Guide to Base Teleporters - What you need to know




So, you got yourself a new base and want to start building some teleporters. I can't say I blame you. They are, in my opinion, the main reason to have a base in the first place.

NOTE: You can use the teleporters located in bases of coalition partners. This will help you if you need time to save up prestige without losing the advantages of having teleporters available.

The first question a new base architect typically has is, "How do I go about getting these teleporters?". Before you even get to that point, you need to take care of a few things first.

1.) You need prestige. If you are a solo player with an entrance room and 20,000 prestige, you need to do some work. A "starter" base can be built from the prestige bonus you get from the first 15 members of your SG. The will basically get you a base with 1-2 teleporters and 1-4 beacons. These have been described elsewhere, and I will not bother hashing it out here.

2.) Assuming you have the funds needed, you need power and control. If you are just starting, this will mean the "Combo unit" that costs 25,000 prestige and resides in the Oversight Center that costs 50,000 prestige. If your SG has more to play with (like in the 750,000-1,000,000 prestige range), then this means basic generator and mainframe (or the arcane equivalents). Either way, without power and control, your teleporters will be beaming you nowhere.

3.) So, how to build these things? Before you do anything, you need salvage to create either Tech or Arcane telepads. These can be built on the Basic Worktable or Basic Forge, respectively. Once you have the salvage, you have the parts needed to build your teleporters.

4.) Next, you need a teleporter room. There are a several sizes of these, from those that hold one teleporter like the Teleport Bay (1x2 room at 50,000 prestige) to the eight teleporter Secure Portal room (5x5 room at 1,350,000 prestige). Once you have placed the room, you will need to craft teleporters.

5.) Once the teleporters are crafted, they go into your "Personal Item" menu. This is important. If you go into the base editor like you are placing almost everything else in your base, you WILL NOT see these teleporters you created in your menu. The only teleporters you will see are the Raid Telepads that cost 75,000 prestige. These will take you only to the base of another supergroup in a raid. They are also quite large. The arcane version (looks like a giant version of the regular arcane teleporter) will fit in a 2x2 teleporter room, but the tech version needs the 3x3 teleporter room.

In order to place the teleporters you crafted, you will need to go into the "Place personal item" menu that has a button located below the "Edit base" button when you stand in the entrance room to your base. Hit that button, and all your crafted items will show up in your edit menu. Go to your teleporter room, select your teleporter, and place it. The editor here is screwy, since it allows you to place the items but not move them. No worries, since you can move them in the regular base editing menu. Teleporters cost 15,000 prestige to place. They also use up power and control, so keep an eye on your control and power bars at the top of your base edit interface.

6.) Ok, so you placed your teleporter. Scotty would be proud. Now, how do you get them to work? In most rooms (except the Teleport Bay that allows only one beacon), the teleporters will allow 2 location beacons to be attached to them. That's all fine and good, but how do you get these beacons? They are not CRAFTED. They are EARNED, and then purchased from your teleporter roon menu in the base edit menu.

So how do you earn them? It's simple - you must visit all the exploration badge locations in a zone WHILE IN SUPERGROUP MODE to earn a teleporter beacon for that zone. It does not matter if you have the badges already, and revisiting them when you have them will produce no visual clues for you. Go to the locations, and once you have hit them all while in SG mode, you will see the "Badge Earned" pop up on your screen. These badges can be viewed in your SG Exploration Badges menu. Once a badge is earned, you will see that beacon available for purchase in your base edit menu as described above.

7.) In order to connect the beacon to a teleporter, all you have to do is place the beacon on a wall close to the teleporter. In the old picture of the tech teleporters in my base, you can see the beacons placed above the teleporters. This is personal preference. Some place them on the walls next to the teleporters, and others like to elevate the teleporters on raised floor sections and place the beacons on the walls in front of the teleporters. Any of these will work. You can also get tricky with base building techniques and make them appear to stick to the front of the teleporters. It's up to you. When you click on a beacon (after placement) in the editor, the teleporter it is connected to will be surrounded by a yellow box. Of course, once leaving the editor, you can always click on the teleporter itself to determine if the beacon is attached. For the tech teleporters, the place to click is the computer in the back of the pad, and for the arcane teleporter it is the floating stone in the middle of the pad.

8.) There are two types of beacon. It is important to note the difference, since they are not interchangable. Tech beacons go with tech teleporters, and arcane beacons go with arcane teleporters. Trying to mix and match is a common mistake and leads to new architect frustration. Personally, I hate the arcane beacons since they are difficult to glance at easily to determine their destination, however you can always click on one to get their name. Beacons cost 10,000 prestige to place, and use 5 control. It appears that if you place your beacons last but still go over the control provided by your base, the teleporters will still work. However, if you have an invention salvage vault in this instance, you will not be able to access it. Strange kind of bug.

That's about it. Once you've gone through this once, it's a cakewalk afterwards. Placing teleporters in the rooms can be tricky depending on where your doors are. Others in Base Construction forum have described this, so I will not go into detail here. Basically, the fewer the number of doors you have in your teleporter room, the easier time you will have placing teleporters. Experiment, make mistakes, and learn. It's the best advice I can give.

Good luck!

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



Nice little guide, CaptA. Good job.



Edit: I got it. Great TT!=)

Scyntech - VanGuard Unlimited



great guide, however the point I dont thik was made clear was the fact that TECH TPs require TECH CONTROL and TECH POWER. This fact seems to not be understood by some new base builders



great guide, however the point I dont thik was made clear was the fact that TECH TPs require TECH CONTROL and TECH POWER. This fact seems to not be understood by some new base builders

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That fact isn't a fact. My base has tech teleporters and arcane control and everything works just fine. You can mix and match however you want. The only limit is that auxiliaries have to match the item they are connecting to.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Yay! This guide is saving me from having to look stupid in the Player's Questions section. Man, setting up a teleporter is more difficult than I thought. Is any of this documented in-game for peope that don't go to these forums?

I'm Tealeaf, and I approve of this message.

See [URL=""]Useful Tagging for the good of the Forum[/URL], my guide to tags.



Has there been any progress or word regarding "advanced" teleporters; meaning ones which will take 3+ beacons?
* You'd think that "basic teleporter" implies there is a way to get better ones
* Hero-side, you're maxing the biggest room at 16 beacons, which isn't enough. Yeah, you can build a bigger base, or start a coalition, but that's just such a sloppy solution.

/My search fu may be horrible, but I can't find anything where this is being taken seriously.


50s: Doc Sharpe (C:I/K), Malan Bloyth (S:BS/Sh), December Blue (T:I/I), Michael X (Mm:R/T), Ultraboy (C:R/K), Zzyxx (Night Widow), plus 4 retired/rerolled

[b]Heard on Teamspeak:[/b]
"First of all, take off your mother's fishnets"



great guide, however the point I dont thik was made clear was the fact that TECH TPs require TECH CONTROL and TECH POWER. This fact seems to not be understood by some new base builders

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That fact isn't a fact. My base has tech teleporters and arcane control and everything works just fine. You can mix and match however you want. The only limit is that auxiliaries have to match the item they are connecting to.

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He's referring to Tech Power and Tech Materials for building the teleporter I think



What would be nice would be an easy way to switch out beacons without having to go into Base Edit mode.

What's the use of being able to have unlimited Beacons when you have to use Edit mode to attach and remove them any time you want to teleport to some place different?



What would be nice would be an easy way to switch out beacons without having to go into Base Edit mode.

What's the use of being able to have unlimited Beacons when you have to use Edit mode to attach and remove them any time you want to teleport to some place different?

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because most bases have more than one teleporter room. heroside you need about 8 t-pads to have full coverage, villainside you need 6 (I think)

a large portion of a base's layout is usually devoted to 'transportation'



because most bases have more than one teleporter room. heroside you need about 8 t-pads to have full coverage, villainside you need 6 (I think)

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Actually, you need 12 pads. Counting the zones you can port to...
- 12 city zones
- 8 hazard zones
- 4 trial zones

Yeah, there's some zones you can skip. Not the ideal solution, and it's unclear why the devs are clinging to the 2 beacons per pad. Tell me why that makes sense...or why they think it makes sense. Tell me why it makes sense for a base to need 2 4x4 rooms to hold all the pads. If there's a good reason, I'm all ears.

Figure out some interesting SG badge (maybe 250/500 Exploration badges amongst the SG) to allow the unlocking of an Advanced Telepad.


50s: Doc Sharpe (C:I/K), Malan Bloyth (S:BS/Sh), December Blue (T:I/I), Michael X (Mm:R/T), Ultraboy (C:R/K), Zzyxx (Night Widow), plus 4 retired/rerolled

[b]Heard on Teamspeak:[/b]
"First of all, take off your mother's fishnets"



Thanks for the guide. I made my first telepad. Yay!



Villainside you only have 7 zones to teleport to, so, you need 4 Telepads.

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8 zones, 4 telepads

St M

Good guide, OP.

Now, maybe write a guide on how to change your room configuration without upgrading your plot and without deleting any porters.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Actually, you need 11 portals for all zones on the hero side. 21 zones with portal beacons.
Perez Park
Kings Row
Steel Canyon
Independence Port
Terra Volta
Striga Isle
Dark Astoria
Crey's Folly
Founders Falls
Rikti War Zone
Perigrine Island

No teleport beacons for The Hive,Bloody Bay,Siren's Call,Warburg

I believe our children are our future and I reflect on the lessons and values we taught them.
I believe the world has many real Villains,what we need are more Heroes.
*May you all be a hero in someone's life.*



[Yeah, there's some zones you can skip. Not the ideal solution, and it's unclear why the devs are clinging to the 2 beacons per pad. Tell me why that makes sense...or why they think it makes sense. Tell me why it makes sense for a base to need 2 4x4 rooms to hold all the pads. If there's a good reason, I'm all ears.]

Or you need 1 5x5 teleport room that hold 8 teleporters and an additional 2x2 for 2 more portals(leaves one zone out) or a 3x4 portal room which will hold the extra 3 portals needed for all 21 zones. I may be wrong,but IIRC there is not a 4x4 portal room. Think the sizes run
1x2(allows 1 portal/1 zone)
2x2(allows 2 portals/4 zones)
3x3(allows 2 portals/4 zones)
3x4(allows 4 portals/8 zones)
5x5(allows 8 portals/16 zones)

edited to add a 4x4 portal room(allows 4 portals/8 zones)
my bad,there is a 4x4 portal room

I believe our children are our future and I reflect on the lessons and values we taught them.
I believe the world has many real Villains,what we need are more Heroes.
*May you all be a hero in someone's life.*



Or you need 1 5x5 teleport room that hold 8 teleporters and an additional 2x2 for 2 more portals(leaves one zone out) or a 3x4 portal room which will hold the extra 3 portals needed for all 21 zones. I may be wrong,but IIRC there is not a 4x4 portal room. Think the sizes run
1x2(allows 1 portal/1 zone)
2x2(allows 2 portals/4 zones)
3x3(allows 2 portals/4 zones)
3x4(allows 4 portals/8 zones)
5x5(allows 8 portals/16 zones)

[/ QUOTE ]

My point is that it's sloppy. Don't tell me how it can be done, I understand that you need multiple rooms to do it. Tell me *why* it's necessary to have multiple rooms. *Why* does there need to be a cap of two beacons per pad? It's not a game code limitation...the pads use the same menu as the ferries, trams, and base portals (the ones to enter a base). (Or at least not an obvious game code limitation, I acknowledge that I am not a coder)

Yes, I do realize that your post was trying to help, and I'm not attacking you...just trying to make sure that the fact that there is a workaround doesn't obscure the fact that there is a problem


50s: Doc Sharpe (C:I/K), Malan Bloyth (S:BS/Sh), December Blue (T:I/I), Michael X (Mm:R/T), Ultraboy (C:R/K), Zzyxx (Night Widow), plus 4 retired/rerolled

[b]Heard on Teamspeak:[/b]
"First of all, take off your mother's fishnets"



Um, to make it take longer and more effort to get all the portals?


Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



It would be great if we could connect 3 or 4 beacons to 1 teleport pad - the only problem I see, is we would only have the option of 3 beacons and we would have to place them on the ceiling wall - if the TP's are side by side otherwise the beacons would overlap and would cause confusion as to which beacon is associated with which Telepad.

Persoanlly I like to place my Telepads side-by-side and have the beacons left and right of a single stairwell leading up to the telepad. If I had the option of placing 3 or 4 where could I place them?I could not place them below or above the other ones cause they would not fit, I would have to eliminate the stairwell - and it would not look nice (bu it would work) - the same age old problem form vs function.

Any ideas out there?



Does anyone know where I can find the info to get base teleporation beacon locations?



Does anyone know where I can find the info to get base teleporation beacon locations?

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To get a beacon for any particular zone, you just have to touch all of the "exploration" badges in that zone WHILE IN SUPERGROUP MODE. It doesn't matter if you've already got the badges or not.

As to the badge locations in each zone, check the various websites for maps/locations.

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



Does anyone know where I can find the info to get base teleporation beacon locations?

[/ QUOTE ]

To get a beacon for any particular zone, you just have to touch all of the "exploration" badges in that zone WHILE IN SUPERGROUP MODE. It doesn't matter if you've already got the badges or not.

As to the badge locations in each zone, check the various websites for maps/locations.

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check AND

Those are great for locations, and pictures of said locations.

And just to reiterate, even if you have previously obtained a badge...

You MUST get it again while in SG mode. You should get something in a chat window saying your sg obtained a beacon for such and such a place after getting all for that particular zone.

Good Luck



Great guide! Thanks!




Pocket D now has a base portal and a base beacon.

This means that heroside there are 22 beacons and villainside there are 9 (7 villain zones plus RWZ and Pocket D); which means you need 11 and 5 telepads respectively to have all the zones up and ready for transport (providing you're not switching beacons on the fly with just one telepad in your base).

[u]Also new:[u] With the ability to base raid turned off for now, the strict pathing rules have been loosened. You can now even overlap items. Also, it's easier to 'float' items up off the floor, or out from a wall, or down from the ceiling. You still have to find items that stack off the floor, wall, and ceiling, but they are more readily available. (See other guides on bases for how to do this.)

Overlapping telepads with each other can create interesting effects, though it makes placing beacons and associating them with a specific telepad difficult. Overlapping telepads doesn't take away the limits imposed on certain sized rooms. If a teleport room only takes two telepads, you can still only place two, even though, with overlapping, you can theoretically place a hundred telepads in there.

You can also overlap other items with telepads to give the telepads a new look.

The following is an example of overlapping the legs of one tech telepad with another to get a row of seven of them (in the room that can take eight). The beacons were floated off the walls until they showed up in front of the telepad. I put two other rooms that can hold two telepads each right next to the big room so that all eleven telepads were sort of in a row:

Click here for video of the telepad set-up.

This configuration was also my solution to the problem: If PuG teammates use my base to use my telepads to zoom about town, how can I set it up so that they'll easily find the right one? (And for me to find easily, too!)

I used the wall lamps to float the beacons (all tech, easier to tell which zone by sight) and I liked the back glow they provided, so I kept the lamps there. Which then inspired me to turn down all the lights, darken the walls, floors, and ceilings, and to light up the consoles. Anyone who zones into my base just can't miss where the telepads are and which one to use.

I'll worry about decorating all that empty space later.

Here's my pairings and order:

AP - Hollows
Galaxy - Perez
KR - Pocket D
Sky - Fault
Steel - Boom
Talos - DA
Striga - Croatoa
Eden - FF
Brick - Crey's

If there's a hazard/trial zone that branches off a city zone, well, that's a no-brainer for pairings. After that, the rest of the pairings fell into place. I kept Crey's and RWZ next to each other because of their one-time connection. The zones progress by their level from lowest to highest. Putting together a zoning map made it quite evident what the order should be... to me.

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Very nice zone to zone layout you offer thank you.