre a brute, non if youre a tank.
Good Powers to take.
RPD. Get it eventually. Maybe in the 30s or 40s. Only add one slot max, for a total of 2, both DmgRess.
TH Get it eventually. In the 30s or 40s. Add a slot for total of 2, all defense.
Junk Powers.
RE and Rnrg. Both of these are not the greatest power choice you could make. I hate to admit it but its true. Take them only if your concept demands it youre an OCD completeist (guilt as charged ) Or you honestly cant think of anything better to take (hint hint, aid other/ aid self, or Boxing/Tough.)
Ok, now for some basic (and I mean basic) tips of who to USE this power set to get the most out of it.
1. Know your enemy. This right here is the single most important aspect of playing an Invuln. You need to know whom youre fighting, what they can do, (as in, what damage types do they use) and who your biggest threat is. Kill THEM FIRST. Not brain surgery here. Learn who does what damage type, and take care of the stuff that hurts you first. Crey are a decent example. The Mob specialist do smashing damage. You can take smashing damage ALL DAY LONG. So, forget about them and kill the Volt Tank FIRST. If you got 5 guys on you and only 1 or 2 is doing any REAL damage to you KILL THEM FIRST Its really that simple.
2. Make the most of your Dull Pain. Dont waste is its recharge is on the longish side, so use it when you NEED it, not just when your HP is a bit low Thats why we have 20 inspiration slots fill it with some greens its not a sin to use inspirations I promise. OR, train Aid Self and use it. When you NEED DP, youll know and youll be thankful you have it. And remember, dont pop it off unless your @50% HP or less. Its a waste of a perfectly good heal if you use it before then.
3. Make the most of Inv. Try to get as many guys as you can around you to maximize that buff. This does not mean go herd the whole freaking map we cant do that anymore and youll more then likely get someone on the team KILLED because you just cant hold that much argo anymore you can still tick them off and theyll still follow you to your little hiding spot then theyll lose interest and start beating on your defender This is something you dont want. Since Inv. Is maxed out at 10 mobs, I dont generally try to get more then that on me at any one time, unless the spawn itself is more then 10 guys. If your in a small team with small spawns, argo one, then argo the another, then brake the line of sight (duck behind a wall) and let them come to you, and tada! Your defense is now capped. And its now more efficient for your AoEing buddies as well. Its win win really, just dont get to carried away.
4. Now Im going to touch alittle more on inspiration use. For some reason people especially melee types in game generally dont use many inspirations, if any at all. Well, let me tell you something its NOT cheating to use inspirations. We have inspiration slots for a reason.. And we cant SELL them for a reason (Ok, so now we can sell them at WWs this is a recent development I keep forgetting about ) The reason is were supposed to USE them and boy can they make a difference As an Invuln... few enemies will strike fear into your heart like a Dark Ring Mistress will They OWN us. MASSIVE Psy damage, and a debuff thats just flat out WRONG. Its mobs like these that make inspiration a godsend. Eat 2, maybe 3 purples, and crush that winch! Sapper gets in a lucky shot, your endurance is gone your held what are you going to do now? Brakefrees baby! Not just for squishes anymore! Heh, look, you wont need them often thats for sure but having at least ONE on you, just in case, is IMO just good since. So, again, inspirations are GOOD for you collect them USE them and prosper.
5. Use unstoppable! If you keep saving US until you absolutely NEED it itll collect dust. I find I really only NEED US every once in a great while But why let it sit there and waste? Im talking solo here. In teams, I generally dont use it unless I HAVE to because I dont like the crash slowing the team down. If you never USE it why even HAVE it.
Eh, that about covers it. Hope it helps. Feel free to ask any questions you'd like, be it in a reply or pm. And feel free to post any advice you may have, to help the noobs out. Later all!
***And as is susspected, some very knowlageble people are starting to reply with suggestions of there own. I highly recommend reading the replies too. Most everything i know I've learned either from first hand expearice or from them. And thanks guys for pointing out a few tweaks i can make ot meh guide.
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