Rogue Leaders and Players
If that's your point, and you're not seeking to solve the problems you had in your SG, then I disagree.
GMs should not have the power to act more quickly. Haste leads to mistakes. I do not want bottom level GMs with potentially limited experience with this game and it's community to be taking quick action on things which are ultimately an interpersonal conflict issue.
This kind of thing has to be investigated, and investigation takes time. It takes someone familiar with the system, and it takes players with an ounce of patience.
However it's clear you're not that kind of person, considering your willingness to break rules and short circuit the process in a misguided attempt to solve a problem that only existed because of mistakes made inside your organization.
Is it a shame? yup. Does that mean GMs should have the ability to fast track punishment? no. Because they don't know you, just like I don't know you. You could be lying out of your posterior about what happened, just because someone you don't like is in charge. That is the kind of thing that needs to be looked at carefully.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
GM's should have more tools so they can.
Repeating it doesn't make you more right or more true. You've stated your opinion, I've stated mine. No need to keep parroting yourself, just post when you have something substantive to say.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Hey posting is whats required so posting we shall do. If we are breaking rules by this postings then it should be moved or taken out. But it hasn't so looks like we made it clear what we are trying to say. Do not fear change for it is the only true constant. That's all we want is change, for change is good.
The reason it hasn't been taken out is it's a holiday weekend. I'll lay stakes it's gone sometime Monday. And if you really think that Wayne's World psychobabble is a clear statement of what you're trying to say, you need a bit of help.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Wow resorting to insulting other peoples oppinions are we. At least I dont have to resort to such lows to try and make a point heard. What I speak is truth and it is actually part of my life philosophy. But everyone is entitled to there own oppinion and I will respect yours when you respect mine. It is obvious you have no respect for others oppinions so what you say really has no bearing.
It does suck when you get kicked out of a sg/vg by some nut. Unfortunately, life is not fair. In real life, worse things will happen with real implications. People get fired from jobs when new people come. It sucks and it is not fair. This is however just a game. The only way to guarantee this will never happen to you is to simply start your own group. I have seen people kick lvl 50s for not logging in for two weeks. I have seen people track prestige numbers. When the levels go up but the prestige does not, people get kicked. Sometimes, people make room for friends. Sometimes people just go nuts.
I sympathize with your problem, but I do not think there is a rule about a sg/vg leader kicking people out, changing the base around on you or doing what they want with the group that they are the leader of. The GM's just can't ban a person for kicking people out of the sg that they are leading. That could actually lead to lawsuits. A GM should not have the power to ban a person because another player disagrees with his actions. Short of racial remarks, I don't think they should ban anyone. I mean you can even turn a profanity filter on and ignore people that are jerks. GM's should deal with technical issues and ensuring that game play is fair. Personal vendettas should go to PVP
Look at it this way, if these are the kind of leaders you have, a new sg/vg may be in order anyway.
Really? I couldn't tell. It's not like the reg date and singleton post is a dead giveaway. :3
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow. I haven't used that term in a while. Also, the poster ID #s are sequential.
Formerly Fx_10
It's like someone taped two ninjas together to make a giant ninja!
Founder of Team Awesome!
Official Justice Chairperson of Awesomeness
Really? I couldn't tell. It's not like the reg date and singleton post is a dead giveaway. :3
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow. I haven't used that term in a while. Also, the poster ID #s are sequential.
[/ QUOTE ]
The approximate 40 minute creation didn't hurt either. <.<
What I find amusing is how do I know that you people who say that I am the same person as the others who agree with me that you guys are not the same person. Plus for a post that supposidly has no merit or bearing or that the oppinions are wrong it sure gets alot of resposes. Just a little food for thought.
What I find amusing is how do I know that you people who say that I am the same person as the others who agree with me that you guys are not the same person.
[/ QUOTE ]
I suppose technically, you don't. But a little logic would help you along the way. Do you really think one person would sit there and build up so many posts on so many accounts, with so many different typing and personality traits on so many accounts? Or do you think one person would create all their accounts at once, and give them all the same personality and typing traits? Which one seems most likely?
Plus for a post that supposidly has no merit or bearing or that the oppinions are wrong it sure gets alot of resposes.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's because if I see something as wrong, I like to point it out. I also like to tell my friends and see what they think, because interesting (and by interesting, here I mean 'look what just got posted, you won't believe it!') posts should be shared. I also think it's natural that others do the same thing (because it's normal for me).
Just a little food for thought.
[/ QUOTE ]
Bah, that was barely a nibble! I demand more food!
I suppose technically, you don't. But a little logic would help you along the way. Do you really think one person would sit there and build up so many posts on so many accounts, with so many different typing and personality traits on so many accounts? Or do you think one person would create all their accounts at once, and give them all the same personality and typing traits? Which one seems most likely?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah. I agree with Jeebses. You're seriously not fooling anyone.
I suppose technically, you don't. But a little logic would help you along the way. Do you really think one person would sit there and build up so many posts on so many accounts, with so many different typing and personality traits on so many accounts? Or do you think one person would create all their accounts at once, and give them all the same personality and typing traits? Which one seems most likely?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah. You're seriously not fooling anyone.
[/ QUOTE ]
I, a totally disparate and nonsockpuppety entity, serious agree. You're fooling No one at all. Also, you're the best ever, Xeno. <3 <3 <3
If you're gonna sockpuppet, do it right.
Yeah. I agree with Jeebses.
[/ QUOTE ]
Jeebses is here? Isn't that the guy you ask for an internet search?
This could get interesting on Page 8
This could get interesting on Page 8
[/ QUOTE ]
Only if the OP and his 'friends' come back, though. It's hard to argue with yourself. My thread (see link in signature (shameless plug!)) proves that well enough. Hard to argue there when everyone in the topic agrees with you.
Where are the people who hated the idea in the first place?
It's hard to argue with yourself.
[/ QUOTE ]
Apparently you've never heard me working on computers. Or soloing certain CoX missions. Or cooking...
Still laughing at Torroes_Prime's "The GMs are here to fix problems, not people." I guess I need the latter kind...
President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.
An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free
Some how you still think everyone is on your side theBejeeber?
TIPS . :3
So I am totally the same as vbeamray eh....You sad sad man. Its a shame when your main arguement has no basis. I would also like to mentyion that some of the people, myself included, are is the same VG as Beamray so we do ask each others oppinions before posting.
Just a little food for thought.
Lawl Sockpuppets.
I have no clue what your talking about cutemaid
This was my frist post in the forums. I'm sorry for putting it in this place. A moderator can move it! Wish they would. Well if you call NCSoft on the phone all you get is did you put it on the forums. So now you see a post on the forums. The point of the post is. The GM's need more power and should act faster on some issues. Also some of the rules for the game need to be changed so they can.