Soulie's costume secrets and advice.




You, sir, have a GIFT for understatement



Some nice looking costumes there Soulie.



wow awesome help here.. i need to get me some vamguard..merits !!

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



boob slider ahoy, matey!

[/ QUOTE ]

I know, right? Believe it or not, that's not even as high as it goes...



Good work on the lasses!
Gave me a couple of ideas for my Kheliden - I've been thinking about deleting




Just wanted to mention what a great deal of help this guide has been to me.

Well Done.



Favorited this bad boy for future perusing. I have a brand new Bots/Pain Mastermind who's going to be in need of a makeover as her story progresses, and the advice here is just too good not to apply



Great thread and stylish costume ideas!

I'm haven't the taken the time to upload screens of my costumes, but I will tell you about one of my favorite head setups for suit wearing hi tech types.

Helmets option
Hi tech Helmet
Enforcer Visor
Robotic Face
Iron Jaw

Play with the scaling to get the right cut to the helmet. It's slightly asymmetric because of the communicator on the helmet.

It's a neat looking combo for armored suit type villains/heroes.



Lots of good ideas here, thank you!

I was wondering if anyone knew the specific locations for the various event costume pieces (Winter and Valentine's Day in particular), since my Search-Fu is weak and my daughter cannopt seem to find the "hearts" costume from DJ Zero's missions.




She has to do the "Kill Snaptooth Mish's" and one of the reward options available is the heart design.

Once picked its just a detail you can pick.



She did all the Snaptooth missions, I just couldn't find it in the costume options, but Post_Apocalypse showed me it is in 'Tights' and "Tops with Skin' so THANKS!



Oh and if you guys want something to drool over, check out Sexy Jay's photobucket page.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now Thats what im talkin about here! If these were implemented in game,CoH/V hands down would be the all time best as far as char creation goes imho. If power Prolif goes with it...Im talkin awesome sauce to the highest!!



Haha, yeah, those would be some sweet options. I drooled over the tunics and the auras. Hells yeah.



Haha, yeah, those would be some sweet options. I drooled over the tunics and the auras. Hells yeah.

[/ QUOTE ]

I showed my wife she's still in awe of the sets.Me...I had to prop a stick under my chin, . Every last one of those sets would be on every character i made,LOL!!
The tunics and tech armor are SWEEEEET!!!

Oh and i forgot...the Glowlines are what ive been wishing for also.



Haha, yeah, those would be some sweet options. I drooled over the tunics and the auras. Hells yeah.

[/ QUOTE ]

I showed my wife she's still in awe of the sets.Me...I had to prop a stick under my chin, . Every last one of those sets would be on every character i made,LOL!!
The tunics and tech armor are SWEEEEET!!!

Oh and i forgot...the Glowlines are what ive been wishing for also.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah. I -think- that was some concept stuff from Sexy Jay. So maybe there's a chance that we'll see it imp'd some day. :crosses fingers:

I especially love the cloathing glowies, that could fit so many concepts it ain't even cool.



Haha, yeah, those would be some sweet options. I drooled over the tunics and the auras. Hells yeah.

[/ QUOTE ]

I showed my wife she's still in awe of the sets.Me...I had to prop a stick under my chin, . Every last one of those sets would be on every character i made,LOL!!
The tunics and tech armor are SWEEEEET!!!

Oh and i forgot...the Glowlines are what ive been wishing for also.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah. I -think- that was some concept stuff from Sexy Jay. So maybe there's a chance that we'll see it imp'd some day. :crosses fingers:

I especially love the cloathing glowies, that could fit so many concepts it ain't even cool.

[/ QUOTE ]

If I remember correctly, those mock-ups were done several years ago by a player and posted as ideas they'd like to see. I could be thinking of something else, though...

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Wow Soulie, fantastic costumes!



Originally Posted by Protheon View Post
Haha, yeah, those would be some sweet options. I drooled over the tunics and the auras. Hells yeah.

[/ QUOTE ]

I showed my wife she's still in awe of the sets.Me...I had to prop a stick under my chin, . Every last one of those sets would be on every character i made,LOL!!
The tunics and tech armor are SWEEEEET!!!

Oh and i forgot...the Glowlines are what ive been wishing for also.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah. I -think- that was some concept stuff from Sexy Jay. So maybe there's a chance that we'll see it imp'd some day. :crosses fingers:

I especially love the cloathing glowies, that could fit so many concepts it ain't even cool.
The mockups were done by Zynergy. Tuft did some mockups too as did I in the old costume thread. Tuft's stuff is pretty good too and Zynergy's stuff rocks of course.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



I just stumbled onto this post... WOW, is all I have to say!

I usually find many flaws and am otherwise turned off by a lot of people's idea of what makes a good costume, but you REALLY seem to get it. Your costumes look exactly how I always try to get mine. I am not sure that I ever really succeed, but I sure as heck try.

*Subscribes* I will definately be looking back here for ideas.