Rogue Leaders and Players
Well on a good side about his issues. That player had said something that did get them into trouble. What was said and what NCsoft did no one will know.
Some how you still think everyone is on your side theBejeeber?
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh no, I don't think everyone is on my side. I'm not that delusional. But then again...
Well on a good side about his issues. That player had said something that did get them into trouble. What was said and what NCsoft did no one will know.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not even you, since, ya know, there's privacy issues to deal with and all. Additionally, your post comes off as "I can't really back any of this up, but I swear 2 u it is 100% true lol!!!!!!!111111111" Just thought I'd let you know, although I'm probably just another sockpuppet
Nah. You actually use grammar, thus, you can't be.
How can we not back this up? I know at least what I have stated was true and valid points. But what it really sounds like to me is that you have nothing better to do than try to discredit what we say even though there isn't much that you can back it up with. True its not against the rules for said Gane Doe to do what she did. We aren't saying thats the case, well at least im not. What I am saying is that with I9 coming up and IoP coming into play (hopefully) soon that rules need to be changed or the game will lose more people.`This is a problem that needs to be adressed. Oh, and BTW the holiday weekend is over and this post is still here with over 900 views. I think we did something right and there is obviously some validity or it would have been deleted already.
How can we not back this up? I know at least what I have stated was true and valid points. But what it really sounds like to me is that you have nothing better to do than try to discredit what we say even though there isn't much that you can back it up with. True its not against the rules for said Gane Doe to do what she did. We aren't saying thats the case, well at least im not. What I am saying is that with I9 coming up and IoP coming into play (hopefully) soon that rules need to be changed or the game will lose more people.`This is a problem that needs to be adressed. Oh, and BTW the holiday weekend is over and this post is still here with over 900 views. I think we did something right and there is obviously some validity or it would have been deleted already.
[/ QUOTE ]
actually you didn't do something right, just because no one has locked it yet or that 900 people have come to the sockpuppet show does not mean that you have a point.
bottom line, people suck. If the leader of your sg goes nuts, leave. find another SG with some stability. does it suck? yes. Should the GM's waste time on this crap? No. Does it ruin your day? Only if you let it.
in closing
The SG leader, whether you like him or not, has the ability to do just the things you didn't want him to do. With so much concern for the SG, are you it's leader? Why would you, or anyone w/ the necessary permissions, give another person the ability to destroy your SG? It's like giving someone the key to your house, then getting pissed when they let themselves in.
Learn from your mistake and move along. Make yourself leader of a new SG, and don't give ANYONE else the ability to make such changes. You have no one to blame but yourself.
Hey Puppet Pal Cutemaid, do you know where to go to withdraw money?
I do not know, Puppet Pal Kossy, where do you go to withdraw money?
The First National (bonk) Bonk!
The First National (bonk) Bonk!
[/ QUOTE ]
*snorts in laughter*
all yall listen this has happened to me awhile back i do think it should be dealt with in a harsh manner they killed my best freinds THRALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ( picks up machine gun shoots randomly) ( shoots picture fo TOP JIMMY ) ( shoots random person in range) i feel better now /sighned only good thing bout it was it wasnt planned he just kicked everyone and left and he wa sonly in sg couple weeks but he was the 2nd highest lvl an di went on vacationend it and all yall who picked on the person who started this i bet 20 bucks u guys have deystroyed countless sg have raided there salvage and are nerds from WoW sent to deystroy other MMORPG well thats all i got to say an di know the leader of DARK from guardian server has also experienced this and hes my freind i can tell u alot of storys about this but this isnt time and place and if u gunna mock me after me saying this man u got no real life but to pick on ppl online there peace all end all the war and let arachnos rule the wourld its just the same thing with diferent names
seriously though this has happened to me and i agree with this guy he has a good point so be nice
Punctuation is your friend.
Here's a few extra: . ! ? ; :
all yall listen this has happened to me awhile back i do think it should be dealt with in a harsh manner they killed my best freinds THRALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ( picks up machine gun shoots randomly) ( shoots picture fo TOP JIMMY ) ( shoots random person in range) i feel better now /sighned only good thing bout it was it wasnt planned he just kicked everyone and left and he wa sonly in sg couple weeks but he was the 2nd highest lvl an di went on vacationend it and all yall who picked on the person who started this i bet 20 bucks u guys have deystroyed countless sg have raided there salvage and are nerds from WoW sent to deystroy other MMORPG well thats all i got to say an di know the leader of DARK from guardian server has also experienced this and hes my freind i can tell u alot of storys about this but this isnt time and place and if u gunna mock me after me saying this man u got no real life but to pick on ppl online there peace all end all the war and let arachnos rule the wourld its just the same thing with diferent names
seriously though this has happened to me and i agree with this guy he has a good point so be nice
[/ QUOTE ]
Nomination for the greatest runon sentence and most consecutive identical smileys. Any seconds?
Also requesting a translation.
(Translation Funded By Ambush Inc.)
Hello everyone. I want to say that this has happened to be before. Because of this, I feel the perpetrator should be punished harshly. The only upside to the occurance was that it was not pre-emptively planned, and he simply kicked everyone in left. The fiend was only in our group for a couple weeks, but someone had promoted him to the second highest rank. When I went on vacation, he managed to gain the highest rank, and proceded to conduct his horrid actions.
Also, to everyone picking on the OP, shame on you. I would bet my hourly wages that you are the same kind of person, destroying countless Super Groups by stealing their Salvage, Enhancements, Inspirations, and kicking the hard working members. You are most likely fiends sent from World of Warcraft come over to destroy other MMORPGs.
I have only one more thing to say: I know the leader of DARK, from the Guardian Server, also experienced these horrible trials because he is my friend. I could tell you many more instances of this, but this is not the time, nor the place. If you are willing to mock me for saying what I know in my heart to be true, then you are a lowly person indeed! You should be ashamed of yourself for picking on people online.
Let peace be with you all, let us all end the fighting, and let Arachnos take over. It's all the same thing, after all, just a different name! But no, I surely jest on that last bit!
But seriously, this has happened to me myself. The OP has good points, so please, for the sake of us all, be nice to each other.
[/ QUOTE ]
The following has managed to elude even the best of our Flying Flaming Monkey Translators:
they killed my best freinds THRALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ( picks up machine gun shoots randomly) ( shoots picture fo TOP JIMMY ) ( shoots random person in range) i feel better now
[/ QUOTE ]
We here at Ambush Inc. feel that it is a plea to some forgotten God (Jimmy, perhaps?) as well as an exclamation of frustration? Any help translating this section would be greatly appreciated by those of us here at Ambush Inc.!
*looks up from her secret orders from the evil World of Warcraft people...* Oh. I shouldn't have said that, should I? Darn it, now I've blown my cover...
@SithRose and @Sith Rose
Permanent resident of Virtue
"Mommy, I need Cthulhu. He keeps the bad dreams away."
Having been a person who suddenly logs in and finds themself in charge of an sg that has had no activity for 3 months, yea, I killed it.
More like a mercy killing if ya ask me. If someone finds themselves suddenly with the keys to the castle and then they decide to vacate the premisis, crap on the walls and yell at the evicited, I wouldn't blame them. I would blame the person who gave them the keys.
This though, is not a game issue, it is a person issue. If one of your sg leaders promotes a crapmonkey who wreaks your clubhouse, the only recourse you would have is to start from scratch. If they were not aware of that, now they are. Learn from it. A game gm would not be able to adjust sg ranks, they never have been able to, it's wholely up to the members of the sg to control their own actions.
If no one wants to take responciblity for it, sucks to be you, but the only thing you can do from this is to learn from it.
You can adjust the settings for autodemotion to a max of 45 days, if someone can't be bothered to log in at least once in a month and a half, then they probably are not the most effective leader.
The language is petitionable, the racist comments are petionable, BUT how did this person get your members personal info? If your members gave it to each other over game, YOU are in violation of the EULA, regardless if someone parrots it back to you. It does not excuse their action, but you must examine where the breach came from in the first place.
The reason that sg's will have to govern themselves is that the gm's can't get involved in politics of a social club, when they have real game breaking issues to deal with.
ok cutemaid is crazy