The Archery Codex




Phosphorescency: Repulsion Bomb is worth considering over Explosive Arrow. Slightly more damage, smashing damage, knockdown instead of knockback, and a chance to stun. Down side is longer animation, you put away the bow, and the recharge is longer. The stun is a bonus, not something to rely on.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was thinking of replacing Stunning Shot with Repulsion Bomb, but you're right! The analogue of Rep Bomb in the Archery set is not Stun Shot but Explosive Arrow! Duh, me!

Scientist: In general, when I've used PFF its one of two situations;

1. "Ghetto stealth" to get to an objective, often solo but sometimes on teams where we are trying to bypass parts of missions (Katie TF, Posi TF, etc.). Team will obviously be fine with this.

2. The team is moments from a tpk, and nothing anyone is going to do will avoid that. If I turtle up I may be able to either pull the mobs away from the team, so they can rez in safety, or get to a safe spot to teleport them to (I like Recall Friend). It tends to be a lot faster to get a team back in action if it has one survivor then none, especially since folks can start sharing insps to build a wakie.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good points. I'm hoping capped ranged or AoE defence would allow me to do these things too though, albeit somewhat less safely.



I am loving my 44 Arch/Eng blaster. I did respec into Hasten at 40 or 41, as I wasn't getting enough BU+AIM+ROA for my tastes. Also dropped Acro after I picked up one Karma KB for use in Combat Jumping.

Anyway, mostly been running ITFs. And the ROA plus a Fistful and/or Explosive wipes out everything except the bosses that it leaves at half-health or so. Every other spawn, I just annihilate them.

Went with Force Mastery pool. I have a bit of recharge and think Force of Nature might end up being a lot of fun.

As to the PFF discussion that is coming about some of the defenders... I've actually used it on my blaster. I can run around and herd up a couple of groups when solo with PFF on. BU+AIM, drop pff, fire roa... and they die before I do. It's a bit nutty but kinda fun.

And yay, Talsorian bow! That thing is frickin sweet.



So glad now my Arch/EM took and loved Stunning Shot.

Stunning Shot + nerfed TF = stunned boss ftw.

"Sometimes you have to roll the Hard Six." -- Adama
Teabagging Ms. Liberty -




I'd like to see more players posting builds, a lot of good ideas and discussion can spring forth. I'll put up my current and planned Archery/Energy and Archery/Devices builds, and my current TA/A when I get some time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ask, and ye shall receive (even if it is a couple of pages down the line).

This is my idea of how I might build Dread Cupid, my newest creation. She's only level 14 now, and I admit I haven't done alot of research. I might change things around as she levels and I get a better feel for her. Hey, I got plenty of vetspecs to burn! The only thing I know is that she has to keep flight as her travel powers, for character concept reasons.

And here she is!

+ Built with SuckerPunch's Online Planner
Name: Dread Cupid
Level: 50
Archetype: Blaster
Primary: Archery
Secondary: Energy Manipulation
01 => Power Thrust ==> Empty(1),Empty(3)
01 => Snap Shot ==> Empty(1),Empty(3),Empty(42),Empty(42)
02 => Aimed Shot ==> Empty(2),Empty(5),Empty(7),Empty(42),Empty(46),Empty(48)
04 => Fistful of Arrows ==> Empty(4),Empty(5),Empty(7),Empty(34),Empty(37),Empty(37)
06 => Hover ==> Empty(6),Empty(37),Empty(40)
08 => Blazing Arrow ==> Empty(8),Empty(9),Empty(9),Empty(15),Empty(17),Empty(31)
10 => Hasten ==> Empty(10),Empty(11),Empty(11)
12 => Explosive Arrow ==> Empty(12),Empty(13),Empty(13),Empty(15),Empty(17),Empty(36)
14 => Fly ==> Empty(14),Empty(39),Empty(40)
16 => Swift ==> Empty(16)
18 => Health ==> Empty(18),Empty(19),Empty(19)
20 => Stamina ==> Empty(20),Empty(21),Empty(21)
22 => Stun ==> Empty(22),Empty(23),Empty(23),Empty(40)
24 => Aid Other ==> Empty(24),Empty(25),Empty(25)
26 => Aid Self ==> Empty(26),Empty(27),Empty(27),Empty(43),Empty(43),Empty(43)
28 => Power Boost ==> Empty(28),Empty(29),Empty(29)
30 => Stunning Shot ==> Empty(30),Empty(31),Empty(31),Empty(45),Empty(46),Empty(46)
32 => Rain of Arrows ==> Empty(32),Empty(33),Empty(33),Empty(33),Empty(34),Empty(34)
35 => Boost Range ==> Empty(35),Empty(36),Empty(36)
38 => Bone Smasher ==> Empty(38),Empty(39),Empty(39)
41 => Shocking Bolt ==> Empty(41)
44 => Total Focus ==> Empty(44),Empty(45),Empty(45)
47 => Charged Armor ==> Empty(47),Empty(48),Empty(48)
49 => EM Pulse ==> Empty(49),Empty(50),Empty(50),Empty(50)
01 => Sprint ==> Empty(1)
01 => Brawl ==> Empty(1)
02 => Rest ==> Empty(1)

I'm Tealeaf, and I approve of this message.

See [URL=""]Useful Tagging for the good of the Forum[/URL], my guide to tags.



I am loving my 44 Arch/Eng blaster. I did respec into Hasten at 40 or 41, as I wasn't getting enough BU+AIM+ROA for my tastes. Also dropped Acro after I picked up one Karma KB for use in Combat Jumping.

Went with Force Mastery pool. I have a bit of recharge and think Force of Nature might end up being a lot of fun.

[/ QUOTE ]

This sounds like my lvl 26 hero Archerfish. I plan on dropping a Karma IO in my combat jumping too.

Let me know how the Force Mastery works. I was debating on selecting it too.

Indig , leader of the City of Gaymers

City of Gaymers on



Thank you for this. It was very helpful.



i wish i would have read this be four i got my archery blaster to 50 lol. any way amazing guide!

[url=""]My Da page![/url]
Ninja-Bee- 50 Ninja/Dark MM
Aqurian Draconum- 50 Archery/Fire Blaster
Korrawi- 50 Super Strength/Invulnerability Tank Plus many others!



In the full thread, I only see one build posted, so I thought I'd offer my current build for review.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you. I'd like to see more players posting builds, a lot of good ideas and discussion can spring forth. I'll put up my current and planned Archery/Energy and Archery/Devices builds, and my current TA/A when I get some time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Have to first say I love your guide, made me roll an archery blaster and I love her, easily my favorite hero. After that, here is an Archery/Elec build, though I am still debating what to put in at level 49. I am not a rich person so this is nowhere near an amazing IOed out build, just what I have gotten through drops and could afford.

Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.4006

Level 48 Magic Blaster
Primary Power Set: Archery
Secondary Power Set: Electricity Manipulation
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Concealment
Ancillary Pool: Flame Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Aimed Shot -- Dmg(A), Dmg(3), Dmg(3), Acc(5)
Level 1: Electric Fence -- Acc(A)
Level 2: Snap Shot -- Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx:30(A), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:30(5), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:30(7), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg:30(7), Thundr-Acc/Dmg:30(9)
Level 4: Fistful of Arrows -- Dmg(A), Dmg(9), Dmg(11), Acc(11), RechRdx(13), RechRdx(13)
Level 6: Blazing Arrow -- Dmg(A), Dmg(15), Dmg(15), Acc(17), RechRdx(17), RechRdx(19)
Level 8: Swift -- Run(A), Run(19)
Level 10: Havoc Punch -- Dmg(A), Dmg(21), Dmg(21), Acc(46), RechRdx(48)
Level 12: Explosive Arrow -- Dmg(A), Dmg(23), Dmg(23), Acc(25), RechRdx(25), RechRdx(48)
Level 14: Health -- Heal(A)
Level 16: Build Up -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(27), RechRdx(27)
Level 18: Ranged Shot -- Range(A), Range(29), Range(46)
Level 20: Stamina -- EndMod(A), EndMod(29), EndMod(31)
Level 22: Hover -- Flight(A), Flight(31), Frbd-Stlth:30(31)
Level 24: Fly -- Flight(A), Flight(33), Flight(33)
Level 26: Aim -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(33), RechRdx(34)
Level 28: Thunder Strike -- Dmg(A), Dmg(34), Dmg(34), Acc(36), RechRdx(43), RechRdx(46)
Level 30: Stealth -- Krma-ResKB:30(A)
Level 32: Rain of Arrows -- Dmg(A), Dmg(36), Dmg(36), Acc(37), Acc(37), RechRdx(37)
Level 35: Power Sink -- Empty(A), Empty(39), Empty(39), Empty(39)
Level 38: Shocking Grasp -- Dmg(A), Dmg(40), Acc(40), RechRdx(40), Hold(43), Hold(43)
Level 41: Char -- Hold(A), Hold(42), Acc(42), Acc(42), RechRdx(48)
Level 44: Fire Shield -- ResDam(A), ResDam(45), ResDam(45), EndRdx(45)
Level 47: Rise of the Phoenix -- RechRdx(A)
Level 49: [Empty]
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Defiance

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy &amp; Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA593CB6ED35010864F62A74E9AA4B9D134BDA6092D4D5 B62B65C16884B912A1|
|1296A112B20725D2B3118274A5C44763C00AF5004AC803740 BC181B64667CFE531A|
|7789A5FC9F3367E63FE3F171E7FDE39C101FEE8B44FE91674 D26BD87A481334E75A|
|CBE6B0B43085145A87764F97DE7D47C30B607CE78DA52E1E3 B3D168380ECC03CFB1|
|83B16BBBC1B4D7B17C7774E659813BF44B873EE53B7E60AA9 B5C7738F4CC276EE03|
|B934956FEF1DCFE20B87C5F8AEE0FFD77EEC43D713D722D1F 8C5C9B56ADB70E6DC0|
|7B4F6BD4DF2EFDD685BA424D68045D13C918752179FA2F578 2626B84848CE9894F9|
|1A1FE39C2DC1789AF11D2E711364835999ED2609F06E71561 9D2BCDB24E48A13685|
|DC85188BA82DA2A60CA6E87D18519F61C2A8600DEC1332788 40C7CAEC5D886EF2DF|
|8350859F492454E35C61A6A6AA5D95A837AC9CB5E447E5EC6 068482F44B1690B712|
|639350424EA988F1836D304DDE15E99DACCC2107DC003394B 3889CC50CD614FF24F|
|835652965095B2D6169334EC2327296D1E2A61A0FF89AB08A 31AD622C8D18AF634C|
|7BA8698379439DCE50ACFF8E4ECF16691D7675551EE396881 1766F08CDE8A8865A3|
|3A44BDCB8A21EAD6EC37F1B7E3B8AF0DB81DF5E7696DF28AF 8553D4426C5751CC52|
|9D84EF54B32FDF84B65F96B19B711A923F28D7C4384CD473D 3E19A7EE9AB8C1EE3E|
|9954857BFF84A45228A3474F5E186FF75FDCCA9BD32477C96 9FB174599EB3BC6079|
|C9F28AC5623961B159C25F17D585DBDCD01D96BB2CF7583E7 292C143CCB2E458F22|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />

50 Robots/Dark MM - Cervia
50 Emp/Sonic Defender- Trancefixer



Doh, the forum ate my post

Well, here a short summary:

Thanks for the great guide; it got me started on my new Archery Defender. But, are you sure about Snap Shot? I used City of Data and Arcannaville's post on how long attacks take.

1. Aimed-&gt;Fistful-&gt;Aimed-&gt;Blazing requires 203% recharge to be fluid for 0.69 single target DPS and 0.13 AOE DPS.

2. Snap-&gt;Fistful-&gt;Snap-&gt;Blazing requires 171% recharge to be fluid for 0.86 single target DPS and 0.16 AOE DPS (a 23% improvement at a 16% reduced requirement!)

3. Snap-&gt;Aimed-&gt;Snap-&gt;Fistful-&gt;Blazing requires 80% recharge to be fluid for 0.74 single target DPS and 0.12 AOE DPS.

Did I miss something? It seems that for hardcore optimizers number 2 is superior to your attack chain reducing even the number of powers needed. For more casual people it seems that version 3 is the way to go having way lower requirements at basically the same performance.



are you sure about Snap Shot?

[/ QUOTE ]


That's brief and blunt, but not intended to be snippy. I'm just not going to debate Snap Shot again. Everything I felt it was necessary to say has been said. If you want to use it, that's all the reason you should need to take it. Nothing else really matters. Not DPS, not DPE, not DPA, not attack chain fluidity, nothing. It's a game. The point of the game is to have fun, and if Snap Shot adds to your fun in any way, then you're doing something right.



Well, fair enough. Not quite the answer I was hoping for. I like looking at these things from a numbers point even though I doubt it would ever make a difference for one of my characters - I'm neither skilled nor dedicated enough



It also depends on if you're looking at it from a Defender or Blaster's standpoint. For a blaster, it's dead useful when you are mezzed... otherwise you're waiting for just Aimed Shot to recharge. Firing between the two can be fairly continuous. Luminara discusses it a lot in the guide, but quick recharging attacks can be useful for a lot of things, especially when mez and/or defiance come into play.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Just a quick post to thank Luminara for the guide and all info about archery. I tried TA/A defenders but couldn't stick with it although i liked the archery feeling... Then i tried an Arch/MM blaster and while i usually don't like blasters, i have to say i'm having a lot of fun with it (42 atm).

BU+Aim+ RoA + explosive arrow is so much fun, and with a perfect timing so all the damage goes off at the same time with a big *boom*. Lots of good fun with it and a tank friend kind enough to herd 15 mobs so i can blow them up all at once and laugh like a maniac while he pulls more.



Fantastic guide. More detail than I ever thought I would need coupled with a fantastic sense of humor. A pleasure to read from beginning to end.

Can't wait to try out an Archery/Ice Blaster

Try my AE Arc: Out of Place, Out of Time ID#304340.
Leave your Arc title in the feedback and I will check yours out as well.



I believe this might qualify as the best guide on an archtype that I have ever read. You really have a gift for writing, Luminara and I am glad you have shared that gift and wisdom with us. This guide inspired me to make an Archery/Energy blaster and I am having a lot of fun with this toon. I haven't gotten to the higher levels yet but I can tell if it is fun now, it is going to be really fun when ROA kicks in. Thanks for all your effort. Splendid work, really!



I really like this guide. Nice job. Especially like the history and in-depth analysis of accuracy and to-hit, and the reasons for considering taking or skipping powers. Thanks for keeping it up to date with later issues.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



Luminara...just wondering if you ever got around to posting an Archery/Devices build on here somewhere....if anyone has a build worth looking would be yours.



Originally Posted by Cold_Dodger View Post
Luminara...just wondering if you ever got around to posting an Archery/Devices build on here somewhere....if anyone has a build worth looking would be yours.
Im not Luminara, but I can tell you a few things about /devices, mostly that unlike alot of the other secondary sets /Devices seems more based around preference than anything eles, and allows one to solo alot better than most sets. Most of the power choices in there you cant really go wrong with, such as caltrops, targeting drone, stealth drone, and trip mine which really are the staples of the set. Slotting is entirely based on prefrence. Personally I 6 slotted trip mine (I only use it really for boss battles but the set bonuses i put in there are nice) and 4 slotted targeting drone with a 4 banger of adjusted targeting (for set bonus) Im debating slotting caltrops more since i get heavy use out of it (It can really save your butt). Travel pool for me was Super Jump so i could get Combat Jumping and 2 slot it (with a -KB IO, later with a LoTG recharge) also this was a concept build (natural origin) so it was the one that fit the best for me, also Super Jump to me is an amazing travel ability. again YMMV but there is enough room in Devices to do alot of things. The only BAD thing about /Devices is its not a very group friendly set, its not to say its not useful but just not as useful in groups like some of the others. after all no one is going to wanna wait for several minutes while you set up all your trip mines :P



Originally Posted by Cold_Dodger View Post
Luminara...just wondering if you ever got around to posting an Archery/Devices build on here somewhere....if anyone has a build worth looking would be yours.
My Archery/Devices build was planned and implemented entirely around IOs, so I'm not certain it would be a good template for others. The build also eschews a lot of the "blaster standards", such as "everything can be fixed with enough +Recharge". Instead, I focused on Ranged Defense (sitting at ~29% at level 40, will be over 41% at level 50) and only put a minimal emphasis on +Recharge (30% at level 50).

It's a good, even all-around build, with essentially all of the key powers, and all of them except Gun Drone are fully enhanced, but I don't want to promote the idea that IOs are required to play, so I've been hesitant to post either that one or my Archery/Energy build (which is focused on +Regen (will be at or above 300% by level 50 (currently level 48))).



Originally Posted by Zanthar View Post
IThe only BAD thing about /Devices is its not a very group friendly set, its not to say its not useful but just not as useful in groups like some of the others.
Well it does depend on what you need to get done. Devices has in a way things in common with Traps and some things in common with Trick Archery. /Devices can fill in for defenders very well "at times".

I would expect anyone who can work out the finer points of trick archery or traps to look at /Devices and see that even is some of the most seemingly most dire circumstances it has tools that can be utilized as part of a dynamic to actually turn the dire circumstance into a total piece of cake.

It won't be as good trick archery or traps obviously but just like a duct tape it can help make do. TA is as good as any defender to me. Many people have yet to learn of just what they can do with one.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I have used some of the information from your guide to make my own Arch/Nrg blaster. While I used your guide's advice to "build my own", I relied on my own guesses to what to add for Set IOs. I more than understand that the game is balanced around SOs.

I would be curious, as I'm sure others would be, to see your IO builds. I'm sure that if you did post them, and you said in the post that these were not requirements for your guide, or better yet, posted them in, say, the blaster forums, rather than here in your guide, people would understand.



I created my Archer/Devices blaster a couple days ago and then found this codex yesterday. I wasn't sure if I created something that I will keep, but after reading this I am very happy with my decision. He is level 9 now and so far I've taken all the Archery powers that have become available. Usually I find some primary powers in my characters I don't care to take, but so far I want ALL OF THEM! I hope I will have enough slots to make devices worth while and I plan on getting munitions, hopefully I will have enough slots to get the missiles without making any sacrifices.

I find myself looking at my endurance far less often compared to my other blasters at this level range, I seem to be able to go nearly nonstop and convert my blues into reds.



Love your thread thank you! I just made a FF/Archery Defender and intend on keeping everything ranged with my force bubble and a crap load of defense with IO's and popping power boost b'up.

I really like where u eloborate on fistfull of arrows, explosive, arrow, ranged shot and blazing arrow. I'm dropping explosive now that you informed me. I hope to love it as I do already at lvl 3 lol!

Also, snap shot. a b'up, heal proc sounds like a good idea! Now I can use a slot somewhere else.



Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
Fistful of Arrows
  • Availability: Level 2 (blasters), Level 4 (defenders), Level 8 (masterminds)
  • Effects: Damage (0.91 DS)
  • Recharge: 8 seconds
  • Animation: 1.17 seconds
  • Duration: Instant
  • Range: 50' (blasters and masterminds), 40' (defenders)
  • Endurance: 8.53 (blasters and defenders), 10.66 (masterminds)
  • Accuracy: 1.155
  • Accepted Enhancements: Accuracy, Damage, Endurance Reduction, Range, Recharge Reduction
  • Slotting recommendation: 1 Accuracy, 3 Damage, 2 Recharge Reduction OR 1-2 Range OR 1-2 Endurance Reduction
  • Usable IO sets: Targeted AoE Damage
  • Notes: Fistful of Arrows is a solid attack. The damage output is respectable, it animates very quickly, the endurance cost and recharge time are both reasonable and it even looks nice. Masterminds take a small hit in the endurance cost, but it's manageable. Defenders have a shorter range, but again, it's manageable. For blasters and defenders, it makes a nice addition to your standard attack chain (see Snap Shot's notes for more information on using Fistful in an attack chain), and with only 2 other choices for multi-target attacks, it's not a bad idea to have it to round out your AoE abilities. Blasters will find it very nice for pairing up with Explosive Arrow for some lightweight AoE fun. For all three ATs, I recommend taking, slotting and using Fistful. Masterminds, this is the last Archery power you'll have access to, so enjoy it.

    For all ATs, I also strongly recommend slotting Damage/Range enhancements in Fistful. Extending the range will give you the ability to pick one spot to stand or Hover and do your blasting, instead of moving around to get into and out of various ranges. Using Damage/Range enhancements means more sharp, pointy sticks in the air, and that's why you're playing with Archery.
Taking the above to heart I have searched high and low for an optimal Frankenslotting of Fistful which would allow for Accuracy, Damage, Endurance, Recharge and Range Enhancement. So far, this is the best I've been able to find which balances all five of those parameters at the expense of Global Set Bonuses ... and that includes trying to use Hami-O enhancements in the mix.

Fistful of Arrows
  • Detonation - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 50
  • Detonation - Damage/Endurance/Range: Level 50
  • Positron's Blast - Damage/Range: Level 50
  • Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 50
  • Range IO: Level 50
  • Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
Detonation @ 50: Fistful of Arrows
MezResist(Sleep) 1.65%

Positron's Blast @ 50: Fistful of Arrows
2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery

Enhancement Totals
  • Accuracy: 42.40%
  • Damage: 88.07% (Pre-ED: 90.10%)
  • Endurance Reduction: 63.60%
  • Range: 51.93% (Pre-ED: 54.19%)
  • Recharge: 42.40%
Defender Performance in absence of Global Set Bonus modifiers:
  • Endurance Cost: 5.21 (8.53)
  • Accuracy: 123.4% (86.6)
  • Recharge: 5.62 (8)
  • Range: 60.8 (40)
  • Arc: 30 degrees
  • Cast: 1.17 seconds
  • Damage: 61.9 Lethal (32.9)
Width of Cone @ 40 ft downrange: ~20 ft wide, covers 418 sq ft total
Width of Cone @ 60 ft downrange: ~30 ft wide, covers 942 sq ft total

Increased Cone Range increases area of effect held at risk by more than double.
Increased Width of Cone At Range means more targets can be attacked simultaneously, increasing damage throughput of Fistful of Arrows.

Being able to hit even a single extra target beyond 45 ft range approximately equals the amount of additional damage gained from a Positron Proc, particularly when adding Leadership: Assault into the mix.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Taking the above to heart I have searched high and low for an optimal Frankenslotting of Fistful which would allow for Accuracy, Damage, Endurance, Recharge and Range Enhancement. So far, this is the best I've been able to find which balances all five of those parameters at the expense of Global Set Bonuses ... and that includes trying to use Hami-O enhancements in the mix.

Fistful of Arrows
  • Detonation - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 50
  • Detonation - Damage/Endurance/Range: Level 50
  • Positron's Blast - Damage/Range: Level 50
  • Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 50
  • Range IO: Level 50
  • Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
Detonation @ 50: Fistful of Arrows
MezResist(Sleep) 1.65%

Positron's Blast @ 50: Fistful of Arrows
2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery

Enhancement Totals
  • Accuracy: 42.40%
  • Damage: 88.07% (Pre-ED: 90.10%)
  • Endurance Reduction: 63.60%
  • Range: 51.93% (Pre-ED: 54.19%)
  • Recharge: 42.40%
Defender Performance in absence of Global Set Bonus modifiers:
  • Endurance Cost: 5.21 (8.53)
  • Accuracy: 123.4% (86.6)
  • Recharge: 5.62 (8)
  • Range: 60.8 (40)
  • Arc: 30 degrees
  • Cast: 1.17 seconds
  • Damage: 61.9 Lethal (32.9)
Width of Cone @ 40 ft downrange: ~20 ft wide, covers 418 sq ft total
Width of Cone @ 60 ft downrange: ~30 ft wide, covers 942 sq ft total

Increased Cone Range increases area of effect held at risk by more than double.
Increased Width of Cone At Range means more targets can be attacked simultaneously, increasing damage throughput of Fistful of Arrows.

Being able to hit even a single extra target beyond 45 ft range approximately equals the amount of additional damage gained from a Positron Proc, particularly when adding Leadership: Assault into the mix.
I'll throw my hat into the ring for increasing the range of your cones. I've become an unrepentant range junkie since I first experimented with increasing the range of Tenebrous Tentacles to match Night Fall.

Another thing to consider for Fistful is skipping any of the Acc/* or Acc/*/* enhancements in favor of the Posi's proc, if you're slotting IO sets or making use of other sources of +Acc or +ToHit. This...

Fistful of Arrows -- Posi-Dmg/EndRdx:49(A), Posi-Dmg/Rchg:49(25), Posi-Dmg/Rng:49(25), Posi-Dam%:49(34), Det'tn-Dmg/EndRdx/Rng:49(37), Range-I:50(43)

is how I've slotted Fistful on my TA/A. You lose the accuracy and part of the endurance reduction and recharge reduction, but if you are building with IO sets, you've likely got enough global bonuses to compensate. In exchange, you gain that proc and a few percent more damage, and the total range is nearly the same (60.7').

Regardless of how you do it, having additional range for Fistful (or practically any cone) is definitely a worthwhile investment. It means less time spent trying to maneuver into range, or find the right spot to attack from, and more time spent enjoying the game.