Rogue Leaders and Players
!) This is not a guide. take it somewhere else please. Mods, please move tis thread if you see this.
2)I have a good cheese to go with your whine, Beamer. SGs are not democratic. What you're asking for is micromanagement of an SG by mods, which, is not only really inefficient, but draws GM action and attention from other, more important things. It's bad enough that 50-70% of the time you ahve to wait more than 20 minutes for a GM response, can you imagine it would be substantially worse if we had to divert them to matters like this? You're asking for the inefficient, and if you cna't deal with th fact that sometimes, player-based hierarchies are unfair, go home.
Also, stop posting here. This isn't useful in any way to anyone. Go to player questions or the general forum.
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If we wish to run it as a democratic then we can!
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And how's that?
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The way the game is set up it can be done. I'm not going to put down how a SG/VG can be run as a democratic. The SG/VG i'm in happens to run it as a democratic. We just happen to have a leader make someone leader who want to break everything in the SG/VG. We have save only been able to keep the base. We have a toon setting in base edit. To keep this player from deleting the base and salvage. Lucky we had a global chat for the SG/VG that saved all the players and a 2nd SG/Vg to put them in. Now we just wait for the GM's to boot the player so we can get on with gameing life. My point is this person had made playing this game not fun. I do know it's part of the game. But when a player is for the last 24hrs putting peoples info in MOTD. IE: Real Name, phone number, e-mail address, and webpage about players. The GM's have not done anything to the player and he or she is still doing this. You say in post befor that the GM's shouldn't do anything about this. But think if it was your info that was up there! Also the think about the player who made them leader.
Then they should step in and find out who made that play leader.
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They are not personal private investigators. They are there to help when the game can't, give a human interaction with bugs, and deal with those who break the rules. They aren't there to baby sit SGs to make sure everyone plays nice with each other. There are lots of things they can't do, because it's not their job.
But think if it was your info that was up there!
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If you're giving out that kind of information freely like that, maybe you should re-think more then who put it out there.
This is not me. It was othere players! I'm just looking out for my people.
!) This is not a guide. take it somewhere else please. Mods, please move tis thread if you see this.
2)I have a good cheese to go with your whine, Beamer. SGs are not democratic. What you're asking for is micromanagement of an SG by mods, which, is not only really inefficient, but draws GM action and attention from other, more important things. It's bad enough that 50-70% of the time you ahve to wait more than 20 minutes for a GM response, can you imagine it would be substantially worse if we had to divert them to matters like this? You're asking for the inefficient, and if you cna't deal with th fact that sometimes, player-based hierarchies are unfair, go home.
Also, stop posting here. This isn't useful in any way to anyone. Go to player questions or the general forum.
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If we wish to run it as a democratic then we can!
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And how's that?
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The way the game is set up it can be done. I'm not going to put down how a SG/VG can be run as a democratic. The SG/VG i'm in happens to run it as a democratic. We just happen to have a leader make someone leader who want to break everything in the SG/VG. We have save only been able to keep the base. We have a toon setting in base edit. To keep this player from deleting the base and salvage. Lucky we had a global chat for the SG/VG that saved all the players and a 2nd SG/Vg to put them in. Now we just wait for the GM's to boot the player so we can get on with gameing life. My point is this person had made playing this game not fun. I do know it's part of the game. But when a player is for the last 24hrs putting peoples info in MOTD. IE: Real Name, phone number, e-mail address, and webpage about players. The GM's have not done anything to the player and he or she is still doing this. You say in post befor that the GM's shouldn't do anything about this. But think if it was your info that was up there! Also the think about the player who made them leader.
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Then your issue is the fault of the person that gave the offender the permissions necessary to do the damage. As far as the thing w/ the real names & other info goes, how did this person get it? It certainly isn't in-game. How are the GMs supposed to control what goes on outside of the game?
If this were my SG/VG, several things would happen. First, I would never promote anyone to be of equal rank as me (the SG leader). Second, I wouldn't give permission to do base edits to anyone except those I implicitly trusted. If that trust was misplaced, that's my fault and I'd kick the offending person. This issue just reeks of poor judgment, though - why would you give permissions to someone who could do this? It just seems hard to believe that there were no warning signs or indicators that they might do something like this...
!) This is not a guide. take it somewhere else please. Mods, please move tis thread if you see this.
2)I have a good cheese to go with your whine, Beamer. SGs are not democratic. What you're asking for is micromanagement of an SG by mods, which, is not only really inefficient, but draws GM action and attention from other, more important things. It's bad enough that 50-70% of the time you ahve to wait more than 20 minutes for a GM response, can you imagine it would be substantially worse if we had to divert them to matters like this? You're asking for the inefficient, and if you cna't deal with th fact that sometimes, player-based hierarchies are unfair, go home.
Also, stop posting here. This isn't useful in any way to anyone. Go to player questions or the general forum.
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If we wish to run it as a democratic then we can!
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And how's that?
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The way the game is set up it can be done. I'm not going to put down how a SG/VG can be run as a democratic. The SG/VG i'm in happens to run it as a democratic. We just happen to have a leader make someone leader who want to break everything in the SG/VG. We have save only been able to keep the base. We have a toon setting in base edit. To keep this player from deleting the base and salvage. Lucky we had a global chat for the SG/VG that saved all the players and a 2nd SG/Vg to put them in. Now we just wait for the GM's to boot the player so we can get on with gameing life. My point is this person had made playing this game not fun. I do know it's part of the game. But when a player is for the last 24hrs putting peoples info in MOTD. IE: Real Name, phone number, e-mail address, and webpage about players. The GM's have not done anything to the player and he or she is still doing this. You say in post befor that the GM's shouldn't do anything about this. But think if it was your info that was up there! Also the think about the player who made them leader.
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Then your issue is the fault of the person that gave the offender the permissions necessary to do the damage. As far as the thing w/ the real names & other info goes, how did this person get it? It certainly isn't in-game. How are the GMs supposed to control what goes on outside of the game?
If this were my SG/VG, several things would happen. First, I would never promote anyone to be of equal rank as me (the SG leader). Second, I wouldn't give permission to do base edits to anyone except those I implicitly trusted. If that trust was misplaced, that's my fault and I'd kick the offending person. This issue just reeks of poor judgment, though - why would you give permissions to someone who could do this? It just seems hard to believe that there were no warning signs or indicators that they might do something like this...
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My point is and I will keep saying it. The GM's need to be fast and swift when players info is being given out over the game. Also thinking I made this person leader is not true. We have it down to two people who did it. I think if the GM's go look at the chat logs they would find out who did it and reason behind it. I do feel they need to come down on both players. If this was a leader who had been in the SG for like 3 month and did this. Well so be it and I would be jacked. If he gave out info of players it should be stopped fast. If someone is made leader of a SG/VG that day and does all the stuff above. They should be kicked form the game. We don't need people like that play. Do you want someone like that playing?
!) This is not a guide. take it somewhere else please. Mods, please move tis thread if you see this.
2)I have a good cheese to go with your whine, Beamer. SGs are not democratic. What you're asking for is micromanagement of an SG by mods, which, is not only really inefficient, but draws GM action and attention from other, more important things. It's bad enough that 50-70% of the time you ahve to wait more than 20 minutes for a GM response, can you imagine it would be substantially worse if we had to divert them to matters like this? You're asking for the inefficient, and if you cna't deal with th fact that sometimes, player-based hierarchies are unfair, go home.
Also, stop posting here. This isn't useful in any way to anyone. Go to player questions or the general forum.
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If we wish to run it as a democratic then we can!
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And how's that?
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The way the game is set up it can be done. I'm not going to put down how a SG/VG can be run as a democratic. The SG/VG i'm in happens to run it as a democratic. We just happen to have a leader make someone leader who want to break everything in the SG/VG. We have save only been able to keep the base. We have a toon setting in base edit. To keep this player from deleting the base and salvage. Lucky we had a global chat for the SG/VG that saved all the players and a 2nd SG/Vg to put them in. Now we just wait for the GM's to boot the player so we can get on with gameing life. My point is this person had made playing this game not fun. I do know it's part of the game. But when a player is for the last 24hrs putting peoples info in MOTD. IE: Real Name, phone number, e-mail address, and webpage about players. The GM's have not done anything to the player and he or she is still doing this. You say in post befor that the GM's shouldn't do anything about this. But think if it was your info that was up there! Also the think about the player who made them leader.
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Then your issue is the fault of the person that gave the offender the permissions necessary to do the damage. As far as the thing w/ the real names & other info goes, how did this person get it? It certainly isn't in-game. How are the GMs supposed to control what goes on outside of the game?
If this were my SG/VG, several things would happen. First, I would never promote anyone to be of equal rank as me (the SG leader). Second, I wouldn't give permission to do base edits to anyone except those I implicitly trusted. If that trust was misplaced, that's my fault and I'd kick the offending person. This issue just reeks of poor judgment, though - why would you give permissions to someone who could do this? It just seems hard to believe that there were no warning signs or indicators that they might do something like this...
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My point is and I will keep saying it. The GM's need to be fast and swift when players info is being given out over the game. Also thinking I made this person leader is not true. We have it down to two people who did it. I think if the GM's go look at the chat logs they would find out who did it and reason behind it. I do feel they need to come down on both players. If this was a leader who had been in the SG for like 3 month and did this. Well so be it and I would be jacked. If he gave out info of players it should be stopped fast. If someone is made leader of a SG/VG that day and does all the stuff above. They should be kicked form the game. We don't need people like that play. Do you want someone like that playing?
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Show me where it says that you can't give personal info out in-game? Show me where it says the Cryptic or NCSoft is responsible for what the players do in-game? Show me where you, or any other player, was coerced to give out RL info in-game, and how it was NCSoft & Cryptic's fault.
You, or whomever gave out the info, need to be careful about who you give that info to, in the first place. The GMs are not babysitters, and they aren't there to police such actions. Stop trying to place the burden of you, or the others' mistakes, on the game staff. Hopefully these people will be more careful about giving their info out, from now on.
Let me see if I can explain what happened. Someone at the highest rank, don't know who, promoted another person (who will henceforth be known as "Jane Doe") to the highest rank. Jane Doe then proceeded to promote a new member of the SG (me) to the maximum rank just because she can. That was a bit of a "what the...?" moment, but not too bad (once this all blows over I'll quit and rejoin so I'm not at the incorrect rank).
Then she started booting everyone of lower rank out of the SG, changing the SG's MOTD, description, colors, rank names, just about anything she could get her hands on. Fortunately someone had the presence of mind to get us into the base and get someone on the Edit Base screen so she could not go in and start deleting everything, and we also grabbed all the salvage and enhancements we could out of storage. She was also being verbally abusive, using racial slurs toward other SG members and calling their sexual orientation into question.
What we are asking for is the swift removal of this person from our SG, if not from the game, so we can get things back to normal. We would also like to have a way to know who promoted her to the highest rank in order to determine if it was an honest mistake or a deliberate attempt at sabotage. And while I can't truly speak for them, I would like to think that the true leaders of the SG have learned a harsh lesson in security, so perhaps some restructuring will be in order.

Squandering the planet's oxygen since 1976
Arc ID 3796 - The Other Side of the Screen
Arc ID 339466 - Rescue the Lorebreakers
Just think about if your SG/VG was in the top 10 on a server. You had been working hard for a year to get that high. Someone comes and does this. Just not the SG/VG leaders is mad, but SG/VG players also. It takes everyone to make it that high. Just not a god leader.
Let me see if I can explain what happened. Someone at the highest rank, don't know who, promoted another person (who will henceforth be known as "Jane Doe") to the highest rank. Jane Doe then proceeded to promote a new member of the SG (me) to the maximum rank just because she can. That was a bit of a "what the...?" moment, but not too bad (once this all blows over I'll quit and rejoin so I'm not at the incorrect rank).
Then she started booting everyone of lower rank out of the SG, changing the SG's MOTD, description, colors, rank names, just about anything she could get her hands on. Fortunately someone had the presence of mind to get us into the base and get someone on the Edit Base screen so she could not go in and start deleting everything, and we also grabbed all the salvage and enhancements we could out of storage. She was also being verbally abusive, using racial slurs toward other SG members and calling their sexual orientation into question.
What we are asking for is the swift removal of this person from our SG, if not from the game, so we can get things back to normal. We would also like to have a way to know who promoted her to the highest rank in order to determine if it was an honest mistake or a deliberate attempt at sabotage. And while I can't truly speak for them, I would like to think that the true leaders of the SG have learned a harsh lesson in security, so perhaps some restructuring will be in order.
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First of all, you are not entitled to know who promoted this "Jane Doe" - if you are, I'd be very surprised. Second, if this person was using profane language in-game, did you get screenshots of it and did you petition them? THAT is what your recourse would be to get them, if nothing else, suspended from the game.
As for getting this person booted from the SG, is there a precedent for this? I've never heard of a GM ever kicking someone from a SG, but that doesn't mean it hasn't or couldn't happen...
The OP didn't mention any of this - it just talked about a high-ranking SG member selling things in the base, etc... This stuff about the foul language is definitely petitionable...
First of all I personally am not blaming NC Soft or Cryptic, nor am I balming the GM's. Now that thats been said I am saying that this is an issue that can and should be delt with. While it is the players responsability to keep it in check it is the GM's responsability to deal with problems and this is obviously a problem. This game can not afford to lose more players and this sort of thing causes people to stop playing. Other games such as WoW deal with this sort of thing swiftly and with no mercy and thats how it should be. Obviously the nay-sayers in this forum haven't had that happen to them or they would be singing a different tune. On a further note insulting those with this sort of problem is not needed and makes what you say have no real bearing and while yes it is in the wrong section....Oh well it happens but obviously its being read and posted on so hey it works. Move it if they want to thats there choice but location is not as important as the message itself and the opinions and ideas posted herein.
We know the language part is petitionable. But when someone starts to put info of players in the game. There is no swift act to make them stop. It's about 32hrs in and we still having to delete info being posted.
First of all I personally am not blaming NC Soft or Cryptic, nor am I balming the GM's. Now that thats been said I am saying that this is an issue that can and should be delt with. While it is the players responsability to keep it in check it is the GM's responsability to deal with problems and this is obviously a problem. This game can not afford to lose more players and this sort of thing causes people to stop playing. Other games such as WoW deal with this sort of thing swiftly and with no mercy and thats how it should be. Obviously the nay-sayers in this forum haven't had that happen to them or they would be singing a different tune. On a further note insulting those with this sort of problem is not needed and makes what you say have no real bearing and while yes it is in the wrong section....Oh well it happens but obviously its being read and posted on so hey it works. Move it if they want to thats there choice but location is not as important as the message itself and the opinions and ideas posted herein.
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The only thing the GMs are responsible to do at this point is research and act on any petiton you may have sent for the cursing, racial epiphets, etc.
You don't seem to understand something - just because you think the GMs should intervene doesn't mean they should. Other than the curing and such, the offenders here haven't broken any rules. Just because you don't like that the person in question has been passing personal information doesn't mean they did anything wrong according to the ToS/EULA, which is all that matters here.
If you are playing this game, you are responsible for your own actions, or should be supervised by an adult who can be responsible. If you still gave your personal info out, and it was later used in a manner you disagree with, too bad!
I don't care what WoW does, and stop trying to make some argument that this game's population is dwindling because of things like this. Grow up, take it in stride, and learn from your mistakes - if not you, then the other people who this happened to.
Your just the kind of person who doesn't want the GM to have more power. We think the GM should have more power.
Show me where it says that you can't give personal info out in-game? Show me where it says the Cryptic or NCSoft is responsible for what the players do in-game? Show me where you, or any other player, was coerced to give out RL info in-game, and how it was NCSoft & Cryptic's fault.
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From the Code of Conduct which applies both here and ingame:
2. You may not post or communicate any player's real world information (name, address, account name, etc.) through the City of Heroes game or on the official City of Heroes website.
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Look, I understand this person who started the thread is confused and doesn't really have a clue, but BioStem, at least be clear on what the rules are before you harsh them about which rules have and havent been broken.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Show me where it says that you can't give personal info out in-game? Show me where it says the Cryptic or NCSoft is responsible for what the players do in-game? Show me where you, or any other player, was coerced to give out RL info in-game, and how it was NCSoft & Cryptic's fault.
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From the Code of Conduct which applies both here and ingame:
2. You may not post or communicate any player's real world information (name, address, account name, etc.) through the City of Heroes game or on the official City of Heroes website.
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Look, I understand this person who started the thread is confused and doesn't really have a clue, but BioStem, at least be clear on what the rules are before you harsh them about which rules have and havent been broken.
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Thanks for the info!
Your just the kind of person who doesn't want the GM to have more power. We think the GM should have more power.
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Wanting the GM to be able to do this or that is fine. It is irrelevant as they cannot do anything about this now, and that's what's at question. If the GMs are to be able to act on additional things, then the publisher will have to amend the ToS & EULA to include that. THAT is a costly matter and may very well result in people packing up and taking their business elsewhere. I still fail to see *why* the GMs should step in on the other issues. Even if they changed the rules right now, this was done some time ago, and wasn't subject to the restriction then. I, for one, don't want any GM intervention in what is clearly an out-of-game issue. Just because the game was used as a medium to transmit the info doesn't make those supplying the medium responsible. ISP's aren't responsible if someone commits a computer crime from their home computer, over the internet, and NCSoft/Cryptic should be responsible for some of your SG-mates carelessly giving out their personal info.
Show me where it says that you can't give personal info out in-game? Show me where it says the Cryptic or NCSoft is responsible for what the players do in-game? Show me where you, or any other player, was coerced to give out RL info in-game, and how it was NCSoft & Cryptic's fault.
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From the Code of Conduct which applies both here and ingame:
2. You may not post or communicate any player's real world information (name, address, account name, etc.) through the City of Heroes game or on the official City of Heroes website.
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Look, I understand this person who started the thread is confused and doesn't really have a clue, but BioStem, at least be clear on what the rules are before you harsh them about which rules have and havent been broken.
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Thank you for educating me. Now, the burden of proof is on the OP to supply the GM, via petition, with the time, date, and/or screenshots of when the info was given out. Also, wouldn't the person who gave the info be the one breaking this rule then? I mean, it states you are not to give out your info. The "offender" here is the one who merely listened to/read the info being presented, then posted it on some other site...
Bottem line is they don't act fast or can't do anything. You talk about cost of being able to do that stuff. Still cheaper then someone takeing them to court.
Still cheaper then someone takeing them to court.
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Please be rational. Atleast a little. This is not the fault of NCSoft, Cryptic, or even the GM staff.
Bottem line is they don't act fast or can't do anything. You talk about cost of being able to do that stuff. Still cheaper then someone takeing them to court.
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You have got to be kidding me. What would you bring suit for? Emotional distress? Damages? I'm pretty sure there's some clause that neither NCSoft nor Cryptic is responsible for he things that happen in-game, at least not in a legal or prosecutorial way.
It's time we start acting like adults and take responsibility for our actions. You or your SG-mates should know better than to give personal info out to strangers over the internet. You also don't seem to realize that all petitions are researched; they're not just going to take your word for it and ban or kick the person. How do we know you aren't the one at fault here?
Bottem line is they don't act fast or can't do anything. You talk about cost of being able to do that stuff. Still cheaper then someone takeing them to court.
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Actually the bottom line is caveat administrator, to use the Latin. Let the leader beware. You're laying something that is clearly your mistake on them for redress, when there's nothing they should be doing in that case.
You have a point when it comes to personal info. that's a clear CoC violation. However the other things? No. Also you're just as much of a violator for your stunt with the multiple accounts at the beginning of the thread.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
You may think multiple accounts. But it's not multiple accounts. thats multiple people. We will see how people feel about this. Thats the point of the post
A) you're still in the wrong forum
B) you're still breaking forum rules regarding ingame rules violations.
Whether or not it was you posting or just getting people from your SG to repost over and over, it doesn't really matter. This is not how an issue like this is ever handled successfully.
Read the forum guidelines. All of them. Twice. If you have a problem with the way an ingame issue was handled by the GM staff, then you refile, or keep adding to the same petition. Ask for a supervisor if you need to. In the extreme that you're still not satisfied, then send a polite Forum Private message to Lighthouse or Ex Libris, to see if they can assist you.
However never ever stunt post, because there is no way this will help your situation, or the situation of anyone with a similar problem. This is not a democracy, nor are we a proletariat class that can affect changes by rabble rousing.
This is not the way. That is the bottom line.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
My point is that the GM's should take a faster trun around on this.
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I dissagree. The GMs should have -ZERO- turn around on this. The system is not at fault here, the players are. I hate to say it, but the person who promoted the 'jerk' to the top level should not have.
It is a regretable event. I won't argue that it's an easy thing to go through as an SG. But I won't accept that the system was to blame when the players could have prevented it easily.
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Not saying the game was to blam. Just saying the GM's should jump on the fact when people send tickets in about player info being put up in the MOTD. Then they should step in and find out who made that play leader. If it happen in the same day.
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And why would you, or any other SG member, be privvy to such information? Why are you entitled to know who did what? The Sg members in question are higher rank than you, and don't have to answer to you. Where are you getting this sense of entitlement from? You are the private, the others are the seargents, lieutenants, and generals; you are in no position to question the decisions of your higher-ups.