Character Name Policy -- Thirty Day Notice!




But those accounts *would never be affected either way* so the point there, Bill, is moot.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



[color=yellow]Well there was one group of in active account owners whom may well be planning to return . . .when their Tour of DUTY ends. Lets not forget those wonderful military personel whom are being sent where ever the government(s) wants them with tours of duty that can last btwn 6 to 18 MONTHS (Depending one which country they're serving since us Canucks have a max of 12 months away per duty if I recall correct). They at least are one group of ppl that should be taken into account, for toons at least lvl 12+.

I'd agree that really low lvl toons if they're part of a 90+ inactive account, should be freed up, as they have done. But if you're talking about higher lvl toons on inactive account, I think that an absence of at least 2 years should be in consideration b4 allowing those names to be freed. I do think lvl 50 toons names should NOT be touched unless an account is inactive for Over 3 years to be honest.

Confusion is Lord & Chaos is my Best Friend!! Shall I introduce you??
MArc# 5232 Bastet's Unleashing *a Solo-able arc*
Gae'Atha- lvl 50 Emp/Ele/Psi Def
Sekmet's Fel Blood- lvl 50 Rad/Ther/GW Corr



I haven't ever forgotten our military players. That's why i advocate using an NC "I'm leaving" poll. Those who care about their accounts can state clearly: I am in the military, I'll be back."

If someone powerleveled 6 level 50s in a few months, and then *never came back to the account* or, *sold it* and then the buyer stopped playing... I can't see why a 50 is exempt when the account hasn't been paid for or used in that long. Most games don't even last that long.

And again: they make 15 day time cards, which are very reasonably priced. Stick one of those on the account every 75 days, and this issue is completly gone for those folks.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



[color=yellow]Well there was one group of in active account owners whom may well be planning to return . . .when their Tour of DUTY ends. Lets not forget those wonderful military personel whom are being sent where ever the government(s) wants them with tours of duty that can last btwn 6 to 18 MONTHS (Depending one which country they're serving since us Canucks have a max of 12 months away per duty if I recall correct). They at least are one group of ppl that should be taken into account, for toons at least lvl 12+.

I'd agree that really low lvl toons if they're part of a 90+ inactive account, should be freed up, as they have done. But if you're talking about higher lvl toons on inactive account, I think that an absence of at least 2 years should be in consideration b4 allowing those names to be freed. I do think lvl 50 toons names should NOT be touched unless an account is inactive for Over 3 years to be honest.

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Once again, a scaling name release system would address this. Level 12 and under would be the only ones affected by a period under two years under my plan.



I just wanted to add, since I didn't directly reply the first time you posted it: it's a *great* idea.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I would say just have a special contact made available to military personnel and via email, allow them to simply be exempted form the name policy. I don't see why we need to creating sliding rules for names being freed up; let the GI's keep their names, and everyone else has to abide by the rules...



I would say just have a special contact made available to military personnel and via email, allow them to simply be exempted form the name policy. I don't see why we need to creating sliding rules for names being freed up; let the GI's keep their names, and everyone else has to abide by the rules...

[/ QUOTE ]

And how exactly are you supposed to prove that you are a GI? What's to stop non-GI's from using the contact? I really don't see a reason to make this exception. High level characters are still protected. Worst case scenario, the guy or gal has to rename his character when they do get back and playing again.



But those accounts *would never be affected either way* so the point there, Bill, is moot.

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Z, it's not about the accounts being affected. I *know* the active accounts wouldn't be affected. What I was pointing out was that *Some* people were using (easly fooled) techniques to "prove" certain names were on "inactive" accounts, and trying to use that to bolster a position that any actual change to the name policy was needed.

It's as weak a position as me, in high school, pointing out that I had never seen a Ferrari or Maserati in real life, so those car marques must not really exist.

Anyone trying to use "Well, I never see them on my friends list and they don't reply to email" as proof that there's some sort of "naming problem" or "inactive account problem" ... well...

Essentially, what the whole name bit boils down to is that someone can't get a name they want. Some people go with a new name, others start pointing fingers. We do not have any sort of means of seeing *with 100% certainty* - heck, I wouldn't go with 25% certainty - that these names are on inactive accounts under such-and-such level. Unless the devs release a list from the accounts database (Charactername, level, last on X many days ago, account active/inactive X many days - none of which, frankly, is any of our business,) it's all someone's guess.

All we DO have to go by is the last two times the policy was enacted. The first time, it was characters under 35 on 90 day inactive accounts. That was deemed too broad, or just not worth it apparently, so we have the current "level 6 and under."

ARE there some halfway decent suggestions that would probably clear up some database clutter, too? Sure. Emails, allowing people to log in just to delete characters, deleting trial accounts (and all associated characters) that never went live past, oh, six months or whatnot... yeah, fine. But when SOME people, as happens pretty much any time this comes up, go after (a) high level characters or (b) *live* characters "just because you haven't played them in X days" (which has come up in other discussions,) it *severely* sours me on any support whatsoever.



I would say just have a special contact made available to military personnel and via email, allow them to simply be exempted form the name policy. I don't see why we need to creating sliding rules for names being freed up; let the GI's keep their names, and everyone else has to abide by the rules...

[/ QUOTE ]

And how exactly are you supposed to prove that you are a GI? What's to stop non-GI's from using the contact? I really don't see a reason to make this exception. High level characters are still protected. Worst case scenario, the guy or gal has to rename his character when they do get back and playing again.

[/ QUOTE ]

Guess we'll have to post screenshots of our DD-214's hehe.




ARE there some halfway decent suggestions that would probably clear up some database clutter, too? Sure. Emails, allowing people to log in just to delete characters, deleting trial accounts (and all associated characters) that never went live past, oh, six months or whatnot... yeah, fine. But when SOME people, as happens pretty much any time this comes up, go after (a) high level characters or (b) *live* characters "just because you haven't played them in X days" (which has come up in other discussions,) it *severely* sours me on any support whatsoever.

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High level characters, as I've frequently pointed out, on abandoned accounts are just as much free game as any lower level ones - the POINT is that the account's been abandoned, and frankly coming back after 3 years is *too late*. And again: live accounts *are not affected, and have nothing to do with the actual argument about inactive accounts*. The qualifier I've always posted with that issue is: if someone asked me nicely if I was using x or y name, I may voluntarily give it up to be nice. that's all. One person outside of that has said something about it, and ... /ignore is your friend?

But in the case of the "I've been gone since I3 and got bored with WoW after this long, what's the deal with my fire/fire tanker having no name! And why can't I herd Brickstown any more?"

There's going to be way more of a problem for that player when they come back after so long, than just their old 50's name. They won't be able to play that 50, either. Not the way they expect. They'll almost certainly either a) give up again because they "can't" herd Brickstown any more, or b) have to re-roll and understand how all the changes since they left worked.

If their name was freed up, once more stating this clearly, it ONLY means that their name was *removed*. Not that their name was *PUT BACK INTO USE* by someone else in the meantime. There's always a chance that their name is still actually available, because who KNOWS what name it was.

All those lowbie names, and even those up to the 30s - they could be innumerable, and yet we will *never know* whether a specific name was freed up and put back into use by anyone. Which to me means there's at least still a chance that the name in question may be available for a *free* rename.

Yes, it's a bit of work. But ... after 3 years, that's how it goes, right? Hell in 3 years I'd hope that the player has grown up a little enough to realize that a business like this doesn't even have to keep ANY thing "belonging" to them for that long. Most, I would hope, would recall that a lot of games have *come and gone* since then...

What I'm saying is: give players who really want a name that doesn't appear available, the *chance* to ask for it. They would still have to pay for it (on an existing toon) to change TO it, and the old account would still get tagged with a freebie name change token.

3 years is a long, long time. In that time I've paid over 400 bucks to keep my accounts live. What about the ones who haven't? *shrug* not my problem.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!




All snarkiness aside, thats exactly what you are doing. Many of these toon are their creators babies, they have leveled them up and played them over many years. You come along and want to gut them.
You will not see many of the older players online. Many stay in hide on purpose. Many have so many tells and emails from friends that they delete anything from an idiot that wants their name. I would really like to see your list of awesome names. And wonder how many you cant get because they are copyrighted. or banned due to other issues.

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Again. No one is talking about characters on active accounts...except you for some reason.

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Bolded for emphasis. If you have an active account, this is not and can not be an issue. We're only addressing the people's accounts which *are not being paid for* and *are not currently active*. not ones which are on hide, that would imply they *are paid*.

Paid = exempt from any and all wipes.
Paid = if you're on and someone asks nicely, you have the opportunity to make someone else very happy by 'giving' them a name.
Unpaid = you take your chances.
Unpaid for a long long time = you don't get to whine, where have you been.

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Though I don't think anyone would ever send me a tell requesting that I donate my name to them, I'll be perfectly honest: I wouldn't. As an author a lot of time, thought, and concept go into my characters and I am not about to give up a key part of their identity for some snotty nose little brat to be happy. I realize not all people who want a specific name are brats but come on, let's be realistic. If you are actually going to sit around waiting for someone to log in under a given character name and then actually have the gual to send them a tell asking them to give up their character name to make you happy... don't you think that's just a little shallow and self-centered? No matter how 'nicely' you've asked?



Actually, no. But I did after years of having 'Sequoia' on the friends list of all my heroes on Virtue, finally see the character in-game.

I sent a politely-worded tell along the lines of "Aha! The name 'Sequoia' is alive. I tried for that name so often. I'm glad to see its actually used. :P" We had a brief chat, and he confirmed he was very attached to the name. I left it at that.

Amusingly, a day or so later, I received almost the same tell when I logged in as my tanker, Redwood -- "Hey, how long have you had that name? I've wanted it forever."

Hazel Black - Mind/Psi D
Stephanie Winters - Nightwidow
Jacqui Frost - Cold/Ice D
Jacqui Embers - Fire/Kin C
Simone Templar - Fire/MM B
Mallory Woods - Kin/Rad D
Sanguine Melody - Grav/Sonic C
Fumina Hara - Plant/Storm C
Nutmeg - Warshade
Lauren Wu



I've looked on and off since this thread was restarted (as to why, dear gawd knows...), and I've found the attitude of those who want another purge quite disgusting.

There are a number of reasons given to respect what those with inactive accounts have done. So those who have been gone for a long time may have a bit of a time getting used to who the game plays now, So what? I know of a friend of mine who's getting back into EQ after several years away from the game. I can't say what EQ's name policies are, but if this friend does have their actual character names from when they stopped playing, I'd say that's good customer service. I would tend to think the policies, as far as name purges go, are with this kind of thing in mind.

I can also think of one other reason, it may not be the best of a reason, but it's also a valid one: What about all of those junk RMT names? Yea, accounts get locked/banned, but would you honestly want RMTers to get access to more of those kind of junk names? Please....

In closing, it sucks when I can't get a name I want for a character. So I try and get a little creative. In most cases, what I come up with still works. It's not worth the aggravation, and in some cases futility, to actively try and get the name from whoever has it. Enjoy the game for what it is.

Thank you for the time....

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



I hope Champions Online get this name policy right.. so that way, those "customers" that arent' paying for the accounts know upfront... NO IF'S/AND'S/OR BUT'S... The names on your account will be freed after X amount of time!



I've looked on and off since this thread was restarted (as to why, dear gawd knows...), and I've found the attitude of those who want another purge quite disgusting.

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Well, I am a villain.

There are a number of reasons given to respect what those with inactive accounts have done.

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And... what exactly have they done?

So those who have been gone for a long time may have a bit of a time getting used to who the game plays now, So what? I know of a friend of mine who's getting back into EQ after several years away from the game.

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1) Paying customers > long-absent customers that have an infinitesimal chance of returning.
2) Were his names good enough to have been taken while he was gone? Once again, it cannot be assumed that all names of all inactive accounts will immediately be snatched up when this discussion is considered.

I can't say what EQ's name policies are, but if this friend does have their actual character names from when they stopped playing, I'd say that's good customer service.

[/ QUOTE ]
Can it really be considered customer service if he hasn't been a customer for three years? I'd say it's more of a disservice to current players than a service to inactive players.

I can also think of one other reason, it may not be the best of a reason, but it's also a valid one: What about all of those junk RMT names? Yea, accounts get locked/banned, but would you honestly want RMTers to get access to more of those kind of junk names? Please....

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I lol'd.

Didn't someone in this thread mention the, what, billion letter combination names per person that this game would have available? That argument is actually relevant regarding what you're saying. They will never run out of names. That's just... wow.

In closing, it sucks when I can't get a name I want for a character. So I try and get a little creative. In most cases, what I come up with still works. It's not worth the aggravation, and in some cases futility, to actively try and get the name from whoever has it. Enjoy the game for what it is.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm glad you're happy with your names - still, to some of us, adding on 'Crimson' or 'Dark' to the front of names just for the sake of getting something similar to what you wanted is like being a guy and saying, 'Well, I can't get pants, but I have this skirt, and I've got to cover my junk, so I guess I'll have to go with that.'

And that, my friends, is how Scotland happened. Do you want City of Heroes to become New Scotland? Yeah... that's what I thought.



I can also think of one other reason, it may not be the best of a reason, but it's also a valid one: What about all of those junk RMT names? Yea, accounts get locked/banned, but would you honestly want RMTers to get access to more of those kind of junk names? Please....

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There are a number of reasons given to respect what those with inactive accounts have done.

[/ QUOTE ]

Right. Everyone who has ever played CoH was a great guy, a massive proactive force in the world etc. pp. If that description even applies to one percent of former players, I'd be surprised. So how exactly do these people deserve respect?

Also. They left the game. Some voluntarily, some involuntarily, but they're not here any longer. They have severed their relationship with the game. As such, I doubt they'd care whether the game respects them or not. If they respected the game, they'd still support it by keeping their account active, no?

Look at sports. Sure, every once in a while a jersey gets retired or whatever, but basically, when one player leaves a team, another gets his old number. Same situation here really, only that we don't get paid. One player leaves the team, another joins. Why not let them use one of the old players' numbers?

I can also think of one other reason, it may not be the best of a reason, but it's also a valid one: What about all of those junk RMT names? Yea, accounts get locked/banned, but would you honestly want RMTers to get access to more of those kind of junk names? Please....

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay. There are what...? Hell, I don't know which ones they all are, but there are by my counting over 40 legal characters (26 letters, 10 numbers, dash, period, apostrophe, questionmark... underscore makes 41 already...) for CoH names and ample room for characters in the name space. Any of those 40+ characters can go in any spot.

40 to the power of a mere 5 already yields a number of possible permutations in excess of 100 million. 40 to the power of 10 (still not the maximum number of characters we can have in a name) is a possible number of permutations exceeding 10 billion. It's safe to assume RMT spammers will never run out of options in our lifetime.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



If you are actually going to sit around waiting for someone to log in under a given character name and then actually have the gual to send them a tell asking them to give up their character name to make you happy... don't you think that's just a little shallow and self-centered? No matter how 'nicely' you've asked?

[/ QUOTE ]

Speaking of being shallow and self-centered, no matter how nicely you put it. Hardly anything beats unjustified self-righteousness in that regard. But on to the fun part.

I've seen several situations where someone wasn't overly attached to a particular name, but just made a character because they could get that name. I've seen situations where someone else happened to have a concept that fit the name the other person was sitting on to a T. More often than not, the former individual has gladly given the name to the latter because they realized the other person had a better use for it.

There's never any harm or implied insult in asking. Quite the contrary. Asking surely beats whinging about how people can't get the right name or coming up with 'creative' misspellings. Belittling people who just ask (badgering is of course a wholly different business) just makes you a snot-nosed brat in my book.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



I'll often trade names for others, yeah. I'll grab good ones just for that purpose - to find someone good who can use the concept. Traded 'Knight' for 'Android' the other day.



I would say just have a special contact made available to military personnel and via email, allow them to simply be exempted form the name policy. I don't see why we need to creating sliding rules for names being freed up; let the GI's keep their names, and everyone else has to abide by the rules...

[/ QUOTE ]


I'm sorry, but why? All political considerations as to the justifiability of US Army activity abroad aside, people who are in the Army should be aware that their main commitment -armed service- may occasionally trump lesser commitments -online games- and accept that as part of the lot they chose. It's part of the inconveniences the job brings. Stuff people could take into consideration when they signed up.

I don't see the need to introduce a double standard for people based on their career choices. If they want to keep their characters even though they're going away for over a year, they'll just have to make sure periodically reactivate their subscription or plain not cancel it. For anyone with a steady income, a CoH subscription shouldn't be a huge financial dent, and they obviously have that.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



So, I'm part of the camp that feels names should be scrubbed on a regular basis for inactive (non-paying) accounts. Honestly, the sense of entitlement by non-paying customers astounds me. I'm sorry but if you're not paying for a subscription then you take the chance of losing your characters’ names. Period! If that's not a chance that someone is willing to take, then they should leave their account active and just not play.

If the above sounds too extreme, then I could see this being a possible solution and one that the company could make money at. After all, that is the whole point of keeping the names reserved for inactive account… the potential for making more money. Here it is:

As an option upon ending a subscription, the person could pay a fee to keep the names on the account reserved (regardless of what level the characters are or any other attribute). For example, $20 for 6 months, $50 for a year, etc., etc. with the option of extending the timeframe if it expires and they still haven’t returned to the game. That, for instance, would require the customer to log back into their NCSoft account and purchase an extension (more time) to keep the names reserved.

Legion of Valor / Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

Pagan Priest - L50 Dark/Dark Defender



Actually, no. But I did after years of having 'Sequoia' on the friends list of all my heroes on Virtue, finally see the character in-game.

I sent a politely-worded tell along the lines of "Aha! The name 'Sequoia' is alive. I tried for that name so often. I'm glad to see its actually used. :P" We had a brief chat, and he confirmed he was very attached to the name. I left it at that.

Amusingly, a day or so later, I received almost the same tell when I logged in as my tanker, Redwood -- "Hey, how long have you had that name? I've wanted it forever."

[/ QUOTE ]

If you are actually going to sit around waiting for someone to log in under a given character name and then actually have the gual to send them a tell asking them to give up their character name to make you happy... don't you think that's just a little shallow and self-centered? No matter how 'nicely' you've asked?

[/ QUOTE ]

Speaking of being shallow and self-centered, no matter how nicely you put it. Hardly anything beats unjustified self-righteousness in that regard. But on to the fun part.

I've seen several situations where someone wasn't overly attached to a particular name, but just made a character because they could get that name. I've seen situations where someone else happened to have a concept that fit the name the other person was sitting on to a T. More often than not, the former individual has gladly given the name to the latter because they realized the other person had a better use for it.

There's never any harm or implied insult in asking. Quite the contrary. Asking surely beats whinging about how people can't get the right name or coming up with 'creative' misspellings. Belittling people who just ask (badgering is of course a wholly different business) just makes you a snot-nosed brat in my book.

[/ QUOTE ]

To both of these, I state simply that there is a difference between showing the player respect through several conversations and finding that the original player isn't attached to the name and then inquiring as to whether they'd free it up for you and sending them a tell that states how fond you are of the name, that you're glad it isn't sitting on a character that doesn't use it and then, in the same tell, asking if they'd be willing to give it up.

My response was to the statement that if you're active on that character and someone asks politely that you can make them happy by giving it up. Not that that if you're active on that character and someone shows a great interest in that name, which you aren't particularly attached to, and seems to have a great concept for it you can't offer the name to them if they drop a few hints.

And as for me being shallow, self-centered, or self-righteous in that regard... I find myself neither shallow nor self-righteous. As I stated, a lot of time and work goes into each and everyone of my characters. Each of them is created with a concept and a history, even if I don't have it posted online. So do I feel I have shallow for having an attachment to their names? No. I will not give one of my characters a name that I do not believe fits them perfectly. It may not be the original idea I had for them, but it always ends up fitting perfectly.

Take my recent blaster, Asteria Spell. I wanted to name her Witching Hour. Which was taken. So I thought about her history. I knew she was from the future, deployed to the past, and went with a name that heralded that (a spell can be used to refer to a time period and Asteria was a goddess of prophetic dreams) while still functioning by itself.

Do I believe myself to be self-righteous? Hell no. If I had a name that I didn't really like at all, I would be more than willing to give it to someone I felt was more deserving or would appreciate it more. The problem is that I am very attached to all my names. Again, because of the work I put into them. As for me being self-centered, so be it. If not being willing to hand over something you spent hours (sometimes longer) trying to perfect to someone else is self-centered, then I am one self-centered little brat. I wouldn't let someone else have a poem, short story, or novel I wrote and I'm not going to just give a name of my character away either.

I'm not saying that no one can, I'm just saying that if you go around waving the flag that just because a person is active on the character doesn't mean they might actually be attached to a name or that if they're attached to it they should be okay with other people sending them tells just because they want the name, then I am inclined to disagree. There is many a name I would have loved to have for this character or that but I would never have thought to add that name to my friends list, wait for the player to sign on, and then turn around and ask if they'd be inclined to give it to me. No matter how polite I was to them.

Why? Because they got to it first. Chances are they wouldn't have created that character with that name if they hadn't liked it at some point and with the ability to rename characters now they probably would have already changed it if they really didn't like it that much.

On top of which, what in the world makes it right for you to ask that kind of a question any way? There are only two ways for a player to change their name and I wouldn't dream of ever asking anyone else to do either so why should someone ask me (or anybody else) to? I can understand if you've been friends for a while, but no one should be asked to either a) delete their character or b) pay $9.99 (or however much it is) just to give a stranger, who may or may not truly appreciate the gesture, their characters name.

I know that was a bit long-winded, but hopefully someone out there sees my point. You want to sit around hoping for a name to free up or wait around for that character to sign on and then talk to the person, hoping they'll give you the name.. Fine. If they find themselves willing to give it to you. More power to them. Do I believe myself to be shallow or self-righteous because I would not give my my character names to a random stranger? No more than I believe myeslf to be shallow or self-righteous for being unwilling let someone take credit for a novel I'm writing. I may be a casual player in that I don't have a level 50 and I'm not on the game more then a couple hours a few times a week. But I am hardcore in the creation process. Each character I create for CoX is real to me in the same way that each novel concept I create is real to me. (No I don't think there are strange portals and shadow figures and little green men from the future.) They are inspiration. They are living, breathing ideas. And they are mine. I put in the mental time to think of them. It was my brain that was occasionally overwhelmed by the difficult of putting the combinations together and I have every right to tell someone: "No. I'd rather keep the name. Thank you." Am I self-centered because of this? Probably. But what self-respecting creative genius isn't?

(And for the record, the last sentence was partially sarcastic. I do not believe myself to be a creative genius. But I do believe that creative geniuses have every right to be self-centered. Horde your little gems from we mere lesser mortals. And then let us occasionally partake of glimpses of them. ^^)



For anyone with a steady income, a CoH subscription shouldn't be a huge financial dent, and they obviously have that.

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A BIT OFF-TOPIC: Though I do not find anything you say particularly offensive or disagreeable, I would just like to remind those of you out there who are not affiliated with the military and/or don't know anyone who forms the foundation of the military (not saying that the OP is one of these people): the vast majority of those in the armed services are below the accepted poverty line for the nation. No, the don't have to pay some the bills that other people have to pay but they also get paid below minimum wage for the things they do. I had someone come through my line at work today who had worked it out: assuming he works a 40-hour work week, he makes about $0.86 an hour. At 40 HOURS a week. And no one in the military works a 40-hour work week. Being a soldier, marine, sailor, airman, etc is a full-time 24-7 job. You can be called in at anytime or anything. You don't regularly get holiday's off and you can't just call in sick. If you call in sick, you'd better be at the ER with something that requires you to take something stronger than tylenol or advil.

Again, this isn't aimed at anyone in particular (certainly not the original poster); I just feel the need to remind everyone that sometimes, people in the military have make that choice between what they need and what they want and while I do think a scaling policy for character names (higher level, more time until it's put up for grabs) is a good idea, I don't believe that they should be told well just pay the stupid bill. You get paid twice a month, without fail. Just because most of you live paycheck to paycheck doesn't make a difference.



So, I'm part of the camp that feels names should be scrubbed on a regular basis...

[/ QUOTE ](Not quite a reply, but this quote was useful)

I have no issue with making the name release policy regular, or even automatic. People that clamor for "WIPE NAMES NAO!" are simply annoying, especially since it's unlikely that the name they covet so dearly will be released. It's the people who keep asking for more and greater expansions on the bounds of the name release policy that are actually the one's I'd bother arguing with.



So, I'm part of the camp that feels names should be scrubbed on a regular basis...

[/ QUOTE ](Not quite a reply, but this quote was useful)

I have no issue with making the name release policy regular, or even automatic. People that clamor for "WIPE NAMES NAO!" are simply annoying, especially since it's unlikely that the name they covet so dearly will be released. It's the people who keep asking for more and greater expansions on the bounds of the name release policy that are actually the one's I'd bother arguing with.

[/ QUOTE ]
Earth, Wind, Fire, Anubis, Odin, Blackguard, Knight, Guard, and many, many others were released with the level 5 name purge - and that's just on my server. I think it's a little doubtful that good names are 'unlikely' to be released under a system with higher parameters.