The City Scoop! ~Discussion~ September 28, 2007




Edition 19 of "The City Scoop!" a publication for Supers by Supers!

Squeaking off the presses with the l33t skillz of Dirtwolf we have the latest edition of The City Scoop! It seems that an unforeseeable accident in the press room left Mantid caught in a bind of super glue and rubber bands. So you may see some errors and format changes to this week’s edition of the Scoop but they wanted to roll it out and we will head back in when able to clean up some portions as they are able to do so.

Leading off this week we have guest writer Xury2 from the PWNZ section who as on assignment at the Austin NCsoft Meet & Greet event. He did a great job at doing a wide scale coverage of the event and included some really great shots. Also in this edition we have the winners of the Mr/Ms Paragon/Rogue Isles Contest from Infinity, Freedom, and Pinnacle, events will be held tomorrow for Champion, Justice, and Liberty. So far word from the Player Event Resource Committee is that everyone is having a blast!

If you would like to do a feature article, have an event covered, or join "The City Scoop" team please PM Lemur_Lad or Marcian_Tobay

If you or someone you know should be considered for ‘Behind the Mask’ Teldon or ‘Encounters’ please contact MrsAlphaOne

If you need some “Advice” contact Lady_Athyna or would like to “Ask The X” contact LiquidX

For a printable version of "The City Scoop" please send an email to the following!

If you have an event you would like covered by “The City Scoop” please post your events under the event forum located here: Event Forum

Discussion on the latest edition of "The City Scoop" is located here.



That was the best edition of the City Scoop i've ever read. Xury definately gets a SUPER HIGHSCORE!!! for such an amazing article on the NCSoft Meet & Greet.

This scoop also had some really awesome artwork in it. Mad props to all who worked on it.



Thank you for not lynch mob



Xury's piece was pure /win. Towards the end of reading it i was wondering where the meatspin or rickroll was... and then i found it.



I laughed, I cried, and I peed a little.

Well played City Scoopers. Well played.




Dammit! The bodies escaped! Go get 'em!

Turg -




I'm presuming it SHOULD read "The door comes to those who have travelled".

Athy, it's the series of longs and shorts at the top of the first page. Here's the quote of the original:

-.... . / -.. --- --- .-. / -.-. --- -- . ... / - --- / - - .... . / -.. --- --- .-. / -.-. --- -- . ... / - --- / - .... --- ... . / .-- .... --- / .... .- ...- . / - .-. .- ...- . .-.. . -..



I'm presuming it SHOULD read "The door comes to those who have travelled".

Athy, it's the series of longs and shorts at the top of the first page. Here's the quote of the original:

-.... . / -.. --- --- .-. / -.-. --- -- . ... / - --- / - - .... . / -.. --- --- .-. / -.-. --- -- . ... / - --- / - .... --- ... . / .-- .... --- / .... .- ...- . / - .-. .- ...- . .-.. . -..

[/ QUOTE ]

Is there a class or something to read that?



I wonder what the red overtones are supposed to mean?



That shouldn't be in there...



OH GOD I FAILED AS A CODER!!! I don't know how that got there. Its not in my html code.

Thank you for not lynch mob!



OH GOD I FAILED AS A CODER!!! I don't know how that got there. Its not in my html code.

Thank you for not lynch mob!

[/ QUOTE ]

oh shi...

Coffee...tea??? coffee? popcorn?


*ducks and covers*

Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



That shouldn't be in there...

[/ QUOTE ]

But what is it?

Look, I've said before in our little private place. I'm so -not- tech savy. The fact that I can turn on the pc and get to the internet is, as far as the hubby is concerned, a miracle.

What the hell is that?!?! No! I don't know!



I'm presuming it SHOULD read "The door comes to those who have travelled".

Athy, it's the series of longs and shorts at the top of the first page. Here's the quote of the original:

-.... . / -.. --- --- .-. / -.-. --- -- . ... / - --- / - - .... . / -.. --- --- .-. / -.-. --- -- . ... / - --- / - .... --- ... . / .-- .... --- / .... .- ...- . / - .-. .- ...- . .-.. . -..

[/ QUOTE ]

Is there a class or something to read that?

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably. But that requires effort. I find The Google is much easier at providing stuff like this to solve my everyday morse code problems.



I'm presuming it SHOULD read "The door comes to those who have travelled".

Athy, it's the series of longs and shorts at the top of the first page. Here's the quote of the original:

-.... . / -.. --- --- .-. / -.-. --- -- . ... / - --- / - - .... . / -.. --- --- .-. / -.-. --- -- . ... / - --- / - .... --- ... . / .-- .... --- / .... .- ...- . / - .-. .- ...- . .-.. . -..

[/ QUOTE ]

Is there a class or something to read that?

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably. But that requires effort. I find The Google is much easier at providing stuff like this to solve my everyday morse code problems.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh thank you Turg!




I'm presuming it SHOULD read "The door comes to those who have travelled".

Athy, it's the series of longs and shorts at the top of the first page. Here's the quote of the original:

-.... . / -.. --- --- .-. / -.-. --- -- . ... / - --- / - - .... . / -.. --- --- .-. / -.-. --- -- . ... / - --- / - .... --- ... . / .-- .... --- / .... .- ...- . / - .-. .- ...- . .-.. . -..

[/ QUOTE ]

Is there a class or something to read that?

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably. But that requires effort. I find The Google is much easier at providing stuff like this to solve my everyday morse code problems.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh thank you Turg!


[/ QUOTE ]


So, Editors: Pony up. You drop in a Morse Code message at the top; change some of the symbols to red for some reason; and either intentionally botch the paste, or need to learn some CTRL-V skillz cuz the original version is kinda odd. What gives?

Yeah, yeah, "how did that get there", okay, Arctic Sun lives, oooooh, ghosts in the GUI telling me to kill my neighbor, now I got bad fortune cookie messages in the newspaper. What's next, Turg's next contact is a Teddy Ruxpin telling me "to achieve Nirvana, you must kill everyone in Uruguay"?

...hey, Uruguay's in South America, and so is that 5th Column base that Recluse raided... coincidence? I think NOT!

(rubs temples) Need. Sleep. G'nite.



Wait, what?



The earth shook, and the heavens cried out. A chill swept across the room, and the lights exploded. Suddenly a circle, etched in infernal runes appeared next to me. In the center of the circle, a demonic began to rise from it, carrying with it the souls of the damned, screaming their terrible song.

[/ QUOTE ]

I said excuse me. Dinner plus Guinness does funny things sometimes.

Be well, people of CoH.



Hey Bill, I almost made you a large front page picture with horns and stuff. I thought it'd be funny, but I didn't want you to think it was mean



There used to be a bit more zombies :P

Glad I could help you guys.

Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.



The earth shook, and the heavens cried out. A chill swept across the room, and the lights exploded. Suddenly a circle, etched in infernal runes appeared next to me. In the center of the circle, a demonic began to rise from it, carrying with it the souls of the damned, screaming their terrible song.

[/ QUOTE ]

I said excuse me. Dinner plus Guinness does funny things sometimes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, I knew you'd get a kick out of that. Your pic turned out so well though, I had to write something good for it.

Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.



I woulda laughed my butt off.

Be well, people of CoH.



I dug it a lot, Xury. Sometimes red-eye is a GOOD thing.

Be well, people of CoH.