24 -
I have not found any references that properly explain the DB powers. I can tell that there are certain combinations that give bonuses. I don't know what they are and not sure where I can go to find out what they are. There is no Guide listed here for that powerset. I have a baby Stone/DB and am looking for advice. Especially on DB. I am only level 6 right now and so far like the way it is playing.
How much health will aid self give you back, I am referring to the power from the medicine pool. Anything you know about it would be welcome. Thanks.
I think the thing about this game that makes it so fun is the fact there are so many powerset combinations to choose from. When you consider how many AT's there are and how many powersets that could be used it boggles the mind. I have altitus and have to use more than one server for all my toons. I have noticed every time I think this is the perfect toon, in a little while I feel like trying something else. When I play a melee AT for a while I eventually then want to play a ranged toon. I no longer care about leveling to 50 just learning the powersets is fun and watching your baby grow. Make lots of AT's and try different combos, see what you like. Although people will try to tell you what to like, in reality YOU will like what you like and that's that. My preferences don't mean a thing to anyone but me. But since you asked my fav sets are Willpower, Regeneration, Flying, Claws and Archery. My fav color is red.
Thanks for explaining that to me Timeshadow. So now I wonder if the ACC enhancement I have slotted on it will actually effect anything.
I am confused by this post. I just got smoke grenade this morning and added an -tohit debuff enhancement. I then replaced it with an accuracy enhancement since it was missing a lot. What are you guys referring to/ I am a Night Widow using the smoke grenade power and those enhancements were availble. BTW as a nice aside on this power, you can run right up to the mob you wish to kill and not draw aggro when you are stealth'd whereas you normally cannot do this as a NW and so do a buildup from a small distance away. This power allows me to step right next to my victim and then do build up and then attack from stealth.
I believe this might qualify as the best guide on an archtype that I have ever read. You really have a gift for writing, Luminara and I am glad you have shared that gift and wisdom with us. This guide inspired me to make an Archery/Energy blaster and I am having a lot of fun with this toon. I haven't gotten to the higher levels yet but I can tell if it is fun now, it is going to be really fun when ROA kicks in. Thanks for all your effort. Splendid work, really!
I paid for this game and feel like I am getting good value for my money. I also feel the Dev's have done a great job offering a lot of variety in the game. They spend a lot of time and sweat making sure the AT's are balanced and the maps are interesting and populated with challenging foes. I enjoy playing the game. Why should I invest my time doing tedious work that takes a long time, for which I will not be paid, only to create something that the Dev's probably already have done or was very similar? I don't object to this being offered, I just don't get the draw. To me it seems an awful lot like work. Or...... I am completely off-base, and missing the point (not an unusual event) and the point of architect is............
I was just wondering if you crabheads can tell me if I should include aim in my build or not. I saw Lobsters guide and he recommended against it. BTW it would be great if someone else would add a Crab guide. Having more than one source always helps. Anyway, your thoughts on Aim are welcome. I will be making a crab shortly and need help.
My fly travel power has 3 SO fly enhancements and the icon reports I fly at 104 mph. I don't know where some of the lower fly speeds are coming from but I fly pretty fast.
Shadow Fane uses 2 slotted hurdle with combat jumping and is easily faster than a capped flyer. Most travel-powerless builds I've seen have similar workarounds.
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Please don't misread my comment here as I genuinely would like to know and I do not profess to be an expert here. I was under the impression the combat jumping and hurdle would only mildly increase your jumping height and distance. I have never taken hurdle and CJ together so I don't know. Help me understand. Thanks. -
I have noticed a lot of builds people have posted here that don't have a travel power. I have always been a fan of the travel powers offered and feel that they help you quite a bit and are fun. Obviously some people don't feel they need them. I understand the need to squeeze in many powers into a tight build. The jet packs are slow. Using ouroboros helps but is not going to get you door to door. How do you NOT feel like you are gimped without a travel power.
Great Guide. I now have a level 23 Brute that I made after reading this guide. The only thing I can add to it is my opinion regarding this powerset. It is awesome. I love the sounds of electrical arcing. I love the visuals. I love the damage it does. I love the fast recharges. I truly feel Super playing this toon. I have Willpower as my secondary and so far it is working out well. My health tends to stay pegged to full and I never run out of endurance. I can kill, kill, kill and never stop. Quick recovery helps out a lot with this. Anyway, I am so glad I chose this Electrical Melee set and it is by far, my favorite. I am surprised I don't see it more online.
Hey Lobster, thank you very much for this guide and all the work it entailed. I noticed on some of your builds you did not choose TTLeadership. Was that an oversight or is the added accuracy not really needed for this AT? Again, I tip my hat to you. Thanks. After reading this I too may make a Fortunata.
Is there an anticipated release date on I-12?
Is it close or far away?
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bump -
Is there an anticipated release date on I-12?
Is it close or far away? -
I am seeking a better one than I am offering for difficulty levels and remembering what they are. First I will list them.
To help remember. Help take raunchy underwear iniside. HTRUI
Can you do better? -
So just to be clear on this. If my fire tanker is hitting a group of mobs with Blazing Aura and has aggro on this group, then a Blaster hits one mob for a bunch of damage, my existing taunt from my aura will maintain the aggro and the Blaster will not pull that mob off me due to his higher damage? It seems to me that this does happen but when I use the power taunt, it does not.
Very entertaining and informative post, thanks. You are a funny guy. I will paste my favorite part:
"Let me put it this way: Bone Smasher is like a romantic dream dateone that'll give it to you any way you want it on the first date, in the restaurant if need be. You won't know what life was like without it. It's not a first-timer, either: it starts off good, and through time, only gets better. You're with it so long, though, that you might start to take it for granted as you move on up, and look for something more.
Now, on to Power Burst. It's the kind of power that you can't take your eyes off of, and what's more, it's got a rep. It's like a hot supermodel that somehow agrees to go out with you. You saw it when you were a wimpy, noodle-armed loser, and you vowed you'd work out and get as much cosmetic surgery as you needed so you could get its attention and finally hook up with it. Much time later, when you're a lean, mean, dominating machine, you ask it out and it says yes!
But it knows it's good, and it's tired of all the losers who've used it in the past, and it doesn't CARE that you've already worked your tail off to be worthy, so it refuses to put out until it agrees to marry you.
It's also spoiled and picky, and very very rich, so you have to shower it with gifts to get the end result.
The whole time you're with it before level 40, you're thinkin: GOD! Just MARRY ME so we can get it overwith already! and once you finally tie the knot, it turns out it's only a smidgen better your level two poweryou can barely tell the difference. Many quit because of this, let down because that all that work was for what reward? Bragging rights? Well, you brag at first, and then you see that poindexter Psi Assault you used to pick on back in high school again and realize he ain't a poindexter anymore. He's married to a power that's hotter than yours and is ten times better in bed.
Suddenly, you feel jipped. Horribly, horribly jipped.
While Bone Smasher is immediate pleasure and did what you wanted when you WERE a noodle armed loser, Power Burst needs a lot of attention, even though you could have any power you like. By the time you fully slot Power Burst, you no longer take Bone Smasher for granted, and remember the early levels when you could two shot things with it and Power Bolt. You start to miss that magic, and you take a liking to it once again.
An odd way of putting things, I know, but that's the kind of feeling these powers give you." -
Thanks for the guide Shadow. I have an EM/SR Stalker and your guide is a great resource. A couple of questions. Do you feel that Stamina is essential for this build? Why do you need stealth? My Stalker is only L29 and I recently returned to the game. I don't PVP much. I assume that stealth is used for PVP reasons not PVE?
Any updates to this guide?
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Yeah, ditto???? what is new? -
Can anyone identify the 3 fire shield file names for the Fire tank? Fire Shield, Plasma Shield and Blazing Aura?
Just used this guide to make the GF happy again, as my ice tanker was driving her nuts! Thanks!
Here's a one second silence ogg for everyone to use. Copy and rename where needed.
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Has anyone used this file? Did it work ok?