Dursagon/Flareback Leaving CoX




Hello all. Due to real life situations I am having to stop subscribing to CoX. For those of you who are wondering why, it is because I lost my job today and without an income I can not afford to pay for a service that is simply entertainment.

To those who have current requests in, I am still in the process of completing them so don't think I'll drop them because no matter what, I take care of those who have been so nice to me and thought that I was good enough to make them a piece of art depicting their character.

As long as it doesn't interfere with my job hunting, I will continue to do artwork because it is something I like to do. When I do get a job, I might come back, just depends on what my salary will be.

I will continue to exist on DA so those of you with DA accounts, you'll see me there off and on.

I sincerely appreciate all the kind people who have interacted with me for the last year. It really means alot when strangers can come together and be nice to one another just because it's the right thing to do.

May fortune smile on each and everyone of you. (I say that because I mean it and it's was the only way I could think of that would not offend anyone and trip the censorship buzzer.)



Aww man, that really sucks Dursagon. Hope you find new employment soon. Take care and come back when you can!

=. .=



NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You come back as soon as you get employed you hear me??

and Gamma's gonna miss Flare :*



We all need breaks whether they be voluntary or forced. Good luck on the job hunt and hopefully it will be one you will enjoy.



TY Tundara. I WILL keep the option of coming back open when I find new employment. I also want to say that I really appreciate the timecard offers, but I can take a little time away from CoX. I am touched that the offers were made. this is not the end, just a little vacation in a way. I'll be back as soon as I can. Kay? love you all!



Thats a tough break man. Take it from someone who has been there (Lost my job of 15 years in 2004) sometimes these things happen for the best. I know it will be hard to believe now as it was for me then but I relocated to a place I always wanted to live and got a better job. I am sure you will land on your feet.

Good luck in your job search, you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.



<;.;> I know how that can be man, take care, and come back ASAP!

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Sorry to hear about your employment problems. I know how much it is teh sux0rz during the job hunting process and I sincerely hope you find a satisfactory job offer asap!



Take care, godspeed, hope to see you back sooner than later.



Take care.



Oh man! That really sucks! And right after I found ya ingame too!

Best of luck, hope things go well and we see you back soon And take care of the wrist!



Good luck with the job hunt, and be back soon.

Main Hero: Flame Blade (Scrapper lvl 50; Katana/Regeneration)
Main Villain: Elenor Seahawk (Mastermind lvl 44; Necromancy/Poison)
My Arcs: #337278: Learning Curve
Fight my Brute: SMASH



We'll see ya back here soon!



Again, thank you all! I really appreciate the well wishes. I WILL be back as soon as I land that new gig, I promise.

Thank you, everyone, so much.



Durs... PM me and we'll see if I can help at all

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



I have always been fortunate enough to leave a job on my own terms (already having another lined up), but I feel for you. Good luck on finding a new one, hopefully it will be even better than the old one.



Good Luck on the job hunt. Hope you find something quick.



Aww I truly wish you the best. Please don't forget to express the things that inspire you through such amazing creativity you have displayed before and as now. When or if it works out, hope you return to the CoH community.




Hello everyone. I'm on a game card so I've taken the time to let everyone know that the crazy old coot is back even if it is for a few weeks.

The first thing I want to do while I'm here is to say I'm sorry I have been away so long. I'm also very sorry I have not done any renders that are CoX related.

I have had some data loss in the recent past and I'm recovering from them. I've got most of the stuff back but i'll have to redo the costume textures that I did in the past. I was also able to sneak in the purchases of some new items. (shhh...)

In the time I've been gone I have created my own company so I no longer have to work for someone else. Well, that's not true, I do work for my wife. The slave driver. (again shhh...)

If I don't get distracted by other things I'm going to try some more renders. I'm not going to make promises but I do want to back to 3D because in the time away I have learned some new stuff to use. I've also been inspired to try a style I thought of. When I got something I'll post it.

I won't be here for long though. I still have this game card and another, but I'm finding that I'm getting burned out after getting a hero to 50 and a villain to 43 and a slew of others on both sides to about lvl 15-20 During the 2 months I still have left, I'll play off and on but not as much as before. I'll try and use the time for 1 last hurrah to get some CoX art done before I fade into obscurity.

I know I'm not as high profile as others, but I have had some fun talking to people here. We all gotta be a bit nuts to be here, right?

Lastly, I want to acknowledge those who have put up with my craziness the most. Thank you for not whacking me in the head too hard when I've done something dumb. You people bringing me to my senses is greatly appreciated.

Now to shut up this long winded post and play the game! See everyone later.



Yay! Welcome back

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!